

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


中间有个小插曲,中央政治局委员杨洁篪10多分钟的发言结束后想让外交部部长王毅继续说几句。此时,翻译姐姐张京说:“我先……先翻译一下。”杨洁篪微微一笑:“还要翻译吗?翻吧。It's a test for the interpreter!


DIRECTOR YANG: (Via interpreter) Secretary Blinken and Mr. Sullivan, the State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and I have come to Anchorage, the United States to have this strategic dialogue with the United States. We hope that this dialogue will be a sincere and candid one. Both China and the United States are major countries in the world, and together we shoulder important responsibilities to the peace, stability, and development of the world and the region.


注:Anchorage 安克雷奇,美国阿拉斯加州最大的城市,位于阿拉斯加中南部。安克雷奇是美国最北方的主要城市。


表示“坦率的;坦诚的;直言不讳的”,英文解释为“saying what you think openly and honestly; not hiding your thoughts”如:a candid statement/interview 坦率的陈述/会谈。


表示“承担;担负”,英文解释为“to accept the responsibility for sth”如:to shoulder the responsibility/blame for sth 对某事承担责任/过失。

In China, we have just concluded the Lianghui, or the two sessions of the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. During the sessions, we adopted the outline for the 14th five-year economic and social development plan and the long-range objectives through the year 2035.


For China, we are now in a historic year where we will move from finishing the first centenary goal to the second centenary goal, and by the year 2035 China will surely achieve basic modernization. And by the year 2050, China will achieve full modernization.


China has made decisive achievements and important strategic gains in fighting COVID-19, and we have achieved a full victory in ending absolute poverty in China. China's per capita GDP is only one-fifth of that of the United States, but we have managed to end absolute poverty for all people in China. And we hope that other countries, especially the advanced countries, will make similar efforts in this regard.


per capita

表示“每人的;人均的”,英文解释为“for each person”举个🌰:

Per capita income rose sharply last year.


And China has also made historic achievements in building the country into a moderately prosperous one in all respects. The Chinese people are wholly rallying around the Communist Party of China. Our values are the same as the common values of humanity. Those are: peace, development, fairness, justice, freedom, and democracy.



经常有小伙伴会问,respect是不是错了应该是aspect。这个说法在政府工作报告中必然出现,没错,respect作名词,熟词僻义,也有“(事物的)方面,细节”的含义(a particular aspect or detail of sth)。



I wasn't wholly convinced by her explanation.



表示“召集;集合”,英文解释为“to come together or bring people together in order to help or support sb/sth”举个🌰:

Many national newspapers rallied to his support.


What China and the international community follow or uphold is the United Nations-centered international system and the international order underpinned by international law, not what is advocated by a small number of countries of the so-called “rules-based” international order. And the United States has its style – United States-style democracy – and China has the Chinese-style democracy. It is not just up to the American people, but also the people of the world to evaluate how the United States has done in advancing its own democracy.



表示“支持,维护,赞成(尤指法律上的决议)”,英文解释为“to defend or keep a principle or law, or to say that a decision that has already been made, especially a legal one, is correct”举个🌰:

You are expected to uphold the law whether you agree with it or not.



表示“加强,巩固,构成(…的基础等)”,英文解释为“to support or form the basis of an argument, a claim, etc.”举个🌰:

The report is underpinned by extensive research.


In China's case, after decades of reform and opening up, we have come a long way in various fields. In particular, we have engaged in tireless efforts to contribute to the peace and development of the world, and to upholding the purposes and principles of the UN Charter.


The wars in this world are launched by some other countries, which have resulted in massive casualties. But for China, what we have asked for, for other countries, is to follow a path of peaceful development, and this is the purpose of our foreign policy. We do not believe in invading through the use of force, or to topple other regimes through various means, or to massacre the people of other countries, because all of those would only cause turmoil and instability in this world. And at the end of the day, all of those would not serve the United States well.



表示“武力入侵,侵略,侵占”,英文解释为“to enter a country, town, or area using military force, in order to take control of it”举个🌰:

The Romans invaded Britain 2,000 years ago.



表示“打倒;推翻;颠覆”,英文解释为“to make sb lose their position of power or authority”如:a plot to topple the President 推翻总统的阴谋。


1)massacre /'mæsəkɚ/ 作动词也可以作名词,表示“屠杀;杀戮”,英文解释为“the killing of a large number of people especially in a cruel way”

2)作名词,还可以表示“(在比赛或竞争中的)惨败”,英文解释为:a very bad defeat in a game or competition,举个🌰:

United lost in a 5-0 massacre.



📍表示“大屠杀”的名词carnage“(尤指战争中的)大屠杀,残杀”,英文解释为“when a lot of people are killed and injured, especially in a war”,如:a scene of terrible carnage 可怕的大屠杀场面。


turmoil /ˈtɜːmɔɪl/ 表示“混乱;骚乱”,英文解释为“Turmoil is a state of confusion, disorder, uncertainty, or great anxiety.”

So we believe that it is important for the United States to change its own image and to stop advancing its own democracy in the rest of the world. Many people within the United States actually have little confidence in the democracy of the United States, and they have various views regarding the Government of the United States.


In China, according to opinion polls, the leaders of China have the wide support of the Chinese people. So no attempt to – the opinion polls conducted in the United States show that the leaders of China have the support of the Chinese people. No attempt to smear China's social system would get anywhere. Facts have shown that such practices would only lead the Chinese people to rally more closely around the Communist Party of China and work steadily towards the goals that we have set for ourselves.



作名词,表示“民意测验;民意调查”,英文解释为“A poll is a survey in which people are asked their opinions about something, usually in order to find out how popular something is or what people intend to do in the future.”复数形式polls可以特指“选举投票;计票”(the process of voting at an election; the process of counting the votes),举个🌰:

Polls show that the European treaty has gained support in Denmark. 



表示“诽谤;诋毁”,英文解释为“To smear someone means to spread unpleasant and untrue rumours or accusations about them in order to damage their reputation.”举个🌰:

They planned to smear him by publishing information about his private life.


not get/go anywhere

表示“没有什么进展;没有什么成就”,英文解释为“If you are not getting/going anywhere, you are not improving or advancing a particular situation.”举个🌰:

I've been sorting out my study all day, but it's such a mess I don't feel I'm getting anywhere.


In 1952, China adopted its first five-year development plan, and now we are into the first year of the 14th five-year development plan. We will continue along this path, step by step. China's development is not just about delivering benefits for the people of China, but also about contributing to the development of the world in the 21st century.


China and the United States are both major countries and both shoulder important responsibilities. We must both contribute to the peace, stability, and development of the world in areas such as COVID-19, restoring economic activities in the world, and responding to climate change. There are many things that we can do together and where our interests converge.


So what we need to do is to abandon the Cold War mentality and the zero-sum game approach. We must change the way we think and make sure that in this century, the 21st century, countries big or small, particularly the big countries, should come united together to contribute to the future of humanity and build a community with a shared future for humankind. It's also important for all of us to come together to build a new type of international relations, ensuring fairness, justice, and mutual respect.


a zero-sum game

表示“得益与损失平衡的局面,零和游戏(局面)”,英文解释为“a situation in which you receive as much money or advantages as you give away”。

And on some regional issues, I think the problem is that the United States has exercised long-arm jurisdiction and suppression and overstretched the national security through the use of force or financial hegemony, and this has created obstacles for normal trade activities, and the United States has also been persuading some countries to launch attacks on China.


jurisdiction /ˌdʒʊərɪsˈdɪkʃən/

1)表示“司法权;管辖权”,英文解释为“Jurisdiction is the power that a court of law or an official has to carry out legal judgments or to enforce laws.”举个🌰:

The British police have no jurisdiction over foreign bank accounts.


2)表示“管辖范围”,英文解释为“A jurisdiction is a state or other area in which a particular court and system of laws has authority.”如:in most other European jurisdictions, 欧洲大部分其他司法辖区。

🎬电影《X战警:逆转未来》(X-Men: Days of Future Past)中的台词提到:I don't believe you have jurisdiction in this matter.我想这事不在你的管辖范围内。


表示“(使)勉强维持,硬撑着,超负荷运转”,英文解释为“to do more than you are capable of; to make sb/sth do more than they are capable of”举个🌰:

Do what you know you can do well and don't overstretch yourself.


hegemony /hɪˈɡɛmənɪ/

表示“霸权”,英文解释为“Hegemony is a situation in which one country, organization, or group has more power, control, or importance than others.”

And as for China, we believe and we have handled import- and export-related issues according to scientific and technological standards. Secretary Blinken, you said you just came back from Japan and the ROK. Those two countries are China's second and the third largest trading partners. ASEAN has now become China's largest trading partner, overtaking the European Union and the United States. So we do hope that the United States will develop sound relations with all countries in the Asia-Pacific. We should have many mutual friends. This is the right way forward in the 21st century.


On the eve of the Chinese Lunar New Year, President Xi Jinping and President Joe Biden had a phone conversation. The two presidents agreed to step up communication, manage differences, and expand cooperation between our two countries. We are having this dialogue today to follow up on the common understanding of the two presidents reached during their phone conversation. And having this dialogue is, in fact, a decision made by the two presidents. So for the people of the two countries and the world, they're hoping to see practical outcomes coming out of our dialogue. And with Xinjiang, Tibet, and Taiwan, they are an inalienable part of China's territory.


inalienable /ɪnˈeɪljənəbəl/ 表示“(权利、权力等)不可剥夺的;不能转让的”,英文解释为“an inalienable right, power etc cannot be taken from you”,如:the inalienable right to decide your own future 不可剥夺的决定自己未来的权利。

China is firmly opposed to U.S. interference in China's internal affairs. We have expressed our staunch opposition to such interference and we will take firm actions in response.



表示“忠实的;坚定的”,英文解释为“strong and loyal in your opinions and attitude”。

On human rights, we hope that the United States will do better on human rights. China has made steady progress in human rights and the fact is that there are many problems within the United States regarding human rights, which is admitted by the U.S. itself as well. The United States has also said that countries can't rely on force in today's world to resolve the challenges we face. And it is a failure to use various means to topple the so-called “authoritarian” states.


And the challenges facing the United States in human rights are deep-seated. They did not just emerge over the past four years, such as Black Lives Matter. It did not come up only recently. So we do hope that for our two countries, it's important that we manage our respective affairs well instead of deflecting the blame on somebody else in this world.



表示“根深蒂固的;笃信的”,英文解释为“strongly felt or believed and very difficult to change or get rid of”如:a deep-rooted desire 强烈的愿望。


表示“转移”,英文解释为“If you deflect something such as criticism or attention, you act in a way that prevents it from being directed toward you or affecting you.”举个🌰:

He changed his name to deflect accusations of nepotism..


And for China, we will manage our own affairs well, and we hope to deliver a better life for our 1.4 billion Chinese people. This is the goal of China's diplomacy. And also, we will make our contribution to the peace and stability of the world.


Since breaking the ice between our two countries in our engagement several decades ago, China and the United States have achieved a lot together. This is the result of the concerted efforts of the people with vision of both countries, and this past is a part of our achievements. Although so much has changed in this world, it is important that our two countries think about how we can work together and expand our cooperation under the new circumstances.



表示“努力的;共同筹划决定的;同心协力的”,英文解释为“done in a planned and determined way, especially by more than one person, government, country, etc.”举个🌰:

There has been a concerted campaign against the proposals.


If there is competition between our two countries, I think the competition focuses on the economic aspect, and in this area, as I have said just now, for frictions in our economic engagement, it is important to respond to them in a rational way and seek win-win results. And China-U.S. trade has already achieved a lot, and we should do even better. The overwhelming majority of American businesses in China have said that China's business environment is good and nobody has forced them to stay in China. They see a profit coming from their presence in China and they see immense opportunities in China. That's why they are staying in China.



表示“(人与人之间的)摩擦;争执;分歧;不和”,英文解释为“disagreement or a lack of friendship among people who have different opinions about sth”如:conflicts and frictions that have still to be resolved 仍有待解决的冲突和摩擦。


overwhelming /ˌəʊvəˈwɛlmɪŋ/ 1)表示“难以抵挡的;无法抗拒的;强悍而令人难以应对的”,英文解释为“difficult to fight against”举个🌰:

She felt an overwhelming urge/desire/need to tell someone about what had happened.


2)表示“巨大的,极大的;(数量上)压倒性的”,英文解释为“You can use overwhelming to emphasize that an amount or quantity is much greater than other amounts or quantities.”举个🌰:

An overwhelming majority has voted in favour of the proposal.



immense /ɪˈmɛns/表示“极大的;巨大的;无限的”,英文解释为“extremely large or great in size or degree”,如:immense wealth/value 巨大的财富/价值,an immense amount of work  to be done 大量工作要做。

And I believe that for our two countries, under the new circumstances, we need to enhance communication, properly manage our differences, and expand our cooperation instead of engaging in confrontation.



表示“对抗;对峙;冲突”,英文解释为“a situation in which there is an angry disagreement between people or groups who have different opinions”举个🌰:

She wanted to avoid another confrontation with her father.


But between our two countries we've had confrontation in the past, and the result did not serve the United States well. What did the United States gain from that confrontation? I didn't see any, and the only result was damages done to United States. And China will pull through and has pulled through such confrontation.


pull through

表示“恢复健康;渡过难关”,英文解释为“If someone with a serious illness or someone in a very difficult situation pulls through, they recover.”举个🌰:

It is only our determination to fight that has pulled us through.


So the way we see the relationship with the United States is as President Xi Jinping has said – that is, we hope to see no confrontation, no conflict, mutual respect, and win-win cooperation with the United States. And actually, during the phone call between the presidents, President Biden himself also talked about the importance of having no conflict or confrontation between our two countries. So at our level, I think it's vital that we do everything we can to fully and faithfully follow up and implement the understandings reached between our two presidents and bring back the China-U.S. relationship to the track of sound and steady growth.


On cyber attacks, let me say that whether it's the ability to launch cyber attacks or the technologies that could be deployed, the United States is the champion in this regard. You can't blame this problem on somebody else.



1) 表示“利用,调动(尤指想法、论据等)”,英文解释为“to use something for a particular purpose, especially ideas, arguments etc”,如:a job in which a variety of professional skills will be deployed 要用到多项专业技术的工作。

2) 表示“部署,调度(士兵、军事装备等)”,英文解释为“to organize or move soldiers, military equipment etc so that they are in the right place and ready to be used”,如:deploy forces/troops/weapons etc,NATO's decision to deploy cruise missiles 北约要部署巡航导弹的决定。

The United States itself does not represent international public opinion, and neither does the Western world.


Whether judged by population scale or the trend of the world, the Western world does not represent the global public opinion. So we hope that when talking about universal values or international public opinion on the part of the United States, we hope the U.S. side will think about whether it feels reassured in saying those things, because the U.S. does not represent the world. It only represents the Government of the United States. I don't think the overwhelming majority of countries in the world would recognize that the universal values advocated by the United States or that the opinion of the United States could represent international public opinion, and those countries would not recognize that the rules made by a small number of people would serve as the basis for the international order.



表示“(常因获得了帮助或建议而感到)放心的”,英文解释为“If you feel reassured, you feel less worried about something, usually because you have received help or advice”举个🌰:

I feel much more reassured when I've had a physical exam.


Because, Mr. Secretary and NSA Sullivan, you have delivered some quite different opening remarks, mine will be slightly different as well.


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