
Do you know of a business can benefit from us?Bonus up to 2888!

GICexpat 2022-08-10

More and more readers has successfully referred a qualified friend and got the first bonus this week!

Will you be the next one to get the bonus?

Latest hot positions

If any of your friends are suitable for the positions listed above, 

please get in touch and refer them to HiredChina! 

Our consultant will send you all the details!



Talent Referral Bonus Program

At HiredChina, we connect Chinese companies with global talents. Our clients include star companies in industries such as robotics, consumer electronics, industrial manufacturing, medical devices manufacturers etc. We are recruiting overseas professionals on their behalf. 

To achieve this, we source global candidates who are looking for better opportunities  and match them with our clients.


Welcome to share the above posters to your friends!

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