
圆梦时刻 | “我被艺术界哈佛录取了!”

HarrowShanghai HarrowSH哈罗上海 2023-03-08

恭喜毕业班的Brightly S!斩获号称艺术届哈佛的罗德岛设计学院插画系Offer!作为2016年就加入哈罗的创校生,Brightly和家人、哈罗全体人员一同分享了喜悦。让我们来听听这一路走来,见证者们的心声! 

Congratulations to Brightly S in Upper Sixth (Y13), who recently secured a place to study Illustration at one of oldest and best-known art schools in the US – Rhode Island School of Design. (RISD). As a founding student of Harrow, Brightly’s journey to achieve this excellent outcome is celebrated by Brightly, her family, and our Harrow family! Let’s hear each of them describe this outstanding journey. 

走近 “创校生”

Brightly S

Upper Sixth (Year 13) 

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我A Level选修了艺术、地理和戏剧3门课程。我即将启程,在梦校攻读艺术。我很开心,能够在A Level的学习阶段就开始专注于我所热爱的艺术创作。一直以来,我对地理很感兴趣,也有信心可以学好,如今这门学科对我的艺术创作起到了很大的作用。而戏剧,我最初选择的原因在于它与舞台与服装设计相关,而在学习过程中,我被这门课深深吸引。 

罗德岛设计学院是我的第一志愿大学,很开心能够被其中的王牌专业预录取,我的梦想成真啦!A Level以外,我还参加了托福和ACT(类似于SAT)考试。在考试的申请中,我非常感谢升学指导老师Mr Bennetts,他在申请过程中为我提供了很大的支持与帮助,还有我的艺术老师Ms Ward,她在我作品集创作中给予了我很多很好的建议。 


I currently study A Level Art, Geography and Drama. Art is the subject I will focus on in college, and I really enjoy the in-depth time I spend creating different pieces as I pursue my passion in art. Geography is a subject that I am confident and passionate about, and it also helps to inform my current art coursework. Initially, I chose drama due to the set and costume design elements, but I’ve learned to love other aspects of this subject as well. 

RISD is my first-choice university, so I am delighted to gain early acceptance into their prestigious programme – it’s a dream come true for me.  In addition to my A Level studies, I completed a TOEFL test and an ACT (similar to SAT) test. I am particularly thankful to Mr Bennetts, my higher education counselor, who provided crucial support throughout the application process, as well as my art teacher, Ms. Ward, who provided insightful input to help me build my art portfolio. 

In my six years at Harrow Shanghai, I have had the opportunity to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Award (bronze and gold), numerous inter-school Model United Nations programs, leadership and service activities, orchestra, choir, and the Student Council. Every day at Harrow is a highlight for me because of my friends and teachers.



Eva Huang

Brightly’s Mum 


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在过去几年里,我做了不少关于A Level的功课。在美国参观一些顶尖院校的时候,我问了许多招生官他们对于A Level的看法,是否认可这一考试体系,都得到了肯定的答案。无论A Level、IB还是AP,成绩才是关键。而A Level考生能够集中精力,花时间在自己热衷的领域,往往学得更加深入,甚至涵盖了部分大一的学习内容。 


Over the last few years, I have done extensive research and asked many top US universities about whether A Level results would be accepted as part of the admissions process. I have been advised that the type of curriculum (A Level, IB, AP) doesn’t matter to the schools -  

the academic results in the key subjects required by the program are most important. US universities are appreciative of A Level results because they are more in-depth than other courses, and students have time to develop deep expertise and passion in the core subjects they are passionate about. 

Harrow’s intimate environment has really allowed Brightly to grow and nurture her interests, passions, and character. Through endless opportunities and constant encouragement to try new things and participate in many exciting ventures offered by the school, Brightly has really blossomed and become a confident and respectable young woman. 


Watch Eva share more details about her daughter’s journey to achieve acceptance into RISD below: 


Zach Bennetts

Head of Higher Education and Careers 


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Mr Bennetts




Mr Bennetts

Whilst Brightly has shown herself to be an accomplished student across all her subjects, it is abundantly clear that Art has captured her heart and imagination. A short walk around our corridors showcases dozens of excellent pieces that Brightly has lovingly created over her time at the school. In conversation, Brightly lights up when she talks about her EPQ (Extended Project Qualification), for which she is creating a visual translation of a Chinese novel; she loves using Art to tell stories and wants to use her artistic talents to bring joy to others. 


Brightly also wants, more generally, to make a positive difference to the world around her. She has made an immense contribution to our school community, as a school monitor, house captain, student council member and participant in numerous inter-house events and competitions. She has also been a mentor to, and an excellent role model for, our younger students. Her latest offerings have included extended art pieces on the sustainable development goals and a short animation on sustainable food.  

Senior Student Council


Frances Ward

Head of Art 


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Ms Ward





Ms Ward

It has been my absolute pleasure to be part of Brightly’s learning journey in Art, seeing her grow into an extremely creative student in both her practical work and in her creative thinking. She is always open to new viewpoints, seeking conversation, and researches her areas of interest in great depth to enable her to grow as an artist in both developing her understanding of new and interesting processes and techniques, whilst investigating the work of both well established and upcoming artists to inspire her and learn from them.     


Brightly has a great thirst for knowledge and enjoys a challenge whilst thinking clearly and logically. The pursuit of learning and wanting to push herself creatively is something that Brightly consistently strives for and has done from an early age. She is passionate artist who has great curiosity, being able to observe, record and interpret what she sees with skill and originality, creating beautiful and insightful responses.    

Brightly's Art Work


Stephen Eddison

 Head of Science & Brightly’s Tutor 

科学负责人 & Brightly导师

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Mr Eddison


作为她的导师,每天早上我都会与她见面。收获喜讯时,我会和她一同庆祝;遇到困难时,我给予她支持。在申请过程中,面临着越来越多的准备内容, 我鼓励她,巩固她的自信心,让她朝着目标一步步奋进。很开心,她收到了梦校的录取通知书!她值得!我相信,未来她在罗德岛设计学院一定会大放异彩,收获傲人成绩。 

Mr Eddison

Brightly is such a talented artist and she is so generous with her skills. Whether it is decorating the House Common Room and Sixth Form Common Room notice boards, designing Christmas cards to sell for charity, or making a hand drawn animation for our Leadership & Service project to highlight the importance of minimising food waste, she is always willing to use her talent to help others. 

As her tutor, my main role has been to check in with Brightly every morning, to praise her and celebrate her successes, and to be supportive when the process has proved stressful. When the work has piled up and deadlines were looming, it was just a case of encouraging her and reminding her that she is amazingly capable and to keep going and working towards her goal. I am so pleased that she has achieved this goal and has been accepted; there is nobody more deserving and I know that she will have a fantastic time and enjoy many more successes at the RISD and in the future. 


Charles Ellison

Head Master


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Mr Ellison


Mr Ellison

The Harrow Shanghai community is immensely proud of Brightly.  As a founding student at the School, she has been a beacon of inspiration for others as a proud, hard-working, compassionate and ambitious Harrovian.  Brightly personifies all that is centrally important within a Harrow education and we are delighted that her astounding artistic talent has been right recognized by one of the world’s leading universities.  A hugely exciting future lays ahead. 


Here at Harrow, we strongly support and embrace each individual student so that they can become the best person they can be - by unlocking the unlimited potential inside each of them. Our small, intimate environment allows us to cater to and care for individual students. Come experience it yourself – visit our campus on Wednesday, January 26th to participate in a variety of our senior school classes. 


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