

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



It Seems Money Does Buy Happiness After All


That money can’t buy happiness is an age-old trope. Since the advent of modern public-opinion research, scholars have been trying to test it—with varying results.

One issue is that happiness may have different aspects. In a much-cited 2010 paper, psychologist Daniel Kahneman and economist Angus Deaton (both winners of the Nobel Prize in economics) looked at Gallup surveys and found that while Americans’ assessment of life satisfaction went up in lockstep with income, their emotional well-being plateaued after a household income of about $75,000 a year, around $90,000 in today’s dollars. Emotional well-being was measured by asking about feelings experienced the previous day, then classifying the responses by whether they exhibited positive affect or blue affect (worry and sadness) and stress.

Around when Kahneman and Deaton were doing this research, Harvard psychology doctoral student and former software product manager Matthew Killingsworth was developing a measurement tool, an iPhone app called Track Your Happiness that pings users at random intervals and asks about their activities and feelings, often using a sliding scale for answers. One early finding, published in 2010, was that wandering minds bring unhappiness.

Killingsworth, now a senior fellow at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, has since used his app to measure the link between happiness and income. The conclusion, just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, is that while the connection is stronger for life satisfaction than it is for experienced well-being, it doesn’t disappear for the latter after $75,000 or $90,000. Money keeps buying happiness, even for the affluent.

◉ App Happy

Killingsworth drew on 1,725,994 experience-sampling reports from 33,391 employed U.S. adults using his app.

Above Average

U.S. median household income was $68,703 in 2019. Among the participants in Killingsworth’s survey, it was $85,000.

◉ It May Not Work for Countries

Economist Richard Easterlin found in 1974 that higher per-capita national incomes didn’t bring higher reported happiness, a conclusion that’s been debated ever since.

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It Seems Money Does Buy Happiness After All


That money can't buy happiness is an age-old trope. Since the advent of modern public-opinion research, scholars have been trying to test it—with varying results.



表示“(某位艺术家作品中,或某一类艺术作品中常用的)理念,说法,形象”,英文解释为“something such as an idea, phrase, or image that is often used in a particular artist's work, in a particular type of art, etc.”举个🌰:

Human-like robots are a classic trope of science fiction.


the advent of

表示“(事件、发明或人物的)出现,来临,到来”,英文解释为“the fact of an event happening, an invention being made, or a person arriving举个🌰:

Life was transformed by the advent of the smartphone.


🎬电影《X战警:第一战》(X-Men: First Class)中的台词提到:The advent of the nuclear age may have accelerated the mutation process. 核时代的到来可能会加快突变过程。

One issue is that happiness may have different aspects. In a much-cited 2010 paper, psychologist Daniel Kahneman and economist Angus Deaton (both winners of the Nobel Prize in economics) looked at Gallup surveys and found that while Americans' assessment of life satisfaction went up in lockstep with income, their emotional well-being plateaued after a household income of about $75,000 a year, around $90,000 in today's dollars. Emotional well-being was measured by asking about feelings experienced the previous day, then classifying the responses by whether they exhibited positive affect or blue affect (worry and sadness) and stress.

其中一个问题是,幸福可能有不同的方面。在2010年一篇被大量引用的论文中,心理学家丹尼尔·卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman)和经济学家安格斯·迪顿(Angus Deaton)(两人都是诺贝尔经济学奖得主)研究了盖洛普(Gallup)的调查,发现虽然美国人对生活满意度(life satisfaction)的评估随着收入的增加而同步上升,但在家庭年收入达到7.5万美元左右(以今天的美元计算约为9万美元)之后,他们的情绪幸福感(emotional well-being)就趋于平稳。情绪幸福感的度量方法是询问前一天经历的感受,然后根据他们的反应,表现出积极的情感还是忧郁的情感(担心和悲伤)和压力进行分类。


对论文写作熟悉的小伙伴对这个词应该不陌生,cite作动词,可以表示“引用,引述”,英文解释为“to speak or write words taken from a particular writer or written work”举个🌰:

She cites both T.S. Eliot and Virginia Woolf in her article.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述新冠大流行中的隐性传染的文章中提到:The residents of Vo, an Italian town in which all 3,300 people were tested twice, is another much-cited example. 另一个被广泛引用的例子是意大利沃镇(Vo),镇上3300名居民全部接受了两次检测。


表示“步伐一致,同生同变”,英文解释为“If people or things move in lockstep, or if they move in lockstep with each other, they act in a similar way.”举个🌰:

After years of moving in lockstep, France and Germany are growing apart at an alarming rate.



plateau /ˈplætəʊ/ 表示“稳定;停滞”,英文解释为“to reach a particular level and then stay the same”举个🌰:

I'd been losing about a pound a week on my diet, but recently I've plateaued.



熟词僻义,表示“悲伤的;忧郁的;沮丧的”,英文解释为“feeling or showing sadness”举个🌰:

He's been a bit blue since she left him.



熟词僻义,作名词,表示“(尤指影响行为或行动的)情感,感情,渴望”,英文解释为“emotion or desire as influencing behaviour.”

Around when Kahneman and Deaton were doing this research, Harvard psychology doctoral student and former software product manager Matthew Killingsworth was developing a measurement tool, an iPhone app called Track Your Happiness that pings users at random intervals and asks about their activities and feelings, often using a sliding scale for answers. One early finding, published in 2010, was that wandering minds bring unhappiness.

大约在卡尼曼和迪顿做这项研究的时候,哈佛大学心理学博士生、前软件产品经理马修·基林斯沃斯(Matthew Killingsworth)正在开发一款衡量工具,这是一款名为“追踪你的幸福”(Track Your Happiness)的iPhone应用,它以随机的时间间隔向用户发出提示,询问他们的活动和感受,通常使用滑动刻度来回答。2010年发表的一项早期发现是,飘忽不定的心态会带来不快乐。


表示“发送(电子邮件、手机短信)”,英文解释为“to send an email or text message to sb”举个🌰:

I'll ping it to you later.


(sliding scale)

Killingsworth, now a senior fellow at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, has since used his app to measure the link between happiness and income. The conclusion, just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, is that while the connection is stronger for life satisfaction than it is for experienced well-being, it doesn't disappear for the latter after $75,000 or $90,000. Money keeps buying happiness, even for the affluent.

现任宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院高级研究员的基林斯沃斯,此后用他的应用评估了幸福感和收入之间的联系。刚刚发表在《美国科学院院报》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)上的结论是,虽然生活满意度的联系比体验幸福感的联系更强,但后者在7.5万美元或9万美元之后并没有消失。钱一直可以买来幸福感,即使是对富裕的人来说也是如此。


表示“富裕的;富足的”,英文解释为“having a lot of money or owning a lot of things”如:affluent nations 富有国家。

◉ App Happy “追踪你的幸福”应用

Killingsworth drew on 1,725,994 experience-sampling reports from 33,391 employed U.S. adults using his app.


draw on

表示“利用,依赖(信息或知识)”,英文解释为“to use information or your knowledge of something to help you do something”举个🌰:

His novels draw heavily on his childhood.


Above Average 高于平均水平

U.S. median household income was $68,703 in 2019. Among the participants in Killingsworth's survey, it was $85,000.


◉ It May Not Work for Countries 可能不适用于某些国家

Economist Richard Easterlin found in 1974 that higher per-capita national incomes didn't bring higher reported happiness, a conclusion that's been debated ever since.

经济学家理查德·伊斯特林(Richard Easterlin)在1974年发现,较高的人均国民收入并没有带来较高的报告幸福感,这个结论从那时起就一直受争议。

per capita

表示“每人的;人均的”,英文解释为“for each person”举个🌰:

Per capita income rose sharply last year.









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