
全棉时代再次致歉 是道歉还是自夸?

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26






Controversial ad for make-up wipe pulled in China after backlash over alleged victim-blaming


A controversial advertisement for make-up removal wipes has been pulled from the internet in China, after it prompted widespread backlash on social media over claims it "demonized" victims of sexual assault.

The advertisement, produced by Chinese cotton product brand Purcotton, shows a woman walking down a dimly lit street at night followed by a masked man. As the man begins to approach her, the woman is shown using a Purcotton wipe to remove her make-up, seemingly horrifying her would-be attacker and causing him to run away.

Though it is unclear when the advertisement was first released, social media users in China have seized on the short video, decrying its apparent victim-blaming message, and labeling it "disgusting" and "wrong." Some have even called for a boycott of the company's products.

"You use what scares women the most for an advertisement, which is beyond comprehension and unacceptable," one user said on Weibo, China's Twitter-like platform.

China Women's News, a website which is operated by the government-affiliated All-China Women's Federation, denounced the ad on their social media for "demonizing the victim."

"(It is) full of prejudice, malice, and ignorance. Women are consumers and not consumer goods. It is inevitable that 'creative' advertisements that insult women will be criticized by the public," the social media post said.

Purcotton, which is owned by Winner Medical Group, has more than 240 stores in China and an estimated 20 million customers, according to the company's website.

Purcotton originally defended the advertisement as a creative way to advertise the "cleaning function of the product," but as the calls for a boycott grew, the company removed the video from their accounts and eventually apologized on January 8.

"We have set up a team to hold people to account for the problem and, in the meantime, we will improve content production and the review process to prevent similar incidents from happening again," the company's post said. Purcotton posted a second apology letter to their Weibo account on Monday.

It isn't the first time that a Chinese company has been forced to apologize over accusations of sexism.

In 2020, supermarket chain RT-Mart apologized after one of its stores displayed a sizing chart which labeled women who wore large or XXL clothes "rotten" and "terrible."

One year earlier, China's top ride-hailing app Didi Chuxing had to backtrack on a curfew for female passengers using its service after 8 p.m., which had been put in place following the murder of two women who used the app.

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Controversial ad for make-up wipe pulled in China after backlash over alleged victim-blaming


A controversial advertisement for make-up removal wipes has been pulled from the internet in China, after it prompted widespread backlash on social media over claims it "demonized" victims of sexual assault.



表示“化妆品”,英文解释为“coloured substances used on your face to improve or change your appearance”举个🌰:

I put on a little eye make-up.



作名词,表示“(湿)抹布;(湿)纸巾;(湿)手巾”,英文解释为“a piece of soft, wet cloth or paper that you use for wiping”如:baby wipes 婴儿纸巾。


熟词僻义,表示“取消,撤销(活动、广告等)”,英文解释为“to cancel an event; to stop showing an advertisement, etc.”举个🌰:

The gig was pulled at the last moment.


📍2018年,《经济学人》(The Economist)评价《我不是药神》&《阿修罗》的文章中提到:On July 15th “Asura”, the most expensive film ever made in China at $113m, was pulled from cinemas just three days after its launch owing to dismal box-office takings. 7月15日,《阿修罗》,这部中国有史以来最贵的电影,1.13亿的票房,在上映仅三天后就因票房惨淡被撤下院线。


作动词,表示“促使;导致;激起”,英文解释为“to make sb decide to do sth; to cause sth to happen”举个🌰:

His speech prompted an angry outburst from a man in the crowd.


📺美剧《斯巴达克斯:血与沙》(Spartacus: Blood and Sand)中的台词提到:One cannot but wonder what would prompt such an act 不知他们为何遭此不幸。


表示“强烈抵制,集体反对”,英文解释为“a strong negative reaction by a large number of people, for example to sth that has recently changed in society如:the male backlash against feminism 男性对女权主义的强烈反应。

📺美剧《无耻之徒》(Shameless)第一季中的台词提到:There will be a backlash if people don't stop 字幕组翻译为:如果人们不停止...的话,迟早会出大事。


表示“妖魔化”,英文解释为“If people demonize someone, they convince themselves that that person is evil.”举个🌰:

Each side began to demonize the other.


The advertisement, produced by Chinese cotton product brand Purcotton, shows a woman walking down a dimly lit street at night followed by a masked man. As the man begins to approach her, the woman is shown using a Purcotton wipe to remove her make-up, seemingly horrifying her would-be attacker and causing him to run away.



表示“暗淡地;昏暗地;模糊地”,英文解释为“not very brightly or clearly”如:a dimly lit room 灯光昏暗的房间;此处的 lit 可以理解为 light 的过去分词/过去式。


表示“想要做…的;试图成为…的;未来的”,英文解释为“wanting or trying to be”如:a would-be artist/politician 未来的艺术家/政治家。

Though it is unclear when the advertisement was first released, social media users in China have seized on the short video, decrying its apparent victim-blaming message, and labeling it "disgusting" and "wrong." Some have even called for a boycott of the company's products.


seize on

表示“抓住;揪住;大加利用;突然大为关注”,英文解释为“to use, accept, or take advantage of something quickly or enthusiastically”举个🌰:

The rumours were eagerly seized upon by the local press.


The story was seized on by the tabloid press, who printed it under huge headlines.



表示“(公开)谴责;(强烈)批评”,英文解释为“to strongly criticize sb/sth, especially publicly”举个🌰:

The measures were decried as useless.



Victim-blaming 指责受害者,这个词从短语blame the victim而来,是指将过错归于受害者的一种社会及心理现象。汉语中也有类似的表述,比如“自作自受”、“可怜之人必有可恨之处”等。(参考消息)


boycott /ˈbɔɪkɒt/ 在类似新闻报道中多次出现,比韩国小姐集体拒绝赴日比赛一文中的Korea to boycott Miss International 2019;

boycott可作动词也可作名词,意思是“抵制,排斥,拒绝参加”,港澳台地区常说的“杯葛”一词即为boycott的音译,英文解释为“to refuse to buy, use or take part in sth as a way of protesting”举个🌰:

We boycott all products tested on animals.


"You use what scares women the most for an advertisement, which is beyond comprehension and unacceptable," one user said on Weibo, China's Twitter-like platform.



表示“理解力;领悟能力”,英文解释为“the ability to understand completely and be familiar with a situation, facts, etc.”举个🌰:

He has no comprehension of the size of the problem.


China Women's News, a website which is operated by the government-affiliated All-China Women's Federation, denounced the ad on their social media for "demonizing the victim."



affiliate /əˈfɪliət/  作名词,表示“附属机构;分支机构;分公司;分会”,英文解释为“a company, an organization, etc. that is connected with or controlled by another larger one”,如:an affiliate of the university 大学的隶属机构/分支机构。

📍也可以作动词,表示“使并入,使隶属(较大的团体或组织);使紧密联系”,英文解释为“to cause a group to become part of or form a close relationship with another, usually larger, group, or organization”,如:a college affiliated to Zhejiang University 浙江大学附属学院;举个🌰:

The hospital is affiliated with the local university.



📍北京大学附属中学 The Affiliated High School of Peking University

📍清华大学附属中学 Tsinghua University High School

📍中国人民大学附属中学 The High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China

📍浙江大学附属中学 The High School Attached to Zhejiang University


表示“谴责;指责;斥责”,英文解释为“to strongly criticize sb/sth that you think is wrong, illegal, etc.”举个🌰:

The project was denounced as a scandalous waste of public money.


📍名词:denouncement /di'naunsmənt/,表示“谴责;指责;告发;痛骂;公开抨击”,英文解释为“a public act of denouncing;A charging of someone with a misdeed”;

⚠️区分:denouement /deɪˈnuːmɒn/ 表示(戏剧、小说等的)结局,收场;(事情的)结果”(the end of a play, book, etc., in which everything is explained or settled; the end result of a situation

📺英剧《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)中的台词提到:But if you tell Granny I said so, I'll denounce you as a liar. 但你要是敢把我的话告诉奶奶,我就说你撒谎。

"(It is) full of prejudice, malice, and ignorance. Women are consumers and not consumer goods. It is inevitable that 'creative' advertisements that insult women will be criticized by the public," the social media post said.



prejudice /ˈprɛdʒʊdɪs/ 表示“偏见;成见”,英文解释为“an unreasonable dislike of or preference for a person, group, custom, etc., especially when it is based on their race, religion, sex, etc.”如:a victim of racial prejudice 种族偏见的受害者,上面的例句也提到了《傲慢与偏见》Pride and Prejudice.


表示“恶意,害人之心”,英文解释为“the wish to harm or upset other people”举个🌰:

There certainly wasn't any malice in her comments.



表示“无知,愚昧”,英文解释为“lack of knowledge, understanding, or information about something”。

Purcotton, which is owned by Winner Medical Group, has more than 240 stores in China and an estimated 20 million customers, according to the company's website.

据稳健医疗集团(Winner Medical Group)旗下的全棉时代(Purcotton)官网显示,该公司在中国有240多家门店,估计有2000万顾客。

Purcotton originally defended the advertisement as a creative way to advertise the "cleaning function of the product," but as the calls for a boycott grew, the company removed the video from their accounts and eventually apologized on January 8.



表示“为…辩护,为…辩白,为…辩解”,英文解释为“to use arguments to protect something or someone from criticism, or to prove that something is right”,举个🌰:

Students should be ready to explain and defend their views.


"We have set up a team to hold people to account for the problem and, in the meantime, we will improve content production and the review process to prevent similar incidents from happening again," the company's post said. Purcotton posted a second apology letter to their Weibo account on Monday.


It isn't the first time that a Chinese company has been forced to apologize over accusations of sexism.


In 2020, supermarket chain RT-Mart apologized after one of its stores displayed a sizing chart which labeled women who wore large or XXL clothes "rotten" and "terrible."


One year earlier, China's top ride-hailing app Didi Chuxing had to backtrack on a curfew for female passengers using its service after 8 p.m., which had been put in place following the murder of two women who used the app.

一年前,中国顶级打车应用滴滴出行(Didi Chuxing)不得不撤回禁止女性乘客晚上8点后使用其服务的规定,该禁令是在两名使用该应用的女性被谋杀后实施的。


表示“约车,叫车”,英文解释为“the activity of asking for a car and driver to come immediately and take you somewhere, or a service that lets you do this”。


表示“收回说法;改变意见”,英文解释为“to say that you did not mean something you said earlier or say that you have changed your opinion”举个🌰:

"All right," he backtracked, "It's possible that I was mistaken."



curfew一词早在去年4月份关于斯里兰卡爆炸案一文中就提到了:A dusk-to-dawn curfew remains in effect in Colombo. 首都科伦破黄昏到黎明的彻夜宵禁仍在实施当中。最近的出现是在法国总统马克龙新冠检测阳性文中。

📍curfew可以表示“宵禁;宵禁时间”,英文解释为“a law that forces people to stay indoors after a particular time at night, or the time people must be indoors ”举个🌰:

The government imposed a night-time curfew throughout the country.


📍也可以指“熄灯令;父母规定的儿童晚上必须回家/睡觉的时间”(Curfew or a curfew is the time after which a child or student will be punished if they are found outside their home or dormitory;the time, decided by a parent, by which a child must be home or asleep in the evening)








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