

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,特朗普姐姐、美国前联邦上诉法院法官玛丽安·特朗普·巴里(Maryanne Trump Barry)的“吐槽”录音被媒体曝光。录音中,特朗普姐姐吐槽特朗普“没有原则”,“谎话连篇”,不读书,只看福克斯新闻,更声称当年特朗普找人替考......


'Donald is cruel': Trump's sister recorded saying president has 'no principles'

Associated Press

Donald Trump's older sister, a former federal judge, is heard sharply criticizing her brother in a series of recordings released Saturday, at one point saying of the president: “He has no principles.”

Maryanne Trump Barry was secretly recorded by her niece, Mary Trump, who recently released a book denouncing the president, Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man. Mary Trump said Saturday she made the recordings in 2018 and 2019.

In one recording, Barry, 83, says she had heard a 2018 interview with her brother on Fox News in which he suggested that he would put her on the border to oversee cases of immigrant children separated from their parents.

“His base, I mean my God, if you were a religious person, you want to help people. Not do this,” Barry says.

At another point she says: “His goddamned tweet and lying, oh my God.” She adds: “I'm talking too freely, but you know. The change of stories. The lack of preparation. The lying. Holy shit.”

Barry can also be heard saying that she guesses that her brother has never read her opinions on immigration cases.

“What has he read?” Mary Trump asks her aunt. Barry responds: “No. He doesn't read.”

The recordings were first reported by the Washington Post. The Associated Press then obtained the recordings.

The recordings came to light just a day after the late Robert Trump, brother to Maryanne and the president, was memorialized in a service at the White House. Later, the president was dismissive of the recordings.

“Every day it’s something else, who cares. I miss my brother, and I’ll continue to work hard for the American people,” Trump said in a statement. “Not everyone agrees, but the results are obvious. Our country will soon be stronger than ever before.”

In the weeks since the release of Mary Trump’s tell-all book about her uncle, she has been questioned about the source of some of its information.

Nowhere in the book does she say that she recorded conversations with her aunt. On Saturday, Mary Trump revealed that she had covertly taped 15 hours of face-to-face conversations with Barry.

“Mary realized members of her family had lied in prior depositions,” said Chris Bastardi, a spokesman for Mary Trump. He added: “Anticipating litigation, she felt it prudent to tape conversations in order to protect herself.”

The president has frequently spoken highly of his sister; the recordings are the first time a family member, outside of Mary Trump, has been critical of him.

The recordings illuminate the tension between the president and his sister. At one point Barry says to her niece: “It’s the phoniness of it all. It’s the phoniness and this cruelty. Donald is cruel.”

Mary Trump’s book was filled with attacks on her uncle, including the assertion – denied by Trump – that he paid someone to take the SATs for him as he sought to transfer into the University of Pennsylvania.

In one recording, the federal judge says that a Joe Shapiro took the test for Trump. The president was friends with a person at Penn named Joe Shapiro, who is deceased. Shapiro’s widow and sister said he never took a test for anybody.

Bastardi said of Mary Trump: “She never expected to learn much of what she heard, including the president’s sister, federal judge Maryanne Trump Barry, state that Donald Trump had paid someone to take an SAT exam for him.”

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'Donald is cruel': Trump's sister recorded saying president has 'no principles'

Associated Press

Donald Trump's older sister, a former federal judge, is heard sharply criticizing her brother in a series of recordings released Saturday, at one point saying of the president: “He has no principles.”

唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的姐姐,前联邦法官,在周六公布的一系列录音中,传出对她哥哥的尖锐批评,一度称:“他没有原则。”

Maryanne Trump Barry was secretly recorded by her niece, Mary Trump, who recently released a book denouncing the president, Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man. Mary Trump said Saturday she made the recordings in 2018 and 2019.

玛丽安·特朗普·巴里(Maryanne Trump Barry)的侄女玛丽·特朗普(Mary Trump)秘密地录制了这些音频。后者最近出版了一本谴责总统的书《永不满足:我的家族如何制造出了世界上最危险的人》。玛丽·特朗普周六表示,她在2018年和2019年录制了这些音频。


表示“谴责;指责;斥责”,英文解释为“to strongly criticize sb/sth that you think is wrong, illegal, etc.”举个🌰:

The project was denounced as a scandalous waste of public money.


📍名词:denouncement /di'naunsmənt/,表示“谴责;指责;告发;痛骂;公开抨击”,英文解释为“a public act of denouncing;A charging of someone with a misdeed”;

⚠️区分:denouement /deɪˈnuːmɒn/ 表示(戏剧、小说等的)结局,收场;(事情的)结果”(the end of a play, book, etc., in which everything is explained or settled; the end result of a situation

📺英剧《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)中的台词提到:But if you tell Granny I said so, I'll denounce you as a liar. 但你要是敢把我的话告诉奶奶 我就说你撒谎。

In one recording, Barry, 83, says she had heard a 2018 interview with her brother on Fox News in which he suggested that he would put her on the border to oversee cases of immigrant children separated from their parents.


“His base, I mean my God, if you were a religious person, you want to help people. Not do this,” Barry says.

At another point she says: “His goddamned tweet and lying, oh my God.” She adds: “I'm talking too freely, but you know. The change of stories. The lack of preparation. The lying. Holy shit.”



goddamned=goddamn,也有说goddam, God damn,用于强调,表示“该死,讨厌;极其,十足”,英文解释为“used to add emphasis to what is being said”举个🌰:

Goddamn (it), how much longer will it take?



表示“发布在推特上的信息”,其实指的就是“推文”,英文解释为“a short remark or piece of information published on Twitter”;也可以作动词,指的就是“发推文,发推特”(to publish a short remark or piece of information on Twitter)举个🌰:

He tweeted that he was just about to meet the president.


Barry can also be heard saying that she guesses that her brother has never read her opinions on immigration cases.


“What has he read?” Mary Trump asks her aunt. Barry responds: “No. He doesn't read.”

“他读过什么?” 玛丽·特朗普问她的姑姑。巴里回答说“不,他不读。”

The recordings were first reported by the Washington Post. The Associated Press then obtained the recordings.

录音最早由《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post)报道。随后,美联社(Associated Press)获得了录音。

The recordings came to light just a day after the late Robert Trump, brother to Maryanne and the president, was memorialized in a service at the White House. Later, the president was dismissive of the recordings.

在白宫举行仪式追悼玛丽安和总统已故的弟弟罗伯特·特朗普(Robert Trump)后的第二天,这些录音就被曝光了。后来,总统对这些录音不以为然。

come to light

表示“(真相)为人所知,被披露”,英文解释为“If facts come to light, they become known publicly.”举个🌰:

Fresh evidence has recently come to light that suggests that he didn't in fact commit the murder.


📺美剧《越狱》(Prison Break)中的台词提到:Apparently, some new evidence has come to light. 很明显 找到些新的证据。


表示“表现轻视;认为不值得考虑”,英文解释为“showing that you do not think something is worth considering”,如:a dismissive attitude 轻蔑的态度,举个🌰:

He's so dismissive of anybody else's suggestions.


🎬电影《希区柯克》(Hitchcock)中的台词提到:maybe I was a bit too dismissive about your friend 我可能有点小瞧你朋友。

Every day it's something else, who cares. I miss my brother, and I'll continue to work hard for the American people,” Trump said in a statement. “Not everyone agrees, but the results are obvious. Our country will soon be stronger than ever before.


In the weeks since the release of Mary Trump's tell-all book about her uncle, she has been questioned about the source of some of its information.



tell-all从字面上就可以猜出来,指的就是大揭秘,大披露,英文解释为“a written account (such as a biography) that contains revealing and often scandalous information.”

Nowhere in the book does she say that she recorded conversations with her aunt. On Saturday, Mary Trump revealed that she had covertly taped 15 hours of face-to-face conversations with Barry.



表示“秘密地;隐蔽地;偷偷摸摸地”,英文解释为“secretly, or in a hidden way”举个🌰:

Terrorists have been operating covertly in England.


🎬电影《X战警:逆转未来》(X-Men: Days of Future Past)中的台词提到:But covertly he had begun experimenting on mutants, 但暗地里 他开始在变种人身上进行实验。


tape作名词,表示“磁带;录音带;录像带”,英文解释为“a long narrow strip of magnetic material that is used for recording sounds, pictures or information”,此处作动词,意思就是“把…录在录音带(或录像带)上”(to record sb/sth on magnetic tape using a special machine)。

🎬电影《唐璜》(Don Jon)中的台词提到:- I'm not taping this. - I know you're not taping it. -我不想录下来 -我知道你不想录。

“Mary realized members of her family had lied in prior depositions,” said Chris Bastardi, a spokesman for Mary Trump. He added: “Anticipating litigation, she felt it prudent to tape conversations in order to protect herself.”

玛丽·特朗普的发言人克里斯·巴斯塔迪(Chris Bastardi)说:“玛丽意识到她的家庭成员在之前的证词中撒了谎,”他补充说:“预计到会有诉讼,她认为为了保护自己,谨慎地录下谈话内容。”


表示“证人陈述;证词”,英文解释为“a formal statement, taken from sb and used in court”举个🌰:

The material would be checked against the depositions from other witnesses.


litigation /ˌlɪtɪˈɡeɪʃən/

表示“诉讼;打官司”,英文解释为“Litigation is the process of fighting or defending a case in a civil court of law.”


表示“谨慎的;慎重的;精明的”,英文解释为“sensible and careful when you make judgements and decisions; avoiding unnecessary risks”,如:a prudent businessman 精明的商人,a prudent decision/investment 审慎的决定/投资。


2020年报告:稳健的货币政策要更加灵活适度。We will pursue a prudent monetary policy in a more flexible and appropriate way.

2019年报告坚持实施稳健的货币政策,We maintained a prudent monetary policy

2018年报告坚持实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策。We have continued to follow a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy.

2017年报告今年要继续实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策,This year, we will continue to pursue a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy.

The president has frequently spoken highly of his sister; the recordings are the first time a family member, outside of Mary Trump, has been critical of him.


The recordings illuminate the tension between the president and his sister. At one point Barry says to her niece: “It's the phoniness of it all. It's the phoniness and this cruelty. Donald is cruel.



1)表示“照亮”,英文解释为“To illuminate something means to shine light on it and to make it brighter and more visible.举个🌰:

No streetlights illuminated the street.


2)表示“阐明”,英文解释为“If you illuminate something that is unclear or difficult to understand, you make it clearer by explaining it carefully or giving information about it.”举个🌰:

Instead of formulas and charts, the two instructors use games and drawings to illuminate their subject.



It would be illuminating to hear the views of the club vice-chairman. 


🎬电影《哈利·波特与混血王子》(Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)中的台词提到:And I thought perhaps you could illuminate me. 或许您可以指点我一下。


phoniness /ˈfoʊninɪs/ 作名词,英文解释为“The condition or quality of being phony or fake.”形容词性:phony /ˈfəʊnɪ/= phoney 表示“假的;冒充的;欺骗的”(not real or true; false, and trying to trick people),举个🌰:

She spoke with a phoney Japanese accent.


📍此外,phony作名词还可以指“伪君子、骗子;不诚实的人;冒充的人(或东西);冒牌货”(a person who is not honest or sincere; a thing that is not real or true)

🎬电影《大市民》(Metropolitan)中的台词提到:That's just another aspect of his phoniness. He's a complete phony. 那只是他的表象,他完全是个伪君子。

Mary Trump's book was filled with attacks on her uncle, including the assertion – denied by Trump – that he paid someone to take the SATs for him as he sought to transfer into the University of Pennsylvania.



表示“断言;明确肯定”,英文解释为“a statement that you strongly believe is true”举个🌰:

Do you have any evidence to support your assertions?


In one recording, the federal judge says that a Joe Shapiro took the test for Trump. The president was friends with a person at Penn named Joe Shapiro, who is deceased. Shapiro's widow and sister said he never took a test for anybody.

在一段,联邦法官说,一位叫乔·夏皮罗(Joe Shapiro)的人特朗普参加了考试。总统与这位名叫乔·夏皮罗人是朋友,目前已经去世夏皮的遗孀和妹妹说,未为任何人参加过考试


deceased /dɪˈsiːst/ 表示“死去了的;已死的;亡故的”,英文解释为“A deceased person is one who has recently died.”如:her deceased friend 她已故的朋友。

Bastardi said of Mary Trump: “She never expected to learn much of what she heard, including the president's sister, federal judge Maryanne Trump Barry, state that Donald Trump had paid someone to take an SAT exam for him.”







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