

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,海关总署在充分听取中国酒业协会的意见之后,同意在2021年的《中华人民共和国进出口税则》中进行修改,新的税则从2021年1月1日起正式执行,中文列目名称白酒的对应英文由原来的 Chinese distilled spirits 改为 Chinese Baijiu.




How to drink baijiu: Beijing's pros share their tips


It's the most widely drunk hard liquor in the world but it's rarely found on cocktail menus.

Baijiu, distilled from sorghum and rice, rules every festive occasion in China, where it's the tipple of choice for everything from wedding receptions to business banquets.

It's especially popular during celebrations for the Lunar New Year, when shot glasses filled with the potent spirit are thrown back and slammed down on the table in endless rounds of toasts.

"Many (foreigners) find baijiu off-putting, but it's not about the liquor itself," says Bill Isler, co-founder of Beijing's Capital Spirits, the world's first baijiu-themed bar.

Isler says the drink's fearsome reputation comes from visitors being coerced into excessive drinking by Chinese friends or co-workers -- persuading people to drink is a gesture of generosity and "being a good host," he says.

But Isler wants to change the way baijiu is regarded and consumed. His bar serves different types of the fiery spirit as well as baijiu cocktails.

It's a push shared by distillers -- sales of high-end baijiu brands like Moutai have slowed as China has reined in officials' expense accounts as part of an anti-corruption drive.

Thanks to China's huge population, baijiu accounts for almost a third of global spirit sales. Euromonitor International, a London-based consultancy, estimated about 5.5 billion liters, or 1.5 billion gallons of baijiu sold last year.

Is baijiu poised to take over the world?

There are signs that appreciation for baijiu is starting to spread.

Jim Boyce, a Canadian wine expert based in Beijing, is the founder of World Baijiu Day, aimed at promoting the best-selling yet little-known spirit.

He said 30 Baijiu Day events were held in 20 cities around the world last year. Dedicated baijiu bars are now found in Liverpool and New York.

There are also a growing number of overseas baijiu brands. ByeJoe in the United States, Taizi in New Zealand and Dragon's Mist in Canada are milder versions of China's most eye-watering drink.

In China, people are experimenting with baijiu too.

Seminars are being held on how to pair it with food and some entrepreneurs have developed baijiu-infused ice cream, pizza and gummy bears. A chef in Beijing even created deep-fried baijiu cake.

The government is also promoting baijiu tourism, a Chinese version of a Bordeaux tour in Maotai, Guizhou province.

Boyce suggests first timers "compare and contrast" different baijiu styles side by side.

"Just as with a flight of wine or whiskey or tequila, a flight of baijiu is bound to make you think more deeply about smells, tastes and, ultimately, preferences," he says.

"Lots of people assume all baijiu is pretty much the same. Trying different styles side-by-side reveals a great deal of diversity."

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How to drink baijiu: Beijing's pros share their tips


It's the most widely drunk hard liquor in the world but it's rarely found on cocktail menus.



liquor /ˈlɪkə/ 表示“白酒,烈酒”,英文解释为“strong alcoholic drink”。


cocktail表示“鸡尾酒”,英文解释为“a drink usually made from a mixture of one or more spirits (= strong alcoholic drinks) and fruit juice. It can also be made without alcohol.”;

🍸cocktail真的就是cock,公鸡,雄鸡(an adult male chicken)+tail,尾,尾巴(the part that sticks out and can be moved at the back of the body of a bird, an animal or a fish)

Baijiu, distilled from sorghum and rice, rules every festive occasion in China, where it's the tipple of choice for everything from wedding receptions to business banquets.



1)表示“蒸馏”,英文解释为“to make a liquid stronger or purer by heating it until it changes to a gas and then cooling it so that it changes back into a liquid”;

2)表示“提炼,浓缩”,英文解释为“to get or show only the most important part of something”举个🌰:

Over 80 hours of footage have been distilled into these 40 minutes.


sorghum /ˈsɔːɡəm/ |

表示“高粱”,英文解释为“a type of grain grown in hot countries”。


表示“节日的;喜庆的;欢乐的”,英文解释为“having or producing happy and enjoyable feelings suitable for a festival or other special occasion”如:a festive mood/occasion 节日气氛/喜庆场合。


表示“酒精饮料”,英文解释为“an alcoholic drink”举个🌰:

What's your tipple?(= What alcoholic drink do you usually drink?)


It's especially popular during celebrations for the Lunar New Year, when shot glasses filled with the potent spirit are thrown back and slammed down on the table in endless rounds of toasts.


shot glass

A shot glass is a glass originally designed to hold or measure spirits or liquor, which is either imbibed straight from the glass ("a shot") or poured into a cocktail ("a drink"). An alcoholic beverage served in a shot glass and typically consumed quickly, in one gulp, may also be known as a "shooter".

🍸shot本身作名词,熟词僻义,可以指“少量饮料;(尤指)少量烈酒”,英文解释为“a small amount of a drink, especially a strong alcoholic one”如:a shot of whisky 一点威士忌。


potent /ˈpəʊtənt/ 表示“强有力的,强大的;有效力的”,英文解释为“very powerful, forceful, or effective”举个🌰:

This is a very potent drug and can have unpleasant side-effects.



spirit也可以表示“烈酒”,英文解释为“a strong alcoholic drink”举个🌰:

I don't drink whisky or brandy or any other spirits.


throw sth back

throw作动词本身表示“投;抛;掷;扔”(to send something through the air with force, especially by a sudden movement of the arm),举个🌰:

My friend threw the ball back over the fence.


🍸此处显然不是这个含义。据The Free Dictionary的解释,throw sth back指的是迅速或一口气喝下某样东西,尤指酒精饮料(To drink something very quickly or in one swig, especially an alcoholic beverage),举个🌰:

I'm not surprised you feel so horrible, judging by the way you were throwing back drinks last night.



1)表示“摔;使劲扔”,英文解释为“If you slam something down, you put it there quickly and with great force.”举个🌰:

She listened in a mixture of shock and anger before slamming the phone down.


2)表示“严厉批评;猛烈抨击”,英文解释为“To slam someone or something means to criticize them very severely.”举个🌰:

The famed filmmaker slammed the claims as "an outrageous lie."



1)作名词,表示“祝酒;干杯”,英文解释为“an expression of good wishes or respect for someone that involves holding up and then drinking from a glass of alcohol, especially wine, after a short speech”举个🌰:

Champagne corks popped and the guests drank a toast to the happy couple.


🍸比如,G20杭州峰会欢迎宴会上致辞最后提到:Now, please join me in a toast: 现在我提议,大家共同举杯,

🎬电影《爱你,罗茜》(Love, Rosie)中的台词提到:So , please ,everybody , join me in a toast, to the bride and groom. 所以,各位,请和我举起这杯酒,敬我们的新娘和新郎。


We toasted the happy couple.


"Many (foreigners) find baijiu off-putting, but it's not about the liquor itself," says Bill Isler, co-founder of Beijing's Capital Spirits, the world's first baijiu-themed bar.

“许多(外国人)觉得白酒让人反感,但这与酒本身无关,”北京的首都酒(Capital Spirits)联合创始人比尔·艾勒(Bill Isler)说,这是世界上第一家以白酒为主题的酒吧。


表示“令人不快的;令人烦恼的,讨人厌的”,英文解释为“slightly unpleasant or worrying so that you do not want to get involved in any way”举个🌰:

Many customers found the smell of this product distinctly off-putting.


Isler says the drink's fearsome reputation comes from visitors being coerced into excessive drinking by Chinese friends or co-workers -- persuading people to drink is a gesture of generosity and "being a good host," he says.



表示“可怕的,吓人的”,等同于frightening,如:a fearsome reputation 令人生畏的名声。



coerce /kəʊˈɜːs/ 表示“强制;胁迫;迫使”,英文解释为“to force someone to do something they do not want to do by threatening them”举个🌰:

The court heard that the six defendants had been coerced into making a confession.


But Isler wants to change the way baijiu is regarded and consumed. His bar serves different types of the fiery spirit as well as baijiu cocktails.


It's a push shared by distillers -- sales of high-end baijiu brands like Moutai have slowed as China has reined in officials' expense accounts as part of an anti-corruption drive.



表示“烈酒生产者,烈酒生产商”,英文解释为“a person or a company that makes strong alcoholic drinks by the process of distilling”。


你没看错,茅台酒的茅台是:Moutai,而不是Maotai. 甚至说“贵州茅台”也不是Guizhou Moutai. 而是:KWEICHOW MOUTAI,不信?你看。

🍸据说,这个拼法,称作威妥玛式拼音法(Wade-Giles romanization)。

rein in/rein back

表示“抑制;控制;约束”,英文解释为“to control an emotion, activity, or situation to prevent it from becoming too powerful”举个🌰:

Reports today suggest consumers are already reining back spending.


Thanks to China's huge population, baijiu accounts for almost a third of global spirit sales. Euromonitor International, a London-based consultancy, estimated about 5.5 billion liters, or 1.5 billion gallons of baijiu sold last year.

得益于中国庞大的人口,白酒几乎占到全球烈酒销量的三分之一。总部设在伦敦的咨询公司欧睿(Euromonitor International)估计,去年白酒销量约为55亿升,即15亿加仑。

Is baijiu poised to take over the world? 白酒是否准备征服世界?

There are signs that appreciation for baijiu is starting to spread. 有迹象表明,白酒的受欢迎程度正开始扩大。


1)表示“欣赏;理解;感谢”,英文解释为“the act of recognizing or understanding that something is valuable, important, or as described”举个🌰:

He has no appreciation of the finer things in life.


2)熟词僻义,表示“(价格,价值等的)上涨,增值”(increase in price, value, etc.)举个🌰:

There has been little appreciation in the value of property recently.


Jim Boyce, a Canadian wine expert based in Beijing, is the founder of World Baijiu Day, aimed at promoting the best-selling yet little-known spirit.

在北京的加拿大葡萄酒专家吉姆·博伊斯(Jim Boyce)是“世界白酒日”(World Baijiu Day)的发起人,旨在推广这种畅销但鲜为人知的酒。

He said 30 Baijiu Day events were held in 20 cities around the world last year. Dedicated baijiu bars are now found in Liverpool and New York.



表示“专用的,专门的”,英文解释为“You use dedicated to describe something that is made, built, or designed for one particular purpose or thing.”举个🌰:

Such areas should also be served by dedicated cycle routes. 


There are also a growing number of overseas baijiu brands. ByeJoe in the United States, Taizi in New Zealand and Dragon's Mist in Canada are milder versions of China's most eye-watering drink.

海外的白酒品牌也越来越多。美国的ByeJoe、新西兰的Taizi和加拿大的Dragon's Mist都是这款中国最受欢迎的饮品的温和版本。


表示“(在数目方面)令人极度惊讶的;令人痛苦的”,英文解释为“extremely surprising, because of being great in amount”举个🌰:

The oil giants' profits are eye-watering.


In China, people are experimenting with baijiu too.


Seminars are being held on how to pair it with food and some entrepreneurs have developed baijiu-infused ice cream, pizza and gummy bears. A chef in Beijing even created deep-fried baijiu cake.

人们正在举办关于如何将其与食物搭配的研讨会,一些企业家还开发了白酒冰激凌、披萨和小熊软糖(gummy bears)。北京的一位厨师甚至制作了油炸白酒蛋糕。


表示“油炸”,英文解释为“If you deep-fry food, you fry it in a large amount of fat or oil.”举个🌰:

Heat the oil and deep-fry the fish fillets.


The government is also promoting baijiu tourism, a Chinese version of a Bordeaux tour in Maotai, Guizhou province.



Bordeaux /bɔːrˈdoʊ/ 表示“波尔多葡萄酒(法国波尔多地区产的白葡萄酒或红葡萄酒)”,英文解释为“(a type of) red or white wine from the Bordeaux area of France”。

Boyce suggests first timers "compare and contrast" different baijiu styles side by side.


side by side

表示“肩并肩地;一个挨一个地”,英文解释为“next to each other”举个🌰:

The children sat side by side on the sofa watching television.


🎬电影《遭遇陌生人》(You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger)中的台词提到:And side by side, I think. They'll be really good side by side. 我觉得并排摆吧 并排摆肯定很好看。

🎬电影《指环王3:王者无敌》(The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King)中的台词提到:Never thought that I'd die fighting side by side with an elf. 从来没想过和一个精灵并肩战死。

"Just as with a flight of wine or whiskey or tequila, a flight of baijiu is bound to make you think more deeply about smells, tastes and, ultimately, preferences," he says.


be bound to

1)be bound to表示“一定会;很可能会”,英文解释为“certain or likely to happen, or to do or be sth”举个🌰:

There are bound to be changes when the new system is introduced.


2)bound表示“前往,开往”,英文解释为“If a vehicle or person is bound for a particular place, they are travelling toward it.”,通常用法:be bound for,举个🌰:

The train was bound for Hangzhou.



🍸本次列车终点站广兰路,到浦东国际机场方向的乘客请在广兰路换乘。The terminal station is Guanglan Road. You can transfer to the train bound for Pudong International Airport at Guanglan Road.

"Lots of people assume all baijiu is pretty much the same. Trying different styles side-by-side reveals a great deal of diversity."









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