

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26





Have You Been Invited To Join Clubhouse Yet?


Unless you’ve been living off-grid on the Andromeda galaxy for the last few months, you’ll have heard about Clubhouse, the live audio chat app launched in April 2020 and still in private beta, accessible by invitation only. Nevertheless, it’s already been valued at around $1 billion.

Clubhouse was set up by two friends who have known each other since 2011, who had taken their own paths but had always been involved with apps and social networks, reconnecting in 2019 to develop Clubhouse. They launched it in March of the pandemic year, and two months later, despite being in private beta and in lockdown, it was being talked about in Silicon Valley circles. In January 2021, it moved to an invite-only system that allowed it to further expand its user base, and those of us with an account there began to witness the usual parade of familiar contacts joining it.

The app began to experience strong traction, reaching its peak on January 31 at 10 pm (San Francisco time), when Elon Musk (who claims that up until a week before he’d never heard of it), created a profile, announced his presence through his Twitter account, and spent quite a long time there talking about a wide range of topics and receiving open questions. Despite the late hour and the fact that it was a Sunday, Elon’s presence became, as expected, a powerful magnet: Clubhouse allowed the first chat room to exceed its limit of 5,000 people, made it possible to open several more secondary rooms that soon filled up, with some fans also broadcasting the chat on YouTube.

How does Clubhouse work? Very simple: live, unfiltered group voice chats. Users can open a room, promote it as they want, within Clubhouse or anywhere else, and set up a conversation on the topic they want, with the guests they want to admit. From then on, the conversation. In the face of early criticism due to its lack of moderation, the app has grown to two million users, and thanks to virtual conversations with celebrities such as Drake, Kevin Hart, Tiffany Haddish and now Elon Musk, it’s popularity has risen sharply. Now, Clubhouse allows us to recall those moments we were used to almost ten years ago, when the social networking landscape was still open and we saw new applications appearing every so often.

Conversations are intended to be ephemeral: if you were not there, you lost it. Like live radio, but it is organized in a virtual room, with participants entering via their smartphones, a moderator to offer them to speak, leave them as audience and appoint other moderators. In the future, the plans of its creators seem to point to a business model based on subscription-based payments, with its most popular content creators able to earn money thanks to the use of the platform, very much in the style of apps like Medium.

The idea couldn’t be simpler. Right now, if you log in, you will find everything from people telling jokes, interviews, soliloquies, thematic threads, and of course, many meta-conversations about the present and the future of Clubhouse. A few companies are starting to give it a try to entertain conversations about themselves or their offerings. But ideas, however simple they may seem, don’t just have to be put into practice: they have to be done well. And for the moment, Clubhouse has already achieved that all-important first phase of traction that so often determine whether an app has a future. For the moment, all goes well, and it looks as though it will establish a growing base of users.

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Have You Been Invited To Join Clubhouse Yet?


Unless you’ve been living off-grid on the Andromeda galaxy for the last few months, you’ll have heard about Clubhouse, the live audio chat app launched in April 2020 and still in private beta, accessible by invitation only. Nevertheless, it’s already been valued at around $1 billion.



off-grid = off-the-grid 表示“离网的;(水、电等资源)自给自足的”,英文解释为“not involving or requiring the use of mainstream sources of energy”。


Andromeda /ænˈdrɒmɪdə/ 表示“仙女(星)座”,英文解释为“a large group of stars that can be seen in the northern hemisphere (= the half of the earth above the equator)”举个🌰:

The cloud finally clears and I pick out Andromeda.



beta,希腊字母表的第2个字母β,表示“(软件程序)尚未投放市场,处于第二个开发阶段的”,英文解释为“Beta software is at the second stage of development.”

Clubhouse was set up by two friends who have known each other since 2011, who had taken their own paths but had always been involved with apps and social networks, reconnecting in 2019 to develop Clubhouse. They launched it in March of the pandemic year, and two months later, despite being in private beta and in lockdown, it was being talked about in Silicon Valley circles. In January 2021, it moved to an invite-only system that allowed it to further expand its user base, and those of us with an account there began to witness the usual parade of familiar contacts joining it.

Clubhouse是由两个从2011年就认识的朋友成立的,他们虽然各走各的路,但一直都在参与应用和社交网络,在2019年重新联系,开发Clubhouse。他们在去年3月疫情期间推出了它,两个月后,尽管是封闭测试版,人们也处于疫情封锁期,但硅谷(Silicon Valley)圈子里人们不断谈论起这个App。2021年1月,它转为邀请制,这让它进一步扩大了用户群,我们这些在那里拥有账号的人开始目睹了往日熟悉的联系人不断加入它。


熟词僻义,表示“一队人;一系列事物”,英文解释为“a series of people or things that appear one after the other”举个🌰:

For three hours a committee of state senators listened to a parade of local residents giving their opinions.


The app began to experience strong traction, reaching its peak on January 31 at 10 pm (San Francisco time), when Elon Musk (who claims that up until a week before he’d never heard of it), created a profile, announced his presence through his Twitter account, and spent quite a long time there talking about a wide range of topics and receiving open questions. Despite the late hour and the fact that it was a Sunday, Elon’s presence became, as expected, a powerful magnet: Clubhouse allowed the first chat room to exceed its limit of 5,000 people, made it possible to open several more secondary rooms that soon filled up, with some fans also broadcasting the chat on YouTube.



1)表示“拖拉,牵引;牵引力”,英文解释为“the pulling of a heavy load over a surface, or the power used in this”;

2)表示“(观点或产品等)变得流行(或被接受)”,英文解释为“the fact of an idea, product, etc. becoming popular or being accepted”举个🌰:

In our digital age, it takes less time for new words and phrases to gain traction than it did in the past.



表示“磁体;磁铁,磁石”,英文解释为“an object that is able both to attract iron and steel objects and also push them away”,也可以直接解释为:有吸引力的人(或地方、物),举个🌰:

he United States has always acted as a magnet for people seeking fame and fortune.



表示“次要的;从属的;辅助的”,英文解释为“less important than sth else”举个🌰:

That is just a secondary consideration.



broadcast表示“播送(电视或无线电节目);广播”,英文解释为“to send out a programme on television or radio”,举个🌰:

The tennis championship is broadcast live to several different countries.


📍注:broadcast的过去式:broadcasted (美式) / broadcast 都可以。

How does Clubhouse work? Very simple: live, unfiltered group voice chats. Users can open a room, promote it as they want, within Clubhouse or anywhere else, and set up a conversation on the topic they want, with the guests they want to admit. From then on, the conversation. In the face of early criticism due to its lack of moderation, the app has grown to two million users, and thanks to virtual conversations with celebrities such as Drake, Kevin Hart, Tiffany Haddish and now Elon Musk, it’s popularity has risen sharply. Now, Clubhouse allows us to recall those moments we were used to almost ten years ago, when the social networking landscape was still open and we saw new applications appearing every so often.

Clubhouse是如何运作的?非常简单:直播,无过滤的群组语音聊天。用户可以创建一个房间,在Clubhouse内或其他任何地方按照自己的意愿进行推广,然后设置一个自己想要的话题,与自己想要接纳的客人进行对话。然后就开始对话。面对早期因缺乏审核而受到的批评,这款应用已经发展到200万用户,由于与德雷克(Drake)、凯文·哈特(Kevin Hart)、蒂芙尼·哈迪什(Tiffany Haddish)以及现在的埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)等名人的在线对话,它的人气急剧上升。现在,Clubhouse让我们能够回忆起近十年前那些我们习惯的时刻,当时社交网络环境还很开放,我们每隔一段时间就会看到新的应用出现。


除了表示物质上的东西“未经过滤的”(not having had solids removed with a filter),也可以指信息“未经过滤的”,英文解释为“with no information removed”举个🌰:

The radio station provides millions of people with unfiltered news.



1)表示“ 适度;适中;合理;节制”,英文解释为“the quality of being reasonable and not being extreme”举个🌰:

The United Nations Secretary General called on all parties to show moderation.


2)也有“审核,审核评分制”的含义,英文解释为“the action or process of moderating examination papers, results, or candidates”。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述TikTok的文章中提到:Controversies around TikTok's content moderation and data protection will keep cropping up. TikTok在内容审查和数据保护方面的争议将不断涌现。

Conversations are intended to be ephemeral: if you were not there, you lost it. Like live radio, but it is organized in a virtual room, with participants entering via their smartphones, a moderator to offer them to speak, leave them as audience and appoint other moderators. In the future, the plans of its creators seem to point to a business model based on subscription-based payments, with its most popular content creators able to earn money thanks to the use of the platform, very much in the style of apps like Medium.



ephemeral /ɪˈfɛmərəl/表示“短暂的;瞬间的”,英文解释为“If you describe something as ephemeral, you mean that it lasts only for a short time. ”举个🌰:

Fashion is by nature ephemeral.


The idea couldn’t be simpler. Right now, if you log in, you will find everything from people telling jokes, interviews, soliloquies, thematic threads, and of course, many meta-conversations about the present and the future of Clubhouse. A few companies are starting to give it a try to entertain conversations about themselves or their offerings. But ideas, however simple they may seem, don’t just have to be put into practice: they have to be done well. And for the moment, Clubhouse has already achieved that all-important first phase of traction that so often determine whether an app has a future. For the moment, all goes well, and it looks as though it will establish a growing base of users.



soliloquy /səˈlɪləkwɪ/ 表示“独白(的台词);独白”,英文解释为“a speech in a play in which a character, who is alone on the stage, speaks his or her thoughts; the act of speaking thoughts in this way”。


1)表示“用品;剧作;作品;供消遣的产品”,英文解释为“something that is produced for other people to use, watch, enjoy etc.”如:the latest offering from the writer 那位作家的最新作品。

2)表示“祭品;供品”,英文解释为“An offering is a gift that people offer to their God or gods as a form of worship.”

📺美剧《康斯坦丁》(Constantine)中的台词提到:we present you offerings from life into death 吾等向汝供奉由生入死的祭品。






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平安是福 健康是福

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