

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


(Xinhua) - China launched a mobile number portability program across the country Wednesday, allowing cellphone subscribers to switch service carriers without changing phone numbers, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT).

根据新华社的介绍,直译就是switch service carriers without changing phone numbers. 不过,英文中有个更明确的说法叫Mobile number portability, 缩写MNP.

在维基百科中,Mobile number portability的定义为:Mobile number portability (MNP) enables mobile telephone users to retain their mobile telephone numbers when changing from one mobile network carrier to another.

其中portability可解释为“可移植性;可携带性”(the ability to be used for a different purpose or on a different system;the quality of being able to be taken with you if you move to a different place or job;the quality of being light and small enough to be easily carried or moved)



This informative animated film explains Mobile Number Portability in detail, and guides consumers through the process of porting mobile numbers. Starting January 31, 2013 consumers in Qatar are able to retain their existing mobile number when switching to a different service provider. This empowers consumers with the ability to more freely choose the best service provider to meet their needs.


China Officially Rolls Out Mobile Number Portability

Caixin Global

China's mobile number portability (MNP) service came online Wednesday, marking the official rollout of a policy a decade in the making.

Lu Chuncong, the head of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's communications management bureau, said at a launch ceremony that mobile users will now be able to keep their phone numbers when switching among the country's three main network providers, China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom.


工信部,工业和信息化部,Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of People's Republic of China


中国移动 China Mobile

中国联通 China Unicom

中国电信 China Telecom

The rollout of the new system comes slightly earlier than planned, with previous reports saying the MNP service would become available Dec. 1. The three carriers resolved a number of issues during a years-long trial period, including system glitches and issues related to contract cancellation and compensation, Lu said.


表示“电话公司;互联网公司;通信公司”,英文解释为“a company that provides a telephone or Internet service”,如:a telecoms carrier 通信公司;此处指的就是(三家)运营商,上文用的是three main network providers 三大网络提供商。


表示“故障;小毛病;小差错;小故障”,英文解释为“A glitch is a problem that stops something from working properly or being successful.”举个🌰:

The system has been plagued with glitches ever since its launch.


While some countries have had MNP for years — the United States launched its service in the early 2000s, for instance — until recently China's hundreds of millions of wireless customers had to change their phone numbers every time they changed carriers.


China's government views MNP as a way of spurring competition among the three main network providers. The country started testing MNP in 2010, but the project repeatedly suffered from technical obstacles, lax regulation, and resistance from network providers reluctant to risk losing customers. However, the initiative gained fresh impetus after Premier Li announced in March that MNP services would go online by the end of this year.


表示“激励,鞭策;促进,加速”,英文解释为“to encourage an activity or development or make it happen faster”举个🌰:

Rising consumer sales have the effect of spurring the economy to faster growth.



表示“不严格的;不严厉的;松散的,马虎的”,英文解释为“not severe or strong enough”举个🌰:

He took a gun through baggage control to highlight the lax security.



此处lose customers 失去消费者,失去客户,让我想到一个词,churn /tʃɜːn/.

churn作动词时,此前在「台风利奇马」盘点相关表达一文中有出现过,表示“烈搅动(尤指液体);翻搅;使猛烈翻腾”,英文解释为“to move something, especially a liquid, with great force举个🌰:

The sea was churned up by heavy winds.


而churn作名词,有个含义,就是表示“(用户/客户)流失,流失率”,或者说churn rate,英文解释为“the number of customers who decide to stop using a service offered by one company and to use another company, usually because it offers a better service or price”举个🌰:

Internet and cable television companies suffer from a high churn rate.



impetus /ˈɪmpɪtəs/ 表示“推动,促进,刺激”,英文解释为“something that encourages a particular activity or makes that activity more energetic or effective”举个🌰:

The recent publicity surrounding homelessness has given (a) fresh impetus to the cause.


回顾「Part 13」2019政府工作报告中英文对照注释版中提到的相关表达:

在全国实行“携号转网”,规范套餐设置,使降费实实在在、消费者明明白白。Cellphone subscribers nationwide will be able to keep their numbers while switching carriers, and cellphone packages will be regulated to achieve solid fee cuts for all consumers to see.

(手机)套餐 cellphone packages

“携号转网” keep their numbers while switching carriers


Although China got there in the end, MNP may have come too late to significantly affect China's vast wireless market. These days, consumers are more likely to chat on a mobile app than make a phone call.

get there

表示“成功”,英文解释为“to succeed”举个🌰:

Try again - you'll get there in the end.


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