

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

一年一度的世界互联网大会于近日在乌镇举行,苹果公司CEO蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)在中国举办的世界互联网大会上首次亮相,并发表了主题演讲。库克表示,我并不担心人工智能,我更担心人像机器一样思考。

Tim Cook's remarks at the 4th World Internet Conference



Tim Cook delivered the following remarks on Sunday at the 4th World Internet Conference in Wuzhen, China:

The theme of this conference, “Developing a Digital Economy for Openness and Shared Benefits,” is a vision we at Apple share.


We are proud to have worked alongside many of our partners in China to help build a community that will now join a common future in cyberspace.


Our journey in China began with just a few employees three decades ago. Today, we support over 5 million jobs here, including 1.8 million developers offering their mobile applications to our users around the world through the App Store. These Chinese developers have already earned more than ¥112 billion — more than any other country in the world.

我们在中国的旅程始于30年前,今天我们在中国创造500万个岗位,其中180万为app store向全球销售app的中国开发者,总营收为1120亿元人民币(合1693亿美元)。

We are proud to have helped many of these innovators become entrepreneurs by giving them tools and training, and enabling them to flourish by connecting them to hundreds of millions of consumers across the globe.


We believe technology can be the greatest force the world has ever known for creating opportunity and lifting people out of poverty. But technology itself doesn't want to be good. It doesn't want to be anything. It's up to us — all of us — to insure that technology is infused with humanity. This is a responsibility we take seriously at Apple.


For technology's promise to be realized, the benefits must be widely shared.


That's why we work so hard to remove barriers to entry in the app economy. We've made our coding language, Swift, accessible and open to all — allowing a new generation of developers, large and small, from China and abroad, to pursue their dreams.


We're also operating our company on 100% renewable energy in China, and driving our partners to do the same, because we know that climate change will hurt everyone. And it will be harshest for those who have less.


Never before has the future held so much possibility. Technologies like augmented reality (AR) and machine learning can change our world for the better — if they are infused with humanity.

We believe AR will amplify human performance and deliver breakthroughs that reshape our lives — in education, in healthcare and accessibility, and countless other areas. That's why we created the world's largest augmented reality platform this year. We are enabling developers everywhere to create AR experiences that benefit mankind.

And with the release of Core ML, we've made new skills accessible so that developers can take part in the promise of machine learning.

Much has been said about the potential downsides of artificial intelligence. But I don't worry about machines thinking like people. I worry about people thinking like machines.


We all have to work to infuse* technology with humanity. With our values — 
Our commitment to family, to community, to each other. 


*infuseto fill someone or something with an emotion or quality 使(某人)充满(某种感情);将(某特性)注入(某物)

The pulling down of the Berlin Wall infused the world with optimism.


Openness. Trust. Creativity. 
As well as safeguards to keep everyone protected: 
Privacy. Security. Decency.

I believe in our capacity to make this world work for everyone — not because of technology itself, but because of the ways we choose to use it.

I look forward to working with our friends and partners in China to make sure that those choices ensure a better future for all of humanity.


苹果CEO库克:学编程比学英语更重要 能影响全球70亿人







