

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


非常神奇的一幕出现了,在记者提问结束后,他开始为出席会议的一些人签名,并说“今晚把这拿去eBay上卖,你的一万美元就到手了”(Sell this on eBay tonight, you'll get $10,000.)。


Trump tells Hurricane Laura emergency responders to sell his autograph on eBay for $10k

The Independent

President Donald Trump travelled to Lake Charles, Louisiana, on Saturday to inspect damage from Hurricane Laura and attend a briefing on the impact of the disaster and the federal response.

After taking questions from reporters, the president began signing autographs for some of those in attendance, quipping that they could sell them on eBay that night for $10,000.

After being asked to sign one autograph, Mr Trump sits down and calls over to a group of people near by, saying: "Come here fellas, get over here. I want a little power."

Handing an autographed piece of paper to one local official he says: "Sell this on eBay tonight, you'll get $10,000." He tells another recipient that he is deliberately not putting his name on as it will be worth more without it.

The visit came on the 15th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, and there was an unexpected parallel to the calamitous response of the George W Bush administration to that catastrophe.

The president told FEMA administrator Pete Gaynor: “You’ve done a helluva job, Pete”, a remark reminiscent of President Bush telling the 2005 head of FEMA, Michael Brown: “Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job,” despite the dire situation that had unfolded in New Orleans.

Thankfully, the parallels to Katrina end there. While Hurricane Laura was much stronger with wind speeds of 150mph — a Category 4 versus Katrina’s Category 3 — the expected storm surge of up to 20 feet did not materialise. The nine feet surge that did strike the Gulf Coast was still highly damaging.

The death toll of the two storms differs greatly as Laura missed more densely populated areas. At present 16 people are confirmed dead; more than half died from carbon monoxide poisoning due to the unsafe operation of mobile generators in the aftermath of the storm.

The first four deaths, including a 14-year-old girl, were caused by trees falling on houses. In comparison, more than 1,800 people died in the wake of Katrina.

Early damage estimates are between $25bn to $30bn, according to analysis by AccuWeather. Katrina holds the record for the most costly hurricane disaster, totalling $160bn after it submerged 80 per cent of New Orleans.

With Laura, the numbers are still bleak. At least 8,000 homes were destroyed in the hurricane, 14,000 people sought shelter, and more than 500,000 consumers are still without power. At the peak of the outage that number was over 900,000 across three states.

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Trump tells Hurricane Laura emergency responders to sell his autograph on eBay for $10k

The Independent

President Donald Trump travelled to Lake Charles, Louisiana, on Saturday to inspect damage from Hurricane Laura and attend a briefing on the impact of the disaster and the federal response.

唐纳德·特朗普总统周六前往路易斯安那州(Louisiana)的查尔斯湖(Lake Charles)视察飓风“劳拉”(Laura)造成的损失,并听取了关于灾情影响和联邦应对措施的简报。


📍hurricane /ˈhʌrɪkən, -keɪn/ 表示“(尤指西大西洋的)飓风”,英文解释为“a violent wind that has a circular movement, especially in the West Atlantic Ocean”;

📍storm表示“风暴;暴风雨”,英文解释为“an extreme weather condition with very strong wind, heavy rain, and often thunder and lightning”;

📍cyclone /ˈsaɪkləʊn/ 表示“旋风;气旋;龙卷风”,英文解释为“a violent tropical storm or wind in which the air moves very fast in a circular direction”;

📍typhoon /taɪˈfuːn/ 表示“(西太平洋面的)台风”,英文解释为“a violent wind that has a circular movement, found in the West Pacific Ocean”;

📍tornado /tɔːˈneɪdəʊ/ 表示“龙卷风;旋风”,英文解释为“a strong, dangerous wind that forms itself into an upside-down spinning cone and is able to destroy buildings as it moves across the ground”;

From: BBC


表示“简报,简要介绍;简明指示;情况介绍会”,英文解释为“information that is given to someone just before they do something, or a meeting where this happens”举个🌰:

We had to attend a briefing once a month.


After taking questions from reporters, the president began signing autographs for some of those in attendance, quipping that they could sell them on eBay that night for $10,000.



1)表示“(名人的)亲笔签名”,英文解释为“a famous person's signature, especially when sb asks them to write it”举个🌰:

Could I have your autograph?


2)作动词,表示“(在…上)签名”(to sign your name on sth for sb to keep),如:autograph a football 在足球上签名。


此前在美国女子坚持浇花两年,忽然发现是假花???一文中就出现过这一说法,quip作动词,表示“说俏皮话,说妙语”,英文解释为“to say something clever and amusing”,举个🌰:

‘Giving up smoking is easy,’ he quipped. ‘I've done it hundreds of times.’


🎬电影《拉瑞·克劳》(Larry Crowne)中的台词提到:I believe it was George Bernard Shaw who once quipped, 我记得萧伯纳曾说过,

“A fool's brain digests philosophy into folly, science into superstition, and art into pedantry. Hence University education.”


After being asked to sign one autograph, Mr Trump sits down and calls over to a group of people near by, saying: "Come here fellas, get over here. I want a little power."


fella /ˈfɛlə/

表示“伙计;伙子”,英文解释为“You can refer to a man as a fella.”

Handing an autographed piece of paper to one local official he says: "Sell this on eBay tonight, you'll get $10,000." He tells another recipient that he is deliberately not putting his name on as it will be worth more without it.


The visit came on the 15th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, and there was an unexpected parallel to the calamitous response of the George W Bush administration to that catastrophe.

这次访问正值遭受“卡特丽娜”(Katrina)飓风袭击15周年,这与乔治·W·布什(George W Bush)政府对这一灾害的灾难性反应出乎意料的相似。


原意表示“平行的”(If two or more lines, streets, etc. are parallel, the distance between them is the same all along their length)如:a pair of parallel lines 两条平行线,此处表示“同时发生的;相同的,类似的”,英文解释为“used to describe an event or situation that happens at the same time as and/or is similar to another one”如:a parallel example 类似的例子,举个🌰:

Parallel experiments are being conducted in Shanghai, Hangzhou and Beijing.



calamitous /kəˈlæmɪtəs/ 表示“(对人命、财产等)引起灾难的,灾难性的”,英文解释为“If you describe an event or situation as calamitous, you mean it is very unfortunate or serious.”如:the calamitous state 悲惨情况。


📍disastrous表示“极糟糕的;灾难性的;完全失败的”(very bad, harmful or unsuccessful),如:a disastrous result 灾难性的结果。


catastrophe /kəˈtæstrəfɪ/ 表示“灾难;灾祸;横祸”,英文解释为“a sudden event that causes many people to suffer”举个🌰:

From all points of view, war would be a catastrophe.


The president told FEMA administrator Pete Gaynor: “You've done a helluva job, Pete”, a remark reminiscent of President Bush telling the 2005 head of FEMA, Michael Brown: “Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job,” despite the dire situation that had unfolded in New Orleans.

总统对联邦紧急事务管理局(FEMA)局长皮特·盖诺(Pete Gaynor)说:“你做得很好,皮特。”这句话让人想起2005年布什总统对联邦紧急事务管理局局长迈克尔·布朗(Michael Brown)说:“布朗,你做得很好。”尽管当时新奥尔良市(New Orleans)的形势已经很严峻。


helluva /ˈhɛləvə/ 表示“极好的;极坏的;巨大的”,英文解释为“Some people say a helluva or one helluva to emphasize that something is very good, very bad, or very big.”举个🌰:

The man did one helluva job.


a heck of a sth/sb

表示“令人惊讶的好人(或好事)”,英文解释为“a surprisingly good person or thing”举个🌰:

She's one heck of a writer.


20 dollars for that is a heck of a good deal.



reminiscent /ˌrɛmɪˈnɪsənt/ 表示“令人想起的”,英文解释为“If you say that one thing is reminiscent of another, you mean that it reminds you of it.”举个🌰:

The way he laughed was strongly reminiscent of his father.


🎬电影《六天》(6 days)中的台词提到:In scenes more reminiscent of north Ireland, 此场景更让人想起北爱尔兰或美国,


表示“严重的;危急的;极端的”,英文解释为“very serious or extreme”举个🌰:

These people are in dire need of help.



表示“(使)逐渐展现;展示;透露”,英文解释为“to be gradually made known; to gradually make sth known to other people”举个🌰:

The audience watched as the story unfolded before their eyes.


🎬电影《2012世界末日》(2012)中的台词提到:in the year 2012, a cataclysmic event will unfold,2012年灾难会降临。

Thankfully, the parallels to Katrina end there. While Hurricane Laura was much stronger with wind speeds of 150mph — a Category 4 versus Katrina's Category 3 — the expected storm surge of up to 20 feet did not materialise. The nine feet surge that did strike the Gulf Coast was still highly damaging.


versus /ˈvɜːsəs/

经常看到缩写vs,vs.或者是单单一个v,就是指的versus,表示“(表示两队或双方对阵)对;(比较两种不同想法、选择等)与…相对,与…相比”,如:private education versus state education 私立教育与公共教育相比,举个🌰:

It is France versus Brazil in the final.



表示“突然出现;实现,成为现实”,英文解释为“If an idea or hope materializes, it becomes real. If an object materializes, it appears suddenly.”相当于appear,举个🌰:

Suddenly a lorry appeared in front of her - it seemed to materialize out of nowhere.


She was promised a promotion but it never materialized.


🎬电影《反基督者》(Antichrist)中的台词提到:Obsessions never materialize.It's a scientific fact. 妄想不会成为现实 这是科学事实。

The death toll of the two storms differs greatly as Laura missed more densely populated areas. At present 16 people are confirmed dead; more than half died from carbon monoxide poisoning due to the unsafe operation of mobile generators in the aftermath of the storm.

由于“劳拉”未经过人口更密集的地区,两场飓风的死亡人数相差很大。目前已确认有16人死亡;一半以上的人死于一氧化碳中毒(carbon monoxide poisoning),原因是飓风过后,移动式发电机的不安全运行导致。


1)表示“(道路或桥梁)收费;通行费”,英文解释为“A toll road or toll bridge is a road or bridge that you have to pay to use.举个🌰:

Most people who drive the toll roads don't use them every day.


2)表示“(死亡、事故或灾难的)总数”,英文解释为“A toll is a total number of deaths, accidents, or disasters that occur in a particular period of time.”举个🌰:

There are fears that the casualty toll may be higher.


Prepaid tolls only/ Pay toll


表示“(战争、事故、不快事情的)后果,创伤;(不快事件)结束后的一个时期”,英文解释为“The aftermath of an important event, especially a harmful one, is the situation that results from it.”举个🌰:

A lot of rebuilding took place in the aftermath of the war.


The first four deaths, including a 14-year-old girl, were caused by trees falling on houses. In comparison, more than 1,800 people died in the wake of Katrina.


in the wake of

可以理解为替换了上一段的in the aftermath of ...;in the wake of表示“作为…的后果;随…之后而来”,英文解释为“If something happens in the wake of something else, it happens after and often because of it.”举个🌰:

Airport security was extra tight in the wake of yesterday's attacks.


🎬电影《科洛弗道10号》(10 Cloverfield Lane)中的台词提到:In the wake of this afternoon's widespread blackout 在今天下午的大面积停电之后,...

🎬电影《阿波罗13号》(Apollo 13)中的台词提到:lt was that phosphorescent stuff that gets churned up in the wake of a big ship. 就是在大船驶过后被搅上来 会发出磷光的那种东西。

🎬传记电影《史蒂夫·乔布斯》(Steve Jobs)中的台词提到:Apple Computers closed two of its factories today in the wake of disappointing sales. 因为销量不佳 苹果电脑今天关闭了两家工厂。

Early damage estimates are between $25bn to $30bn, according to analysis by AccuWeather. Katrina holds the record for the most costly hurricane disaster, totalling $160bn after it submerged 80 per cent of New Orleans.



表示“(使)潜入水中,没入水中,浸没,淹没”,英文解释为“to go under the surface of water or liquid; to put sth or make sth go under the surface of water or liquid”举个🌰:

The fields had been submerged by floodwater.


With Laura, the numbers are still bleak. At least 8,000 homes were destroyed in the hurricane, 14,000 people sought shelter, and more than 500,000 consumers are still without power. At the peak of the outage that number was over 900,000 across three states.



1)表示“(境况)惨淡的,无希望的”,英文解释为“If a situation is bleak, there is little or no hope for the future.”

1)表示“(地方)荒凉的;凄凉的”,英文解释为“If a place is bleak, it is empty, and not welcoming or attractive.”举个🌰:

The house stands on a bleak, windswept hilltop.



表示“停电(等)期间”,英文解释为“a period when a service, such as electricity, is not available”举个🌰:

The radio news reported power outages affecting 50 homes.



📍power failure:A power failure is a period of time when the electricity supply to a particular building or area is interrupted, for example, because of damage to the cables. 电路中断;断电

📍blackout:a period of darkness caused by a failure of the electricity supply 停电,断电

📍power cut:A power cut is a period of time when the electricity supply to a particular building or area is stopped, sometimes deliberately.

📍power outage = power cut








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