

HarrowShanghai HarrowSH哈罗上海 2023-03-08



How do we replicate a typical school day from the confines of our homes? We do it by duplicating our school schedule virtually – to ensure it includes all the aspects of on-campus delivery, including daily registration, Phase Assemblies, ECA’s, personal well-being, and Parent Teacher Conferences. Our aim at Harrow is to maintain a sense of order and community during this period of uncertainty, to preserve the progress and well-being of our students and staff alike. Our Phase Heads share how they and their teams have tackled virtual schooling with rigour and passion below. 


Hear from our Leaders


  幼儿园 Early Years  

Avril Connolly Phillips

Head of Early Years 


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我们理解居家隔离的环境对于幼儿园孩子们的身心健康成长不太有利。所以在当下,我们的团队致力于为家长们提供尽可能多的教育支持。通过分享资源、视频和活动,我们的孩子可以继续在家里学习关键技能。近期,中班的孩子们也在家开启了Read Write Inc.自然拼读学习,尝试拼写一些单词,来帮助他们在9月顺利过渡至大班。

在这期间,幼儿园还迎来了一位特别的客人——来自英国的说书人 Tony Wilson。他为幼儿园的孩子们带来了一个独特的ECA课程,把儿童故事与歌曲编织在一起,为孩子们创造了一个迷人的梦幻世界。 

We understand the pains and perils of keeping young children in a restricted environment. That is why our team is committed to providing as much educational support as possible to our parent and pupil community. By sharing resources, videos and activities, our children can continue to learn critical skills at home.  For example, our Nursery children recently started the extremely successful Read Write Inc. phonics programme to help support them with the transition into Reception in September.  Children are learning new sounds each week and finding corresponding items in their home which will help boost their language skills.

We are also delighted to host special events like inviting award-winning storyteller, Tony Wilson, to share stories and songs with our children to create an enchanting world of imagination for young and old. 


Early Years learning at home


  小学 Pre-Prep School

Renuka Chinnadurai

Head of Pre-Prep School


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The whole of our Pre-Prep team, children and staff, have risen to the challenge online learning from the offset. We have replicated our full curriculum timetable, including providing children with opportunity to engage in a new variety of optional ECA’s – these include  Story Time with our Head Master, British Bingo, Graffiti Art and Virtual Science.  Lessons have been adapted to take into account screen time and each week we are trying new elements to make them more interactive e.g. the use of Nearpod. WeCom has been a tool which have used for both parents and children successfully; this parental engagement has been so essential to ensure that the children continue learning and well-being is at the forefront. Individual pastoral check-ins have been well received and have provided a useful outlet for the children as has the introduction of Zones of Regulation. Our Student Leaders have been consulted and have even provided arrange of indoor activities for the children to take part in. The dedication, willingness, collaboration, kindness and resilience of our staff, children and parents has ensured that this has been a positive three weeks in our community, where we have truly demonstrated our core Harrow values.



Pre-Prep learning at home


  初中 Prep School

Joseph Jedrzejczyk

Head of Prep School


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  • 之前,老师们已经养成了将线上授课平台Teams融入日常教学的习惯,所以在网课进行时,能够快速适应。 

  • 我们为初中生们提供了数字素养培训项目,使他们能够掌握数字世界中所需的关键技能,并应用在学习当中,使他们在虚拟教学中仍然能够成就卓越。 

  • 线上课程沿用了在校时期的时间表,对学生也有着同样的要求与期望。这也促进了老师与学生们的协调合作,保证教学的高质量。 

Three key steps lead to virtual schooling success in the Prep school.  

  • Teachers have an established culture of incorporating and integrating our virtual platform, Microsoft Teams, into their day-to-day teaching. 

  • Students begin a digital literacy programme that provides them the skills to navigate a digital world and enhance their learning through technology, allowing them to be at the forefront of achievement in virtual schooling.

  • Routine & normality - our online learning programme matches our in-school timetable and follows daily school expectations.


Prep learning at home


  高中 Senior School

Tess St. Clair-Ford, 

Head of Senior School 


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Senior School pupils and their teachers have done a brilliant job of continuing to learn online.  Whilst we’re all missing seeing one another in person, Seniors have led the way with chairing Student Council meetings, offering amazing challenges to keep our community strong and undertaken Service challenges at home to show on-screen and off-screen leadership.   

Student Council meeting


Senior learning at home


Student Led Initiatives 



Harrow Daily Challenge

Listening to and leveraging the voice of our students is also critical in this time of change. Our whole school student council got together and came up with an initiative – the “Harrow Daily Challenge” – which allows our community to celebrate, have fun together and make the most out of being at home. Check out their activities in the posters above – try them out for yourself and post your results for all to see! 


Curriculum & Parent Engagement

Dr. Sean Knox

Director of Studies 


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Our virtual curriculum has balanced our commitment to academic rigour and to sustaining the learning progress of our students with an appreciation to the different demands the virtual classroom places on students.

Ensuring each child reaches their academic potential requires an effective tripartite relationship, school-student-parents. Our virtual Parent Teacher Conferences enabled critical conversations to celebrate student successes and highlight and outline the next steps that need to be taken to further progress.


Pastoral Care & Well being 

Steve Morris

Acting Deputy Head 



Here at Harrow, we remain committed to the pastoral care and wellbeing of our Harrovians during this critical period of virtual schooling. Tutors have continued their weekly 1:1 engagement with each student in their care to provide ongoing encouragement and support in these times of change. Our school counselling service also continues as normal. We actively communicate and engage with our parents to provide additional support where needed. 


Beyond Academics 

👆 常态下的校园课外活动

ECA at school



Virtual ECAs

At Harrow, we continue to replicate a typical school day by continuing with other aspects of our programme that extend beyond our curriculum. For example, we host virtual ECA’s (extra-curricular activities) where we can gather as a community to participate in an amazing science experiment, read and discuss a book together, or play a game of British Bingo. In our recent PHSE Session (Personal, Social, Health & Economics), we discussed discrimination and protected qualities and then broke out in groups to analyse and write a response collaboratively. Our Music and Drama teams have hosted online performances for our communities. In our Leadership & Service programme, our pupils spread positivity in uncertain times by giving back to our family and community, which included tasks like babysitting, tidying our spaces, recycling and giving a call to a lonely neighbour. This is just a small taste of the many activities our students continue to lead and engage in throughout our typical school day.  


"Out Loud" LAMDA Performances


Head Master Insights 

Charles Ellison

Head Master 



When it comes to raising one’s game when it matters most, Harrovians have proven over centuries that at the very moment communities of people need leaders, Harrovians are there to innovate, think clearly, guide and lead the way.  Now is one of those moments. 



I am immensely proud of the entire Harrow Shanghai community – pupils, staff and parents – for the highly advanced Virtual Schooling experience presently being enjoyed.  It is making certain our children and young adults continue to thrive and progress during this time of challenge.   


正如哈罗座右铭所言:“愿院舍光辉永存。” 哈罗上海定会大步向前,迎接曙光。 

As our Harrow motto states: ‘Stet Fortuna Domus’ – ‘Let the Fortune of the House Prevail’.  It will take more than a pandemic to knock Harrow Shanghai off its stride! 


Learn more about how Harrow inspires learning and character development by making the most out of virtual schooling. Contact us below and we'll be glad to share valuable resources with you, and perhaps even arrange a virtual visit to one of our classes! 

(86) 21 6881 8282*210



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