

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26





Donald Trump's COVID-19 Diagnosis Is Forcing Him to Face His Personal—and Political—Vulnerability


The President stood triumphant on the White House balcony, having persuaded his doctors to submit to his will. He had spent his days at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center pushing them to let him out, medical advice be damned. Donald Trump tore off his mask and seemed to gasp for breath, but he would not be deterred from delivering his message.

“Don’t let it dominate; don’t let it take over your lives,” he said, biting off each word. No one must think the virus had defeated him.

His supporters reveled in his return. A Congressman crowed that Trump had beaten the virus just like he beat the Russia investigation and the Democrats’ impeachment. His press secretary–who announced her own case of COVID-19 earlier that day–hailed his ability to “stand strongly on the balcony!” A Senator tweeted a doctored video showing Trump at a wrestling match, punching a man with a coronavirus sphere for a head. The Republicans understand the way Trump likes to be praised; even facing a crisis with life-or-death stakes, they sensed what he wanted was not words of sympathy or compassion, but to be told he had kicked ass. A $100 “Trump Defeats COVID” souvenir coin was soon available for preorder from an unaffiliated White House gift shop. It wasn’t clear that Trump has weathered the disease as well as he claimed. His doctors have given scant information and sidestepped questions about how long he might have had the virus. Medical experts questioned his hasty discharge, pointing out he’d been administered treatments normally reserved for serious cases. Trump had gone to the hospital grudgingly, then announced on Twitter he would be released in order to force the issue, according to two White House officials. “People look up to the President for answers,” says Chuck Hagel, the former Republican Senator and Defense Secretary, “and he supplies them with falsehoods that put their lives at risk.”

A President obsessed with strength and dominance could never stand to be revealed as a sick, vulnerable old man, a mortal made of flesh like the rest of us, ashes to ashes. There could never be a Wizard of Oz moment for Donald J. Trump, with his might-makes-right brand of politics. In recent weeks, he has bullied the Congress, his political opponent and the very machinery of democracy itself, all while mocking health precautions, practically daring the virus to infect him. He would sacrifice those around him, the country and even potentially his own health–anything it took not to appear weak.

When the President sneezes, America gets a cold. When the President gets COVID-19, America, too, must contemplate its frailty. His pathologies are our pathologies. Trump, like COVID, has scrambled our sense of national identity, with effects that will linger beyond Nov. 3. What have these past four years done to us–and what will it take to recover? Will we be humbled by weakness, or plunge forward in a state of dangerous denial?

One thing was clear as the President stood there: Trump had made his choice. (“He was huffing and puffing on the balcony like an American Mussolini,” said his disillusioned former communications director Anthony Scaramucci.) Let the losers carp about masks and viral loads. He will stand unbowed, a winner to the very end. He will not be saved from himself.

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Donald Trump's COVID-19 Diagnosis Is Forcing Him to Face His Personal—and Political—Vulnerability


The President stood triumphant on the White House balcony, having persuaded his doctors to submit to his will. He had spent his days at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center pushing them to let him out, medical advice be damned. Donald Trump tore off his mask and seemed to gasp for breath, but he would not be deterred from delivering his message.



triumphant /traɪˈʌmfənt/ 表示“取得巨大成功的;欢欣鼓舞的;洋洋得意的”,英文解释为“having achieved a great victory (= winning a war or competition) or success, or feeling very happy and proud because of such an achievement”举个🌰:

It seemed as though the whole city had turned out for their team's triumphant homecoming.



熟词僻义,表示“顺从,屈服;不得以接受”,英文解释为“to allow another person or group to have power or authority over you, or to accept something unwillingly”举个🌰:

She refused to submit to threats.


be damned

通常在句末,(someone or something) be damned,英文解释为“Used to express reckless or contemptuous disregard for a particular person or thing, especially in favor of someone or something else.”可以理解为:xxx见鬼去吧,管它xxx,举个🌰:

The only thing this company is concerned with is making as much money as possible, employee welfare be damned!


tear off

表示“胡乱脱掉;撕下,扯下”,英文解释为“If you tear off your clothes, you take them off in a rough and violent way.”举个🌰:

Totally exhausted, he tore his clothes off and fell into bed.


gasp /ɡæsp/

1)表示“(大声、带有困难地)喘气,上气不接下气”,英文解释为“to breathe loudly and with difficulty, trying to get more air”举个🌰:

e pulled her aboard the boat and she sprawled on the deck, coughing and gasping for breath.


2)表示“(尤指由于惊奇、痛苦或震惊而)喘息,喘气,倒抽气”,英文解释为“A gasp is a short, quick breath of air that you take in through your mouth, especially when you are surprised, shocked, or in pain.”举个🌰:

An audible gasp went around the court as the jury announced the verdict.



📍be gasping (for sth) 表示“渴望得到(某物)”,英文解释为“to feel that you urgently need something such as a drink or cigarette spoken”举个🌰:

I'm gasping for a pint!



表示“阻挠,阻止;威慑;使不敢”,英文解释为“to prevent someone from doing something or to make someone less enthusiastic about doing something by making it difficult for that person to do it or by threatening bad results if they do it”举个🌰:

High prices are deterring many young people from buying houses.


🎬电影《杀手:代号47》(Hitman)中的台词提到:I, for one, will not let their cowardice deter me. 作为总统 为了一个人 我将一往无前。

🎬电影《孤独的生还者》(Lone Survivor)中的台词提到:If you do come under attack, use the appropriate force necessary to deter or defeat that threat. 如果遭受袭击使用适当的武力来制止或反击此威胁。

“Don't let it dominate; don't let it take over your lives,” he said, biting off each word. No one must think the virus had defeated him.


His supporters reveled in his return. A Congressman crowed that Trump had beaten the virus just like he beat the Russia investigation and the Democrats' impeachment. His press secretary–who announced her own case of COVID-19 earlier that day–hailed his ability to “stand strongly on the balcony!”


revel in sth

revel /ˈrɛvəl/ in 表示“陶醉于,沉湎于”,英文解释为“o enjoy something very much”举个🌰:

He revelled in his new-found fame.



📍reveler /'revələ/ 表示“欢宴者,狂欢者;饮酒狂欢者;摆设酒宴者”,英文解释为“someone who dances, drinks, sings, etc. at a party or in public, especially in a noisy way”。


表示“夸耀;夸口,自夸”,英文解释为“to talk in a proud and annoying way about something you have done”举个🌰:

He's always crowing about his latest triumph.


A Senator tweeted a doctored video showing Trump at a wrestling match, punching a man with a coronavirus sphere for a head. The Republicans understand the way Trump likes to be praised; even facing a crisis with life-or-death stakes, they sensed what he wanted was not words of sympathy or compassion, but to be told he had kicked ass. A $100 “Trump Defeats COVID” souvenir coin was soon available for preorder from an unaffiliated White House gift shop.



熟词僻义,doctor作动词,可以表示“篡改,涂改”,英文解释为“to change a document in order to deceive people”举个🌰:

He was found to have provided the court with doctored evidence.


📍提到doctor想到有意思的绕口令:When a doctor doctors another doctor, does he doctor the doctored doctor the way the doctored doctor wants to be doctored?


1)表示“用拳猛击”,英文解释为“If you punch someone or something, you hit them hard with your fist.”举个🌰:

After punching him on the chin she wound up hitting him over the head.


2)表示“按(键或钮)”,英文解释为“If you punch something such as the buttons on a keyboard, you touch them in order to store information on a machine such as a computer or to give the machine a command to do something.”举个🌰:

She strode to the lift and punched the button.


sphere /sfɪə/

1)表示“球,圆球;球状物”,英文解释为“an object shaped like a round ball”;

2)表示“(活动、兴趣的)领域”,英文解释为“A sphere of activity or interest is a particular area of activity or interest.”如:the sphere of international politics 国际政治领域,different social spheres 不同的社会圈子。


表示“独立的;无党派(或组织)的;非附属的”,英文解释为“not officially connected or associated with an organization”。

It wasn't clear that Trump has weathered the disease as well as he claimed. His doctors have given scant information and sidestepped questions about how long he might have had the virus. Medical experts questioned his hasty discharge, pointing out he'd been administered treatments normally reserved for serious cases. Trump had gone to the hospital grudgingly, then announced on Twitter he would be released in order to force the issue, according to two White House officials. “People look up to the President for answers,” says Chuck Hagel, the former Republican Senator and Defense Secretary, “and he supplies them with falsehoods that put their lives at risk.”

目前还不清楚特朗普是否像他声称的那样经受住了疾病的考验。他的医生提供的信息很少,并回避了关于他可能感染病毒多久的问题。医学专家质疑他的仓促出院,指出他已经接受了通常用于重症病例的治疗方案。据两位白宫官员说,特朗普此前非常不情愿地去了医院,然后在推特上宣布他将出院,以强迫(医生让他出院)。“人们仰慕总统,以寻求答案,”前共和党参议员、国防部长查克·哈格尔(Chuck Hagel)说,“他向他们提供虚假的信息,使他们的生命受到威胁。


熟词僻义,作动词,表示“平安度过(困境);经受住”,英文解释为“to deal successfully with a difficult situation or a problem”举个🌰:

As a small new company they did well to weather the recession.



表示“少量的;不足的;贫乏的”,英文解释为“very little and not enough”举个🌰:

He pays scant attention to the needs of his children.



1)可以作动词,表示“准许(某人)离开;解雇”,英文解释为“to give sb official permission to leave a place or job; to make sb leave a job”举个🌰:

Patients were being discharged from the hospital too early.


2)也可以作名词,类似的表示“获官方允许离开(军队,监狱或医院)”(official permission to leave the armed forces, a prison, or a hospital)。



She grudgingly admitted that she had been wrong to criticize him.


A President obsessed with strength and dominance could never stand to be revealed as a sick, vulnerable old man, a mortal made of flesh like the rest of us, ashes to ashes. There could never be a Wizard of Oz moment for Donald J. Trump, with his might-makes-right brand of politics. In recent weeks, he has bullied the Congress, his political opponent and the very machinery of democracy itself, all while mocking health precautions, practically daring the virus to infect him. He would sacrifice those around him, the country and even potentially his own health–anything it took not to appear weak.



表示“强权决定是非;强权即公理”,Superior strength can enforce one's will or dictate justice, as in The generals dismissed the parliament and imprisoned the premier—might makes right in that country, or The big boys wouldn't let the little ones use the basketball, a case of might makes right. This expression was first recorded in English about 1327.

《绿野仙踪(Wizard of Oz)》

When the President sneezes, America gets a cold. When the President gets COVID-19, America, too, must contemplate its frailty. His pathologies are our pathologies. Trump, like COVID, has scrambled our sense of national identity, with effects that will linger beyond Nov. 3. What have these past four years done to us–and what will it take to recover? Will we be humbled by weakness, or plunge forward in a state of dangerous denial?



1)表示“考虑;思量;思忖”,英文解释为“to think about whether you should do sth, or how you should do sth”举个🌰:

I have never contemplated living abroad.


2)表示“考虑接受(发生某事的可能性)”,英文解释为“to think carefully about and accept the possibility of sth happening”举个🌰:

The thought of war is too awful to contemplate.


3)表示“深思熟虑;沉思;苦思冥想”,英文解释为“to think deeply about sth for a long time”举个🌰:

She lay in bed, contemplating.


4)表示“端详;凝视”,英文解释为“to look at sb/sth in a careful way for a long time”举个🌰:

She contemplated him in silence.



1)表示“脆弱;虚弱”,英文解释为“weakness and lack of health or strength”举个🌰:

Though ill for most of her life, physical frailty never stopped her from working.


2)表示“(道德上的)弱点,缺点”,英文解释为“moral weakness”,如:human frailties 人性弱点。


表示“病理学;病状;变态;反常”,英文解释为“Pathology is the study of the way diseases and illnesses develop. An aspect of sb's behaviour that is extreme and unreasonable and that they cannot control”。


作动词,表示“使…感到自惭”,英文解释为“to make someone understand that they are not as important or special as they thought”举个🌰:

He was humbled by the child's generosity.


One thing was clear as the President stood there: Trump had made his choice. (“He was huffing and puffing on the balcony like an American Mussolini,” said his disillusioned former communications director Anthony Scaramucci.) Let the losers carp about masks and viral loads. He will stand unbowed, a winner to the very end. He will not be saved from himself.


注:Mussolini 墨索里尼,特指意大利法西斯党首领及独裁者。


📍puff /pʌf/ 表示“抽 (香烟、雪茄、烟斗等)”,英文解释为“If someone puffs on or at a cigarette, cigar, or pipe, they smoke it.”举个🌰:

He lit a cigar and puffed on it twice.


此外,puff还有“喘粗气”的意思,英文解释为“If you are puffing, you are breathing loudly and quickly with your mouth open because you are out of breath after a lot of physical effort.”举个🌰:

He caught up with Tom, puffing for breath.


📍huff:表示“怒气冲冲地说”,英文解释为“to say something in an annoyed or offended way” 举个🌰:

"Well if that's how you feel, I'll go," she huffed.


📍短语:huff and puff

1)表示“气喘吁吁”(to breathe out in a noisy way, especially when you do something that involves a lot of physical effort)举个🌰:

He was huffing and puffing by the time he got to the top.


2)表示“强烈反对;发脾气”(to show clearly that you strongly disagree with or are annoyed about something)举个🌰:

After a lot of huffing and puffing, he eventually gave in to our request.



表示“挑剔,找茬,吹毛求疵”,英文解释为“to complain all the time about matters that are not important”举个🌰:

I can't stand the way he's always carping.





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