

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


借(cèng)此(gè)机(rè)会(diǎn),我们来看看纽约时报(The New York Times)的文章:Smoking, Vaping and Nicotine,谈谈电子烟与尼古丁。

Dangers of e-cigarettes and vaping


Smoking, Vaping and Nicotine

The New York Times

By Joe Nocera


“We need a national debate on nicotine,” said Mitch Zeller.

Zeller is the director of the Center for Tobacco Products, a division of the Food and Drug Administration created in 2009 when Congress passed legislation giving the F.D.A. regulatory authority — at long last! — over cigarettes. In addition, the center will soon have regulatory authority over other tobacco products, including electronic cigarettes, which have become enormously controversial even as they have gained in use. Through something called a “deeming rule,” the center is in the process of asserting that oversight over e-cigarettes.

Opponents of electronic cigarettes, which include many public health officials, hope that the center will treat these new devices like it treats cigarettes: taking steps to discourage teenagers from “vaping,” for instance, and placing strict limits on the industry’s ability to market its products.

Proponents, meanwhile, hope that the center will view e-cigarettes as a “reduced harm” product that can save lives by offering a nicotine fix without the carcinogens that are ingested through a lit cigarette. In this scenario, e-cigarette manufacturers would be able to make health claims, and adult smokers might even be encouraged to switch from smoking to vaping as part of a reduced harm strategy.

When I requested an interview with Zeller, I didn’t expect him to tip his hat on which direction he wanted the center to go, and he didn’t. Indeed, one of the points he made was that the F.D.A. was conducting a great deal of scientific research — more than 50 studies in all, he said — aimed at generating the evidence needed to better understand where to place e-cigarettes along what he calls “the continuum of risk.”

Zeller is a veteran of the “tobacco wars” of the 1990s, working alongside then-F.D.A. Commissioner David Kessler, who had audaciously labeled cigarettes a “drug-delivery device” (the drug being nicotine) and had claimed regulatory authority. Zeller left the F.D.A. in 2000, after the Supreme Court ruled against Kessler’s interpretation, and joined the American Legacy Foundation, where he helped create its hard-hitting, anti-tobacco “Truth campaign.” After a stint with a consulting firm, Pinney Associates, he returned to the F.D.A. in early 2013 to lead the effort to finally regulate the tobacco industry.

“I am fond of quoting Michael Russell,” Zeller said, referring to an important South African tobacco scientist who died in 2009. In the early 1970s, Russell was among the first to recognize that nicotine was the reason people got addicted to cigarettes. “He used to say, ‘People smoke for the nicotine but die from the tar,’ ” Zeller recalled.

This is also why Zeller found e-cigarettes so “interesting,” as he put it, when they first came on the market. A cigarette gets nicotine to the brain in seven seconds, he said. Nicotine gum or patches can take up to 60 minutes or longer, which is far too slow for smokers who need a nicotine fix. But e-cigarettes can replicate the speed of cigarettes in delivering nicotine to the brain, thus creating real potential for them to become a serious smoking cessation device.

But there are still many questions about both their safety and their efficacy. For instance, are smokers using e-cigarettes to quit cigarettes, or they using them to get a nicotine hit at times when they can’t smoke cigarettes? And beyond that there are important questions about nicotine itself, and how it should be dealt with.

“When nicotine is attached to smoke particles, it will kill,” said Zeller. “But if you take that same drug and put it in a patch, it is such a safe medicine that it doesn’t even require a doctor’s prescription.” That paradox helps explain why he believes “there needs to be a rethink within society on nicotine.”

Within the F.D.A., Zeller has initiated discussions with “the other side of the house” — the part of the agency that regulates drugs — to come up with a comprehensive, agency-wide policy on nicotine. But the public health community — and the rest of us — needs to have a debate as well.

“One of the impediments to this debate,” Zeller said, is that the e-cigarette opponents are focused on all the flavors available in e-cigarettes — many of which would seem aimed directly at teenagers — as well as their marketing, which is often a throwback to the bad-old days of Big Tobacco. “The debate has become about these issues and has just hardened both sides,” Zeller told me.

It’s not that Zeller believes nicotine is perfectly safe (he doesn’t) or that we should shrug our shoulders if teenagers take up vaping. He believes strongly that kids should be discouraged from using e-cigarettes.

Rather, he thinks there should be a recognition that different ways of delivering nicotine also come with different risks. To acknowledge that, and to grapple with its implications, would be a step forward.

“This issue isn’t e-cigarettes,” said Mitch Zeller. “It’s nicotine.”

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Smoking, Vaping and Nicotine


The New York Times



“We need a national debate on nicotine,” said Mitch Zeller.

“我们需要就尼古丁展开一场全民大讨论,”米奇·泽勒(Mitch Zeller)说。


nicotine /ˈnɪkəˌtiːn/表示“尼古丁;烟碱”,英文解释为“a poisonous substance in tobacco that people become addicted to, so that it is difficult to stop smoking”。

Zeller is the director of the Center for Tobacco Products, a division of the Food and Drug Administration created in 2009 when Congress passed legislation giving the F.D.A. regulatory authority — at long last! — over cigarettes. In addition, the center will soon have regulatory authority over other tobacco products, including electronic cigarettes, which have become enormously controversial even as they have gained in use. Through something called a “deeming rule,” the center is in the process of asserting that oversight over e-cigarettes.

泽勒是烟草制品中心(Center for Tobacco Products)主任,这个食品与药品管理局(Food and Drug Administration,简称FDA)下属机构,是国会2009年——终于!——立法授予FDA香烟管制权后成立的。除了香烟,中心不久还会获得其他烟草产品的管制权,包括使用量在增加但争议极大的电子烟。通过一个叫做“推定规则”的条款,烟草中心即将得到监管电子烟的权力。


表示“(机构的)部门”,英文解释为“a large and important unit or section of an organization”,如:the company's sales division公司销售部。


表示“监督;监察;监管”,英文解释为“responsibility for a job or activity and for making sure it is being done correctly”举个🌰:

Who has oversight of genetic testing?


Opponents of electronic cigarettes, which include many public health officials, hope that the center will treat these new devices like it treats cigarettes: taking steps to discourage teenagers from “vaping,” for instance, and placing strict limits on the industry's ability to market its products.



作名词,表示“吸电子香烟”,英文解释为“the use of e-cigarettes or other devices that let you breathe in nicotine or other drugs as vapour rather than smoke”如:concerns about the safety of vaping 对吸电子烟安全性的担忧。

Proponents, meanwhile, hope that the center will view e-cigarettes as a “reduced harm” product that can save lives by offering a nicotine fix without the carcinogens that are ingested through a lit cigarette. In this scenario, e-cigarette manufacturers would be able to make health claims, and adult smokers might even be encouraged to switch from smoking to vaping as part of a reduced harm strategy.



表示“提倡者,倡导者,辩护者”,英文解释为“a person who speaks publicly in support of a particular idea or plan of action”举个🌰:

He is one of the leading proponents of capital punishment.




熟词僻义,作名词,表示“(毒品或致瘾物的)一次用量”,英文解释为“an amount of an illegal drug, or of another substance that has an effect on someone”举个🌰:

He was shaking badly and needed a fix.



carcinogen /kɑːˈsɪnədʒən/ 表示“致癌物质”,英文解释为“a substance that causes cancer”。


ingest表示“摄入;食入;咽下”,英文解释为“to take food, drugs, etc. into your body, usually by swallowing”,个🌰:

The chemicals can be poisonous if ingested.



📍inject表示“(给…)注射(药物等)”,英文解释为“to put a drug or other substance into a person's or an animal's body using a syringe”举个🌰:

Adrenalin was injected into the muscle.


📍digest表示“消化”,英文解释为“when you digest food, or it digests , it is changed into substances that your body can use”举个🌰:

Humans cannot digest plants such as grass.


When I requested an interview with Zeller, I didn't expect him to tip his hat on which direction he wanted the center to go, and he didn't. Indeed, one of the points he made was that the F.D.A. was conducting a great deal of scientific research — more than 50 studies in all, he said — aimed at generating the evidence needed to better understand where to place e-cigarettes along what he calls “the continuum of risk.”


tip one's hat

tip作动词,可以指“ (使)倾斜,倾倒,翻覆”(to move so that one end or side is higher than the other; to move sth into this position);tip one's hat 字面意思就是拿起帽子、碰一下帽子(to take off, raise, or touch one's hat in salutation)来表达敬意,问候等等。

📍名词短语:A hat tip is an act of tipping or (especially in British English) doffing one's hat as a cultural expression of recognition, respect, gratitude, or simple salutation and acknowledgement between two persons.

continuum /kənˈtɪnjʊəm/

表示“连续体;渐变体;逐渐演变的事物”,英文解释为“something that changes in character gradually or in very slight stages without any clear dividing points”举个🌰:

It's not "left-wing or right-wing" - political opinion is a long continuum.


Zeller is a veteran of the “tobacco wars” of the 1990s, working alongside then-F.D.A. Commissioner David Kessler, who had audaciously labeled cigarettes a “drug-delivery device” (the drug being nicotine) and had claimed regulatory authority. Zeller left the F.D.A. in 2000, after the Supreme Court ruled against Kessler's interpretation, and joined the American Legacy Foundation, where he helped create its hard-hitting, anti-tobacco “Truth campaign.” After a stint with a consulting firm, Pinney Associates, he returned to the F.D.A. in early 2013 to lead the effort to finally regulate the tobacco industry.

泽勒是参加过1990年代“烟草战争”的老兵,辅佐当时的FDA局长戴维·凯斯勒(David Kessler),后者曾甘冒大不韪将香烟称为“药物递送装置”(药物指的是尼古丁),并为此声称自己拥有监管权。凯斯勒的解释遭到最高法院否决后,泽勒于2000年离开FDA,进入美国遗产基金会(American Legacy Foundation)工作,并在那里策动了强有力的反烟活动“真相运动”(Truth campaign)。之后他在咨询机构Pinney Associates工作过一段时间,于2013年初回到FDA,着手实现对烟草行业的监管。


audaciously /ɔːˈdeɪʃəsli/ 表示“无畏地;放肆地;大胆创新地;无拘无束地”,英文解释为“in a way that shows a willingness to take risks or offend people”。


表示“(讲话或文章)言辞激烈的,犀利的”,英文解释为“A speech or piece of writing that is hard-hitting includes strong criticism of something.”如:a hard-hitting report 一份措辞犀利的报告。


1)作名词,表示“从事某项工作(或活动)的时间;一段时间”,英文解释为“a period of time that you spend working somewhere or doing a particular activity”举个🌰:

He did a stint abroad early in his career.


2)作动词,表示“节省;吝惜”,英文解释为“to provide or use only a small amount of sth”举个🌰:

She never stints on the food at her parties.


🎬电影《已经开始想你》(Miss You Already)中的台词提到:Only for a short stint. 时间很短的。

“I am fond of quoting Michael Russell,” Zeller said, referring to an important South African tobacco scientist who died in 2009. In the early 1970s, Russell was among the first to recognize that nicotine was the reason people got addicted to cigarettes. “He used to say, ‘People smoke for the nicotine but die from the tar,’ ” Zeller recalled.

“我喜欢引用迈克尔·拉塞尔(Michael Russell)的话,”泽勒说,这位南非著名烟草科学家已于2009年去世,他在1970年代初提出尼古丁是人对香烟上瘾的原因,是这一理论的先驱之一。“他说过,‘致人抽烟的是尼古丁,致人死亡的是焦油,’”泽勒说。


表示“烟碱,焦油”,英文解释为“one of the poisonous substances found in tobacco”如:a low tar cigarette 焦油含量低的香烟。

This is also why Zeller found e-cigarettes so “interesting,” as he put it, when they first came on the market. A cigarette gets nicotine to the brain in seven seconds, he said. Nicotine gum or patches can take up to 60 minutes or longer, which is far too slow for smokers who need a nicotine fix. But e-cigarettes can replicate the speed of cigarettes in delivering nicotine to the brain, thus creating real potential for them to become a serious smoking cessation device.



口香糖(同 chewing gum);泡泡糖(同 bubble gum) ,英文解释为“Gum is a substance, usually tasting of mint, which you chew for a long time but do not swallow.”


表示“膏药,贴布”,英文解释为“a small piece of material that can be stuck to the skin, from which particular substances can be absorbed into the body”举个🌰:

Some people wear nicotine patches to help them give up smoking.



表示“使复现;重复;复制”,英文解释为“to make or do something again in exactly the same way”举个🌰:

Researchers tried many times to replicate the original experiment.


cessation /sɛˈseɪʃən/

表示“结束,停止;中断,中止”,英文解释为“ending or stopping”举个🌰:

They have called for a total cessation of the bombing campaign.


But there are still many questions about both their safety and their efficacy. For instance, are smokers using e-cigarettes to quit cigarettes, or they using them to get a nicotine hit at times when they can't smoke cigarettes? And beyond that there are important questions about nicotine itself, and how it should be dealt with.



efficacy /ˈefɪkəsi/ 表示“有效性;功效”,英文解释为“the ability of something to produce the right result. If you talk about the efficacy of something, you are talking about its effectiveness and its ability to do what it is supposed to”,举个🌰:

Recent medical studies confirm the efficacy of a healthier lifestyle.


“When nicotine is attached to smoke particles, it will kill,” said Zeller. “But if you take that same drug and put it in a patch, it is such a safe medicine that it doesn't even require a doctor's prescription.” That paradox helps explain why he believes “there needs to be a rethink within society on nicotine.”



1)表示“方案;计划;建议;秘诀”,英文解释为“A prescription is a proposal or a plan that gives ideas about how to solve a problem or improve a situation.”举个🌰:

So what is his prescription for success?


2)表示“处方”,英文解释为“A prescription is the piece of paper on which your doctor writes an order for medicine and which you give to a pharmacist to get the medicine.”举个🌰:

The new drug will not require a physician's prescription.


3)表示“处方药”,英文解释为“A prescription is a medicine that a doctor has told you to take.”举个🌰:

I'm not sleeping even with the prescription he gave me. 



paradox /ˈpærəˌdɒks/ 表示“自相矛盾的情况;似非而是的说法,悖论”,英文解释为“a situation or statement that seems impossible or is difficult to understand because it contains two opposite facts or characteristics”举个🌰:

It's a curious paradox that drinking a lot of water can often make you feel thirsty.


Within the F.D.A., Zeller has initiated discussions with “the other side of the house” — the part of the agency that regulates drugs — to come up with a comprehensive, agency-wide policy on nicotine. But the public health community — and the rest of us — needs to have a debate as well.


“One of the impediments to this debate,” Zeller said, is that the e-cigarette opponents are focused on all the flavors available in e-cigarettes — many of which would seem aimed directly at teenagers — as well as their marketing, which is often a throwback to the bad-old days of Big Tobacco. “The debate has become about these issues and has just hardened both sides,” Zeller told me.



表示“妨碍,阻碍;阻止”,英文解释为“something that makes progress, movement, or achieving something difficult or impossible”举个🌰:

In a number of developing countries, war has been an additional impediment to progress.



表示“返祖者;返祖;返祖型的东西;复古的事物;复古,回归”,英文解释为“a person or thing that is similar to sb/sth that existed in the past”举个🌰:

The car's design is a throwback to the 1950s.


It's not that Zeller believes nicotine is perfectly safe (he doesn't) or that we should shrug our shoulders if teenagers take up vaping. He believes strongly that kids should be discouraged from using e-cigarettes.


shrug one's shoulders

字面意思“耸耸肩膀”,表现出一副不在乎,不知道的样子,英文解释为“To feel or display indifference, indecision, or an inability to do something. Literally, to make a gesture by raising and dropping one's shoulders, often meaning that one does not know something or is indifferent to something.”

Rather, he thinks there should be a recognition that different ways of delivering nicotine also come with different risks. To acknowledge that, and to grapple with its implications, would be a step forward.



1)表示“扭打;搏斗”,英文解释为“to take a firm hold of sb/sth and struggle with them”举个🌰:

Passers-by grappled with the man after the attack.


2)表示“努力设法解决”,英文解释为“to try hard to find a solution to a problem”举个🌰:

The government has yet to grapple with the problem of air pollution.


🎬电影《钢铁侠3》(Iron Man 3)中的台词提到:trying to grapple with something from some hard-crypt data files 希望能在一些加密的数据文件里找到线索

“This issue isn't e-cigarettes,” said Mitch Zeller. “It's nicotine.”









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