
学术会议 | 第58届 RELC 国际会议开放注册

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We live in an era of artificial intelligence and digital revolution, marked by Industry 5.0 which places the well-being of the workforce at the centre while using new technologies and tapping creativity and innovation to build a sustainable, human-centric world. With new technologies and innovative learning systems adopted for Education 5.0, our approaches to learning, teaching and assessment need to be re-humanized, re-conceptualized, and re-imagined to cater to the diverse needs and talents of language learners and teaching professionals. Creativity is key to this endeavor, and innovations come to the fore as language professionals strive to educate learners on the responsible use of technology, while enhancing learners’ communicative competency in acquiring future-ready skills for Industry 5.0.This conference aims to bring into focus creativity and innovations in the language classroom alongside new perspectives and current research in language learning, teaching and assessment for Education 5.0 in the post-pandemic era.

The 58th RELC International Conference has the following aims:• To develop a re-humanizing perspective on how new technologies and learning systems have influenced language learning, teaching and assessment for Education 5.0• To provide academics, researchers, classroom practitioners and education leaders with a forum for sharing current research and practice in language education• To share creative pedagogies and innovations in language teaching and assessment• To discuss implications of Education 5.0 for language teacher professional development


• Re-humanizing language teaching and learning in the age of machines

• Current trends in language teaching and learning for Education 5.0

• Language learning for specific and professional purposes

• Best practices in embracing creativity in curriculum design, materials development and language teaching

• Innovations and new pathways in language education

• Quality language assessment and sustainable learning outcomes

• Innovative approaches to language research

• Implications of Education 5.0 for language teacher professional development

二、Invited Speakers

三、Featured Speakers

四、ProposalsPaper/Workshop ProposalsParallel PapersThese are 30-minute formal lecture sessions, including 5 minutes of question time.WorkshopsThese are 50-minute sessions with minimal lecturing. Participants will be engaged in activities that have been carefully structured by the workshop presenters.


Guidelines for RegistrationFor registration, please click the link here to access the Conference Portal. Please select Standard Speaker or Standard Participant Ticket Type. Upon registration, you have the option to pay by credit card. You will be able to perform the following functions at the Conference Portal:• View Conference Announcements.• Update Personal Profile.• Submit a Proposal as a Speaker.• Register as a Participant.• Make Payment.







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大师对话|Steven Pinker与Noam Chomsky谈语言和人工智能在未来的发展大师对话|Krashen 教授与 Chomsky教授谈现代语言学的发展

大师对话|Halliday, Labov, Jacob Mey,  Embleton教授谈功能语用与社会语言学的融合发展

学术访谈|Ken Hyland:如何在高水平期刊发表自己的学术论文

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