

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26




Monoliths Are Still Happening

The New York Times

Much like the coronavirus, monoliths refuse to be left behind in 2020.

The discovery of a new mysterious metal slab in Turkey on Friday was a throwback to a momentary craze from the olden days of November and December. Back then, a shiny, metal monolith appeared in the Utah desert without explanation, followed by copycats from California to Romania.

Perhaps art projects or perhaps the manifestation of pandemic-induced boredom, the monoliths captured the world’s attention for a fleeting moment. It remains unknown who created many of them, or why they were created, but they largely faded from cultural relevance as the world focused on other things, like the presidential transition, a coup in Myanmar or the Netflix show “Bridgerton.”

But the latest monolith has something its predecessors didn’t have: armed guards.

The military police started an investigation to identify the people who planted the monolith in a rural area of Sanliurfa, a province in southeastern Turkey, according to DHA, a local news agency. The military police and village guards — government-paid civilians who work with the military police — stood watch as the investigation unfolded, protecting the monolith from any threats, DHA reported.

Also unlike previous monoliths, this one has an inscription. In the Gokturk alphabet, an ancient Turkic language, it reads: “Look at the sky, see the moon.”

The monolith, which measures about 10 feet tall and overlooks a wheat field and olive trees, was discovered on Friday by the owner of the field, DHA reported. The field is not far from Gobekli Tepe, an archaeological excavation site under UNESCO protection. Gobekli Tepe is the setting for “The Gift,” a Turkish television series whose second season began streaming on Netflix last year.

Curious citizens flocked to the area to see the monolith; one couple came from Edirne, more than 900 miles away.

To speculate on the motives of its creators would be a folly. In the cases of at least two earlier monoliths, groups have come forward to claim responsibility, including a group of four artist-fabricators who said they created one in California as “a piece of guerrilla art.” Theories abound about the roots of other monoliths, from art to the supernatural.

And they are easy enough to create that those with the will and a bit of specialized craftiness could make one of their own.

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Monoliths Are Still Happening

The New York Times

Much like the coronavirus, monoliths refuse to be left behind in 2020.



monolith /ˈmɒnəlɪθ/ 表示“(尤指先古时期竖立的)独块巨石”,英文解释为“A monolith is a very large, upright piece of stone, especially one that was put in place in ancient times.”

The discovery of a new mysterious metal slab in Turkey on Friday was a throwback to a momentary craze from the olden days of November and December. Back then, a shiny, metal monolith appeared in the Utah desert without explanation, followed by copycats from California to Romania.



表示“(石、木等坚硬物质的)厚板”,英文解释为“a thick flat piece of stone, wood or other hard material”,如:a slab of marble/concrete 大理石板/混凝土板。


表示“返祖者;返祖;返祖型的东西;复古的事物;复古,回归”,英文解释为“a person or thing that is similar to sb/sth that existed in the past”举个🌰:

The car's design is a throwback to the 1950s.



表示“片刻的,瞬息的;短暂的”,英文解释为“lasting for a very short time”如:a momentary hesitation 片刻的犹豫。


表示“时尚;风行一时的东西”,英文解释为“an activity, object, or idea that is extremely popular, usually for a short time”举个🌰:

Cycling shorts were the latest craze/(all) the craze that year.



表示“过去的,旧时的,昔日的”,英文解释为“from a long time ago”举个🌰:

There weren't things like televisions and computers in the olden days.



1)作形容词,表示“模仿的,仿效的;抄袭的”,英文解释为“done or made to be very similar to something else”举个🌰:

At the market you can buy affordable copycat (= very similar) versions of expensive perfumes. 你可以在市场上买到廉价的冒牌昂贵香水。

2)作形容词,表示“(犯罪)模仿性的;受其他犯罪影响的”,英文解释为“A copycat crime is believed to have been influenced by another, often famous, crime because it is so similar.”如:copycat murders 模仿性凶杀。

3)作名词,表示“(指缺乏主见的)模仿者;好跟人学的人;抄袭者”,英文解释为“someone who has few ideas of their own and does or says exactly the same as someone else”,举个🌰:

You're just a copycat!


📺美剧《犯罪心理》(Criminal minds)中的台词提到:All the other copycat murders occurred in the same area 其它所有模仿凶杀案都和原凶杀案发生在同一地点。

Perhaps art projects or perhaps the manifestation of pandemic-induced boredom, the monoliths captured the world’s attention for a fleeting moment. It remains unknown who created many of them, or why they were created, but they largely faded from cultural relevance as the world focused on other things, like the presidential transition, a coup in Myanmar or the Netflix show “Bridgerton.”



表示“短暂的;迅速的”,英文解释为“short or quick”,如:a fleeting glimpse 迅速的一瞥。

But the latest monolith has something its predecessors didn’t have: armed guards.



predecessor表示“前任,前辈;原有事物,前身”,英文解释为“someone who had a job or a position before someone else, or something that comes before another thing in time or in a series”。

📍successor表示“继任者,接替者;继承人;接替的事物”,英文解释为“someone or something that comes after another person or thing”举个🌰:

This range of computers is very fast, but their successors will be even faster.


The military police started an investigation to identify the people who planted the monolith in a rural area of Sanliurfa, a province in southeastern Turkey, according to DHA, a local news agency. The military police and village guards — government-paid civilians who work with the military police — stood watch as the investigation unfolded, protecting the monolith from any threats, DHA reported.



表示“立稳;竖立;安放”,英文解释为“to place sth or yourself firmly in a particular place or position”举个🌰:

They planted a flag on the summit.



字面意思就是“打开;展开;摊开”,也可以指形势或故事的“发展,展现,呈现,披露”,英文解释为“If a situation or story unfolds, it develops or becomes clear to other people.”举个🌰:

As the plot unfolds, you gradually realize that all your initial assumptions were wrong.


Also unlike previous monoliths, this one has an inscription. In the Gokturk alphabet, an ancient Turkic language, it reads: “Look at the sky, see the moon.”



表示“题词;铭文”,英文解释为“words that are written or cut in something”举个🌰:

The inscriptions on the gravestones were worn away.


The monolith, which measures about 10 feet tall and overlooks a wheat field and olive trees, was discovered on Friday by the owner of the field, DHA reported. The field is not far from Gobekli Tepe, an archaeological excavation site under UNESCO protection. Gobekli Tepe is the setting for “The Gift,” a Turkish television series whose second season began streaming on Netflix last year.

据DHA报道,这块金属巨石高约10英尺,俯瞰着一片麦田和橄榄树,是田地主人周五发现的。这块田地距离联合国教科文组织保护的考古发掘地哥贝克力石阵(Gobekli Tepe)不远。哥贝克力石阵是土耳其电视连续剧《礼物》的拍摄地,该剧第二季去年开始在Netflix上播放。


archaeological /,ɑ:kiə'lɔdʒikəl / 表示“考古学的;和考古有关的”,英文解释为“involving or relating to archaeology”如:an archaeological dig/excavation 考古发掘。


表示“发掘,挖掘”,英文解释为“the activity of digging in the ground to look for old buildings or objects that have been buried for a long time”。

Curious citizens flocked to the area to see the monolith; one couple came from Edirne, more than 900 miles away.


flock to

表示“成群结队地去,蜂拥而至”,英文解释为“if people flock to a place, they go there in large numbers because something interesting or exciting is happening there举个🌰:

People have been flocking to the exhibition.


To speculate on the motives of its creators would be a folly. In the cases of at least two earlier monoliths, groups have come forward to claim responsibility, including a group of four artist-fabricators who said they created one in California as “a piece of guerrilla art.” Theories abound about the roots of other monoliths, from art to the supernatural.

猜测其创造者的动机是愚蠢的。在至少两块早期巨石的案例中,有团体站出来声称对其负责,其中包括一个由四名艺术家--制造者组成的团体,他们说他们在加利福尼亚创造了一块巨石,作为“guerrilla art”。关于其他巨石的根源,从艺术到超自然的理论层出不穷。


表示“愚蠢;愚蠢的行为(或念头等)”,英文解释为“the fact of being stupid, or a stupid action, idea, etc.”举个🌰:

She said that the idea was folly.


Guerrilla art

据维基百科:Guerrilla art is a street art movement that first emerged in the UK, but has since spread across the world and is now established in most countries that already had developed graffiti scenes. In fact, it owes so much to the early graffiti movement, in the United States guerrilla art is still referred to as ‘post-graffiti art’.

📍guerrilla /ɡəˈrɪlə/作名词,表示“游击队员”(a member of a small group of soldiers who are not part of an official army and who fight against official soldiers, usually to try to change the government),也可以作形容词,表示“出奇制胜的,用奇招的”(using unusual methods to get attention for your ideas, products, etc.)如:guerrilla marketing 出奇制胜的营销术。


表示“大量存在;有许多”,英文解释为“to exist in great numbers or quantities”举个🌰:

Stories about his travels abound.


And they are easy enough to create that those with the will and a bit of specialized craftiness could make one of their own.







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