
什么是创意制片人与财务制片人?—— 国际电影商业基础课程

Into按页 按页 2023-01-29

2022| PLUS ONE 线上课程

 A Professional Basic Course of International Film Business 



A Professional Basic Course of International Film Business,中文翻译为“国际电影商业基础”,这门线上课程内容的来源于英国 The London Film School(伦敦电影学院)的MA研究生课程 International Film Business的导师Dr. Angus Finney, 他在英美完成传媒与影视相关专业的本科与研究生,后在CASS Business School卡斯商学院完成了博士学位,在国际电影行业从业多年,主要擅长的领域是国际电影融资、采购与发行,目前他也是剑桥商学院MBA针对于娱乐文化这部分内容的客座教授,不论是在学术层面还是工作经验上都足以解决诸多从业者在工作与学习中遇到的问题。

在实际的工作中,制片人本质上是需要「 Close the Deal 」, 去达成一个个交易与合同,从项目的初期开发,到制作发行都离不开“电影商业”。我们与他共同开发了这门课程的线上和线下版本,因为想要更多同学可以学习到这类入门级的课程,学习到专业的词汇与商业谈判中的逻辑,即使翻译难度也比较大,我们也最终完成了整体内容的呈现,若有不足之处,还希望大家能积极指出。但毋庸置疑的是,对于国际电影商业的了解,在全球范围内从事影视行业的工作,是一个必不可少的学习过程,跟着Dr. Angus的学习也改变了我的职业生涯,希望短短线上课程可以带让听者拥有更广阔的视角,增强不断开拓国际市场的能力。


第一课:The Difference Between the Creative and Financial Producer 创意制片人与财务制片人的区别(免费试听)

第二课:What Is the Film Value Chain and Why It Is Important?什么是电影产业价值链以及它为什么重要(免费试听)


第三课:The Film Value Chain Model and Current Restructuring 电影产业价值链

第四课:The Hook of Good Stories and Role of Genre 好故事与类型

第五课:Working with Writers and Developing Material 与作者协同工作

第六课:The Art of Presenting and the Pitch 演说呈现

第七课:Creative Management 创意人才管理

第八课:Film Finance I 电影融资(上)

第九课:Film Finance II 电影融资(下)

第十课:Sales and Markets 电影的销售与市场

第十一课:Film Distribution and Exhibition 电影发行与放映

第十二课:Film Promotion and Audience Behavior 电影宣传和观众行为

第十三课:Streaming 流媒体

第十四课:Future of Production 制作的未来




The London Film School 



剪辑 & 校对:张紫曦

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 A Professional Basic Course of International Film Business 

  国际电影商业基础  Unit 1 


  The Difference Between the Creative and Financial Producer  

Hi, my name's Angus Finney. I'm a professor and a fellow at Cambridge University and the course director on this basic course on the international film business. 


Welcome to my presentation, which is looking at creative producers and financial producers, and also looking at the overall role of the lead producer. 


So starting with the concept of a lead producer, this is the role that is undertaken by the key project manager, the person or the team who have acquired the underlying rights to the story, who have dealt with the intellectual property, who have maybe hired the writer or writers and paid them for their work, and also packaged the project. 


So obviously, they have dealt with the key elements, the five key elements of the package, which included of course script, producer, budget, director, and key cast. There are other kinds of producers that also have different titles.


And it's important before I talk about the difference between the creative and the financial producer, to cover them off so that people on this course understand exactly what we call different types of producers in the western film model.


So in addition to the lead producer who, if you like, is the most important project manager, and will control and see the film all the way from concept to exploitation. There is also a line producer.

首先,我们可以把首席制片人(Lead Producer) 看成最重要的那个项目经理,他们负责掌控全局,从创意构想开始到市场开发为止全程把控制片进度。此外,还有一个岗位叫制作统筹,也可以算作项目经理。

The line producer is effectively a project manager. And they have the skills to be able to break down the script into a schedule and into a budget. And they are going to be running, if you like, the production day by day, hour by hour, and will have considerable control over the expenditure per day on that film budget and film production.


You also have something called the co-producer. The co-producer might be a producing partner who's sharing the rights and sharing the production responsibilities.

还有一种制片人被称为联合制片人 (Co-Producer)。联合制片人可能是参与制片工作,或共同享有成片的相关权利,也可能是分担制片工作的地区合作伙伴。

Or it might be a co-producer under an official territory agreement with China, which has 15 official co-production treaties. It might be a production with an official co-producer in a territory like new Zealand or the UK etc. 


Associate producer is a different kind of credit. It's normally a more junior credit. It's someone who effectively has probably done a lot of work on the development or the packaging of the project, but is not yet mature enough to be given a lead producer credit. 

协同制作人(Associate Producer)是另一种头衔。通常这是较初级的岗位。实际上,协同制作人可能已经在项目的开发或打包上做了很多工作,但还不够成熟,无法被称为首席制作人。

And then we come to the executive producer. Now I'm aware from experience in China that the executive producer is not such an important role in the Chinese model.

接下来就是执行制片人(Executive Producer)。我知道在中国模式里,执行制作人不是一个很重要的角色。

But in the Western model, executive producer is normally aligned with the finance, all the sales, and distribution of the film. Someone who is extremely experienced in putting film finance together, someone who has helped probably the project and the producer at a high level in terms of advice, introductions, and the ability to be able to make sure that all the key elements of film finance, in terms of risk management, are in place. 


It's a very important distinction between the Chinese model and the western model that an executive producer is seen as someone with considerable influence on the film rather than as a lowly position. 


It might also mean that their own company have put up money or they're running an international sales and distribution operation that is important to the success or otherwise of the film. 


To go back to the varying roles of film producer, whilst the screenwriter is at the heart of the development process, the producer should be right there next to him or her supporting and driving the process.


Producers often initiate films, raise money for rights to adapt ideas and material, hire the screenwriters and during the process, constructively analyze and develop the script drafts in partnership with the writer or writers. Producers rarely write or heavily re-write screenplays, ideas. In certain cases, editing or restructuring is one task, fully fledged writing is quite another. 


One of the key jobs of a producer is to work out how to make his or her writer write better. My analysis is that the independent film industry, especially the Western model, tends to divide producers into two vaguely defined camps: the creative producer and the financial producer. Very few practitioners are uniquely talented in both disciplines. 


Theoretically, an effective producing combination is one where two people, one creatively skilled one financially astute and capable, work together on developing and producing projects and building a sustainable company. 


Other experienced producers build a team of varying talents around them, that complements and enhance their operation. For example, the UK's extraordinarily experienced Jeremy Thomas has built a team that includes a highly capable manager and financial operator in Peter Watson, an experienced creative development executive in the late Hercules Bellville and a leading sales executive in Tim Haslam who has managed HanWay, the sales arm of Thomas’ film activities before going on to run his own company Embankment (Films). 

也有经验丰富的制片人会组建一个拥有各路人才的团队来优化运营。比如说,身经百战的英国制片人Jeremy Thomas就组建了他的团队Han Way,其中包括负责财务的Peter Watson, 负责创意开发的已故的Hercules Bellville,和顶尖电影销售Tim Haslam,后来Tim成立了自己的电影公司“Embankment”。(补充:Jeremy Jack Thomas,中国观众熟知的代表制片作品是《末代皇帝》,制片作品几乎遍布全球,与亚洲不少知名导演,创作者合作过,是真正意义上的国际制片人。)

Whilst Thomas drives the selection of ideas, projects, writers and directors, he's constantly in touch with these key executives who in turn, help shape his slate and future business. That said, Thomas tends to always develop with a director attached from the start of the development process, making the director, the central filmmaker from the start. 


As I mentioned earlier, the term executive producer is often applied to the producer who takes a specific role in co-financing a feature. However, over the past decade, the term has become much abused. Executive producer credits have been insisted upon in return for early development commitments or early attachment without active responsibility for the filmmaking process.


Credits are insisted upon for relatively small and straightforward contributions to a film's overall financial package. For example, American independent films sometimes credit more than half a dozen executive producers or even more, somehow denigrating the credit itself. Public funds and their executives can also be an issue. Heads of funds can elect to either take a credit or pass on a credit. 


Above all, lead film producers should know the details of the financial aspects of their project and not delegate ultimate financing responsibility to an executive producer.


So this brings us to the creative producer. One of the key functions of the creative producer is to develop a strong set of relationships with talent. While directors and actors are important, the writer is where the development process kicks into action.


Producers normally build up a trust and understanding over a considerable period of time with writing talent, whether it comes through story ideas, structural suggestions, or an ability to help the writers improve their work, the producer needs to have the writers’ respect and trust. 


Creative producers read, solicited, and in many cases, unsolicited scripts, treatments and story outlines. These normally come to them either through writers, writer directors, talent agents, contacts, or friends.


In addition, the producer will have his own ideas and sources. The creative producer develops relationships with publishers and attempts to see advanced book lists and upcoming proofs, and work as soon as possible. 


If they think that a book has potential for a screenplay, an option may be paid to the author of that work to protect the right to adapt it for a film, normally that option is for a specific period. After which the option lapses in the screenplay, rights revert to the author of the original work. 


Many producers take out a two to three year option on a work or option for less time but with automatic renewals. Options are normally renewed because the development process has demonstrated progress and the producer believes that the project can reach fruition.


The creative producer also develop strong relationships with writers, actors, and directors, and their agents and managers who represent such talent. After all, it is their flair and competence when dealing with an attaching talent that helps them develop successfully. This area marks out the importance of the balance between the producer, the writer and the director, if the writer is also not the director.


The skill of passing a project from a writer onto the appropriate director lies at the heart of the producer’s role. Managing creative egos and sensibilities is a highly complex task.


And the producer will often need to keep the writer and the director separate for a period of development, rather than expose the director’s view point too directly upon the writer too early. In addition, no writer wants to hear solely from the head of the development or a script editor. He or she wants to have the attention of the lead producer and direct feedback where possible. 


This brings us to the role of the financial producer. The financial producer, in my terms of reference, is the person or the executive responsible for bringing together the different elements of the film's budget.


Like the creative producer, they too are aware of the relative value of the project. That means that they need to know how much the different elements, including the book or source material, the writer, the director, the cast and the genre of appropriate are worth in the marketplace. 


The financial producer will have a strong understanding of previous performance of the aforesaid elements, and will have box office sales figures on previous films, genres, and performances around the world.


All this information and research helps the producer build a convincing pitch for the positioning of a film in the financing and distribution marketplace. It is the financial producer who should know all the different international sales companies, key distributors in different territories, private equity and banking finance sources, public subsidy funds both national and supranational, and key executives within the medium and the larger film production distribution companies around the world, they need to know how different institutions and business cultures operate. And critically, which people make decisions within them. 


This will include not just chief executives, but also assistants, script editors, development executives and marketing executives, or projects need support and champions to gather momentum. A strong producer needs to build a case for a project.


A key element of this process is testing in the marketplace. This process requires considerable contacts and ability to gauge the right time to launch a project. The objective is to determine whether the marketplace will support a project or whether a screenplay package do not actually add up. This is not to suggest the market’s determination is universally or empirically correct. 


Many world famous hit projects that went on to box office success were widely rejected at the early or package stages, including Oscar winning films, such as The King's Speech. Others that appeared to appeal can fall at the final financing stage due to inherent problems and weaknesses that only become apparent at the point that financiers and distributors are forced to become partners and make commitments in order for a film to enter production. 


Financiers and distributors ONLY READ ONCE. Sending out incomplete early drafts or projects without crucial elements such as director or key cast attached can waste executives’ time. A producer normally has one bite of the Cherry.


Waiting until the screen plays well developed with strong attachments will normally pay considerable dividends. As Nick Manzi, experienced head of acquisitions at Lionsgate points out, I won't look at a film until it's got everything. I need to make an assessment including the cast, the director and the budget. Otherwise, I am wasting everyone's time, including my own. 

等到剧本发展成熟且确定好了导演演员再去和融资者和发行商沟通一般能保证更可观的结果。就如狮门娱乐公司的项目采购总监Nick Manzi所说:“如果一个电影项目不是万事俱备,我看都不会看一眼。因为我需要对包括主演、导演及预算在内的一切进行预估。不然,我就是在浪费大家和我自己的时间。”

So to recap, the important elements around a creative producer and their role and a financial producer, is the way that they combine. I think it's really important that people share different responsibilities and bring different skills to the same project. 


This is complimentary and it means that people are working in an alignment of interest. That to me, is an essential part of being able to navigate the very complex film entertainment value chain. 


My sense is that the creative producer needs to be very, very strong on being able to read scripts, to be able to read material, and being able to talk to writers and directors in a way that brings to bear their creative management skills. It's also important that the financial producer does not stretch too far into the creative process.


In other words, separated and clear roles can help a film production move forwards much more effectively than when people are a little bit confused, and like a football team, players are out of position.


That brings us to the end of this session on creative and financial producers. 


