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LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Los Angeles Lakers officially retire Kobe Bryant's No. 8 and 24 jerseys


"Thank you so much for tonight. But it's not about my jerseys that are hanging up there for me,"

"It's about the jerseys that were hanging up there before. Without them, I couldn't be here today. They inspired me to play the game at a higher level.



"It's also about the fans. ... I don't think you guys understand how present you guys were with me. You guys were there at 5:30 in the morning when I was running the track and I was midway through my workout. I didn't know if I could make it through, and I thought about the expectations you guys had for me, you had for our team. And it pushed me through."


The Los Angeles Lakers retired Kobe Bryant's No. 8 and No. 24 jerseys on December 18 at the Staples Center in LA during the half-time break of the game against the Golden State Warriors[金州勇士队].

"We are to celebrate the greatest who's ever worn the purple and gold. He gave us five NBA championships. You (Kobe) are able to bring us all together as a city of Los Angeles for 20 years," said Erving "Magic" Johnson at the retiring ceremony.

"I thank you for staying loyal to the purple and gold for twenty years, remaining a Laker for life when it might have been easier for you to leave," said Jeanie Buss, President of the Los Angeles Lakers.

"Hopefully what you will get from tonight, is to understand that those times when you get up early and you work hard, those times when you stay up late and you work hard, those times when you don't feel like working, you are too tired, you don't want to push yourself but you do it anyway, that is actually the dream. It's not the destination," said Kobe after the No. 8 and No. 24 Jerseys appeared high at the southeast of the Staples Center.

Having played for 20 years for the Los Angeles Lakers alone in the NBA, Kobe has built different contacts both in the league and in the rest of the world. Tencent Sports has interviewed some of those contacts:

"I think we all should appreciate what Kobe Bryant gave to this game (basketball). We're talking about 20 years of sacrificing and dedicating to becoming a great player, not cheating us as fans, as players. He gave 100 percent every night. As a former player and competitor, I appreciated that and I think you all should appreciate that. The guy is incredible. I go back and look at my videos and see some of the things that I have done in my career, and I was like, how can he get so much better than me," said Tracy McGrady, NBA Hall of Famer, who retired in 2013.


"Congratulations, my brother. Just enjoy this day, enjoy this moment. You deserve everything you have worked for and got. I'm just proud of you. I was there for you. I'm sorry I'm missing this day [of your jerseys being retired] because of my duty as a basketball player. I wish I could be there for you in this special moment. But enjoy it with your family and friends. You deserve it," said Pau Gasol, Kobe's former teammate during the back-to-back champion seasons of 2009 and 2010.


"Kobe is the hero of Los Angeles and worshiped by everybody. That is a very difficult task because LA is the entertainment center of the world. You can find so many movie stars, entertainment celebrities and rap singers in this city. But Kobe has become the brightest star here, brighter than anyone else," said Zhang Weiping, famous basketball commentator in China.


Kobe has always been a favorite of Chinese NBA fans, about which there is a joke going like "there are six billion Kobe fans in the world". In his 20-year NBA career, he gave happiness, anger, sadness, hope, disappointment, tears and so many things to Chinese fans. Three generations have watched Kobe's game, growing older and more mature, together with him. He is the Mamba Mentality[曼巴精神], he is the Lakers, and he is the youth.

Kobe Bean Bryant, like he said in his farewell poem, has always been that kid with the rolled up socks and ball in his hands.


麦迪正式入选NBA名人堂 演讲动容落泪:如今问心无愧


双语 | 姚明名人堂演讲 展现姚氏幽默

科比告别演说|Kobe Bryant's farewell speech






