

辛庄课堂 2023-02-11

The following article is from 复旦金融评论 Author 魏尚进



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Shang-Jin Wei

How to Boost the Chinese Growth in the Short, Medium, and Long Run?

Editor-in-chief of Fudan Financial Review

Professor of Finance and Economics of Columbia University

Former Chief Economist of Asian Development Bank

As China has eased Covid restrictions, hope has been raised that its growth will go back to its potential rate (about 5.2% in 2023). But growth recovery is not automatic and requires more than simple credit expansion. The country is currently facing multiple challenges, including damaged confidence by firms and households in the short run, insufficient productivity growth in the medium run, and an unfavorable demographic transition in the long run.

To boost the growth in the short run, confidence restoration is perhaps more important than credit expansion. After a sustained period of repeated lockdowns, many households are reluctant to consume. Many small entrepreneurs and workers in the traditional service sectors saw vulnerability of their jobs and incomes. Many firms are also reluctant to invest due to not only revenue disruption during the Covid control period but also tightening regulatory controls in education, digital, and other areas. A recent survey of both Chinese firms and foreign firms operating in China conducted by the Shanghai-based China Europe International Business School indicated that the business confidence is at a nadir. Worrisome for growth recovery is that a decline in confidence is self-fulfilling: if enough business and households hold a pessimistic view and are reluctant to spend money, there would be a lower demand for products and services produced by their suppliers, which in turn would reduce demand for their upstream suppliers. A cycle of pessimism may look well-justified ex post even if it is not pre-ordained.

An important short-term policy imperative is to break this cycle of pessimism by raising the confidence of enough firms and households. The policy maker’s toolbox is somewhat constrained. While credit expansion would raise the aggregate demand in the economy, it can have the undesirable effect of raising the inflation rate. Meanwhile, the fiscal capacity is also somewhat strained by massive expenditures on repeated Covid testing and quarantines.

One policy that the authorities may consider is a time-limited reduction in sales tax and corporate income tax. A temporary cut has a smaller effect on the government debt problem but a stronger stimulative effect on household consumption than a permanent cut by the same percentage. Similarly, a temporary cut in corporate income tax can inspire more corporate investment than an equivalent permanent cut.

In addition to the temporary tax cut applied to all firms and retail sales, I suggest that the authorities introduce a special tax relief for new investment and incremental profit in advanced manufacturing sectors and modern service sectors.

In the early days of China’s “reform-and-opening-up” period, it has a well-publicized policy, known as “two years of exemption and three years of half rate” that gives a “supernational treatment” to foreign firms operating in China. For foreign firms investing in China, the corporate income tax on their first two years of profit is zero, and that on their next three years of profit is half of what domestic Chinese firms would pay. As foreign investors did not have sufficient confidence to invest in China, this policy has played an important role in enticing foreign firms to invest in China. An evidence of a resounding success of the policy is that China has changed from having virtually zero FDI in the early 1980s to becoming one of the biggest destination of FDI by late 1990s. As a testimony of its success, the policy was phased out in 2008.

As we face the challenge of boosting business confidence in 2023, I recommend rolling a new version of the policy, with two important revisions. First, the new policy is applied only to incremental firm profit beyond what it has in 2022 for all firms in advanced manufacturing sectors and modern service sectors. Suppose a firm’s profit in 2022 is 100 RMBs, and its profits in 2023 and 2024 are 130 and 140, respectively, the corporate income tax will be applied only to the first 100 RMBs. Second, the new policy is applicable to firms of all ownership types. This policy should greatly enhance the firms’ incentive to increase their investment and profit over the next few years, reduce the incentive for some of the firms to move their operation or supply chains abroad, and ensure fair competition among the firms of all ownership types.

To raise the productivity growth over the medium run, having more patents and innovation at the firm level is only a part of the story. More important is to improve the efficiency of resource allocation across firms and sectors. Reforming the Hukou system so that more talents can take advantage of an agglomeration effect is one such reform. Leveling the playing field between state-owned and non-state-owned firms in obtaining bank credit and government licenses is another area.

Reducing barriers to entry and entrepreneurship is another channel for improving medium term growth, according to China’s own experience in the past. An economy’s growth can be decomposed into the sum of intensive-margin growth – an increase in the average size of the existing firms – and the extensive-margin growth – an increase in the number of firms. Research on manufacturing sector growth in China by Xiaobo Zhang and I suggest that during China’s era of growth miracle, the extensive-margin growth accounts for about 70% of the overall growth. Therefore, the country needs to remember the lessons from its own heyday of the economic reforms by aggressively focusing on reducing and removing barriers to entry and entrepreneurship.

The Chinese working age cohort has been declining for close to a decade (in contrast to the labor force growth in its world market competitors Vietnam and India). Holding productivity growth constant, this demographic force by itself translates into an ever-declining GDP growth in China. This is perhaps the most serious challenge for the Chinese growth in the long run. Many of the policy options to boost the quantity of labor force do not look very promising (such as an attempt to substantially raise the birth rate, to postpone the retirement age, or to raise the female labor force participation rate). Some could work (e.g., importing foreign labor en masse) on pure economic ground but may involve complications outside economics.

Focusing on raising the quality of the labor force is more promising. The average education level of the work force can be raised further, including by enhancing the attendance and completion rates of high-school or vocational schools in rural China. There also be scope for raising the skill level of the working force by tapping into the ubiquitously available smart phones and tablets, and a surplus of online education entrepreneurs that previously focused on extracting money from families with school-age children. But this may require a more permissive policy environment that encourages entrepreneurship in this area.

Finally, rather than being obsessed with a high GDP growth, China may switch to put more weights on the growth of per capita income and the rise in the quality of life. They are intrinsically more important than GDP growth anyway, and less demanding on the absolute size of the labor force or the abundance of natural resources.





