
How to cultivate creativity in young children

上海惠立幼儿园 上海惠立幼儿园 2023-03-30

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Yuki Gong
Deputy Head of Early Years

Creativity is about turning valuable and novel ideas into reality. Although it is related to imagination, it is not quite the same thing. How can we teach children to transform their imagination into creativity? Here are four suggestions.


Encourage exploration to 

experience a sense of success

Creating art is a flexible pursuit. Children can therefore be provided with any variety of media to work in, such as cloth, empty bottles, straws, leaves, cotton, paints and so on. Therefore, children should be empowered to choose the medium they would like to work in.

But we do not want to set them up for failure. Therefore, activities should always be age-appropriate and suited to their stage of development. 

Age-appropriate activities can stimulate children’s imagination and allow them to build on simple tasks and then advance to more complex tasks.

We also recommend making use of various environmental arrangements to allow children to fully express their imagination and creativity. For example, children may use various cloth strips to create collage pictures.

They can sprinkle gouache or ink on paper for blow painting or use tree branches to draw in the sand, for instance. Any number of activities can be a powerful medium of expression.


Let children cultivate 

their powers of observation

Many children notice details that adults do not. This should be encouraged. Their creative work is the product of their observations of their surroundings. 

By giving them time to make observations, we are giving them the chance to develop other cognitive faculties too. We can help them by prompting observation with interesting questions that stimulate their curiosity about their surroundings.  


Create a suitable environment

Chinese educationalist Tao Xingzhi once said: "The best condition for creativity is autonomy. Create a relaxed, free and autonomous atmosphere for young children, so that they can think freely, imagine boldly and practise actively, this will stimulate creativity in children and bring it to the highest peak."

Music itself is a form of creative activity. When we choose suitable music materials and activities for young children, they will happily engage in creating songs. We can also create movements to help children remember lyrics and express their emotions. This is another way to facilitate their interest in creativity.


Stimulate curiosity 
through picture books

Reading picture books helps children combine knowledge with experience. A compelling plot evokes emotions and encourages empathy. It gives their imagination free rein when retelling the story.

Creating a sequel or adaptation of a story can stimulate children to use their imagination. It is important to provide as many opportunities as possible for children to use their imagination in activities so they can enjoy the joy of imagining.

Children's thinking is very simple. If we are young at heart, we may respond positively to their endless questions about the story, which in turn can stimulate their whims and creativity.

Every child is an inherent artist. The process of their development is the process of their artistic creation. Their sensitive hearts, subtle senses, and sparks of thought contribute innovative ideas. 

There is no end to their imagination and creativity. When we see a child’s world through their eyes, we will value their imagination and give reinforce it with positive feedback.


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