

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


Historic All-Black TIME Magazine Cover Marks Grim 200,000 Covid Death Milestone (from: Veuer)


The Story Behind TIME's Issue Marking Nearly 200,000 U.S. Deaths—and Why Its Border Is Black For the Second Time in History


In March, as the global pandemic hit New York, my colleague Kat Moon decided–wisely, it turned out, given what was ahead for the U.S.–to decamp to her childhood home, Taipei. Taiwan has seen only 495 cases and seven deaths among its more than 23 million people. Last month it was able to host one of the largest public gatherings reported since social distancing began: a 10,000-person live arena concert, which Moon and photographer An Rong Xu attended and covered for TIME. As one U.S. reader put it on Twitter, “An arena concert taking place with corona restrictions honestly seems like it's happening on another planet considering what's going on here in the U.S.”

While a great many mysteries remain around COVID-19, the most effective ways to curb its spread are not among them. That is the theme of this week’s cover story, echoing what scientists around the world have made clear now for many months. “Not testing alone. Not physical distancing alone. Not contact tracing alone. Not masks alone. Do it all,” says World Health Organization director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. “Countries that have adopted this comprehensive approach have suppressed transmission and saved lives.”

And then there is the U.S., which will soon cross a devastating marker: 200,000 deaths caused by COVID-19. That death toll–equivalent to U.S. deaths in more than three Vietnams, or the entire population of Salt Lake City–is the world’s largest by far and more deaths per capita than in all but 12 other countries.

I spoke this week to Tom Ridge, the former Republican governor of Pennsylvania who later served as the first Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security–a role created after Sept. 11, 2001, out of the recognition that the threat of terrorist attacks on American soil would forever be part of the nation’s reality. “We see in a painful and dramatic way the globalization of disease, and it’s incumbent on us to make some rather substantive changes,” Ridge says. “If we don’t, then shame on us and shame on our leadership.”

For this week’s U.S. cover, we turned to artist John Mavroudis, who–using data from the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center–handwrote the death counts in America on every one of the 193 days between Feb. 29, the first confirmation of a COVID-related death in the U.S., and Sept. 8, as it neared time to go to press. Out of that data, the illustration reveals the coming grim milestone of 200,000. Creative director D.W. Pine then placed the illustration within a black border–only the second time in our history we have done so, the first being after 9/11. “I really hope this cover is a wake-up call for those who are numbed to this catastrophe,” says Mavroudis. “Science and common sense are the answers to this crisis.”

There is some good news.

The data suggest that we are reducing the death rate in America among people who contract the virus. And as TIME’s Alice Park notes elsewhere in this issue, it’s possible that at least one vaccine may be available by the time 2020 comes to an end, although distribution will create many new questions and challenges. In the meantime, it is not too late to do better.

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The Story Behind TIME's Issue Marking Nearly 200,000 U.S. Deaths—and Why Its Border Is Black For the Second Time in History


In March, as the global pandemic hit New York, my colleague Kat Moon decided–wisely, it turned out, given what was ahead for the U.S.–to decamp to her childhood home, Taipei. Taiwan has seen only 495 cases and seven deaths among its more than 23 million people. Last month it was able to host one of the largest public gatherings reported since social distancing began: a 10,000-person live arena concert, which Moon and photographer An Rong Xu attended and covered for TIME. As one U.S. reader put it on Twitter, “An arena concert taking place with corona restrictions honestly seems like it's happening on another planet considering what's going on here in the U.S.

3月,当全球流行病袭击纽约时,我的同事文凯特(Kat Moon)决定(事实证明很明智),考虑到美国未来的形势,前往她童年的家乡台北。在2,300多万人口中,台湾仅有495个病例和7人死亡。上个月台湾举办了自保持社交距离以来报道的最大规模的公众集会之一:一场万人现场演唱会,文凯特(Kat Moon)和摄影师许安荣(An Rong Xu)参加了这场演唱会,并为《时代》作报道。正如一位美国读者在推特上所说:“考虑到美国这里的情况,一场在疫情限制下举行的演唱会,说实话就像是发生在另一个星球上。”


表示“不辞而别,偷偷溜走;潜逃”,英文解释为“to leave suddenly and unexpectedly, usually without telling anyone”举个🌰:

He decamped from the hotel with someone else's luggage.



熟词僻义,可以表示“写,说;表达,表述”,英文解释为“to write something;to express something in words”举个🌰:

We're going to have to work very hard, but as he so succinctly put it, there's no gain without pain.


arena /əˈriːnə/

表示“(体育比赛或表演用的)场地,竞技场,剧场;斗争场所;竞争舞台;活动场所”,英文解释为“a large, flat area surrounded by seats used for sports or entertainment”如:an Olympic/a sports arena 奥运会/运动会比赛场地,the international arena 国际舞台。


“亚洲创作新天王”周兴哲(Eric Chou)8月份在台北小巨蛋体育馆(Taipei Arena)举办了《你,好不好巡回演唱会 DELUXE》,成为疫情后全球首场室内万人演唱会,并登上美国《时代》杂志。


coronavirus表示“冠状病毒”大家应该都清楚了,英文解释为“a type of airborne virus accounting for 10-30% of all colds”。

corona本身是“日冕”的意思,a circle of light that can sometimes be seen around the moon at night, or around the sun during an eclipse (= a time when the moon is positioned exactly between the sun and the earth)

While a great many mysteries remain around COVID-19, the most effective ways to curb its spread are not among them. That is the theme of this week's cover story, echoing what scientists around the world have made clear now for many months. “Not testing alone. Not physical distancing alone. Not contact tracing alone. Not masks alone. Do it all,” says World Health Organization director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. “Countries that have adopted this comprehensive approach have suppressed transmission and saved lives.

虽然COVID-19仍有许多谜团,但遏制其蔓延的最有效方法并不在其中。这就是本周封面故事的主题,呼应了世界各地的科学家们几个月来的已经明确了的观点。“不单单是检测。不单单是保持物理距离。不单单是接触者追踪。不单单是戴口罩。而是全都要做到。”世界卫生组织总干事特谭德塞·阿达诺姆(Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus)说。“采取这种全方面措施的国家抑制了传播,挽救了生命。”


表示“ 控制,抑制,限定,约束(不好的事物)”,英文解释为“to control or limit sth, especially sth bad”举个🌰:

He needs to learn to curb his temper.



表示“附和”,英文解释为“If you echo someone's words, you repeat them or express agreement with their attitude or opinion.”举个🌰:

Their views often echo each other.



表示“压制;阻止;抑制”,英文解释为“to prevent sth from growing, developing or continuing”举个🌰:

The virus suppresses the body's immune system.


And then there is the U.S., which will soon cross a devastating marker: 200,000 deaths caused by COVID-19. That death tollequivalent to U.S. deaths in more than three Vietnams, or the entire population of Salt Lake City–is the world's largest by far and more deaths per capita than in all but 12 other countries.

然后是美国,它将很快跨过一个灾难性的标志:COVID-19造成200,000人死亡。这一死亡人数相当于盐湖城(Salt Lake City部人口是迄今为止世界上死亡人数最多的国家,12个国家以外的所有国家死亡人数都多


1)表示“(道路或桥梁)收费;通行费”,英文解释为“A toll road or toll bridge is a road or bridge that you have to pay to use.举个🌰:

Most people who drive the toll roads don't use them every day.


2)表示“(死亡、事故或灾难的)总数”,英文解释为“A toll is a total number of deaths, accidents, or disasters that occur in a particular period of time.”举个🌰:

There are fears that the casualty toll may be higher.


Prepaid tolls only/ Pay toll


表示“(价值、数量、意义、重要性等)相等的,相同的”,英文解释为“equal in value, amount, meaning, importance, etc.”举个🌰:

Eight kilometres is roughly equivalent to five miles.



🧣Weibo, China's Twitter-like service (SCMP)

🧣Weibo, the Chinese equivalent to Twitter (NPR NEWS)

🧣Twitter-like Weibo (Reuters)

🧣Weibo, a Twitter-like platform (NYT)

📍类似的表达还有:sb/sth's answer to

sb/sth's answer to sb/sth

表示“与…相当(或同样好)的人(或物);…的对应物”,英文解释为“If something or someone is the answer to another thing or person, it is or they are considered to be similar or as good.”举个🌰:

The Space Needle is Seattle's answer to the Eiffel Tower.


per capita

表示“每人的;人均的”,英文解释为“for each person”举个🌰:

Per capita income rose sharply last year.


I spoke this week to Tom Ridge, the former Republican governor of Pennsylvania who later served as the first Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security–a role created after Sept. 11, 2001, out of the recognition that the threat of terrorist attacks on American soil would forever be part of the nation's reality. “We see in a painful and dramatic way the globalization of disease, and it's incumbent on us to make some rather substantive changes,” Ridge says. “If we don't, then shame on us and shame on our leadership.

我本周与宾夕法尼亚州前共和党州长汤姆·里奇(Tom Ridge)进行了交谈,他后来担任了国土安全部的第一任部长--这是2001年9月11日之后设立的职位,因为他意识到美国本土的恐怖袭击威胁将永远成为国家现实的一部分。我们以一种痛苦和戏剧性的方式看到了疾病的全球化,我们有责任做出一些相当实质性的改变,里奇说。如果我们不这样做,那么我们感到羞耻,我们的领导也感到羞耻。


除了表示“泥土,土壤”,此处含义是“国家;国土”,英文解释为“a country”举个🌰:

It was the first time we had set foot on foreign/French/American soil (= gone to a foreign country/France/America).


incumbent /ɪnˈkʌmbənt/

1)表示“在职的;现任的”,英文解释为“[ only before noun ] having an official position”如:the incumbent president 现任总统;

2)表示“有责任;必须履行”,英文解释为“( formal ) necessary as part of sb's duties ”举个🌰:

It was incumbent on them to attend.


🎬电影《政坛混战》(The Campaign)中的台词提到:Our first question will go to the incumbent. 第一个问题是给现任议员的。


表示“重要的;严肃的;实质性的,本质的”,英文解释为“important, serious, or related to real facts”举个🌰:

Substantive research on the subject needs to be carried out.


For this week's U.S. cover, we turned to artist John Mavroudis, who–using data from the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center–handwrote the death counts in America on every one of the 193 days between Feb. 29, the first confirmation of a COVID-related death in the U.S., and Sept. 8, as it neared time to go to press. Out of that data, the illustration reveals the coming grim milestone of 200,000. Creative director D.W. Pine then placed the illustration within a black border–only the second time in our history we have done so, the first being after 9/11. “I really hope this cover is a wake-up call for those who are numbed to this catastrophe,” says Mavroudis. “Science and common sense are the answers to this crisis.

对于本周的美国封面,我们求助于艺术家约翰·马夫鲁迪斯(John Mavroudis),他利用约翰斯·霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)冠状病毒资源中心的数据,手写了从2月29日(美国首次确认COVID相关死亡病例)到9月8日(临近付印时)这193天中每一天的美国死亡人数。从这些数据中,插图揭示了即将到来的20万的严峻里程碑。创意总监D.W.Pine随后将插图置于黑色边框内--这是我们历史上第二次这样做,第一次是在911事件之后。“我真的希望这个封面能给那些对这场灾难麻木不仁的人敲响警钟,”马夫鲁迪斯说。“科学和常识是解决这场危机的答案。”

go to press

表示“付印,开印”,英文解释为“to start to be printed”举个🌰:

The newspaper will go to press at midnight.


上个月,《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述俄罗斯反对派领袖阿列克谢·纳瓦尔尼(Alexei Navalny)的文章就用了这一表达,The Economist went to press, ...


1)表示“严酷的;令人沮丧的”,英文解释为“A situation or piece of information that is grim is unpleasant, depressing, and difficult to accept.举个🌰:

There was further grim news yesterday.


2)表示“(地方)阴沉的”,英文解释为“A place that is grim is unattractive and depressing in appearance.”举个🌰:

The city might be grim at first, but there is a vibrancy and excitement.


wake-up call

1)表示“警示,警钟”,英文解释为“If something that happens is a wake-up call, it should make you realize that you need to take action to change a situation.”举个🌰:

For the insurance industry, these floods were a wake-up call.


2)表示“(旅馆、酒店的)电话叫醒服务”,英文解释为“a phone call that you arrange to be made, for example in a hotel, to wake you up at a certain time”。


1)表示“使木呆;使麻木”,英文解释为“If an event or experience numbs you, you can no longer think clearly or feel any emotion.”举个🌰:

For a while the shock of his letter numbed her.


2)表示“使失去知觉”,英文解释为“If cold weather, a drug, or a blow numbs a part of your body, you can no longer feel anything in it.”举个🌰:

The cold numbed my fingers.


There is some good news.


The data suggest that we are reducing the death rate in America among people who contract the virus. And as TIME's Alice Park notes elsewhere in this issue, it's possible that at least one vaccine may be available by the time 2020 comes to an end, although distribution will create many new questions and challenges. In the meantime, it is not too late to do better.

数据表明,我们正在降低美国感染病毒的人的死亡率。而正如《时代》杂志的爱丽丝·帕克(Alice Park)在本期其他地方所提到的那样,到2020年结束时,可能至少会有一种疫苗,即使其供应将产生许多新的问题和挑战。与此同时,现在做得更好还为时不晚。


表示“染(重病)”,英文解释为“If you contract a serious illness, you become ill with it.”如:to contract a virus/a disease 感染病毒/疾病。

🎬电影《震荡效应》(Concussion)中的台词提到:of contracting a brainrelated injury such as dementia, Alzheimer's, depression or CTE? 造成相关的大脑损伤,如痴呆、阿尔茨海默氏症,抑郁症,或CTE?

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