
「马云」宣布将在教师节退休 辞去阿里巴巴董事局主席

LR君 LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


纽约时报(New York Times):

Alibaba’s co-founder and executive chairman, Jack Ma, said he planned to step down from the Chinese e-commerce giant on Monday to pursue philanthropy in education, a changing of the guard for the $420 billion internet company.


Alibaba Group Holding Ltd’s co-founder and executive chairman Jack Ma will retire from the e-commerce company on Monday, as the former English teacher seeks to focus on philanthropy in education, the New York Times reported.

step down

step down表示“退位,辞职”,英文解释为“ If someone steps down or steps aside, they resign from an important job or position, often in order to let someone else take their place. ”

上个月,在百事传奇女CEO卢英德即将卸任一文中,我们就对比了step down & stand down & abdicate等几个和退位相近的表达,这里再回顾一下2015年考研英语阅读中出现的这段话:




· pursue philanthropy in education

· seek to focus on philanthropy in education

· pursue educational charity work

· devote his time to philanthropy focused on education


Ma, one of China’s best known corporate leaders, will remain on the company’s board of directors and continue to mentor the company’s management, the New York Times said on Friday. Mr. Ma turns 54 on Monday, which is also a holiday in China known as Teacher’s Day.


纽约时报(New York Times):

A former English teacher, Mr. Ma started Alibaba in 1999 and built it into one of the world’s most consequential e-commerce and digital payments companies, transforming how Chinese people shop and pay for things. That fueled his net worth to more than $40 billion, making him China’s richest man.



consequential此处用来替换我们经常用的词important, significant等表示“重要的,意义重大的”,如:

意义重大的决定 a consequential decision


redundancy and the consequential loss of earnings


He is revered by many Chinese, some of whom have put his portrait in their homes to worship in the same way that they worship the God of Wealth.

revere & worship

revere意思是“尊敬,崇敬〔尤指名人〕”,英文解释为“to greatly admire someone because of their achievements and personal qualities, especially someone famous”,如:

He is revered as one of the great leaders of our time.


worship也有“景仰,崇拜;十分喜爱”的意思,英文解释为“to admire and love someone very much”,此外worship还有一个主要的意思是“敬奉(神)〔尤指在教堂、庙宇等祷告〕”,英文解释为“to show respect and love for a god, especially by praying in a religious building“,如文中worship the God of Wealth,敬奉财神爷

Mr. Ma is retiring as China’s business environment has soured, with Beijing and state-owned enterprises increasingly playing more interventionist roles with companies.

sour & soar

sour我们常见的作为形容词,表示食物“酸的,馊的,有馊味的,酸臭的”,如:turn/go sour (= become sour) 变酸

sour gapes 酸葡萄(心理)

I don't think it's such a great job - and that's not just sour grapes because I didn't get it.


此处sour用作动词,意思是“使变糟; 变糟,变坏”,英文解释为“if a friendship, situation, or attitude sours or if something sours it, it becomes less friendly, enjoyable, or hopeful.”,如:

An unhappy childhood has soured his view of life.


注意不要和soar混淆了,soar作动词意思和sour完全相反,表示“急剧增加,猛增,高飞”,如:soaring unemployment 急剧上升的失业率

The house price has soared in recent weeks.


In an interview, Mr. Ma said his retirement is not the end of an era but “the beginning of an era.” He said he would be spending more of his time and fortune focused on education. “I love education,” he said.


The departure of Mr. Ma is likely to jolt China’s internet industry, which has been reeling from the arrest last weekend of Liu Qiangdong, the billionaire founder of the online retailer JD.com. Mr. Liu, who goes by Richard Liu in the English-speaking world, was arrested on a rape allegation in Minneapolis during a business trip. He was released and has since returned to Beijing, where JD.com is based.


jolt & reel


1)“(使)震动,(使)摇晃,(使)颠簸”,英文解释为:to move suddenly and roughly, or to make someone or something move in this way,如:

The train stopped unexpectedly and we were jolted forwards.


2)“(使)震惊,吃惊”,英文解释为:If something jolts someone, it gives them an unpleasant surprise or shock. 如:

A stinging slap across the face jolted her.


reel此处也有类似的含义,表示“感到震惊,迷惑,眩晕”等含义,英文解释为“If you are reeling from a shock, you are feeling extremely surprised or upset because of it.”,如:

We were reeling (in amazement/shock/delight, etc.) from/with the news that we had won all that money.




For Alibaba, Mr. Ma’s retirement completes a transition of power to other executives. Mr. Ma stepped down as Alibaba’s chief executive in 2013; the company’s current chief executive is Daniel Zhang, who is a candidate to succeed Mr. Ma. Yet Mr. Ma had remained active as the face of the e-commerce firm, as well as an architect of its long-term strategy.


- END -


「纽约时报」马云将在教师节退休 辞去阿里巴巴董事局主席






