

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


From: Sophia Groves / Getty

Iceland volcano: eruption under way in Fagradalsfjall near Reykjavik

The Guardian

A volcano has erupted in Iceland near the capital Reykjavik after thousands of small earthquakes in the area in recent weeks, the Icelandic meteorological office has said.

A red cloud lit up the night sky after the eruption began in Fagradalsfjall on Friday about 40km (25 miles) from the capital Reykjavik. A no-fly zone has been established in the area but the eruption appeared to be subsiding as of Saturday evening.

“Volcanic eruption has begun in Fagradalsfjall,” the meteorological office (IMO) said in a tweet on Friday night, referring to a mountain located south-west of the capital.

Streams of red lava could be seen flowing out of a fissure in the ground in video footage filmed by a coast guard helicopter and posted by the IMO on Twitter.

“The fissure is estimated to be about 200 metres (219 yards) long,” the IMO said.

Police and coastguard officials raced to the scene late on Friday and the public has been advised to stay away from the area.

“I can see the glowing red sky from my window,” said Rannveig Gudmundsdottir, a resident in the town of Grindavik, only 8 km (5 miles) from the eruption.

“Everyone here is getting into their cars to drive up there,” she said.

More than 40,000 earthquakes have occurred in the area in the past four weeks, a huge jump from the 1,000-3,000 earthquakes registered each year since 2014.

The Krysuvik volcanic system, which does not have a central volcano, is located south of Mount Fagradalsfjall on the Reykjanes peninsula in south-west Iceland.

“The first notification was received by the Meteorological Office at 2140 GMT. The eruption was confirmed through webcams and satellite images,” the institute said on its website.

While Iceland’s Keflavik international airport, the country’s largest, and the small fishing port of Grindavik are only a few kilometres away, the area is uninhabited and the eruption is not expected to present any danger.

Volcanic eruptions in the region are known as effusive eruptions, where lava flows steadily out of the ground, as opposed to explosive ones such as that of Eyjafjallajökull in 2010 which spewed ash clouds high into the sky and paralysed air traffic in Europe for weeks. However, all flights in and out of the airport have been halted.

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Iceland volcano: eruption under way in Fagradalsfjall near Reykjavik

The Guardian

A volcano has erupted in Iceland near the capital Reykjavik after thousands of small earthquakes in the area in recent weeks, the Icelandic meteorological office has said.


A red cloud lit up the night sky after the eruption began in Fagradalsfjall on Friday about 40km (25 miles) from the capital Reykjavik. A no-fly zone has been established in the area but the eruption appeared to be subsiding as of Saturday evening.



表示“减弱;平息”,英文解释为“If a feeling or noise subsides, it becomes less strong or loud.”举个🌰:

The pain had subsided during the night.


as of

表示“自…起;到...时候为止”,英文解释为“used to indicate a time or date at which something begins or ends”举个🌰:

As of next month, all the airline's fares will be going up.


“Volcanic eruption has begun in Fagradalsfjall,” the meteorological office (IMO) said in a tweet on Friday night, referring to a mountain located south-west of the capital.


Streams of red lava could be seen flowing out of a fissure in the ground in video footage filmed by a coast guard helicopter and posted by the IMO on Twitter.



lava /ˈlɑːvə/ 表示“(火山喷出的)熔岩,岩浆”,英文解释为“hot liquid rock that comes out of a volcano”。


表示“(岩石、土地等中深长的)裂缝,裂隙”,英文解释为“a long deep crack in sth, especially in rock or in the earth”。

“The fissure is estimated to be about 200 metres (219 yards) long,” the IMO said.


Police and coastguard officials raced to the scene late on Friday and the public has been advised to stay away from the area.


“I can see the glowing red sky from my window,” said Rannveig Gudmundsdottir, a resident in the town of Grindavik, only 8 km (5 miles) from the eruption.

“我可以从我的窗户看到发光的红色天空,”Rannveig Gudmundsdottir说,他是格林达维克(Grindavik)镇的居民,距离喷发地只有8公里(5英里)。

“Everyone here is getting into their cars to drive up there,” she said.


More than 40,000 earthquakes have occurred in the area in the past four weeks, a huge jump from the 1,000-3,000 earthquakes registered each year since 2014.



熟词僻义,表示“显示(读数);记录”,英文解释为“if a measuring instrument registers an amount or sth registers an amount on a measuring instrument, the instrument shows or records that amount”举个🌰:

The thermometer registered 25°C.



Advanced manufacturing and modern services registered rapid growth.


China's gross domestic product (GDP) has risen from 54 trillion to 82.7 trillion yuan, registering average annual growth of 7.1 percent;

都有“显示;指示;表达”的含义(to record, show, or express something)。

The Krysuvik volcanic system, which does not have a central volcano, is located south of Mount Fagradalsfjall on the Reykjanes peninsula in south-west Iceland.



peninsula /pɪˈnɪnsjʊlə/ 表示“半岛”,英文解释为“A peninsula is a long narrow piece of land that sticks out from a larger piece of land and is almost completely surrounded by water.”

“The first notification was received by the Meteorological Office at 2140 GMT. The eruption was confirmed through webcams and satellite images,” the institute said on its website.


While Iceland's Keflavik international airport, the country's largest, and the small fishing port of Grindavik are only a few kilometres away, the area is uninhabited and the eruption is not expected to present any danger.



表示“无人居住的;无人烟的;荒凉的”,英文解释为“with no people living there; not inhabited”如:an uninhabited island 荒岛。

Volcanic eruptions in the region are known as effusive eruptions, where lava flows steadily out of the ground, as opposed to explosive ones such as that of Eyjafjallajökull in 2010 which spewed ash clouds high into the sky and paralysed air traffic in Europe for weeks. However, all flights in and out of the airport have been halted.

该地区的火山喷发被称为溢流式喷发(effusive eruptions),熔岩稳定地从地面流出,而不是像2010年的埃亚菲亚德拉火山那样的爆裂式喷发,火山灰云高高喷向天空,使欧洲的空中交通瘫痪了数周。然而,所有进出机场的航班都已停止。


effusive本身作形容词,表示“感情过分流露的;太动感情的;奔放的”,英文解释为“showing much or too much emotion”如:an effusive welcome 非常热烈的欢迎,举个🌰:

He was effusive in his praise.


📍An effusive eruption is a type of volcanic eruption in which lava steadily flows out of a volcano onto the ground. There are two major groupings of eruptions: effusive and explosive.

溢流式喷发(effusive eruption)是一种火山喷发的形式,一般由玄武岩浆等流动性高、黏性低的岩浆产生。与岩浆直接快速喷出的爆裂式喷发不同,溢流式喷发中熔岩缓慢、稳定地从火山口流出。溢流式喷发形成的火山锥低矮,溢出的岩浆覆盖面广、会形成熔岩台地。


表示“(使)喷出,涌出”,英文解释为“to flow out quickly, or to make sth flow out quickly, in large amounts”举个🌰:

Flames spewed from the aircraft's engine.



表示“使不能正常运作,使陷入瘫痪”,英文解释为“ to make something unable to operate normally”举个🌰:

Motor traffic was paralysed in much of the city.



1)表示“使停住;停住”,英文解释为“When a person or a vehicle halts or when something halts them, they stop moving in the direction they were going and stand still.”举个🌰:

They halted at a short distance from the house.


2)表示“使完全停止;完全停止”,英文解释为“When something such as growth, development, or activity halts or when you halt it, it stops completely.”举个🌰:

Workers halted production at the auto plant yesterday.


🎬电影《危情时速》(Unstoppable)中的台词提到:Emergency responders want to halt all activity near the line 应急响应人员打算停止铁路附近的所有活动 。








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