

按页 按页 2023-01-29

2022| PLUS ONE 线上课程

  International Film Festival and Market Circuit  



International Film Festival and Market Circuit——聚焦于国际电影节和电影市场,我们试图全面并有针对性地介绍全世界范围内比较重要的电影节和电影市场有哪些,深度解析其历史、偏好影片的风格质感和电影商务的基础知识。对于想要让自己作品在电影节有所斩获的年轻电影人,了解电影市场的交易是如何运作的尤其重要。Sydney是我在University College London(伦敦大学学院)念研究生时修【国际电影节】课程的导师,当时作为柏林电影节天才训练营的导师Sydney作为向导带领我们参观了柏林电影节的欧洲电影市场,这也启蒙了我之后数年从事国际发行的工作。


第一课 The International Film Festival and Market Circuit 国际电影节及电影市场课程介绍 (免费试听)


第二课  Overview of the International Film Circuit  国际电影节周期概览

第三课 Language of International Film Business 国际电影商务用语

第四课 Origin of Film Festivals 电影节的起源

第五课 What are Festivals for Today? 如今的电影节是什么样?

第六课 Cannes Film Festival and Market 戛纳电影节与市场

第七课 Berlinale and EFM 柏林电影节与市场

第八课 Venice Film Festival 威尼斯电影节

第九课 American Film Market (AFM) 美国电影市场

第十课 Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) 多伦多电影节

第十一课 Sundance 圣丹斯电影节

第十二课 Tribeca and SXSW 翠贝卡与西南偏南电影节

第十三课 Other Regional Film Festivals 区域性电影节

第十四课 Documentary Film Festivals 纪录片电影节

第十五课 Short Film Festivals 短片电影节

第十六课 Animation Film Festivals 动画电影节

第十七课 Genre & Niche Festival 类型片小众电影节

第十八课 Niche Festivals: Women 小众电影节之女性电影节

第十九课 Final Tips 结语




University College London



剪辑 & 校对:周佳

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The International Film Festival and Market Circuit 

  国际电影节及电影市场基础 Unit 1 


  The International Film Festival and Market Circuit 

Hi, I am Sydney Levine, and I am going to present a course called International Film Festival and Market Circuit.


The aim of this course is to give an overall and comprehensive understanding of film festivals around the world, an in-depth analysis and introduction of key festivals and their markets.


The target audience are Cinephiles, people who are interested in film festival culture and young professionals i.e. filmmakers who want to attend festival with their own works or to program other film festivals and curate films for other purposes.


What is the film value chain and why is it important?


Let me explain the film value chain in this way.


There are six links in the chain. On reaching the seventh link, you get to rest because that is the clasp that joins Link Number 1, the film, to Link Number 6, the money (or, the so-called “value”).


Link Number 1: The first link is the film itself. It cost money to make it, even if it was “just government money” and not money you had to work hard to raise yourself. Money for people working on it – actors and crew, money for writing it, money for the shooting, editing, money for the food needed to keep everyone happy, money for the marketing, money for hiring outside consultants: all these and more should be built into the budget of the film.


The value of these must be considered as a proper budget which needs to be recouped and repaid even if such recoupment and repayment is not required. Why? Because it helps make you a reputable filmmaker whose films can be commercial and can get distribution and consequently will be seen by a lot of people. There has to be a return on the investment. 


Link Number 2: The Trade. Who will see this film? What is the “best” audience to have in order to make the money back that it cost to make the film plus a profit to reinvest to make the next film?


Who is “The Trade”? The trade is industry people like international sales agents (which I also call ISA because it’s shorter) and distributors who will pay money to acquire the film to show to the paying public in their territories. Or agents who will represent the filmmaker, writer, actor etc. and take 10% of what they make. Or other producers who will coproduce the next film.


Link Number 3: The Event. Where should the film be seen first in order to get the best industry audience? A festival or a market? Which festival or market is the best one for your film? How do you get your film into the (first) festival?

第三个环节是电影放映活动。 电影应该在哪里首映才能获得最好的业内曝光?在电影节还是在电影市场?哪一个电影节或电影市场是对你的电影来说最好的选择?怎样才能让你的电影入选第一个电影节?

Link Number 4: The Deal (Your contract with the Industry). How will the professional industry represent your film to the public? What is the marketing plan? How much money will be spent marketing to be reimbursed before you get paid? How will you get reimbursed? Can you get some money in advance or as a minimum guarantee? How much can you expect?


Link Number 5: The Paying Consumer Audience. Who are the targeted viewers? What is the marketing plan to reach them? Where will they watch the film - theaters, exclusive streaming, secondary streaming platforms, non-theatrical?



Link Number 6: The Revenues. Where do the first monies come from? The international sales agent (ISA)? The Distributor? The Theatrical Audience? The Online Consumer? The Institution or Non-Theatrical Audience? The Airlines and Ships at Sea? Schools, Universities, Armed Forces Bases? Where do the final consumer dollars or yen or euros come from?


Link Number 7: The clasp that joins the film to the money. Your Revenue Share.


The money is made and needs to connect to the source. The mechanism and fulfillment for this is all in the contract made between the parties and the honesty of those involved in upholding the contractual terms. (Your original contract with the ISA or any other selling representative defines your payment schedule and your share.


How do you get your money? When do you get your money? How much of the money should you, the filmmaker, make back? What’s the deal?


That is why every filmmaker needs an attorney with lots of experience in making movie deals from the first to the last agreement the filmmaker makes.


Now if you are a cinephile, watching the revenues, the box office, the streaming platforms is something like watching a horse race. Does your bet on how much the film will gross match the reality?


If it doesn’t match, you need to recalibrate so that you will come to understand the nature of filmmaking and film business.


