
Prize Giving – The Best of Harrow!

Harrow had much to celebrate at the annual Prize Giving 2021 thanks to our students and their extraordinary talents - be they academic, sporting, dramatic, musical or other. This traditional event included the awarding of prizes, many outstanding musical performances, the Annual Bill, speeches and saying good bye to our Upper Sixth leavers. It is a time to recognise the remarkable achievements and progress made over the course of the year within our vibrant school community. 


The Best of Harrow Music


The Best of Harrow


Early Years 

Head Student

Prep Reflections

Pre-Prep Head Students



Head Master’s Address


Click below to read

One of the songs to be performed by our Prep School Choir is entitled Sisi Ni Moja. This translates from Swahili as ‘We Are One’. The content of the lyrics reminds us that whatever our culture, creed, background or race – ultimately as humans on this planet together we all belong to one family and must take care of one another. Ultimately, like any school, Harrow Shanghai is all about people, the rest is simply inanimate bricks and mortar. The highlights of this year have centred upon successes brought about despite adversity and challenge – whether that be within public examinations, university places gained, enjoying the beauty of creative and performing arts delivered together shoulder to shoulder once again, in addition to coming together as one to celebrate our commonality during events such as International Day, the Chinese New Year Celebrations and more recently the inaugural Harrow Ball.

今天,初中合唱团带来了歌曲《Sisi Ni Moja》。这首歌从斯瓦希里语翻译过来就是“我们是一体的”。歌词的内容告诉我们,无论我们的文化、信仰、背景或种族如何,但作为世界公民,我们都同属一个地球家园。作为一所学校,哈罗始终以人为本。今年,我们仍然在逆境与挑战中坚毅前行,无论是面临紧张的统考与大学申请,还是感受美轮美奂的艺术创作,亦或是作为一个集体共庆国际日、中国新年、舞会...我们都笃定地并肩前行,矢志不渝。

The Best of Harrow Traditions

The Annual Head Master’s Bill (Harrow tradition of capping the Head Master once their full name has been registered).


The Best Performances

Academic Excellence, Achievement, Endeavour, Leadership and House Cups)


The Best of Good Byes

Head Students

We remain true to our mission and to creating proud and successful Harrovians. True Harrovians the world over are easily discernible thanks to their obvious characteristics: they are confident, but not arrogant, interesting and interested, determined and persistent, and compassionate when it comes to recognising the plights of others less fortunate than them. These genetics play a central role not just in shaping the people they become, but in sharpening the saw when it comes to performing when it matters most within any arena. 


Leavers' Brunch

Finally, to the Upper Sixth leavers who are no longer Harrovians but International Old Harrovians, let the Harrow Core Values of Courage, Honour, Humility and Fellowship guide you in all you do, and stride forward confidently ready to shape the new communities you now become a part of. In so doing, know this: you remain forever a part of our Harrow Shanghai community – sisi ni moja. 

最后,对于那些即将离开校园,开启更广阔人生的毕业生们,希望你们始终带着勇气、荣誉、谦和、互助,自信地大步向前,期待你们在新的环境中发光发热。你们永远都是哈罗上海的一员,sisi ni moja!

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