
刘强东案视频曝光 仙人跳实锤?对比看看起诉书

LR君 LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

今天下午,微博@明州事记 曝光两段刘强东涉嫌性侵案当晚监控视频,并配上了“女方未醉酒主动跟随”、“女方举止亲密主动邀请刘强东进入”。曝光的视频内容,与此前女方发起的起诉书内容截然相反,吃瓜群众有点看不懂了...


COMES NOW Plaintiff, JINGYAO LIU, by and through her undersigned attorneys, and files this action against Defendants, LIU QIANGDONG, a/k/a RICHARD LIU and JD.com, INC., a foreign for-profit corporation, states and alleges as follows:


· plaintiff表示“起诉人,原告”,英文解释为“someone who brings a legal action against another person in a court of law”;

· defendant表示“被告”,英文解释为“the person in a court of law who has been accused of doing something illegal”;

· attorney表示“律师”(a lawyer)。

1. This action arises out of a sexual assault and battery that caused damages of more than Fifty Thousand Dollar ($50,000.00), exclusive of costs and interest and therefore within the jurisdictional requirements of this Court.
2. Plaintiff, JJNGYAO LJU ("Plaintiff') is a resident of the State of Minnesota and is currently enrolled as an undergraduate student at the University of Minnesota.
At all relevant and material times, Plaintiff was an adult Chinese citizen residing in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and was enrolled as an undergraduate student at the University of Minnesota.


熟词僻义,表示“殴打罪”,英文解释为“the crime of attacking sb physically”;

「assault and battery」表示“殴打和侵犯人身(罪);袭击和暴力伤害(罪)”(the crime of threatening to harm sb and then attacking them physically);

参考阅读:知乎@王瑞恩:“ 国内媒体报道将起诉事由翻译为「殴打」,怀疑是对「battery」一词的错误翻译。「battery」是一项民事侵权事项,指一方故意进行对另一方造成伤害的的身体接触,而不一定是通俗意义上的殴打。”


形容词性,其名词:jurisdiction /,dʒʊrɪs'dɪkʃən/表示“ 司法权;审判权;管辖权;管辖区域”,英文解释为“the right to use an official power to make legal decisions, or the area where this right exists”举个🌰:

The committee has jurisdiction over all tax measures.



熟词僻义,作形容词,除了表示“物质上的,非精神上的”,英文解释为“relating to your money, possessions, living conditions etc, rather than the needs of your mind or soul”,与spiritual相对;在法律上还可以指“重要的,需予以考虑的”(important and needing to be considered when making a decision),与irrelevant相对,如:material evidence 重要证据。

23. Once the Plaintiff was inside the Origami, Yao specifically directed her to be seated directly and to the left of Defendant Liu at the dinner table. This was done pursuant to Defendant Liu's prior instruction to Yao.

pursuant to

表示“依照/根据/按照某事物”,英文解释为“according to a particular law, rule, contract etc”举个🌰:

The boy was provided with an interpreter, pursuant to the Individuals with Disabilities Act.


此处第23条起诉书中,称“原告一进入Origami餐厅,姚即指引她就坐于紧邻被告刘强东左侧的座位。这一安排出于(pursuant to)被告刘强东之前对姚的授意(prior instruction)。”而单从曝光的视频中来看,原告和被告并不是坐在紧邻的位置。

26. The Plaintiff, as was intended by Defendant Liu, became impaired as a result of the coercive actions of Defendant Liu and his business friends and colleagues.

Concerned about her impaired and vulnerable condition, the Plaintiff privately asked Alice to assist her in obtaining a ride home through a ride service.

The Plaintiff made the request at approximately 9:00 p.m., explaining to Alice that she felt intoxicated. Her friend Tao, with whom she had traveled to the dinner, had without her knowledge, been summoned away from the Origami earlier that evening by another DBA - China student executive.


coercive /ko'ɝsɪv/表示“强制的;胁迫的”,英文解释为“using threats or orders to make someone do something they do not want to do”,如:coercive measures to reduce absenteeism 减少旷工现象的高压措施。


表示“受损的;损坏的;出毛病的”,英文解释为“damaged or not functioning normally ”用法如:impaired vision/memory 受损的视力╱记忆力。

impair做动词,本身表示“削弱,损害,损伤”(to damage something or make it not as good as it should be),等同于harm,举个🌰:

The illness had impaired his ability to think and concentrate.


疑问:此处,国内将其处理为“被灌醉”、“醉酒”的含义,不知道impaired本身是否有这个含义,而下文确实用了另外一个词:intoxicated来表达醉酒(drunk)的含义?查阅了Duhaime's Law Dictionary发现,有类似含义,但似乎没有明确指“醉酒”:

加拿大的刑法中就规定禁止impaired by alcohol司机驾驶机动车辆:Canada's Criminal Code prohibits the driving or operation of a motor vehicle (car, truck, boat, snowmobile, aircraft, train or other) while that person’s ability is impaired by alcohol (§253).


表示“喝醉的”,英文解释为“Someone who is intoxicated is drunk.”举个🌰:

He appeared intoxicated, police said.



作动词,表示“召唤,叫唤”,英文解释为“If you summon someone, you order them to come to you.”举个🌰:

Suddenly we were summoned to the interview room.


be summoned away即为“被叫走了”的含义。

31. With Alice in the front passenger seat and the Plaintiff and Defendant Liu seated in the second row, the limousine left Pillsbury Avenue and headed toward the Plaintiff's apartment in downtown Minneapolis.

During the trip to the apartment, Defendant Liu began to grope and physically force himself upon the Plaintiff. Once again, the Plaintiff in Mandarin repeatedly pleaded for Defendant Liu to stop groping her. He refused.


limousine /ˈlɪməˌziːn/ 表示“豪华轿车”,英文解释为“A limousine is a large and very comfortable car. Limousines are usually driven by a chauffeur and often hired for important occasions.”


本义指的是“摸索;搜索;搜寻;探寻”,英文解释为“to try and find sth that you cannot see, by feeling with your hands”举个🌰:

He groped around in the dark for his other sock.


此处也是“摸”的含义,牛津词典解释为:“猥亵;摸(某人)”,英文解释为“to touch sb sexually, especially when they do not want you to”;而朗文词典则解释为“爱抚(尤指当对方不愿意的时候)”(to move your hands over someone's body to get sexual pleasure, especially when they do not want you to do this)。


表示“恳求,祈求,央求”,英文解释为“to ask for something that you want very much, in a sincere and emotional way”举个🌰:

‘Don't do this!’ She pleaded.


He continued to place his hands on and beneath the Plaintiff's clothing against her will.
While the assault and battery were taking place, Alice, without the chauffeur's permission, intentionally grabbed the rearview mirror and turned it all the way up in order to prevent the chauffeur from seeing what was happening to the Plaintiff behind him.


chauffeur /ˈʃəʊfə, ʃəʊˈfɜː/表示“(受雇为他人开车的)司机”,英文解释为“someone whose job is to drive a car for someone else”;


It was certainly useful to have her there to chauffeur him around.



rear-view mirror表示“(汽车)后视镜”;A rear-view mirror (or rearview mirror) is a Convex mirror in automobiles and other vehicles, designed to allow the driver to see rearward through the vehicle's rear window. (Wikipedia)



表示“使恶化;使加重”,英文解释为“to make a bad situation worse”举个🌰:

She didn't want to exacerbate the situation.




这个词,我们前天也提到过,表示“赤裸的,裸体的”(not wearing any clothes),起诉书后文中还有描述到,He was nude from the waist down, wearing only a t-shirt.”这里的He指的是Defendant Liu,也就是Qiangdong Liu,警察来的时候,下半身赤裸着,只穿着一件T恤衫。

- END -



刘强东性侵案再起风波 京东也成被告









