
These Job Categories in High Demand in Chinese companies!

GICexpat team GICexpat 2022-03-21

There is no doubt that positions for global talent in Chinese companies have seen a rapid increase in recent years.

No longer dominated by language teachers, increases of over 60% in the service sectors such as marketing, media, sales. 


Statistics from hiredchina.com


Statistics from hiredchina.com

This phenomenon is likely to be national wide, espeically during the pandemic. From the statistic shared by hiredchina.com, where job openings for expats from 70 cities all over China and even overseas are posted, non-education jobs take up over 75% of all jobs. 

Among them, the top 5 categories with the highest demand are Sales & Business Development (BD), Marketing specialist/marketing manager, Media positions, Actor/actress/ voice recording/ model jobs, translation/ proofreading.

According to the data from HiredChina.com, only 15% of the positions make Chinese ability a necessary requirement, usually, this is simply due to the objective of the job such as translation, customer service, or sales.

Many Chinese companies tend to hire global talent in recent years.

The demand from the job market in Chinese companies is large, however, the biggest problem for both job seekers and employers is that they cannot find each other. Therefore, finding a platform that can extensively connect candidates and employers will be crucial to the job hunt.

By letting the companies and job seekers use the basic functions for free, HiredChina.com has now acquired more than 50,000 company users and more than 190,000 global talent users. Helping Chinese enterprises recruit global talent is their goal.

Are you currently job hunting? 

Check out HiredChina.com for openings!


Editor: CH


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