

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


▲Shinzo Abe resigns as Japanese prime minister (CNN)


Shinzo Abe, Japan’s Longest-Serving Leader, Resigns Because of Illness

The New York Times

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan said on Friday that he was resigning because of ill health, thrusting his country, amid a global pandemic, into a new period of political uncertainty after a record-setting tenure that had provided unaccustomed stability at the top.

Mr. Abe, 65, has been prime minister for nearly eight consecutive years, a significant feat in a country that had seen six prime ministers in the six years before he took office in 2012. During his tenure, he oversaw Japan's recovery from a devastating earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster, restored a semblance of economic health and curried favor with an unpredictable American president, Donald J. Trump.

Yet despite his long hold on power — his second stint as prime minister, having held the post in 2006-7 — Mr. Abe failed to reach some of his signature goals. He was unable to revise the pacifist Constitution installed by postwar American occupiers, or to secure the return of contested islands claimed by both Japan and Russia so that the two countries could sign a peace treaty to officially end World War II.

Mr. Abe said during a news conference Friday evening that he had suffered a relapse of the bowel disease that led him to resign during his first stint in office. He said he wanted to make way for a new leader who could focus fully on tackling the challenges facing Japan, chiefly the coronavirus pandemic.

His conservative governing party, the Liberal Democratic Party, is expected to appoint an interim leader who will serve until the party can hold a leadership election, according to NHK, the public broadcaster. Mr. Abe’s term was set to expire in September 2021.

The leading candidates to replace Mr. Abe include Taro Aso, the long-serving deputy prime minister and a former prime minister; Yoshihide Suga, the chief cabinet secretary to Mr. Abe; Shigeru Ishiba, a former defense minister who once ran against Mr. Abe for party leader; Fumio Kishida, a former foreign minister; and Taro Kono, the current defense minister.

Mr. Abe said that party executives were finalizing plans for selecting a new leader.

Japanese stocks fell as much as 2 percent on Friday afternoon following the report of Mr. Abe's planned resignation.

The Japanese news media had been speculating about Mr. Abe's health for weeks, particularly after he significantly dialed back public appearances as a new wave of coronavirus infections erupted in clusters throughout the country. When Mr. Abe visited a hospital twice in the span of a week, the rumor mill went into overdrive.

Earlier on Friday, Yoshihide Suga, Mr. Abe's chief cabinet secretary, had reassured reporters that Mr. Abe intended to stay in office. “The prime minister himself has said he would like to work hard again from now on, and I'm seeing him every day,” Mr. Suga said in a news briefing, saying that the prime minister’s health “remains unchanged.”

Mr. Abe, the grandson of a prime minister accused of war crimes and the son of a former foreign minister, began his first, yearlong stint as prime minister in 2006. As he resigned in 2007 under a cloud of scandal, he cited the debilitating effects of ulcerative colitis, a bowel disease.

In June, he said on Friday, he was told that doctors had found signs of a relapse of the disease. He said that in the months since he had lost much of his strength, and that he would now step aside so he could receive treatment with a new drug that he called promising.

He said he would remain a member of the lower house of Japan's Parliament and continue to help his party pursue its goals.

The public was dissatisfied with his administration’s handling of the coronavirus, particularly its effects on the economy, which erased what achievements he could claim under his economic platform, known as “Abenomics.”

Under that program, Mr. Abe had administered a three-pronged plan of monetary easing, fiscal stimulation and corporate reform. Most of its promises of corporate reform — including efforts to empower women, reduce the influence of nepotism and change entrenched work culture — remained unfulfilled.

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Shinzo Abe, Japan’s Longest-Serving Leader, Resigns Because of Illness

The New York Times

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan said on Friday that he was resigning because of ill health, thrusting his country, amid a global pandemic, into a new period of political uncertainty after a record-setting tenure that had provided unaccustomed stability at the top.

日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)周五表示,由于健康状况不佳,他将辞去首相职务。就在四天前,安倍晋三刚刚打破日本连续担任领导人时间最长的历史纪录。


thrust /θrʌst/ 表示“猛推;猛塞;猛刺”,英文解释为“If you thrust something or someone somewhere, you push or move them there quickly with a lot of force.”举个🌰:

She thrust the money into his hand.


🎬电影《机械战警》(RoboCop)中的台词提到:"Thrust into the spotlight, Clara Murphy won't talk.""被聚光灯包围 克莱拉·墨菲仍不愿开口"


tenure /ˈtɛnjʊə/ 表示“任期,任职”,英文解释为“the period of time when sb holds an important job, especially a political one; the act of holding an important job”。


📍term:a period of time for which sth lasts; a fixed or limited time 期;期限;任期


表示“创纪录的”,英文解释为“Creating a new record, or most extreme known value for performance in some field of endeavor or activity, usually by beating the prior record; for example, by running a race faster than anyone ever has.”

📍类似的还有说:record-breaking 破纪录的(Of an achievement, exceeding the highest previously recorded level in that activity.)

Mr. Abe, 65, has been prime minister for nearly eight consecutive years, a significant feat in a country that had seen six prime ministers in the six years before he took office in 2012. During his tenure, he oversaw Japan's recovery from a devastating earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster, restored a semblance of economic health and curried favor with an unpredictable American president, Donald J. Trump.

现年65岁的安倍已任日本首相八年,这对一个习惯了最高领导人经常更替的国家来说堪称壮举。在他任内,安倍带领日本从一场毁灭性的地震、海啸与核事故中恢复,一定程度上修复了日本经济,并讨好了一位不可预测的美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald J. Trump)。


表示“连续的,不间断的”,英文解释为“numbers or periods of time follow one after the other without any interruptions”举个🌰:

It had rained for four consecutive days.



feat表示“功绩;技艺;武艺;功绩;英勇事迹”,英文解释为“If you refer to an action, or the result of an action, as a feat, you admire it because it is an impressive and difficult achievement.”如:to perform/attempt/achieve astonishing feats 表演惊人的技艺;争取/取得惊人的功绩,举个🌰:

The tunnel is a brilliant feat of engineering.


📍be no easy feat 不容易,非易事。类似的还有be no small feat/ be no mean feat可以理解为“是了不起的成就,绝非易事”,英文解释为:to be a great achievement,举个🌰:

Getting the job finished in under a week was no mean feat.


🎬电影《惊天魔盗团2》(Now You See Me 2)中的台词提到:by performing what he calls an impossible feat. 在这里上演他所谓不可能的奇迹。


semblance /ˈsɛmbləns/表示“表象;假象;外观;外貌”,英文解释为“a situation in which sth seems to exist although this may not, in fact, be the case”举个🌰:

The ceasefire brought about a semblance of peace.


curry favour/favor

表示“(尤指对当权者)讨好,奉承,拍马屁”,英文解释为“to praise someone, especially someone in authority, in a way that is not sincere, in order to get some advantage for yourself”举个🌰:

He's always trying to curry favour with the boss.


📍curry /ˈkʌrɪ/ 是不是很熟悉?作名词,“(源自南亚的)咖喱食品,咖喱菜肴”(a dish, originally from South Asia, consisting of meat or vegetables cooked in a spicy sauce)

🎬电影《堕入地狱》(Drag Me to Hell)中的台词提到:To curry favour with the deceased's soul, for, truly, the soul never dies. 来讨好亡灵 这样 魂魄得以不灭。

Yet despite his long hold on power — his second stint as prime minister, having held the post in 2006-7 — Mr. Abe failed to reach some of his signature goals. He was unable to revise the pacifist Constitution installed by postwar American occupiers, or to secure the return of contested islands claimed by both Japan and Russia so that the two countries could sign a peace treaty to officially end World War II.



1)作名词,表示“从事某项工作(或活动)的时间;一段时间”,英文解释为“a period of time that you spend working somewhere or doing a particular activity”举个🌰:

He did a stint abroad early in his career.


2)作动词,表示“节省;吝惜”,英文解释为“to provide or use only a small amount of sth”举个🌰:

She never stints on the food at her parties.


🎬电影《已经开始想你》(Miss You Already)中的台词提到:Only for a short stint. 时间很短的。


表示“(尤指经过努力)获得,取得,实现;争取到”,英文解释为“If you secure something that you want or need, you obtain it, often after a lot of effort.”举个🌰:

They continued their efforts to secure a ceasefire.


Mr. Abe said during a news conference Friday evening that he had suffered a relapse of the bowel disease that led him to resign during his first stint in office. He said he wanted to make way for a new leader who could focus fully on tackling the challenges facing Japan, chiefly the coronavirus pandemic.



表示“旧病复发”,英文解释为“the fact of becoming ill/sick again after making an improvement”如:to have/suffer a relapse 旧病复发。

📺动画片《马男波杰克》(BoJack Horseman)中的台词提到:Todd, this is no time for a relapse. 陶德 你现在(游戏瘾)可不能复发啊。

His conservative governing party, the Liberal Democratic Party, is expected to appoint an interim leader who will serve until the party can hold a leadership election, according to NHK, the public broadcaster. Mr. Abe's term was set to expire in September 2021.



昨天在上任不到3个月 TikTok全球CEO辞职中刚出现过,interim /ˈɪntərɪm/ 表示“临时的”,英文解释为“Interim is used to describe something that is intended to be used until something permanent is done or established.”如:an interim measure/report 临时措施/报告。

The leading candidates to replace Mr. Abe include Taro Aso, the long-serving deputy prime minister and a former prime minister; Yoshihide Suga, the chief cabinet secretary to Mr. Abe; Shigeru Ishiba, a former defense minister who once ran against Mr. Abe for party leader; Fumio Kishida, a former foreign minister; and Taro Kono, the current defense minister.

自民党内的主要候选人包括此前曾担任过首相的副首相麻生太郎(Taro Aso)、内阁官房长官菅义伟(Yoshihide Suga)、曾与安倍竞争党首的前防卫大臣石破茂(Shigeru Ishiba)、前外交大臣岸田文雄(Fumio Kishida)以及现任外交大臣河野太郎(Taro Kono)。

📍deputy prime minister 副首相

📍former prime minister 前首相

📍chief cabinet secretary 内阁官房长官

📍former defense minister 前防卫大臣

📍former foreign minister 前外交大臣

Mr. Abe said that party executives were finalizing plans for selecting a new leader.


Japanese stocks fell as much as 2 percent on Friday afternoon following the report of Mr. Abe's planned resignation.


The Japanese news media had been speculating about Mr. Abe's health for weeks, particularly after he significantly dialed back public appearances as a new wave of coronavirus infections erupted in clusters throughout the country. When Mr. Abe visited a hospital twice in the span of a week, the rumor mill went into overdrive.


dial back

dial作动词本身表示“拨号”,dial back字面意思“(往)回拨”,指的是,减少xxx,减轻xxx,可以理解为reduce,英文解释为“To lessen something, especially in intensity. To make something less forceful or extreme”也可以说dial down.

🎬电影《特朗勃》(Trumbo)中的台词提到:Tell your friend to dial down the paranoia and have a drink. 让你朋友放下偏执,喝杯酒先。

rumor mill

表示“谣言工厂;造谣者”,英文解释为“a situation in which a number of people spread rumours about something”。


表示“超速运转;加倍努力;过度操劳”,英文解释为“a state of great activity, effort, or hard work”,go into overdrive 加劲;加倍努力;拼命工作(to start being very active and working very hard),举个🌰:

As the wedding approached, the whole family went into overdrive.


The machine went into overdrive when war broke out.


Earlier on Friday, Yoshihide Suga, Mr. Abe's chief cabinet secretary, had reassured reporters that Mr. Abe intended to stay in office. “The prime minister himself has said he would like to work hard again from now on, and I'm seeing him every day,” Mr. Suga said in a news briefing, saying that the prime minister's health “remains unchanged.”

周五早些时候,安倍的内阁官房长官菅义伟(Yoshihide Suga)向记者保证,称安倍打算继续任职。“首相自己说过会从现在开始再次努力工作,我每天都会见到他,”菅义伟在一场新闻发布会上说。他说首相的健康情况“没有变化”。

Mr. Abe, the grandson of a prime minister accused of war crimes and the son of a former foreign minister, began his first, yearlong stint as prime minister in 2006. As he resigned in 2007 under a cloud of scandal, he cited the debilitating effects of ulcerative colitis, a bowel disease.



debilitate /dɪˈbɪlɪˌteɪt/ 作动词,表示“使虚弱;削弱,使衰弱”,英文解释为“to make someone or something physically weak”举个🌰:

Chemotherapy exhausted and debilitated him.


🎬电影《上帝保佑美国》(God Bless America)中的台词提到:They do not care that l suffer from debilitating migraines and insomnia. 他们不在乎我患有衰弱性偏头痛和失眠症。

In June, he said on Friday, he was told that doctors had found signs of a relapse of the disease. He said that in the months since he had lost much of his strength, and that he would now step aside so he could receive treatment with a new drug that he called promising.



昨天上任不到3个月 TikTok全球CEO辞职文中才出现过多个“辞职”,这里再回顾一下,step aside等同于step down,表示“退位”,英文解释为“If someone steps down or steps aside, they resign from an important job or position, often in order to let someone else take their place.”举个🌰:

He has decided to step down as captain of the team.


He said he would remain a member of the lower house of Japan's Parliament and continue to help his party pursue its goals.


The public was dissatisfied with his administration's handling of the coronavirus, particularly its effects on the economy, which erased what achievements he could claim under his economic platform, known as “Abenomics.”


Under that program, Mr. Abe had administered a three-pronged plan of monetary easing, fiscal stimulation and corporate reform. Most of its promises of corporate reform — including efforts to empower women, reduce the influence of nepotism and change entrenched work culture — remained unfulfilled.



-pronged /-prɒŋd/ 表示“(攻击、计划或方法)分...部分的”,英文解释为“A two-pronged or three-pronged attack, plan, or approach has two or three parts.”如:a two-pronged attack on the recession 解决经济衰退的“两步”方案。


nepotism /ˈnɛpəˌtɪzəm/ 表示“裙带关系;任人唯亲”,英文解释为“Nepotism is the unfair use of power in order to get jobs or other benefits for your family or friends.”


表示“牢固确立的;根深蒂固的;积重难返的”,英文解释为“Entrenched ideas are so fixed or have existed for so long that they cannot be changed.举个🌰:

It's very difficult to change attitudes that have become so deeply entrenched over the years.


🎬电影《别让我走》(Never Let Me Go)中的台词提到:The tide is with the entrenched mindset, with values that are still unexamined 他们固步自封 抱残守缺 坚守着未经证实的价值观。







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