
为世界培育领袖力量|来听听哈罗上海 A Level 奖学金获奖者的独家分享!

HarrowShanghai HarrowSH哈罗上海 2023-03-08

哈罗一直将培育孩子的领导力和服务精神奉为自己的教育使命,我们鼓励孩子们大胆的去创新并领导开展各种有趣的项目,以突出他们的热情并实现哈罗的价值观所在。去年来到哈罗上海学习A Level系列课程的Yi Sum Y.,就是哈罗领导力和服务精神的优秀代表。请预览下方的虚拟艺术画廊,了解Yi Sum Y.的ECA项目作品和成果吧!

Here at Harrow, one way that we develop our leadership & service ethos is to encourage pupils to take on innovative and interesting projects that highlight their passions and exemplify Harrow values. Yi Sum Y., who joined our school as an A Level scholar last year is an excellent example of this. Preview the online art gallery below that showcases works initiated as a result of the ECA programme she began:

Yi Sum Y.从小就对动物医学很感兴趣。来到哈罗上海之后,她便将她对流浪动物保护的热情与学校提供的领导力培养迅速结合起来,面向同学们发起了以流浪动物保护为主题的ECA系列课外活动。

Once she settled with us at Harrow, Yi Sum, who is interested in pursuing a career in veterinary sciences, quickly connected her passion for abandoned animals with a leadership opportunity by launching an ECA (extra curricular activity) programme for our pupils.


"What inspired me to create this programme was seeing the various people and organisations in our local community giving their time and care towards animals that are still in need of a forever home, such as the SCAA organisation."

“就个人层面而言,我的动力来源于我的狗狗 Pancake,虽然它的离开让我非常难过,但是我同时也明白了,从它被从流浪动物救助站带回来的那天起,它给了我们最好的陪伴,而我的家人们也尽了我们最大的努力去给它最好的关爱。”

"On a personal note, what inspired me most was my dog Pancake: even though his death left me completely heartbroken, I realised that in the few years he was with us, my family tried our very best to show him the love he deserved - from the first day he was picked up from the animal shelter to his last."


"Through spreading awareness of the countless other shelter animals in Shanghai, I hope this programme can inspire others to help the amazing animal aid organisations around us, or even explore bringing another family member into their home."


"In order to make this student-led ECA happen, I reached out to numerous teachers and students who have, no doubt, been a vital part of building this programme."

“哈罗上海的领导力培养在本次项目中给予了我很大的支持和锻炼,比如,哈罗上海艺术负责人Ms. Ward以及高中部的校长Ms. St. Clair-Ford就在这个的项目运行的过程中给予了我非常大的帮助,我也同样被给予了很多机会在哈罗每天的校园生活中去宣传以及号召同学们参与此项活动。”

"For example, the Head of Art, Ms. Ward, and Head of Senior School, Ms. St. Clair-Ford have both helped me tremendously on the logistical aspect of running this programme, and have given me a number of opportunities to promote and integrate the programme into daily student life at Harrow."

Yi Sum同时也组织了一场SCAA之行,帮助她的哈罗同学们与这些等待被领养的小动物们亲密互动。 

Yi Sum also arranged a trip to the SCAA so that fellow Harrovians could personally interact with the lovable pets who were up for adoption.

“在接下来的这个学年里, 'Tales for Tails'计划通过举办一场学生和家长创作的艺术品实物展览以及一场拍卖会来为SCAA募集慈善基金。除此之外, 'Tales for Tails'还将售卖一些周边产品,比如贴纸和徽章等。”

"In the coming academic year, 'Tales for Tails' plans to raise money for SCAA by holding a physical exhibition of the artwork students and parents have created and holding a silent auction. Additionally, 'Tales for Tails' will also be creating merchandise such as stickers and badges to be sold to students."



While the actual physical exhibition and auction has been delayed, we want to share the results of this student-led project thus far. Scan the QR code to watch the full art gallery!

“我期待明年能够和'Tales for Tales'团队继续合作,并且见证我们的项目不断壮大。”

"I look forward to working with the 'Tales for Tales' team and watching the programme grow next year.


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