
亚洲评论 | 许江:语殊情同 音静意浓

亚洲艺术中心 亚洲艺术中心 2023-06-06

展名 / Title: 静音——陈焰 · 郭健濂作品展

Tranquility: Artworks by Chen Yan & Guo Jianlian

艺术家 / Artists: 陈焰 Chen Yan、郭健濂 Guo Jianlian

展期 / Duration: 2021.11.6 (Sat) - 2022.1.30 (Sun)


地点 / Venue: 亚洲艺术中心(北京)

Asia Art Center (Beijing)


Dashanzi 798 Art District, No.2, Jiuxianqiao Rd., Chaoyang District, Beijing


语殊情同  音静意浓






▲ 陈焰 Chen Yan
    山高水远之一 High Mountain and Distant Water No.1
    Silver Gelatin Engraving, Lightbox Installation



 ▲ 陈焰 Chen Yan
     冷泉溪 The Cold Spring
     Silver Gelatin Engraving, Lightbox Installation


▲ 陈焰 Chen Yan
    苏轼的一天之四至之六 One Day of Su Shi No.4-6
    Silver Gelatin Engraving, Lightbox Installation

▲ 陈焰 Chen Yan
    七天 Seven Days 
    Silver Gelatin Engraving

 ▲ 郭健濂 Guo Jianlian
     夜窗之筵席 Window of the Night - Feast
     布面油画 Oil on Canvas

  ▲ 郭健濂 Guo Jianlian
      被隔除的园林之六 The Gapped Classical Gardens No.6 
      布面油画 Oil on Canvas


 ▲ 郭健濂 Guo Jianlian
     零时空间之幽光 Midnight Space - Dim Light
     布面油画 Oil on Canvas

  ▲ 郭健濂 Guo Jianlian
      松石间意 Songshi Jianyi
      布面油画 Oil on Canvas



2021 年 10 月 20 日

Co-occurrence of the Artistic Conception of Tranquility

Xu Jiang
(Vice Precident of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, 
Director of Academic Committee of China Academy of Art)

Tranquility seems as a common phenomenon in life. "Yin" comes from "yan", from adding a little bit to the mouth of "yan" to make it sound. Just through this point, the sound of all things in the world will be contained in it. "Yan" is the sound, and the sound is written as the "yin". Gong, shang, jue, zhi, yu are five ancient pitches in China. Therefore, the sound is controllable and manageable. Tranquility let the sound calm down, facilitating the experience of the sound and scene behind the music.

The mute of the mobile phone era is a daily messy phenomenon. The ringtone is too annoying, thus, it is turned off for meetings and guests. Nevertheless, when browsing on Baidu website search, the first "tranquility" turned up is a character in the Japanese manga "Naruto". That is, a young female doctor who speaks a little but calmly, banned in such a narrow world, which is obviously not suitable for the meaning of silence. 

This exhibition entitled "Tranquility", requires a quiet atmosphere for visitors to read paintings, obviously it is difficult to feel the paintings with noises. More significantly, the paintings of the two painters have an intention to immerse themselves into mountains and forests. The mountain is silent, and the wind screams; the forest is silent, the wind screams. Many painters came to watch mountains and forests and live in the scenery, mimicking this kind of attractive scenery. There are winds and scenes in the paintings, songs and crying, but the magnificence of mountains and forests are conveyed in silence, and the emotions are agitated. Although it is silent, the sound of the soul is hidden in it. This is exactly where the name "tranquility" comes from.

 ▲ 陈焰 Chen Yan
     小有天园 Xiaoyoutian Garden 
     Silver Gelatin Engraving, Lightbox Installation

Chen Yan's paintings include the "Compose for Fei Lai" series, which is said to be sketched on the spot on the Fei Lai Peak in front of Lingyin Temple. These paintings were created completely on the surface of black silver gelatin. Chen Yan held the iron nail and iron bar, facing the ancient wooden horns on the peak, marking it on the vinyl surface. Fei Lai Peak is densely covered with ancient trees and lava coils facing the ancient temple. Flying around the rugged elbows, Chen uses thread to write down the life of trees and rocks. The tree and stone are silent, but they are affectionate, which is not easy to catch by a simple thread. The silver gelatin surface is not only slippery, but also reflective. Chen Yan's painting traces are like felling, using the subconsciousness of the thread to densely compose the feeling. In the mountains and forests, she has drawn hundreds of sketches on paper. On the surface of the black rubber, she found a kind of crisp and bright pleasure, a feeling that was unexpected but suddenly. Sometimes she really has no idea what she had painted, and after a swift stroke through the light, she feels a vivid sense of pleasure. In all such crazy operations, her whole person fell into a silent walker, forgetting everything.

▲ 陈焰 Chen Yan
    秋分青林 Qinglin Cave in Autumn Equinox
    宣纸墨汁 Ink on Xuan Paper

 ▲ 陈焰 Chen Yan
     飞来小隐 Solitude in Fei Lai
     Silver Gelatin Engraving, Lightbox Installation

The group painting "One Day of Su Shi" is Chen Yan's most diligent vinyl work. In the 4th year of Xining in Song Dynasty, a generation of writer Su Shi was released to Hangzhou, where he traveled all over the West Lake. Chen Yan imagined that Su Shi once trekked from the southern foot to Xiling Snow Mountain, traversed the West Lake, and surveyed the lakes and mountains. She not only sketched the situation of the mountain ridge with lines, but also rubbed the texture of the wood and stone directly on the rocky cliffs and flipped horns in the mountains. The natural texture itself is superimposed with the situation of the mountain, which expresses Su Shi's super open-mindedness with the joy of landscape. A day in the mountains seems to be thousands of years in the world. With her eyes and hands, Chen Yan showed not only the real scenes of lakes and mountains, but also the coziness arising from the real scenes. Facing the light, what is presented here is a muddy scene, the moment when everything condenses before the vinyl is developed. At that moment through pictures, you see the romantic mountains, forests, as well as the mysterious concealment of the peaks. Those lines and shapes seem to be moving and walking. There was a loud sound, and the other peaks groaned. "Seven Days" is a group of works during the epidemic, and the poverty at home brings endless yearning. Seven days is the period of man’s fate. The frayed thread, like a struggle, is also like a starlight, guiding the exploration of traveling and illuminating the endless yearning of life.

▲ 陈焰 Chen Yan
    七天之六 Seven Days No.6
    Silver Gelatin Engraving

Guo Jianlian paints with thick warm colors. He uses combs to paint jacaranda windows. Due to the texture of combs, his windows always feel like a wind curtain. It seems to be separated by a wind curtain, absorbing the indoor and outdoor scenery. Across the ripples of the bamboo curtain, the scenery is even more fascinating, making the general scenery a window view, and making the ordinary scenery full of mottled night. "Stacked Window", "Window of the Night", and "Window to Window", what they are facing is the world in the window. The lights are shining, the shadow of the rainbow is faint, the bamboo curtains are half-dangling, and the transparency of the rolled up is endlessly lingering. Across the shallow wind curtain, the night is maturing. Memories and the present, parting and reunion, everything seems to be happening. Afterwards, when the wind blows, everything will be taken away. This curtain of wind does have a kind of dream, vague, melancholic, tearful thoughts, and tender heart. Jianlian's dreams just like a pot of old wine, dyeing ordinary homes red, and dyeing the night in the window drunk. Guo Jianlian has been writing dreams for more than ten years, with a curtain of wind and moon. No matter the night window or the folded window, he let his painted window become a wind window, and pour out his thoughts.

 ▲ 郭健濂 Guo Jianlian
     被隔除的园林之五 The Gapped Classical Gardens No.5
     布面油画 Oil on Canvas

  ▲ 郭健濂 Guo Jianlian
      夜窗之浮事 Window of the Night - Floating
      布面油画 Oil on Canvas

I write about Chen Yan and Jianlian's works like this, which seems very emotional. Because reading their works is like reading poems, there is a feeling of being totally immersed in tranquility, searching silently on the mountain road and in front of the window. Although the sound of hitting my eardrums was going away, the sound of beating my heart sounded again and again. Chen Yan used pure black and white bright lines to write down her feelings of "traveling". Jianlian uses the rich and dense colors to render the comfort of "living place". They used very different ways to outline the realm of Chinese "dwelling" and "travel". As Wang Wei said: “The water flows over the rocks and makes noise, quietly melting the green shadow of the pine forest.” He also said, “People speak the dialect of a foreign country could regard the sound of golden oriole as the voice of the hometown.” The two artists uses unique artistic way of the times, with various rhymes of mountain and river of the times.


 ▲ 郭健濂 Guo Jianlian
     The Gapped Classical Gardens - Eye of the Moth
     布面油画 Oil on Canvas

  ▲ 郭健濂 Guo Jianlian
      夜窗之邀月 Window of the Night - Inviting the Moon
      布面油画 Oil on Canvas

I wish the exhibition a success, let the tranquility of the dense forest and the wind curtain, touch the far-sighted and rippling hearts of the viewers.

Xu Jiang 
October 20, 2021



About Artists


重要展览:“静音——陈焰 · 郭健濂作品展”(亚洲艺术中心,北京,2021),“杭州模式——山水城市综合绘画展”(良渚文化艺术中心,杭州,2021),“湖 · 山——综合绘画创作研究展”(三尚当代艺术馆,杭州,2020),“第十三届全国美术作品展暨第三届中国美术奖作品进京作品展”(中国美术馆,北京,2019),“世界的面包艺术展”(马泰拉石窟展览中心,马泰拉,意大利,2019),“Paper Exchange——纸张交换”(卡迪夫湾艺术中心,威尔士,英国,2019),“2019上海城市空间艺术季:丝路上的中国当代艺术展”(上海虹庙艺术中心,上海,2019),“形象的链接——中国美术学院油画双年展”(上海油画雕塑院美术馆,上海,2018),“素描即意图——具象表现绘画素描展”(中国美术学院美术馆,杭州,2017),“非常西湖——2016/2017影像西湖艺术现场”(中国美术学院美术馆,杭州,2017),“在意——第三届中国油画双年展”(中国美术馆,北京,2016),“伦敦——中国当代纸本绘画展”(Waterfront画廊,伦敦,英国,2016),“碎现实——2016OCAT西安馆冬季展” (OCAT西安馆,西安,2016),“纸 · 上——2016当代艺术邀请展”(关山月美术馆,深圳,2016),“最绘画——第二届中国青年油画作品展” (中国美术馆,北京,2015),“首届中国综合材料绘画双年展”(宁波美术馆,宁波,2015),“可见之诗——中国油画风景作品展”(鲁台艺术中心,潍坊,2014),“此在的绘画——中国具象表现绘画二十年展”(中华艺术宫,上海,2014),“我们在绘画中——中国油画国美之路展”(中国美术学院美术馆,杭州,2014),“视象的凝聚——法国·中国具象表现绘画特展”(上海美术馆,上海,2012),“Made in China: Ming to Mass Market”(旧金山大学美术馆,旧金山,美国,2012), “五谷杂粮——中国当代实验艺术展”(中国美术学院美术馆,杭州,2008),“日本埼玉国际当代艺术邀请展” (埼玉县现代美术馆,埼玉,日本,2008),“艳色记录——当代女性艺术家邀请展”(关山月美术馆,深圳,2007),“重庆立场——中国当代艺术大展”(中国三峡博物馆,重庆,2007),“形形色色——浙江青年油画家提名展”(浙江展览馆,杭州,2006), “浙江省第十一届美术作品展“(浙江展览馆,杭州,2004),“北京青年油画艺术人才大选作品展”(俄罗斯艺苑,北京,2000),”中国女美术家作品展”(中国美术馆,北京,1995),“第二届中国油画展”(中国美术馆,北京,1994),“第八届全国美术作品展”(中国美术馆,北京,1994),“中国油画双年展”(中国美术馆,北京,1993),“第三届中国体育美展”(中国美术馆,北京,1993),“当代青年美术家百人邀请展”(中国美术馆,北京,1993) 


Chen Yan was born in 1970, Hangzhou. Chen was graduated from the Affiliated High School to China Academy of Art in 1989, she later graduated from China Academy of Art, Department of Oil Painting. Chen proceeded to obtain a Master’s degree in 2002 and a PhD in 2009. During her study, she was awarded gold metal in the Chinese Youth Oil Painting Artists Award. With government sponsorship from 2000 to 2001, she was enrolled in Saint-Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I.E Repin, Russia. In 2012, she was a visiting scholar at the California Insititute of Arts, U.S.A.. Chen Yan is now Professor, Master's Supervisor and Chief of the Department of Comprehensive Painting in China Academy of Art. She currently works and lives in Hangzhou. Significant Exhibitions: “Tranquility: Artworks by Chen Yan & Guo Jianlian” (Asia Art Center, Beijing, 2021), “Hangzhou Mode - City of Lakes & Mountains: Comprehensive Painting Exhibition” (Liangzhu Culture and Atrs Center, Hangzhou, 2021), “Lakes & Mountains: An Exhibition of Comprehensive Painting” (The Contemporary Art Gallery of Sanshang, Hangzhou, 2020), “The 13th National Exhibition of Fine Arts & Exhibition of Nominated Works for Chinese Fine Art Awards, Creative Artworks” (National Art Museum of China, Beijing, 2019), “Paper Exchange” (Bay Art Gallery, Cardiff, UK, 2019), “Bread of the World Art Exhibition” (Dali Matera - La persistenza degliopposti, Italy, 2019), “Shanghai Urban Space Art Season - Chinese Contemporary Art on the Silk Road” (Shanghai Hong Miao Art Center, Shanghai, 2019), “Connection of Images - Biennale of Oil Paintings at China Academy of Art” (SPSI Art Museum, Shanghai, 2018), “The Unusual West Lake - The 1st Art Scene of West Lake Photo Exhibition” (China Academy of Art Art Museum, Hangzhou, 2017), “Sketching is Intention - Figurative Expressionism Sketching Exhibition” (China Academy of Art Art Museum, Hangzhou, 2017), “Significant Presence - The 3rd Chinese Oil Painting Biennale” (National Art Museum of China, Beijing, 2016), “On The Paper - 2016 Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition” (Guanshanyue Art Museum, Shenzhen, 2016), “Puzzles - 2016 OCAT Xi’an Winter Exhibition” (OCAT Xi’an, Xi’an, 2016), “London - Chinese Contemporary Paper-based Art Exhibition” (The Waterfront Gallery, London, UK, 2016), “Artist - The 2nd Chinese Youth Oil Painting Exhibition” (National Art Museum of China, Beijing, 2015), “The 1st China Comprehensive Material Painting Biennale” (Art Museum of Ningbo, Ningbo, 2015), “Living Though Painting” (China Academy of Art Art Museum, Hangzhou, 2014), “Imagery in Poetry - Chinese Landscape Oil Paintings Exhibition” (Art Center of Lutai, Weifang, 2014), “Painting of Being-there: 20 Years of Figurative Expressionist Painting in China” (China Art Museum, Shanghai, 2014), “Made in China, Ming to Mass Market” (Art Gallery of University of San Francisco, U.S.A., 2012), ”The Forging of Visions - French/Chinese Figurative Expressing Painting Exhibition” (Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, 2012), “Contemporary Experimental Art of China” (China Academy of Art Art Museum, Hangzhou, 2008), “2008 CAF Exhibition” (Museum of Modern Art, Saitama, Japan, 2008), “Bright Color Recording - Invited Exhibition of Contemporary Female Artists” (Guanshanyue Art Museum, Shenzhen, 2007), “Chongqing Standpoint - The Contemporary Art Exhibition of China” (China Three Gorge Art Museum, Chongqing, 2007), “Forms & Colors - Zhejiang Young Oil Painters Nominating Exhibition” (Zhejiang Exhibition Hall, Hangzhou, 2006), “The 11th Zhejiang Province Art Exhibition” (Zhejiang Exhibition Hall, Hangzhou, 2004), “China Oil-Painter Contest of Youth” (Russian Cultural Center, Beijing, 2000), “Excellent Works Prize of the China Female Artists Exhibition of the 4th World Women Conference” (National Art Museum of China, Beijing, 1995), “The 2nd Oil Painting Exhibition of China” (National Art Museum of China, Beijing, 1994), “Zhejiang Art Exhibition of the 8th National Art Exhibition” (National Art Museum of China, Beijing, 1994), “China First Biannual Exhibition of Art” (National Art Museum of China, Beijing, 1993), “The 3rd Sport-in-Art Exhibition of Zhejiang” (National Art Museum of China, Beijing, 1993), “Hundred Contemporary Young Artists Invitation Exhibition” (National Art Museum of China, Beijing)
Awards:Outstanding Work Award of the 6th Zhejiang Youth Art Exhibition, 2015Award Nominations for the 12th National Art Exhibition, 2014Excellence Award of the 5th Zhejiang Youth Art Exhibition, 2011 Excellent Works Prize at the Zhejiang Youth Art Exhibition, 2006Gold Prize at the China Oil-Painter Contest of Youth, 2000 Excellent Works Prize of the China Female Artists Exhibition of the 4th World Women Conference, 1995Excellence Award of the 9th Zhejiang Province Art Exhibition, 1994The 3rd Prize of Sport-in-Art Exhibition of Zhejiang, 1993 

郭健濂,1977 年生于福建莆田,毕业于中国美术学院油画系。2000 年获学士学位,2003 年获硕士学位,2008 年获博士学位。现为中国美术学院油画系副教授、硕士研究生导师,美术学博士。中国美术学院油画系第四工作室主任。现工作、生活于杭州。


重要群展“静音——陈焰 · 郭健濂作品展”(亚洲艺术中心,北京,2021),“中国美术馆学术邀请系列展:江南有约——中国美术学院油画11人展”(中国美术馆,北京,2021),“新西湖——多维表现绘画艺术展”(震旦博物馆,上海,2020),“一带一路——国际美术工程作品展”(中国美术馆,北京,2020),“‘西湖:突破常规’——新西湖&新莱比锡绘画”(EIGEN+ART 画廊,柏林,德国,2019),“2019 上海城市空间艺术季:丝路上的中国当代艺术展”(上海虹庙艺术中心,上海,2019),“第十二届中国艺术节全国优秀美术作品展”(中华艺术宫,上海,2019),“精神 · 图式——首届中国写意油画双年展”(吉林艺术学院美术馆,长春,2019),“最绘画——第三届中国青年油画作品展”(内蒙古美术馆,呼和浩特,2018),“中国精神——第四届中国油画进京展”(中国美术馆,北京,2018),“写意中国——古代文明与当代社会:中国国家画院油画院专题研究展”(中国美术馆,北京,2018),“江南如画——中国油画作品展”(苏州美术馆,苏州,2017),“素描即意图——具象表现绘画素描展”(中国美术学院美术馆,杭州,2017),“另一种视野——绘画语言研究展”(北京时代美术馆,北京,2016),“中华史诗美术大展”(中国国家博物馆,北京,2016),“可见之诗——第二届中国油画风景作品展”(十笏园美术馆,潍坊,2016),“中国精神——第四届中国油画展:心象——当代中国油画的表现性研究展”(中国油画院美术馆,北京,2015),“最绘画——第二届中国青年油画作品展”(中国美术馆,北京,2015), “同行——2014 美术馆联合大展:此在的绘画——中国具象表现绘画二十年”(中华艺术宫,上海,2014),“我们在绘画中——中国油画国美之路”(中国美术学院美术馆,杭州,2014),“第十二届全国美术作品展览油画作品展”(浙江美术馆,杭州,2014),“悦色青黄——快速转换中的人性:中国当代百位优秀中青年艺术家赴欧美艺术联展”(摩尔美术馆,伦敦,英国;矶帕萨迪纳展览馆,洛杉矶,美国,2013),“视象的凝聚——法国·中国具象表现绘画特展”(上海美术馆,上海,2012),“视觉之象——艺术现象学研究展”(中国美术学院美术馆,杭州,2011),“人文江南——吾土吾民油画邀请展”(浙江美术馆,杭州,2011),“中国油画名家研究展”(岭南美术馆,东莞,2011),“形形色色——浙江省青年油画家提名展”(浙江展览馆,杭州,2006),“重叠——浙沪当代绘画艺术展”(浙江展览馆,杭州,2005),“维诗凯亚之春——当代中法艺术沙龙” (上海维诗凯亚,上海,2005),“‘218’第一回当代绘画艺术展”(杭州红星文化大厦,杭州,2004),“‘视觉的方向’邀请展”(杭州印象画廊,杭州,2002)

获奖: “最绘画——第二届中国青年油画作品展获佳作奖,2015”、“浙江省第六届青年美术作品展获优秀奖,2015”、“同心塑美——浙江省第十三届美术作品展览获优秀奖,2014”、“浙江省群星奖——浙江省青年油画家提名展获学术奖,2006”


Guo Jianlian, was born in Putian, Fujian Province, China. Guo graduated from Oil Painting Department, China Academy of Art (CAA) with Bachelor's Degree in 2000, Master's Degree in 2003, and Doctor's Degree in 2008. He is currently a Vice Professor and mentor for post graduates of CAA. He currently works and lives in Hangzhou. Significant Solo Exhibitions: “Inside & Outside - Guo Jianlian's Solo Exhibition” (Guangda Art Museum, Hangzhou, 2018), “Net·Scene - Guo Jianlian's Solo Exhibition” (The 2nd Art Expo, Hangzhou, 2009) Significant Group Exhibitions: “Tranquilty: Artworks by Chen Yan & Guo Jianlian” (Asia Art Center, Beijing, 2021), “National Art Museum of China Academic Invitation Series Exhibition: Have an Appointment - Oil Painting Exhibition of 11 Artists of China Academy of Art” (National Art Museum of China, Beijing, 2021), “New West Lake” (Aurora Museum, Shanghai, 2020), “The Belt and Road: International Art Project Exhibition” (National Art Museum of China, Beijing, 2020), “Westlake” (Galerie EIGEN+ART, Berlin, Germany, 2019), “Shanghai Urban Space Art Season - Chinese Contemporary Art on the Silk Road” (Shanghai Hong Miao Art Center, Shanghai, 2019), “The 12th China Art Festival National Outstanding Artworks Exhibition” (China Art Museum, Shanghai, 2019), “Spirit & Schema - The 1st Chinese Freehand Brushwork Oil Painting Biennale” (Jilin University of Arts Art Museum, Changchun, 2019), “The Upmost Paintings - The 3rd Chinese Youth Oil Paintings Exhibition” (Inner Mongolia Art Museum, Huhhot, 2018), "Chinese Spirits - The 4th Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition in Beijing” (National Art Museum of China, Beijing, 2018), “Chinese Freehand Style: Ancient Civilization and Contemporary Society” (National Art Museum of China, Beijing, 2018), “Southern Yangtse - 2017 China Oil Painting Exhibition” (Suzhou Art Museum, Suzhou, 2017), “Sketches is the Intentions - Figurative Paintings and Sketches Exhibition” (China Academy of Art Art Museum, Hangzhou, 2017), “Another Vision - Research Exhibition on the Visual Language” (Times Art Museum, Beijing, 2016), “The Visible Poetry - The 2nd Chinese Landscape Oil Paintings Exhibition” (Ten Shaku Art Museum, Weifang, 2016), “Chinese Civilization History Theme Art Project” (National Museum of China, Beijing, 2016), “Chinese Spirits - The 4th Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition: Image in Heart - Contemporary Expressing Study Exhibition for Chinese Oil Paintings” (Museum of Chinese Oil Painting Institute, Beijing, 2015), “The Upmost Paintings: The 2nd Chinese Youth Oil Paintings Exhibition” (National Art Museum of China, Beijing, 2015), “Painting of Being-there: 20 Years of Figurative Expressionist Painting in China” (China Art Museum, Shanghai, 2014), “Living Through Painting” (China Academy of Art Art Museum, Hangzhou, 2014), “The 12th National Fine Art Exhibition, the Oil Painting Exhibition” (Zhejiang Art Museum, Hangzhou, 2014), “Blue & Yellow - Swift Transitions of Self: A Joint Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Art by close to One-hundred Emerging Chinese Artists Showing in London and New York” (Mall Galleries, London, UK; Los Angeles Pasadena Visitors Center, Los Angeles, U.S.A., 2013), “The Forging of Visions - French/Chinese Figurative Expressing Painting Exhibition” (Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, 2012), “Images to Configurations” (China Academy of Art Art Museum, Hangzhou, 2011), “Migrating Modern - Oil Painting in the Literati Tradition” (Zhejiang Art Museum, Hangzhou, 2011), “Study Exhibition for Chinese Famous Painters” (Lingnan Fine Arts Museum, Dongguan, 2011), “Forms & Colors - Zhejiang Young Oil Painters Nominating Exhibition” (Zhejiang Exhibition Hall, Hangzhou, 2006), “Overlapping - Contemporary Painting Exhibition of Zhejiang & Shanghai” (Zhejiang Exhibition Hall, Hangzhou, 2005), “The Spring of Viscaille - Contemporary Sino-France Art Salon” (Shanghai Viscaille, Shanghai, 2005), “218: The 1st Contemporary Painting Exhibition” (Hangzhou Hongxing Culture Building, Hangzhou, 2004), “Visual Direction Invitational Exhibition” (Hangzhou Image Gallery, Hangzhou, 2002) Awards:The Upmost Paintings, The 2nd Chinese Youth Oil Paintings Exhibition, The Grand Prize, 2015The 6th Youth Fine Art Exhibition, Zhejiang Province, Excellent Prize, 2015Hearts to Shape the Beauty: The 13th Fine Art Exhibition of Zhejiang Province, Excellent Prize, 2014The Star Prize of Zhejiang Province: The Young Artists of Oil Paintings Nominating Exhibition, Academic Prize, 2006

编辑 / Editor: 陈婉婷 Sherry Chen



* 亚洲展讯 | 静音——陈焰 · 郭健濂作品展




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