

七彩美国 陌上美国 2019-03-28


陌上美国  欢迎关注

苹果现任零售和在线业务高级副总裁安吉拉 · 阿伦茨(Angela Ahrendts),是被媒体看好、呼声很高的,苹果公司现总裁(CEO)库克的接班人。加入苹果公司之间,她是时尙大牌巴宝莉( Burberry)的 CEO。从时尚界到科技界,这个职场传奇女神同时也是生活达人,育有一子二女。

下面分享一封这个穿 Burberry的Apple“女魔头”去年写给两位成年的女儿的信。此信一发到推特上,好评如潮。让我们来看看这位Apple唯一的现任女性高管的职业忠告。


Apples Angela Ahrendts: Always Be Present 


Dear Sommer and Angelina: 




Hopefully you wont read anything in this letter that you havent already heard from me many times before. Ive always tried to lead by example when we are together, so I will do the same in this letter by reminding you of a few thoughts that will help you navigate your incredible life journey ahead: Always be present, read the signs, stay in your lane and never back up more than you have to.  

无论你们多大年龄, 无论我们身处何方,或者我在何处, 我总是尝试着接触、理解你们的生活。我想让你们知道,不论通过精神、情绪还是网络等方式,我都在为你们守候。不要感到孤立或孤独。

你们应该知道我一周七天,一天二十四小时随时待命,准备好给你们建议,爱,或仅仅是分享一个有趣的修过图的照片、表情包或是开怀大笑 (即使我知道我笑在心里)。我们通过仔细聆听、交换感受、饱含同情、认真的目光交流,甚至握着手促膝谈心来真切探究彼此的内心,由此建立起相互的信任。而信任则能够增强信心,信心又能使你能够一直向前看,有更多的梦想,把重心放在他人而不是自己身上。

设身处地是你能给别人的最好的礼物, 也是与他们紧密联系的最佳方式。亲临现场, 你才是活在当下, 而不是活在虚无里。实实在在看到、听到、感觉到彼此,团结在一起会有更大能力做出大成就。感同身受是女性与身俱来的天性。

I have always tried to be present for you regardless of how old you were, where we were, or where I was. I wanted you to know that I am always there for you spiritually, emotionally and digitally. You never need feel isolated or alone. You know I am on 24/7 for advice, love, or just to share a funny filtered photo, bitmoji or laugh (even though I know I laugh inside). Being fully present, by listening, feeling, empathizing ,always holding serious eye contact, and often the touch of a hand builds trust. Trust builds confidence and confidence enables you to look forward, dream more and focus on others vs. yourself. Being present is the greatest gift you can give another person,  the greatest way to more closely connect with them. When you are present, you are living in the moment vs in your mind. You are seeing, hearing, and feeling another person, and together you are even more empowered to do great things. This is a gift that often comes more naturally to women. 



我经常提醒你们, 世上没有巧合。生命中发生的一切都是有原因的, 或者是命中注定的。读书过的每一本书,遇到的每一个陌生人,自认为的每一次幸运,都是生命给你的信号,需要认真领会。

年轻时比较看重自我的内心,会觉得很难捕捉到这些信号。但是,时不时地回首往事, 把这些零零散㪚的点滴联成一条线,有助于你们在以后遇到那些信号时更加敏感和好奇。

你可以看到, 生命赐予你的信号既不那么显眼也不那么明显。必须思路开阔, 亲历亲为,才能明显感觉到,或者出于直觉地悟出这些信号。正如你们亲眼看到的,而且我们也经常讨论的那样,生命留给我的信号在我的生活中起到了巨大作用。因为及时倾听和回应这些信号,发生了不少不可思议的事情。你们很幸运,作为天生敏感的女人,能更加自然地理解到这一点。

I have also tried to share with you as many of lifes precious lessons and secrets as I can so that when I am not here, you have a solid foundation of learnings and values regardless of what potholes in life you may hit along the way. Stay open; always try to read the signs as you pass by them or they pass by you. Ive often reminded you that there are no coincidences. Everything that happens in your life is for a reason or was predestined. Every book you receive, every new person you meet, everything you call lucky is a sign just waiting to be read. It is tough when you are young and so inward-focused, but once in a while you will look back, make the connection and then be more open to and curious about those signs in the future. You see, signs arent blatant or obvious. You have to be open and present to instinctively feel or intuitively see them. Youve seen first hand, and we have often discussed, the role signs have played in my life and the incredible things that have happened as a result of me listening and reacting to them. You are blessed as sensitive women to more naturally understand this.  

你们应该知道自己是多么的幸运, 一出生就具有一些你们兄弟没有的、不可思议的天份,当然他也拥有你们不具备的其他天份。你们知道做自己热爱的事情时, 总是易如反掌,并且非常快乐。所以千万要找到你的爱好, 然后一直坚持做下去。伟大的运动员、音乐家、科学家等等,都有他们专注和擅长的爱好。


不过,如果你暂时还不知道你的路到底在何方, 也不用担心。只要你凡事尽力,以开放的心态去注意生命留给你的信号,追随你的激情,道路就在前方。这一切都是相辅相成的。

You are fully aware of how blessed you are, the incredible gifts you were born with that your brother doesnt have and the gifts he has that you dont possess. You know how happy you feel when you are doing what you love and that comes so easily and naturally to you. So please, please, please connect to your passion, and then just stay in your lane. Great athletes, musicians, scientists, etc., all have an expertise that they focus on and perfect. Dont let anyone persuade you to do anything that doesnt feel natural or isnt aligned with your values or God-given gifts. You know what excites you more than anyone else. The sooner you recognize your passions, and the more you focus, the happier you will be and the greater success you will achieve. Still, dont worry if you dont know exactly what your lane is yet. The path will illuminate itself so long as you stay present, open to the signs, and follow your passions. Its all related. 

最后, 我可爱的姑娘们, 不到万不得已时千万不要退缩。就像在生活中, 开倒车时根本看不见车后的东西一样, 如果沉愐于往事,执着于过去, 你可能会发现自己的思路不停地跌跌撞撞, 看到或想像出子虚乌有的东西。更糟糕的是, 开倒车导致你对未来视而不见:那些毕生的梦想等待你去实现, 人生使命等待着你去完成。

Lastly, my loves, never back up more than you need to, and this means in life, not just when driving. Just as you are blind to whats behind you while backing up a car, if you keep looking back in life and focusing too much on the past, you may find yourself running things over and over in your mind,often seeing or creating things that never existed in the first place. Even worse, living in reverse blinds you to what lies ahead: Your lifelong dreams waiting to be achieved, your destiny waiting to be fulfilled. 

我知道你在想什么: 为什么爸爸和我总是把我们的旧的家庭照片放在苹果电视上反复回放?这是自然的,因为家庭是你们的根基,也是你们最大的助动力。谈到家庭, 我们应该永远在你们的左右,如影随形, 就像你们永远与我们同在一样。

I know what youre thinking: why do Dad and I always have our old family photos streaming on Apple TV? This is O.K., because your family is your foundation, and also your greatest enabler. When it comes to your family, we should be with you everywhere you are, as you are always and forever with us.  



I love you, 










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