
纪录片《美丽中国》55 远离海洋的杏花长廊

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纪录片《美丽中国》55 远离海洋的杏花长廊

This is Xinjiang, China, in the heart of Eurasia, the furthest of any land from the sea on the planet.欧亚大陆的中心地带有着地球上离海最远的陆地。
With little rain, it is an arid and lifeless place.中国新疆地处于此所以它的地域中有大量的干旱地区。
However, there is one exception.不过也有例外。
With warmer temperatures in April, apricot flowers can't wait to bloom, declaring open the flower season in the Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture.进入四月天气转暖伊犁的杏花迫不及待地开放拉开伊犁整个花季的序幕。
This wild apricot forests are distributed across the hillsides of the Ili River Valley in Xinjiang.这片野杏林分布在新疆伊犁河谷的山坡地带。
Their delicate flowers dislike the humid climate of Southern China.它们娇柔的花朵并不喜欢中国南方湿润的气候。
They are resistant to drought and cold and are more suitable for living in the north.它们能过忍耐干旱与严寒更适合生活在中国的北方。
Xinjiang has the largest concentration of apricot trees in China.新疆是中国的杏树最大分布区。
The apricot forest before us is the largest and densest primitive wild fruit forest.眼前的这片杏树林是面积最大最密集的原始野果林。
It provides a rare opportunity for local people to domesticate the wild apricot trees and improve their varieties.它们为当地人驯化杏树改良品种提供了珍稀的野生资源。
Apricot blossoms last only a week from blossoming to withering.杏花从开放到凋谢只有短短一周时间。
In the flowering season, if you want to capture their beauty, then you must be quick.开花的季节如果想跟它们合影一定不要犹豫马上出发吧。


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