

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,美国前总统特朗普在公开讲话中炮轰新西兰跨性别举重运动员劳蕾尔·哈伯德(Laurel Hubbard)参加女子体育比赛。

特朗普表示,太不公平了(It's so unfair)。他“碾碎”了女性运动员创造的纪录(he's shattered your longstanding record.)

特朗普还称,他们正在夺走你的权利,这是一场女权运动,我们不能让这种事发生,而现在却在奥运会赛场上出现了。”(They're taking away your rights. That’s really a women’s rights movement. You can’t let that happen. And now they just allowed it to happen in the Olympics. The Olympics has gone bad, too.)


Olympics-IOC backs transgender weightlifter's selection for Tokyo, says to review rules later


The International Olympic Committee on Saturday backed New Zealand's selection of transgender weightlifter Laurel Hubbard for the Tokyo Olympics despite criticism, saying that under the current rules - which will be reviewed in future - she can compete.

Hubbard is set to become the first transgender athlete to compete at the Games after she was selected for the New Zealand team in the women's super-heavyweight 87+kg category.

The 43-year-old's inclusion has been divisive, with her supporters welcoming the decision while critics have questioned the fairness of transgender athletes competing against women.

"The rules for qualification have been established by the International Weightlifting Federation before the qualifications started," said IOC President Thomas Bach. "These rules apply, and you cannot change rules during ongoing competitions."

Bach said the rules would be reviewed with all stakeholders involved in order to set new guidelines in the future.

"At the same time the IOC is in an inquiry phase with all different stakeholders... to review these rules and finally to come up with some guidelines which cannot be rules because this is a question where there is no one-size-fits-all solution," he told a news conference. "It differs from sport to sport."

The IOC had cleared the way in 2015 for transgender athletes to compete at the Games as women, provided their testosterone levels are below 10 nanomoles per litre for at least 12 months before their first competition.

Some scientists have said the guidelines do little to mitigate the biological advantages of those who have gone through puberty as males, such as bone and muscle density.

Supporters of transgender inclusion argue the process of transition decreases that advantage considerably and that physical differences between athletes mean there is never a truly level playing field in sport.

Asked repeatedly if he supported Hubbard competing in Tokyo, Bach said the athlete's selection was based on specific rules.

"The rules are in place and the rules have to be applied and you cannot change the rules during an ongoing qualification system," he said. "This is what all the athletes of the world are relying on: that the rules are being applied."

Trump spoke out against New Zealander Laurel Hubbard, who is set to become the first transgender athlete to compete at the Games after she was selected for the New Zealand team in the women's super-heavyweight 87+kg category.

Trump referred to Hubbard as 'he', while voicing disapproval over her inclusion in the women's section of the Games.

"Men are being allowed to compete in women's sports, how do you like that? Think of that, how fair is that? Did you see the weightlifter? I hate to tell you this, women, but he shattered your long standing record. This guy gets up, boom boom. Like a nine year record. Sonny a nine year record, boom. Did he do it with one hand, you know? It's so unfair."

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Olympics-IOC backs transgender weightlifter's selection for Tokyo, says to review rules later


The International Olympic Committee on Saturday backed New Zealand's selection of transgender weightlifter Laurel Hubbard for the Tokyo Olympics despite criticism, saying that under the current rules - which will be reviewed in future - she can compete.

周六,尽管受到了批评,国际奥委会(International Olympic Committee)仍支持新西兰跨性别举重运动员劳蕾尔·哈伯德(Laurel Hubbard)参加东京奥运会,并表示根据目前的规则--未来将重新审查--她可以参加比赛。


表示“审查,复查;重新考虑”,英文解释为“to carefully examine or consider sth again, especially so that you can decide if it is necessary to make changes”如:to review the evidence 复查证据。


表示“举重”,英文解释为“Weightlifting is a sport in which the competitor who can lift the heaviest weight wins.”

📍weightlifter 举重运动员

Hubbard is set to become the first transgender athlete to compete at the Games after she was selected for the New Zealand team in the women's super-heavyweight 87+kg category.


The 43-year-old's inclusion has been divisive, with her supporters welcoming the decision while critics have questioned the fairness of transgender athletes competing against women.



1)表示“把…包括(在内)”,英文解释为“the act of including someone or something as part of a group, list, etc., or a person or thing that is included”举个🌰:

She is being considered for inclusion in the Olympic team.


2)表示“不排斥任何群体,包容”,英文解释为“the idea that everyone should be able to use the same facilities, take part in the same activities, and enjoy the same experiences, including people who have a disability or other disadvantage”。


表示“有争议的;引起分歧的”,英文解释为“used to describe something that causes great and sometimes unfriendly disagreement within a group of people”举个🌰:

The Vietnam war was an extremely divisive issue in the US.


📍经济学人(The Economist)在一篇介绍月饼的文章提到:MOONCAKES are among the most divisive treats. 月饼是最有争议的食物之一。

"The rules for qualification have been established by the International Weightlifting Federation before the qualifications started," said IOC President Thomas Bach. "These rules apply, and you cannot change rules during ongoing competitions."

国际奥委会主席托马斯·巴赫(Thomas Bach)说:“在资格赛开始之前,国际举重联合会已经制定了资格赛的规则。这些规则适用,你不能在正在进行的比赛中改变规则。”


表示“(取得)比赛资格”,英文解释为“success in getting into a competition”举个🌰:

The win earned them qualification for the World Cup finals.


Bach said the rules would be reviewed with all stakeholders involved in order to set new guidelines in the future.



表示“股东;持股人;利益相关者;利害关系人”,英文解释为“Stakeholders are people who have an interest in a company's or organization's affairs.”

"At the same time the IOC is in an inquiry phase with all different stakeholders... to review these rules and finally to come up with some guidelines which cannot be rules because this is a question where there is no one-size-fits-all solution," he told a news conference. "It differs from sport to sport."



1)表示“询问,打听”,英文解释为“(the process of asking) a question”;

2)表示“调查,查究”,英文解释为“an official process to discover the facts about something bad that has happened”。


表示“通用的;一体适用的;标准的不为个体量身定做的”,英文解释为“esigned to be suitable for a wide range of situations or needs”如:a one-size-fits-all approach to education 一刀切的教育方法。

📍今年政府工作报告就提到:要力戒形式主义、官僚主义,切忌在工作中搞“一刀切”, We must guard against pointless formalities and bureaucratism and one-size-fits-all approaches in our work,

The IOC had cleared the way in 2015 for transgender athletes to compete at the Games as women, provided their testosterone levels are below 10 nanomoles per litre for at least 12 months before their first competition.


clear the way

表示“扫清道路;做好准备”,英文解释为“to make it possible for something to happen”举个🌰:

We've got a loan from the bank, which has cleared the way for us to buy a house.



testosterone /teˈstɑːstəroʊn/ 表示“睾丸素;睾酮”,英文解释为“a male hormone that causes a stage of growth in older boys and development of their sexual organs”。

Some scientists have said the guidelines do little to mitigate the biological advantages of those who have gone through puberty as males, such as bone and muscle density.



表示“减轻,缓解,缓和”,英文解释为“to make a situation or the effects of something less unpleasant, harmful, or serious”举个🌰:

Measures need to be taken to mitigate the environmental effects of burning more coal. 需要采取措施来减轻燃煤增加对环境造成的影响。

puberty /ˈpjuːbətɪ/

表示“青春期”,英文解释为“the stage in people's lives when they develop from a child into an adult because of changes in their body that make them able to have children”。

Supporters of transgender inclusion argue the process of transition decreases that advantage considerably and that physical differences between athletes mean there is never a truly level playing field in sport.



considerably副词,表示“非常;很;相当多地”,英文解释为“much; a lot”举个🌰:

The need for sleep varies considerably from person to person.


considerable形容词,表示“相当大的;相当多的;非常可观的;相当重要的”,英文解释为“large or of noticeable importance”举个🌰:

The fire caused considerable damage to it.


a level playing field

表示“公平竞争的环境”,英文解释为“a situation in which everyone has the same chance of succeeding”举个🌰:

If the tax systems are different in each European country, how can industries start on a level playing field?


Asked repeatedly if he supported Hubbard competing in Tokyo, Bach said the athlete's selection was based on specific rules.


"The rules are in place and the rules have to be applied and you cannot change the rules during an ongoing qualification system," he said. "This is what all the athletes of the world are relying on: that the rules are being applied."


Trump spoke out against New Zealander Laurel Hubbard, who is set to become the first transgender athlete to compete at the Games after she was selected for the New Zealand team in the women's super-heavyweight 87+kg category.


Trump referred to Hubbard as 'he', while voicing disapproval over her inclusion in the women's section of the Games.



voice作动词,表示“表达;吐露;(尤指)表示(质疑、抱怨)”,英文解释为“to say what you think about a particular subject, especially to express a doubt, complaint, etc. that you have about it”举个🌰:

I have voiced my objections to the plan to management.


"Men are being allowed to compete in women's sports, how do you like that? Think of that, how fair is that? Did you see the weightlifter? I hate to tell you this, women, but he shattered your long standing record. This guy gets up, boom boom. Like a nine year record. Sonny a nine year record, boom. Did he do it with one hand, you know? It's so unfair."



1)表示“ (使感情、希望或信念等)粉碎,破灭;被粉碎;被破坏;终结”,英文解释为“to destroy sth completely, especially sb's feelings, hopes or beliefs; to be destroyed in this way”举个🌰:

Her self-confidence had been completely shattered.


2)表示“(使物品)破碎,碎裂”,英文解释为“to suddenly break into small pieces; to make sth suddenly break into small pieces”举个🌰:

He dropped the vase and it shattered into pieces on the floor.









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