

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Baidu's Robin Li is Helping China Win the 21st Century


When Robin Li looks back at the question now, he can laugh. But things were different in 1992, when the Baidu CEO was a tongue-tied[1] Chinese student applying for a computer-graphics graduate program in the U.S. The interviewing professor asked him, “Do you have computers in China?” It left the young man stunned. “I was very embarrassed,” says Li, 49, breaking into a grin from the penthouse office of his Beijing headquarters. “I thought, One day I'll demonstrate that China has a really powerful computer industry.


[1]tongue-tied:If you get tongue-tied, you find it difficult to express yourself, usually because you are nervous. (通常因紧张而)张口结舌的,说不出话的

Eight years later, he did. In 2000, Li founded Baidu, a search engine that today is second only to Google in popularity, and whose 80% market share in China makes it the world's fourth most popular website.


The company, whose name derives from a 13th century Chinese poem, has grown into a $60 billion behemoth[2] rivaled in China only by social-media-focused conglomerate[3] Tencent and Jack Ma's online shopping empire Alibaba.Baidu Maps directs every Chinese motorist, Baidu search results enlighten every student. Nobody is asking Robin Li if computers exist in China anymore.


[2]behemoth:something that is extremely large and often extremely powerful 庞然大物;强大的事物

a grocery chain behemoth


[3]conglomerate:a company that owns several smaller businesses whose products or services are usually very different 联合大企业,企业集团

a financial/industrial conglomerate


In fact, what was once a land of cheap knockoffs[4] now has Silicon Valley losing sleep[5]. China has nurtured a third of the world's 262 tech “unicorns,” or private $1 billion startups, according to a recent report by the global consulting firm McKinsey. Alibaba's 2014 stock floating remains the biggest IPO* in history, valued at $25 billion.


[4]cheap knockoffs:(a cheaper copy of an expensive and popular product) 廉价仿制品

[5]lose sleep over/about sthto worry about something 担心,忧

I wouldn't lose any sleep over what happened.


* 首次公开募股(Initial Public Offerings,简称IPO)是指一家企业或公司 (股份有限公司)第一次将它的股份向公众出售(首次公开发行,指股份公司首次向社会公众公开招股的发行方式)。

China is the world's largest e-commerce market, accounting for almost half of all global transactions by value, up from less than 1% just over a decade ago. Its big cities are verging on[6] a cashless society, where even steamed buns or rickshaw rides can be purchased with a flash of a smartphone QR code. It's a far cry from[7] when former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden scoffed[8] that the Middle Kingdom didn't innovate.


[6]verge on sth:to be almost a particular state, quality, or feeling, especially one that is very bad or very good 接近;濒临

[7]be a far cry from sth:to be completely different from something 和…相去甚远,与…大相径庭

[8]scoffto laugh and speak about a person or idea in a way that shows that you think they are stupid or silly 嘲笑,讥笑

China has now set its sights on the next tech frontier: artificial intelligence. On July 20, China's State Council issued a Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan to become the “premier global AI innovation center” by 2030, when it predicts China's core AI industry will be worth $148 billion, with AI-related fields at $1.48 trillion.


China already rivals the world's leading developed nations by spending 2.1% of its $11.2 trillion GDP on research and development. At November's Artificial Intelligence and Global Security Summit in Washington, Eric Schmidt, then executive chairman of Google parent Alphabet, predicted China's AI prowess will overtake the U.S. within a decade. “By 2030, they will dominate the industries of AI,” he said. Russian President Vladimir Putin recently said that whoever masters AI will become “ruler of the world.

当前中国已经开始了与发达国家之间的竞争,在全部11.2万亿美元的GDP中,中国花费其中的2.1%用于研发之上。去年11月,人工智能与全球安全峰会在华盛顿举行,会上谷歌母公司Alphabet CEO埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmidt)预计,中国的人工智能实力将在10年内超越美国。他表示:“到2030年,他们(中国)将会统治人工智能产业。”俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)最近也表示,无论谁掌握了人工智能,都将会成为“世界的统治者”。

No one in China takes this challenge more seriously thanRobin Li. Some $1.2 billion of his firm's $9 billion revenue over the first three-quarters of 2017 was put back into R&D, according to published accounts–much of it into AI.


He believes Baidu can dominate the global market for AI by harnessing China's greatest advantage: scale. At a basic level, AI systems replicate human learning based on empirical data: whether driving patterns, financial behavior or the true intention behind a slurred voice command. The more data, the better trained the algorithmgiving a company that serves the world's most populous nation an obvious leg up[9]. “[China is] a very large and uniform market,” Li says. “Everyone speaks the same language; they all obey the same law.”


[9]give sb a leg up:to help someone to improve their situation, especially at work 帮助(某人)提高,帮(某人)一把


But in fact, business thrives inside the firewall's confines–on its guardians' terms, of course–and the restrictions have not appeared to stymie[10] progress. The central government in Beijing has a fearsome capacity to get things done and is willing to back its policy priorities with hard cash. The benefits for companies willing or able to go along with its whims are clear. The question for Baidu–and for Li–is how far it is willing to go.


[10]stymie:to prevent something from happening or someone from achieving a purpose 阻止,妨碍,阻挠

A trip in Baidu's self-driving car is not yet a comfortable ride. When TIME took a test drive around the Baidu campus, potential obstacles like trash cans or parked cars caused the vehicle to regularly jolt to a halt. The car is far from road-ready: there's a clumsy spinning radar on the roof and a trunk full of whirring gadgetry. Still, Baidu's driverless-car platform, Apollo, has been adopted by 130 independent manufacturers, testament to what Baidu has achieved in the field.


The company has launched voice-recognition software, DuerOS, which it says recognizes Mandarin Chinese more reliably than a human being does. Its AI-driven facial-recognition software is so advanced, it is being used to reunite missing children with their parents by digitally aging and matching photographs. On Jan. 8, Baidu was ready to unveil Apollo 2.0, which enables autonomous driving on simple urban roads, at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Baidu's message at the event said it all: “AI is changing the world, at China speed.

百度还发布了语音识别软件DuerOS,百度宣称这个软件识别普通话的能力甚至比人类自己更可靠。该公司的人工智能面部识别软件也十分先进,如今它已经被用来寻找丢失儿童,让这些孩子与自己的亲生父母得以团聚。今年1月8日,百度在CES上发布了阿波罗2.0(Apollo 2.0)无人驾驶平台,百度表示新技术能让无人驾驶汽车在简单的城市道路内进行行驶。在本次活动上,百度给外界传递了一个信息:人工智能正在改变世界,而人工智能在以中国速度进行发展。

Our vision is that humans can interact with all devices using human language,” says Li. “The difference between humans and animals is that humans can use tools. Over the past 100,000 years, whatever tools you invent you have to learn how to use. In the future, you won't need to do that–tools will learn how to understand human language, human intentions. That's the future.


It's a future that Li could hardly have imagined growing up in Yangquan, a city of about 1 million people in China's hardscrabble central province of Shanxi, known for farming and mining. Li's high school had only five Apple II computers for 1,800 pupils, so the teachers prioritized their usage for the dozen kids with the best math scores. Li enjoyed math but “immediately fell in love with computers,” he says. “I thought they were magical.

李彦宏在山西阳泉长大,这个城市大约有1100万人,以农业矿业著称。放在当年,这样的未来是李彦宏不敢想象的。李彦宏上高中时,1800名学生只有5台Apple II电脑,老师只能让几十名数学成绩最好的学生优先使用。李彦宏很喜欢数学,他说:“我很快就爱上了计算机,在我看来,它简直就像魔法一样。”

After studying information management at Peking University, Li obtained a computer-science degree at the State University of New York at Buffalo. He initially worked for the Wall Street Journal as a software engineer, before joining search-engine pioneer Infoseek. Then Li made the decision to return to China to found his own company, in a hotel room opposite the Peking University campus. “I hired a professor and five students about to graduate to work on the first version of the Baidu search engine,” he says.


Baidu went from strength to strength[11], unperturbed even by the entry of Google to the Chinese market in 2005. Baidu had over 40% of Chinese search traffic at that time, compared with its rival's 30%. By the time Google withdrew from China in 2010, citing what it believed was government hacking of Gmail, Baidu had 75% of Chinese search traffic, while Google had shrunk to just in the teens.


[11]go from strength to strength:to gradually become more successful 从成功走向成功,日渐强大

Li says the company used government meddling as an excuse. “Google left because Baidu was gaining market share,” he says. “The China market is very competitive and things can change very quickly, so you really need to make decisions very quickly, and the problem is that U.S. companies' decisionmaking is not made here in China.Lee Kai-Fu, head of Google in China at the time, says the decision to retreat was “difficult.” “You really have to make the decision to fork your product into two different products. That's very painful–especially for Silicon Valley entrepreneurs.


China's 1.4 billion people are a tantalizing[12] prospect for American business minds, but the obstacles are significant. Chief among them is compliance with local regulations, including censorship. Skype, for example, was removed from Chinese app stores in mid-November for failing to abide by new regulations. Last year, China rolled out a controversial new cybersecurity law that, among many stipulations, requires foreign companies doing business in the country to store related data locally. ... Even so, that hasn't dissuaded every U.S. company; on Jan. 10, Apple agreed to outsource local iCloud services to a Chinese firm.


[12]tantalizing:causing feelings of excitement, pleasure, or anticipation; making you feel excited or hopeful about having something that you want, often something that you never get诱人的;撩人的;让人非常着急的

... Li is unapologetic. “If certain things are deemed illegal, then it's illegal, and we should block it,” he says. “That's our way of doing business here.



Is Li worried that Chinese cyberspace is getting smaller? “As an Internet company, we always don't want anything regulated so we can do things freely,” he says carefully. “But I also recognize that that's not practical and not even good for the country.


... For the moment at least, both are united in their goal of harnessing the potential of AI. But the technology brings awesome risks as well as rewards. Tesla boss Elon Musk says uncontrollable AI represents a “fundamental” threat to humanity, while renowned physicist Stephen Hawking fears it could “spell the end of the human race.

就目前而言,百度的目标是充分利用AI的巨大潜力。但这项技术带来巨大回报的同时也蕴含着风险,特斯拉电动汽车公司首席执行官伊隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)认为,无法控制的AI代表了对人类的“根本性”威胁,而著名物理学家斯蒂芬·霍金(Stephen Hawking)担心这可能“意味着人类的末日”。

Li disagrees, saying, “Humans will always have the capabilities to make the world a safe place. Think about nuclear weapons: they can kill a lot of people, they killed a lot of people, but we can actually control this type of weaponry. And the real function of nuclear weapons was to end the Second World War. They did not start the Third World War.


Not yet, at least. But fears over AI are not all about a dystopian future. The technology is already automating tasks that provided incomes to people. Driverless technology will most quickly be adopted for long-distance haulage[13], potentially putting up to 16 million Chinese truckers out of work. For Li, the problem is unavoidable. “When technology changes the world, then a lot of jobs are lost,” he says, comparing it to the advent of the steam engine. “You cannot change that. What you can do is continue to innovate and create more new jobs for people.


[13]haulage:the business of moving things by road or railway 公路(或铁路)货运业

a road haulage firm


That will require the Chinese government to remain open to the world, he suggests, and not withdraw as the U.S. appears to have done under President Trump. The White House's proposals to limit immigration “damage the innovation environment of the U.S.,Li says, urging China to take a different tack. “We should create a better environment for foreigners to open up here, to innovate here, to set up companies.” But for that to happen, and for Baidu to truly dominate AI, Li may have to confront China's own ideological tightening. For now, however, Li is focused on his mission: “to make the complex world simpler.” Or, perhaps, to pull down barriers faster than others can throw them up.



This appears in the January 29, 2018 issue of TIME.









