

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26




Chinese boy band TV show ‘Youth With You’, with Blackpink’s Lisa as judge, goes off the air after competitor’s parents alleged to have links to illegal activities


A boy band competition show has been taken off the air after the parents of one of its contestants were alleged to have links to illegal businesses.

The Beijing Municipal Radio and Television Bureau on Tuesday suspended Youth With You Season 3, produced by Chinese streaming website iQiyi, after meeting with iQiyi’s producers to require compliance with broadcasting regulations. The suspension came after the show’s leading contestant, Tony Yu Jingtian, was embroiled in scandals about his parents’ former karaoke business and viewers questioned his nationality.

Broadcast since February, the show had four judges who used public votes to select nine winners from 119 contestants to form a boy band. The judges included Lisa from hit K-pop girl band Blackpink.

Yu is one of the 20 contestants to compete in the finals originally scheduled for broadcast on May 8. The Chengdu native emigrated to Canada with his family in 2008.

Online posts implicating Yu’s parents in allegedly illegal businesses before their emigration to Canada started to appear at the end of April on Douban, one of the most popular social media platforms in China. The posts alleged the karaoke business run by Yu’s parents was involved in drug trafficking and prostitution. In response to the posts, Yu’s mother, Li Qin, wrote on the massive microblogging site Weibo that she was sad her past imprudent business dealings had adversely affected her son.

“The karaoke business was jointly operated by me, my husband and a business partner,” Li wrote. “Before our family emigrated to Canada in 2008, we transferred the full ownership of the business to the business partner. From then on, we have not been involved in its operation at all.”

Li claimed their sloppy administration work regarding the business’s ownership transfer had led to the current scandal.

“In 2008, we just signed a business transfer agreement hastily”, she wrote, adding she and her husband failed to provide the relevant commerce and industry authorities with the correct applications. “We never thought that such business negligence many years ago would create so much harm for people who like our son. I and my husband are very sorry for this.”

Li added they had employed a lawyer to deal with the vast amount of false information about them now circulating online.

Tony Yu’s nationality has also come into question. He competed in South Korea’s boy band competition show Produce 101 in 2019 and said on stage his nationality was Canadian. Yet on Youth with You, he said he was proud to represent China in the international pop band elimination show. Netizens highlighted the “discrepancy” in his nationality declarations, accusing him of being opportunistic and having dual nationality, which is not recognised in China.

To add salt to the Yu family’s wounds, in early May, viewers who had bought a particular kind of yogurt made by the show’s sponsor began to post videos of many boxes of the yogurt being thrown away. The viewers had bought the yogurt so they could vote for contestants on Youth with You, and their dumping videos soon went viral.

Made by the Inner Mongolian milk brand Mengniu Dairy, which is owned by the state-owned China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs, the yogurt is sold in bottles. A QR code for voting for the boy band contestants was printed in the bottle caps.

Videos showing people throwing unwanted bottles of yogurt into a ditch next to heaps of yogurt boxes were posted online soon after the Yu family’s scandal emerged. Sales of yogurt bottle caps began to appear on online marketplaces, with 10 caps selling for 45 yuan (US$7). On May 4, the Xinhua News Agency ran a commentary vehemently attacking both the “wasteful” practice seen on the videos and the show’s producers for their failures to foresee the problems that have arisen.

“When planning such a voting method, have they ever considered the risk of huge waste?”, the commentary asked. “Have they ever thought of shouldering any social responsibility for this? Have they ever thought of what a bad example and adverse influence such a show and such a marketing method will have on young people? This is disrespectful to labour and a legal travesty. The final outcome of this is not only milk spilled onto ditches, but young people’s values cast into the dustbin.”

The iQiyi platform apologised for the show’s problems on May 5. “We actively shoulder social responsibility and will further improve the management system of our shows … to create a healthy online environment,” the statement read.

In response to the show’s suspension, online users said reality TV competitions should strengthen their screening mechanisms to prevent contestants with dubious backgrounds from competing.

Mainland showbiz was sick, viewer Pan Xiaofeng wrote on Weibo. “The materialistic fan-based economy distorts social values. The government should shake up the industry.”

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Chinese boy band TV show ‘Youth With You’, with Blackpink’s Lisa as judge, goes off the air after competitor’s parents alleged to have links to illegal activities


A boy band competition show has been taken off the air after the parents of one of its contestants were alleged to have links to illegal businesses.


be on/off (the) air

表示“正在/停止播出”,英文解释为“If a programme or a person is on/off (the) air, they are/are not broadcasting on radio or television.”举个🌰:

The radio station is on air from 6 a.m.


As soon as the war started, any broadcasts with a military theme were taken off the air.



表示“参赛者,选手”,英文解释为“A contestant in a competition or game show is a person who takes part in it”。


📍combatant表示“战斗人员,战士,斗士”,英文解释为“a person who fights in a war”。

The Beijing Municipal Radio and Television Bureau on Tuesday suspended Youth With You Season 3, produced by Chinese streaming website iQiyi, after meeting with iQiyi's producers to require compliance with broadcasting regulations. The suspension came after the show's leading contestant, Tony Yu Jingtian, was embroiled in scandals about his parents' former karaoke business and viewers questioned his nationality.

北京市广播电视局周二约谈爱奇艺制片人,要求其遵守相关法规后,暂停了由中国流媒体网站爱奇艺制作的《青春有你》(Youth With You)第三季。暂停播出是在该节目的主要参赛者余景天被卷入其父母以前的卡拉OK生意的丑闻,以及观众质疑其国籍之后。


表示“服从;遵守;依从”,英文解释为“the act of obeying an order, rule, or request”举个🌰:

It is the job of the inspectors to enforce compliance with the regulations.



be embroiled in表示“使卷入(纠纷);使陷入(困境);使纠缠于”,英文解释为“to involve sb/yourself in an argument or a difficult situation”举个🌰:

He became embroiled in a dispute with his neighbours.


Broadcast since February, the show had four judges who used public votes to select nine winners from 119 contestants to form a boy band. The judges included Lisa from hit K-pop girl band Blackpink.



表示“(唱片、电影或戏剧的)成功;很受欢迎的人(或事物)”,英文解释为“If a CD, film, or play is a hit, it is very popular and successful.举个🌰:

The song became a massive hit in 2019.


Yu is one of the 20 contestants to compete in the finals originally scheduled for broadcast on May 8. The Chengdu native emigrated to Canada with his family in 2008.



表示“移居外国;移民”,英文解释为“to leave a country permanently and go to live in another one”举个🌰:

housands of Britons emigrate every year.


Online posts implicating Yu's parents in allegedly illegal businesses before their emigration to Canada started to appear at the end of April on Douban, one of the most popular social media platforms in China. The posts alleged the karaoke business run by Yu's parents was involved in drug trafficking and prostitution. In response to the posts, Yu's mother, Li Qin, wrote on the massive microblogging site Weibo that she was sad her past imprudent business dealings had adversely affected her son.



表示“牵连,涉及”,英文解释为“to show that someone is involved in a crime or partly responsible for something bad that has happened”举个🌰:

Have they any evidence to implicate him in the robbery?



traffic的名词意思“交通”大家都知道,但作动词的含义可能有些同学就比较陌生了,表示“贩卖(人口);(非法)交易、买卖”,英文解释为“Someone who traffics in something such as drugs or stolen goods buys and sells them even though it is illegal to do so.”,并且它的现在分词过去式都不是直接加ing/ed,而是:+king/ked


如:human trafficking 贩卖人口,举个🌰:

He was found guilty of trafficking in drugs.



表示“卖淫”,英文解释为“the work of a prostitute”。


表示“不明智的;不谨慎的,轻率的”,英文解释为“unwise, by failing to consider the likely results of your actions”举个🌰:

The report criticizes the banks for being imprudent in their lending.



📍prudent表示“谨慎的;慎重的;精明的”,英文解释为“sensible and careful when you make judgements and decisions; avoiding unnecessary risks”,如:a prudent businessman 精明的商人,a prudent decision/investment 审慎的决定/投资。


2021年报告稳健的货币政策要灵活精准、合理适度。We will keep our prudent monetary policy flexible and targeted and at a reasonable and appropriate level.

2020年报告:稳健的货币政策要更加灵活适度。We will pursue a prudent monetary policy in a more flexible and appropriate way.

2019年报告坚持实施稳健的货币政策,We maintained a prudent monetary policy

2018年报告坚持实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策。We have continued to follow a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy.

2017年报告今年要继续实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策,This year, we will continue to pursue a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy.


adversely副词,下文出现adverse形容词,表示“不利的;负面的;有害的”,英文解释为“having a negative or harmful effect on something”举个🌰:

They received a lot of adverse publicity/criticism about the changes.


“The karaoke business was jointly operated by me, my husband and a business partner,” Li wrote. “Before our family emigrated to Canada in 2008, we transferred the full ownership of the business to the business partner. From then on, we have not been involved in its operation at all.”


Li claimed their sloppy administration work regarding the business's ownership transfer had led to the current scandal.



表示“草率的,马虎的”,英文解释为“not taking care or making an effort”举个🌰:

Spelling mistakes always look sloppy in a formal letter.


“In 2008, we just signed a business transfer agreement hastily”, she wrote, adding she and her husband failed to provide the relevant commerce and industry authorities with the correct applications. “We never thought that such business negligence many years ago would create so much harm for people who like our son. I and my husband are very sorry for this.”



hastily /ˈheɪstɪli/ 表示“匆忙地;急速地;慌忙地”,英文解释为“said or done in a hurry, sometimes without the necessary care or thought”。


表示“疏忽;玩忽职守;渎职”,英文解释为“If someone is guilty of negligence, they have failed to do something which they ought to do.”举个🌰:

They were ordered to appear before a disciplinary council on charges of negligence.


Li added they had employed a lawyer to deal with the vast amount of false information about them now circulating online.



circulate有“传播;流传;散布”的含义(if a story, an idea, information, etc. circulates or if you circulate it, it spreads or it is passed from one person to another),举个🌰:

Rumours began to circulate about his financial problems.


🎬电影《拉瑞·克劳》(Larry Crowne)中的台词提到:If gossip of this nature were to circulate, 如果这种性质的八卦流传开来,

Tony Yu's nationality has also come into question. He competed in South Korea's boy band competition show Produce 101 in 2019 and said on stage his nationality was Canadian. Yet on Youth with You, he said he was proud to represent China in the international pop band elimination show. Netizens highlighted the “discrepancy” in his nationality declarations, accusing him of being opportunistic and having dual nationality, which is not recognised in China.

余景天的国籍也受到了质疑。他在2019年参加了韩国男团比赛节目Produce 101,并在舞台上说他的国籍是加拿大。然而在《青春有你》节目中,他说他很自豪代表中国人在海外的节目站上最后的舞台。网民们强调了他的国籍声明中的“差异”,指责他投机取巧,拥有双重国籍,这在中国是不被承认的。


表示“差异;不符合;不一致”,英文解释为“a difference between two or more things that should be the same”,如:wide discrepancies in prices quoted for the work 这项工作的报价出入很大。

📍补充:quote,熟词僻义,作动词此处表示“开价;出价;报价”,英文解释为:to tell a customer how much money you will charge them for a job, service or product.


表示“投机的;机会主义的”,英文解释为“using a situation to get power or an advantage”举个🌰:

He made an opportunistic grab for power, which resulted in a civil war.


To add salt to the Yu family's wounds, in early May, viewers who had bought a particular kind of yogurt made by the show's sponsor began to post videos of many boxes of the yogurt being thrown away. The viewers had bought the yogurt so they could vote for contestants on Youth with You, and their dumping videos soon went viral.


yogurt /ˈjəʊɡət/

表示“酸奶;小包装酸奶”,英文解释为“Yogurt is a food in the form of a thick, slightly sour liquid that is made by adding bacteria to milk. A yogurt is a small container of yogurt.”


go viral字面意思就是“像病毒一样传播、扩散”,引申为“走红,十分流行,疯狂传播”,比如朋友圈xxx刷屏了,也可以说go viral,英文解释为“used to describe something that quickly becomes very popular or well known by being published on the internet or sent from person to person by email, phone, etc.”举个🌰:

Within days the film clip went viral.


Made by the Inner Mongolian milk brand Mengniu Dairy, which is owned by the state-owned China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs, the yogurt is sold in bottles. A QR code for voting for the boy band contestants was printed in the bottle caps.



dairy表示“牛奶场,乳品场,制酪场;牛奶公司,奶制品公司”,英文解释为“a place on a farm where milk and cream are kept and cheese and butter are made, or a company that supplies milk and products made from milk”。

📍diary表示“日记,日志”(a book in which you record your thoughts or feelings or what has happened each day)。

cereal /ˈsɪərɪəl/

表示“谷类植物,谷物”,英文解释为“a plant that is grown to produce grain”如:cereal crops 谷类作物。


QR,QR code 二维码,全称Quick Response Code. 条形码/条码呢?Barcode.

Videos showing people throwing unwanted bottles of yogurt into a ditch next to heaps of yogurt boxes were posted online soon after the Yu family's scandal emerged. Sales of yogurt bottle caps began to appear on online marketplaces, with 10 caps selling for 45 yuan (US$7). On May 4, the Xinhua News Agency ran a commentary vehemently attacking both the “wasteful” practice seen on the videos and the show's producers for their failures to foresee the problems that have arisen.



1)作名词,表示“道沟;沟渠”,英文解释为“A ditch is a long narrow channel cut into the ground at the side of a road or field.”

2)作动词,表示“抛弃,遗弃,丢弃”,英文解释为“to get rid of something or someone that is no longer wanted”举个🌰:

She ditched her boyfriend.


📍在FOX主播翠西被解约文中就提到过,《每日野兽》新闻周刊(Daily Beast)在标题中用的就是Ditch,指甩了某人。


表示“(凌乱的)一堆”,英文解释为“an untidy pile or mass of things”如:a heap of clothes/rubbish 一堆衣服/垃圾。


表示“激烈地;强烈地;猛烈地”,英文解释为“in a strong and emotional way”举个🌰:

He has vehemently denied having an extra-marital affair.



表示“预见;预知;预料”,英文解释为“to know about something before it happens”举个🌰:

I don't foresee any difficulties so long as we keep within budget.


“When planning such a voting method, have they ever considered the risk of huge waste?”, the commentary asked. “Have they ever thought of shouldering any social responsibility for this? Have they ever thought of what a bad example and adverse influence such a show and such a marketing method will have on young people? This is disrespectful to labour and a legal travesty. The final outcome of this is not only milk spilled onto ditches, but young people's values cast into the dustbin.”



travesty /ˈtrævəsti/表示“拙劣的模仿;嘲弄;歪曲”,英文解释为“something that fails to represent the values and qualities that it is intended to represent, in a way that is shocking or offensive”举个🌰:

He described the court ruling as a travesty of justice.


The iQiyi platform apologised for the show's problems on May 5. “We actively shoulder social responsibility and will further improve the management system of our shows … to create a healthy online environment,” the statement read.


In response to the show's suspension, online users said reality TV competitions should strengthen their screening mechanisms to prevent contestants with dubious backgrounds from competing.



表示“半信半疑的,可疑的;不确定的;不可信的”,英文解释为“thought not to be completely true or not able to be trusted”举个🌰:

These claims are dubious and not scientifically proven.


🎬电影《唐璜》(Don Jon)中的台词提到:- Yo, Jonny, you coming out tonight? - That's dubious.-璜璜 你今晚出去吗 -不确定。

Mainland showbiz was sick, viewer Pan Xiaofeng wrote on Weibo. “The materialistic fan-based economy distorts social values. The government should shake up the industry.”



show business的非正式说法,表示“娱乐业”。


表示“扭曲;使变形;歪曲”,英文解释为“to change something from its usual, original, natural, or intended meaning, condition, or shape”举个🌰:

My original statement has been completely distorted by the media.









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