

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26





2018年10月份,美国一位名叫Jeremiah Harvey的9岁小男孩也遭遇了类似“指控”,在超市里走在妈妈前面的小男孩同样是书包蹭到了边上的一位女士。

Jeremiah Harvey, 9, speaks exclusively to ABC News about his fear of being taken away by police after the viral incident.


It's not groping or fondling – it is sexual assault

The Guardian

Numerous high-profile cases of sexual violence and abuse have been exposed in recent years, with the same words cropping up again and again: “groping”, “fondling”, “inappropriate touching”. What each of these terms usually means is sexual assault. But both in casual conversation and in the press, we will go to almost any lengths to avoid saying it.

According to the Sexual Offences Act 2003, the elements of the offence of sexual assault are:

• A person (A) intentionally touches another person (B)

• the touching is sexual

• (B) does not consent to the touching, and (A) does not reasonably believe that (B) consents.

The Crown Prosecution Service guidelines further clarify that “touching is widely defined and includes with any part of the body, or with anything else, and can be through clothing”. The definition is clear.

Sometimes, the reason behind a reluctance to use accurate language is more compassionate than malicious – an attempt to avoid the reality of what happens to girls and women on a regular basis. It is easier to rely on euphemistic language, such as “groping” or “fondling”, than to talk about sexual assault. But that doesn’t help, because we inadvertently end up downgrading the severity of the offence, which, in turn, helps normalise it.

Undermining sexual violence through diminishing language is prevalent but not new.

By not pointing out how unacceptable this culture is, we become complicit in the message that victims are already receiving loud and clear: this isn’t really a big deal, you won’t be taken seriously, it’s not worth going to the police. One of the most frequently cited reasons for not reporting sexual offences is that they seemed “too trivial” to report.

It is a message so entrenched in society that the vast majority of women and girls are completely unaware that being touched on the breasts, grabbed between the legs or squeezed on the bottom, among other common experiences, could constitute sexual assault. Many girls come to see this behaviour as normal – expected even – and simply the price you pay for being a woman. This means not only that victims are much less likely to report what has happened (or feel able to complain in a workplace, nightclub or school setting), but also that perpetrators are unaware of the severity of committing such offences.

Unfortunately, the term sexual assault has become so little understood that it is sometimes necessary to talk about “touching” or “grabbing” in order to elicit accurate responses. Far fewer people might report “sexual assault” in a survey, for example, than would describe having been touched without their consent.

Words such as “groping” and “fondling” are incapable of carrying the weight of the experiences they are stretched to encompass: an elderly woman pinned roughly against a wall in her home by a friend of her late husband; an 11-year old girl too afraid to report the male classmate stroking the inside of her thigh under the desk during a geography lesson; a university student out running when a passerby grabbed her suddenly and firmly by the breasts; a video store cashier whose boss would smack her bottom each time she went up the ladder to the storeroom. All stories that have been relayed to me personally, several through tears. A litany of sexual assaults, reduced to something flimsy and dismissible. Moments that profoundly affect women’s lives, diminished and whitewashed.

Language has such power. When we deny victims the words to describe and define their own experiences we actively disempower them and distance them from justice. We owe it to all survivors to start describing “groping” and “fondling” by their real name: sexual assault.

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It's not groping or fondling – it is sexual assault

The Guardian

Numerous high-profile cases of sexual violence and abuse have been exposed in recent years, with the same words cropping up again and again: “groping”, “fondling”, “inappropriate touching”. What each of these terms usually means is sexual assault. But both in casual conversation and in the press, we will go to almost any lengths to avoid saying it.



profile一词经常出现,1)表示“(有关某人的)简介,概况”,英文解释为“A profile of someone is a short article or programme in which their life and character are described.举个🌰:

A newspaper published comparative profiles of the candidates' wives.


2)表示“关注度”,英文解释为“If someone has a high profile, people notice them and what they do. If you keep a low profile, you avoid doing things that will make people notice you.”常用:a high profile 惹人注目/关注;高姿态,a low profile 不惹人注目,低姿态;如:a move that would give Egypt a much higher profile in the upcoming peace talks 会给埃及在即将到来的和平谈判中高关注度的一个行动。

📍顺便插一句,如果你把微信语言设置成英文,你就会发现微信官方把头像处理成:Profile Photo,上面的“My Profile”对应的中文则是“个人信息”。

crop up

表示“意外发生;冒出;突然出现”,英文解释为“to happen or appear unexpectedly”举个🌰:

Her name keeps cropping up in conversation.



1)原意表示“摸索;(尤指)摸寻,探寻,摸索着前进”,英文解释为“to feel with your hands, especially in order to find or move towards something when you cannot see easily”;

2)也有“摸(某人);(通常指)猥亵”的含义,英文解释为“to touch someone's body in order to get sexual pleasure, usually when the person does not like it”举个🌰:

He groped me as I was going to the bar.



表示“(充满柔情地)抚摸,抚弄;(两性间)爱抚”,英文解释为“to touch gently and in a loving way, or to touch in a sexual way”举个🌰:

She fondled the puppies.


go to any lengths

go to any lengths = go to great lengths表示“竭尽全力,全力以赴”,英文解释为“to try very hard to achieve something”举个🌰:

Some people go to great lengths to make their homes attractive.


According to the Sexual Offences Act 2003, the elements of the offence of sexual assault are:


• A person (A) intentionally touches another person (B)

- 一人(A)故意触摸他人(B)

the touching is sexual

• (B) does not consent to the touching, and (A) does not reasonably believe that (B) consents.

- B不同意触摸,而A没有合理理由相信(B)同意。

The Crown Prosecution Service guidelines further clarify that “touching is widely defined and includes with any part of the body, or with anything else, and can be through clothing”. The definition is clear.

英国皇家检控署(Crown Prosecution Service)的指导方针进一步明确指出,“触摸的定义很广,包括用身体的任何部位或其他任何东西,并且可以是通过衣服”。这个定义很明确。


表示“澄清;阐明;使更清晰易懂”,英文解释为“to make something clear or easier to understand by giving more details or a simpler explanation”举个🌰:

Could you clarify the first point please?


Sometimes, the reason behind a reluctance to use accurate language is more compassionate than malicious – an attempt to avoid the reality of what happens to girls and women on a regular basis. It is easier to rely on euphemistic language, such as “groping” or “fondling”, than to talk about sexual assault. But that doesn't help, because we inadvertently end up downgrading the severity of the offence, which, in turn, helps normalise it.



表示“富有同情心的”,英文解释为“showing compassion”举个🌰:

The public's response to the crisis appeal was generous and compassionate.



表示“恶意的,恶毒的,意在伤人的”,英文解释为“intended to harm or upset other people”如:malicious gossip 用意歹毒的流言蜚语。


euphemistic /ˈjuːfɪˌmɪstɪk/ 表示“委婉的;婉言的”,英文解释为“using a word or phrase in order to avoid saying a more unpleasant or offensive word”。


inadvertent形容词,表示“非故意的,无意的”,英文解释为“not intentional”举个🌰:

All authors need to be wary of inadvertent copying of other people's ideas.



表示“(使)降级;(使)降职;贬低;轻视”,英文解释为“to reduce someone or something to a lower rank or position, or to cause something to be considered less important or valuable”举个🌰:

My job's been downgraded to that of ordinary editor.


Undermining sexual violence through diminishing language is prevalent but not new.



1)表示“逐渐削弱;逐渐动摇”,英文解释为“If you undermine something such as a feeling or a system, you make it less strong or less secure than it was before, often by a gradual process or by repeated efforts.”举个🌰:

Offering advice on each and every problem will undermine her feeling of being adult.


2)表示“(通常以间接方式)动摇(某人的地位或权威)”,英文解释为“If you undermine someone or undermine their position or authority, you make their authority or position less secure, often by indirect methods.”举个🌰:

She undermined him and destroyed his confidence in his own talent.



除了表示“(使)减少,(使)减小”(to become or make something become smaller or less),也有“贬低”的含义,英文解释为“If you diminish someone or something, you talk about them or treat them in a way that makes them appear less important than they really are.”举个🌰:

He never put her down or diminished her.



表示“盛行的;普遍存在的”,英文解释为“A condition, practice, or belief that is prevalent is common.”举个🌰:

This condition is more prevalent in women than in men.


🎬电影《感谢你抽烟》(Thank you for smoking)中的台词提到:The health issue's way too prevalent. 健康问题太普遍了。


📍pervasive表示“到处存在的,到处弥漫着的,遍布的”,英文解释为“Something, especially something bad, that is pervasive is present or felt throughout a place or thing.”如:the pervasive influence of mobile phones in daily life 手机在日常生活中无处不在的影响。

By not pointing out how unacceptable this culture is, we become complicit in the message that victims are already receiving loud and clear: this isn't really a big deal, you won't be taken seriously, it's not worth going to the police. One of the most frequently cited reasons for not reporting sexual offences is that they seemed “too trivial” to report.



complicit /ˌkɒmˈplɪsɪt/ 表示“同谋的;串通的”,英文解释为“If someone is complicit in a crime or unfair activity, they are involved in it.”

📍2017年,词典网站Dictionary.com公布了其评选出的2017年度词汇就是这个词,complicit 同谋。

2017年度词汇 (同谋 | 假新闻)


trivial /ˈtrɪvɪəl/ 表示“无关紧要的;微不足道的,琐碎的;没有价值的;容易解决的,不费吹灰之力的”,英文解释为“If you describe something as trivial, you think that it is unimportant and not serious.”举个🌰:

He tried to wave aside these issues as trivial details that could be settled later.


It is a message so entrenched in society that the vast majority of women and girls are completely unaware that being touched on the breasts, grabbed between the legs or squeezed on the bottom, among other common experiences, could constitute sexual assault. Many girls come to see this behaviour as normal – expected even – and simply the price you pay for being a woman. This means not only that victims are much less likely to report what has happened (or feel able to complain in a workplace, nightclub or school setting), but also that perpetrators are unaware of the severity of committing such offences.



表示“牢固确立的;根深蒂固的;积重难返的”,英文解释为“Entrenched ideas are so fixed or have existed for so long that they cannot be changed.举个🌰:

It's very difficult to change attitudes that have become so deeply entrenched over the years.


🎬电影《别让我走》(Never Let Me Go)中的台词提到:The tide is with the entrenched mindset, with values that are still unexamined 他们固步自封 抱残守缺 坚守着未经证实的价值观。


熟词僻义,表示“臀部,屁股”,英文解释为“the part of your body that you sit on”举个🌰:

She slipped and fell on her bottom.



除了表示“组成”,等同于make up,此处意思是“构成,被视为,被算作”,英文解释为“If something constitutes a particular thing, it can be regarded as being that thing.”,如:constitute a professional and legal offence 构成职业和法律犯罪;举个🌰:

Failing to complete the work constitutes a breach of the employment contract.


The rise in crime constitutes a threat to society.


🎬电影《空中危机》(Flightplan)中的台词提到:A teddy bear does not constitute an inaccurate passenger manifest. 有一只泰迪熊并不代表 乘客名单出了错。

🎬电影《从足球流氓到黑帮崛起3》(Rise of the Footsoldier 3)中的台词提到:High on drink and pills does not constitute as a defense. 醉药 醉酒 不能作为辩护证据。


perpetrator /ˈpɜːrpətreɪtər/ 表示“作恶者;犯罪者”,英文解释为“someone who does something morally wrong or illegal”。

📺美剧《疑犯追踪》(Person of Interest)的片头经典台词就有一句:But victim or perpetrator, if your number is up, we'll find you.(但无论是受害人还是行凶者,只要你的号码被列出来,我们就会找到你。)

Unfortunately, the term sexual assault has become so little understood that it is sometimes necessary to talk about “touching” or “grabbing” in order to elicit accurate responses. Far fewer people might report “sexual assault” in a survey, for example, than would describe having been touched without their consent.



表示“引出,探出,诱出(尤指信息或反应)”,英文解释为“to get or produce something, especially information or a reaction”举个🌰:

Have you managed to elicit a response from them yet?


📍前两天Jasper对着每个镜头道歉文中刚出现的表达:These children tell their parents those things that will elicit praise and hide the parts of their lives that won't. 这些孩子会告诉父母那些可以赢得赞扬的事情,隐瞒自己生活中不会受到赞赏的事情。

Words such as “groping” and “fondling” are incapable of carrying the weight of the experiences they are stretched to encompass: an elderly woman pinned roughly against a wall in her home by a friend of her late husband; an 11-year old girl too afraid to report the male classmate stroking the inside of her thigh under the desk during a geography lesson; a university student out running when a passerby grabbed her suddenly and firmly by the breasts; a video store cashier whose boss would smack her bottom each time she went up the ladder to the storeroom. All stories that have been relayed to me personally, several through tears. A litany of sexual assaults, reduced to something flimsy and dismissible. Moments that profoundly affect women's lives, diminished and whitewashed.



表示“包含,包括(尤指很多不同事物”,英文解释为“to include different types of things”举个🌰:

The festival is to encompass everything from music, theatre, and ballet to literature, cinema, and the visual arts.



1)作名词,表示“大头针;胸针;饰针”,英文解释为“a short thin piece of stiff wire with a sharp point at one end and a round head at the other, used especially for fastening together pieces of cloth when sewing;a short thin piece of stiff wire with a sharp point at one end and an item of decoration at the other, worn as jewellery”;

2)作动词,表示“使不能动弹;按住;钳住”,英文解释为“to make sb unable to move by holding them or pressing them against sth”举个🌰:

They pinned him against a wall and stole his wallet.



熟词僻义,作名词表示“中风”,此处作动词表示“轻抚,抚摸”,英文解释为“to move a hand, another part of the body, or an object gently over something or someone, usually repeatedly and for pleasure”举个🌰:

Stroke the dog if you want, he won't bite.



表示“掌掴,打”,英文解释为“to hit someone or something forcefully with the flat inside part of your hand, producing a short, loud noise, especially as a way of punishing a child”举个🌰:

I never smack my children.



表示“转告,传达,传递”,英文解释为“If you relay something that has been said to you, you repeat it to another person.”举个🌰:

She relayed the message, then frowned. 


📍relay作名词还有“接力赛”的意思,如:a relay race 接力赛。


📍delay表示“推迟”,英文解释为“If you delay doing something, you do not do it immediately or at the planned or expected time, but you leave it until later.”

a litany of

表示“一连串(反复发生的不愉快的事情)”,英文解释为“a long list of unpleasant things, especially things that are repeated”如:a litany of complaints 一连串投诉。


表示“(论点、借口等)不足信的,站不住脚的”,英文解释为“A flimsy argument, excuse, etc. is weak and difficult to believe.”举个🌰:

When I asked him why he was late, he gave me some flimsy excuse about having car trouble.



whitewash作动词,表示“粉饰,掩盖…的真相”,英文解释为“to make something bad seem acceptable by hiding the truth”举个🌰:

The department is trying to whitewash their incompetence.


Language has such power. When we deny victims the words to describe and define their own experiences we actively disempower them and distance them from justice. We owe it to all survivors to start describing “groping” and “fondling” by their real name: sexual assault.



表示“削弱…的力量;削弱…的自信心”,英文解释为“to take away someone's confidence and feeling of being in control of their life”举个🌰:

Empowering women doesn't mean disempowering men.


How to Protect Yourself From Being Groped in a Crowd








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