
校长来信 | 致暂别校园的你们

HarrowShanghai HarrowSH哈罗上海 2023-03-08


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To the families of Shanghai


During my time living in the vibrant city of Shanghai, I have come to learn just how resilient and adaptable the families living within it are.  Shanghai's rich historical past demonstrates a people who have endured change and hardship over centuries, and in doing so helped to build a 21st century city that leads the way globally.  I have no doubts that with its 'can do' spirit, and its inherent ability to quickly adapt, Shanghai will emerge from the pandemic stronger still. 



It is this same 'can do' spirit that has constantly characterised Harrovians through the ages and what helps to explain why we produce so many global leaders.  Core Values are easy to espouse when times are good; it is through times of challenge that they truly come to the fore and our community is demonstrating Courage, Honour, Humility and Fellowship in abundance at a time such as this when we are forced into separation. 



We are very proud of our Virtual Harrow Shanghai experience.  Although the social interactions of live, on-campus, cannot ever be fully replicated, the daily remote schooling we have constantly honed since our first expedition into this brave new world back in February 2020 is a rich, demanding, varied and highly supported daily diet that ensures our pupils' learning continues to flourish unchecked.  Our staff have been extraordinary and have gone beyond all reasonable expectations in their planning and delivery.  We are immensely fortunate to have such capable and dedicated professionals guiding our young people. 



My top tips for success and personal well-being during this unusual period include: keep your exercising up (if you can use your compound area safely, do get outdoors daily); keep your normal sleep pattern (don't be tempted to have later nights); don't waste energy and emotion on what you cannot control (the campus will re-open and we shall all come together again soon enough); be creative in your learning and communicate ideas with your teachers regularly using the virtual infrastructure (and do always ask for help whenever you need it – teachers are 'hard-wired' to do all they can for you). 



The full team of Harrow staff is here for you at this challenging time.  Don't hesitate to speak to us, message us in the Teams Chat, or email if we can help with anything at all.  In the spirit of true Harrow Fellowship, we’re all in this together and we want our full community to work as one for the good of our wonderful young Harrovians.  Won't they have interesting stories to tell their children of their schooldays in Shanghai! 



Please do remain safe and well.  We are here for you. 



Warmest wishes, 


Mr Charles Ellison

Head Master 校长

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