
The Master’s Message: Be You. Be More.

W​CIS WellingtonCollegeSH 2023-10-19

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Brendon Fulton


After a restful and rewarding summer holiday, it is my pleasure to welcome you all to the 2023-24 academic year at Wellington College International Shanghai!

Welcome to the new Academic 
Year 2023-2024! 

At Wellington, our purpose, the foundation for everything we say and do, is to pioneer education to serve and help shape a better world. We are learners driven by a passion for knowledge and an intrinsic motivation to challenge ourselves. Our state-of-the-art science labs, our library stocked with over 40,000 titles, our design technology studios, our music practice spaces, our professional-grade theatre and a broad range of sports facilities are all here to ignite a spark of curiosity in every pupil. Through our comprehensive offering of co-curricular activities (CCAs), our pupils have endless opportunities for enrichment as they explore new passions and cultivate new skills. And, of course, through it all, they receive guidance and mentorship from our team of talented, passionate and committed educators.

Our metric for success, however, is different from most schools. We value high marks and admissions to great universities, of course. But these outcomes paint only part of the picture. Guided by the Wellington value of courage, we develop the confidence to step out of our comfort zones. Whether it is sports, academics or the arts, we learn to challenge ourselves and redefine what is possible. At the same time, we recognise that being well leads to doing well, which ultimately leads to doing good. So, we empower our pupils with self-awareness, teaching them the importance of empathy and the Wellington value of kindness — towards others and themselves.

As such, we are connectors. We strive to foster a culture of tolerance and openness, working to bridge cultural divides and bring the world closer together. We celebrate what makes us different and cherish what we have in common. To get a sense of what I mean, I invite you to our International Food Festival later this year, when pupils, parents and teachers representing over 40 nations and territories from around the globe share their cuisines anc cultures with one another!

Our values of integrity and respect compel us to be trusted partners. We believe in mutual respect, learning from each other and listening to every voice. We, therefore, strive to create a caring and supportive environment where everyone — pupils, parents, teachers — can thrive. This unity empowers us to grow together as a family, as a community.

And as a community, we are changemakers and so much better equipped to make things happen. Guided by the Wellington value of responsibility, we are fully engaged in the wider community and committed to making a positive contribution. This is as true for our pupils doing their CAS projects and house charity initiatives as it is for our parent-teacher organisation, the Friends of Wellington (FOW), who raise money for a wealth of worthwhile causes throughout the year.

So, with this in mind, I invite all of you to Be You and to Be More this year. Embrace your unique qualities, your talents, your aspirations and contribute to our collective strength. In doing so, you are not only enriching your own learning journey but also the Wellington Community as a whole.

Here’s to an exciting academic year, filled with learning and growth.

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