
Ready, Action! 哈罗戏剧,尽显舞台魅力

HarrowShanghai HarrowSH哈罗上海 2023-03-08


Drama plays an integral part of our program here at Harrow. Through the art of expression and theatre, students learn to work together and develop confidence to perform on stage. 

为了让学生们的演技更上一层楼,我们提供了各种各样的学习机会:面向3年级(7岁)以上的戏剧课程、IGCSE&A Level阶段难度与专业度皆升级的戏剧课、ECA戏剧课外活动以及周末拓展延伸课程,学生们不断打磨演技,收获技能。 

We offer many highly engaging opportunities for students to take their performance skills to the next level, including curriculum specialist drama lessons for Year 3 (age 7) and above, through to IGCSE & A Level drama specialty courses, as well as extra-curricular classes held during school, and on the weekends. 


Peter Pan Production 


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Swipe left to read English version


Jess Learwood






Our Upper School just completed their “Peter Pan” stage production, a vivid piece of work that transports you into a world of danger and magic, promoting the theme that with faith, trust (and the help of a little pixie dust), you can achieve anything. 

Jess Learwood

Head of Drama 

As a drama teacher, it is always wonderful to return to a favourite childhood story. I was delighted to have the opportunity to write my own script for this production, creating roles that would suit our Harrovian performers and gain a captive audience. It was such a joy to bring magic to the stage and transform our studio into Neverland.

The production of this play was a wonderful whole school effort. Some students were involved in the painting and construction of the elaborate set, while other students and teachers actively participated as behind-the-scenes crew who ensured that every prop and scene was timed and executed with precision. The rounds of practice and choreography paid off for our performers, who thoroughly enjoyed the experience.  


The stage was led by our senior students, who selflessly shared their talents and experience with the younger actors alongside them. Many students displayed diversity as they took on the challenge of playing multiple characters. All are to be applauded for the courage it took to perform in front of their peers and parents. 

Our wonderful team of cast, crew and teachers involved couldn’t have done this classic any more justice!


LAMDA Exams 



Many of our students aged 5 and upwards have been working towards LAMDA (London Academy of Music & Dramatic Art) examinations through our external provider, Spotlight.  This accreditation is recognised when applying to universities. All our drama students aged 9-14 used part of their lessons to complete a LAMDA style Acting Award through our ongoing Harrow Speaking Awards, which prepared them to take their LAMDA exams with an external assessor online. We eagerly await the results of their excellent efforts! 


Harrow Theatre Academy 



Our Sunday morning offering, Harrow Theatre Academy (HTA), provides young, aspiring performers the opportunity to ‘find their Spotlight’ and explore new musical theatre skills and techniques in the disciplines of acting, singing and dance. We are currently workshopping material from ‘Annie’, the musical, bringing characters to life through storytelling, fun, improvisational techniques and choreography. 

Watch this space! 

As Neverland fades into distant memory, our next adventure begins. Year 5 & 6 (ages 9-11) are passionately preparing for their extra-curricular stage production of “Alice in Wonderland.” In addition, Year 3-6 (ages 7-11) will showcase their talents as they are preparing individual class performances for next term.  

彼得潘的梦幻岛已落下帷幕,而我们即将开启我们的下一次冒险。5-6 年级( 9 - 11 岁)的学生们正满怀激情地准备他们的课外舞台剧《爱丽丝梦游仙境》。3-6年级(7 - 11 岁)的孩子们也将展示他们的才艺,为下学期的班级表演做准备。 


Visit us to see for yourself how we create leadership & development opportunities for our students beyond the classroom! 


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