
A Level秋季大考,哈罗学子再次解锁A*!

HarrowShanghai HarrowSH哈罗上海 2023-03-08

近期,A Level秋季模块考成绩发布,哈罗学子再一次在数学学科上取得了不俗的表现,这也意味着许多13年级学生将有望在今年夏天拿下A*! 

With the recent release of modular A Level results, we’re excited to announce outstanding outcomes in maths. Our Upper Sixth (Y13) Harrovians have once again scored so well that most of our students are on track to receive an A* grade in A Level Maths in the summer! 


All our Further Maths students have also received grades commensurate with achieving an A*.  


We are delighted that many of our students made improvements to their original predicted scores, so that all are on track to achieve or exceed their target grades in A Level Maths. 


Courage to Conquer 


Last summer, our pupils were unable to sit the public exam for Maths, which was cancelled due to the pandemic. They could have chosen to accept a teacher assessed grade in place of this mark. However, all our pupils chose to courageously take on the challenge of sitting the public exam in November as an alternative, to demonstrate their proficiency and ability under a standardised exam setting.  

Joe C

Deputy Head Student 校学生副代表 

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我喜欢目前正在学习的A Level科目,这是我大学学习的基础,也有助于我未来的职业发展。 



"I enjoy my subjects as they are the foundation of what I want to study at university; I find this helps my work ethic.  

On average, I set aside 2 to 3 hours a night for revision, often more on the weekend. At school, I have fantastic, supportive friends who in many ways are academically smarter than me.  This is a great motivational tool as it helps me persevere to keep up with them. 

In addition, my family supports me at home, ensuring that I have a good work life balance."

Richard Brooks

Head of Maths 数学学科负责人


Our students are amazing – these results are really a testament to the tremendous hard work they put into the subject, their abilities, and the endurance they have to achieve under pressure. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to accompany and guide them along their journey to achieve excellence.


Humility in Action 


A handful of our pupils also modelled humility as they resat their business and geography exams from last summer. Their efforts paid off as all students attained improved grades from their previous results. This progress is testament to their resilience and desire for continuous improvement.  

Zach Bennetts

Head of Higher Education and Careers 



Our pupils have worked incredibly hard to prepare for these exams, and I’m immensely proud of each one of them – not just those who received outstanding results, but also those who made improvements on their original predicted scores. I’m really pleased that they are all on track to meet the terms of their university offers.


Here at Harrow, we instill a desire for learning with our caring and high-quality teachers who work tirelessly to inspire our pupils to passionately pursue their subjects of interest. Our small class environment allows personalised focus on each pupil, thereby allowing them to be continuously challenged to take their work to the next level! 

Join us on Wednesday, January 26th to experience it for yourself – participate in a variety of classes to meet our teachers and see our students in action.  



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