
2017《时代》最具影响力100人 | 第二波

2017-05-02 LearnAndRecord


2016年度 | 屠呦呦 | 王健林 | 郭培

2016年度 | 小李子 | 金正恩

2017年度 | 范冰冰 | 珍妮特·耶伦 | 特蕾莎·梅


Jean Liu

By Tim Cook

Jean Liu is a disrupter, and not only through her ambitious effort to change the way people in China commute, travel and connect with one another. With Didi Chuxing, the ride-sharing, taxi-hailing startup she leads alongside Cheng Wei—its name means “Beep Beep Mobility” in Chinese—Jean has built a transportation platform that offers convenience and flexibility to tens of millions of commuters.

She and her team are succeeding with innovative, big-data algorithms that aim both to improve the efficiency of Didi's service and to ease the congestion on roadways. By analyzing commuter patterns the way oceanographers track the tides, Didi may help traffic jams go the way of [1] the flip phone.

In over 400 cities across China, Jean has also built a company that is dedicated to serving the community around it. Guiding Didi to this higher purpose, and giving back to the places where it does business, she shares my belief that companies can and should measure themselves by more than just the bottom line.


LeBron James

By Rita Dove

When LeBron James, my hometown of Akron's most famous son, takes flight to dunk [1], even I, a poet usually averse to [2] battered clichés [3], am tempted to [4] call it poetry in motion—if we agree that poetry can be stormy as well as smooth, thrillingly true yet downright mean as it lures you one way, pivots [5] and drives its point home.


Who could have imagined that a basketball boy wonder, a prodigy [6] from the projects, would bridge class and racial divides to evolve into King James of the International Courts?


By making good on his pledge [7] to bring a championship to the Clevel and Cavaliers and by investing in the promise of future generations through his foundation, LeBron James has not only bolstered the self-esteem of his native Ohio but also become an inspiration for all Americans—proof that talent combined with passion, tenacity and decency can reinvent the possible. Poetry in motion, indeed.


[2]averse(adj.): strongly disliking or opposed to 反对的;嫌恶的;不愿意的 

Few people are averse to the idea of a free holiday. 


I'm not averse to (= I like) the occasional glass of champagne myself. 





1)a fixed point supporting something that turns or balances 枢轴;支点  

2)the central or most important person or thing in a situation 关键人物;枢纽 

The former guerrilla leader has become the pivot on which the country's emerging political stability turns/revolves (= it depends on him). 




Kim Jong Un

By Christopher Hill

President Donald Trump has his share of challenges—none so dangerous as North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's unrelenting and accelerating nuclear ambitions, which included two nuclear tests in 2016 and numerous missile launches, with more expected this year.

After five years in power, there are no signs that the mercurial [1] and corpulent [2] Kim is mellowing [3]. Since perp-walking [4]his uncle out of a party meeting and having him shot soon after, Kim has been on a murder spree [5], executing more than 300 people, often in public with firing squads. He is widely believed to have ordered the recent murder of his half brother Kim Jong Nam with a VX nerve agent in the Kuala Lumpur airport. One of the two female assassins, perhaps reflecting Kim’s reported sense of humor, wore a T-shirt emblazoned [6] with the text lingo LOL.

Initial hopes that the Swiss-educated, third-generation dictator would be a reformer and accede to international demands to abandon his nuclear program have long died along with his victims. There are no good options for stopping Kim, but cooperating with China and reinforcing alliances with Japan and South Korea is a start.


1)changing suddenly and often 多变的,反复无常的 

a mercurial temperament 多变的性格 

She was entertaining but unpredictable, with mercurial mood swings. 


2)intelligent, enthusiastic, and quick 雄辩机智的 

a mercurial mind/wit 活跃的思维/机敏的才智



1)to become softer and more developed in a pleasing way 变柔和;成熟 

The brickwork will mellow over the years so that it blends with the surroundings. 


2)to become more relaxed (使)放松 

She used to be very impatient, but she's mellowed over time. 


The years have mellowed her. 岁月使她变得成熟稳健。

[4]perp-walk: 罪犯“游街示众”;安排最近抓捕的罪犯在公共场合露面以方便媒体拍照报道等

[5]spree: a short period of doing a particular, usually enjoyable, activity much more than is usual (常指过分的)玩乐;短暂的放纵 

I went on a drinking/shopping/spending spree on Saturday. 


20 people were shot dead in the city, making it the worst killing spree since the riots. 


[6]emblazon: to print or decorate something in a very noticeable way (醒目地)印制,装饰;炫示 

Her name was emblazoned across the front of the theatre. 


cars emblazoned with the company logo 







