

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

Netflix的恋爱观察综艺《单身即地狱》(Single's Inferno)结束不久,身为网红的出演者宋智雅圈粉无数,获得过半数男嘉宾青睐!




Stunning Korean YouTuber Song Jia goes viral after starring in Netflix dating show Single's Inferno - racking up more than one million followers on Instagram

Daily Mail

30 December 2021

Following the popularity of Love Is Blind and the sudden interest in Korean content thanks to Squid Game, a new Korean dating show is taking viewers by storm.

Single's Inferno follows a group of genetically blessed models and influencers as they try to find love while glamping on a remote island, and the undisputed breakout star of the show is YouTuber Song Ji-a - otherwise known as Freezia.

The 25-year-old already had an impressive social media following before appearing on the show, but she has now racked up an extra 600,000 Instagram followers in the few weeks since Single's Inferno premiered.

Her Instagram is already at 1.1 million followers, while her YouTube account has exploded to almost 900,000 subscribers and counting. 

Ji-a has won over legions of fans across the globe thanks to her stunning good looks and stylish designer outfits.

She has also been at the centre of one of the show's biggest storylines so far: a love triangle involving aspiring fashion designer Choi Si-hun and hunky personal trainer Kim Hyeon-Joong.

Thanks to her exposure to an international audience through Netflix, Ji-a has seen her YouTube and Instagram accounts flooded with English comments from Western viewers.

'I came here from that TV show on Netflix and I'm so happy she has a YouTube channel. She seems so sweet, she's gorgeous and her sense of fashion and style is on point. I think I'm becoming a fan of her. I wonder if more people outside Korea discovered her too?' wrote one.

Another commented: 'I LOVE your confidence! You know you're gorgeous and don't let anyone, especially not men, tell you otherwise.'

Single's Inferno debuted on Netflix on December 18, and viewers are already saying it's better than hit programs like Love Island and Too Hot to Handle.

The South Korean series follows a group of sexy singletons stranded on a deserted island and forced to live together.

With limited supplies and the searing summer heat, they must work together to survive the outdoors while competing in challenges each day.

In a surprising twist, none of the singles are allowed to share their ages or occupations with each other, and must instead rely on their 'natural charms' to form a connection.

If they do manage to couple up, they're able to escape the 'inferno' for the night and head to 'paradise' - a luxury hotel nearby where they can say and do anything.

In a similar style to Gogglebox, a group of Korean celebrities and comedians watch and react to the action in real time throughout the course of the episodes.

Much like international dating shows of the same genre, the contestants largely consist of attractive personal trainers, models and influencers.

Fans on social media have been in a spin since the series premiered, with many likening it to the Love Island franchise.

'So Korea made a show similar to Love Island I’m so invested,' said one fan on Twitter.

'Single's Inferno gotta be one of the best things Korea did this year,' tweeted another.

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Stunning Korean YouTuber Song Jia goes viral after starring in Netflix dating show Single's Inferno - racking up more than one million followers on Instagram

Daily Mail

30 December 2021

Following the popularity of Love Is Blind and the sudden interest in Korean content thanks to Squid Game, a new Korean dating show is taking viewers by storm.

继《爱情盲选》(Love Is Blind)大受欢迎,以及因《鱿鱼游戏》(Squid Game)而突然对韩国影视剧产生兴趣之后,一部新的韩国恋爱节目深受观众喜爱。


1)表示“极有魅力的;绝妙的;给人以深刻印象的”,英文解释为“extremely attractive or impressive”举个🌰:

She looks absolutely stunning!


2)表示“令人惊奇万分的;令人震惊的”,英文解释为“extremely surprising or shocking”,如:a stunning defeat 惨败。

🎬 电影《惊天魔盗团2》(Now You See Me 2)中的台词提到:And the stunning revelation that FBI agent Dylan Rhodes ... 还有惊天大揭露联调局特工迪伦·罗兹…

📺 美剧《黑袍纠察队》(The Boys)第一季中的台词提到:Stunning! Absolutely stunning. 惊艳全场,太惊艳了!


表示“(通过网络在个体之间迅速)病毒式的(传播)”,英文解释为“used to describe something that quickly becomes very popular or well known by being published on the internet or sent from person to person by email, phone, etc.”举个🌰:

Here's a list of the top ten viral videos this week.


📍常用短语 go viral,字面意思就是“像病毒一样传播、扩散”,引申为“走红,十分流行,疯狂传播”,比如朋友圈xxx刷屏了,也可以说go viral.

rack up

表示“积累,大量获得(利润);严重遭受(损失);(体育中)多次赢得(比赛)”,英文解释为“If a business racks up profits, losses, or sales, it makes a lot of them. If a sportsman, sportswoman, or team racks up wins, they win a lot of games or races.”举个🌰:

Lower rates mean that firms are more likely to rack up profits in the coming months.


take sb./sth. by storm

表示“在(某处)大获成功;完全征服(一群人)”,英文解释为“to be suddenly extremely successful in a place or with a group of people”举个🌰:

Her performance has taken the critics by storm.


Single's Inferno follows a group of genetically blessed models and influencers as they try to find love while glamping on a remote island, and the undisputed breakout star of the show is YouTuber Song Ji-a - otherwise known as Freezia.

《单身即地狱》(Single's Inferno)讲的是一群天生丽质、帅气十足的模特和网红在一个偏远的小岛上露营时试图寻找爱情的故事,而该节目公认爆火的明星是YouTube博主宋智雅Freezia。


字面上的意思就是影响者,有影响力的人,柯林斯词典中的解释分为两种,一个就是字面上的意思:any person or thing that exerts an influence;另一种解释为:a person who uses social media to promote lifestyle choices, commercial products, etc to his or her followers. 利用社交媒体向自己的粉丝推广或推荐产品和服务的人,就是类似于现在网络中的“(带货)网红”,或者说关键意见领袖,Key Opinion Leader,KOL.


表示“舒适型露营;魅力露营; 一种露营方式,露营者通过此类豪华度假类型得到物质享受”,英文解释为“a type of camping that is more comfortable and luxurious than traditional camping. The word is a mixture of 'glamorous' and 'camping'. ”


表示“无可争辩的,毫无疑问的;公认的”,英文解释为“known to be definitely true;accepted by everyone”,如:an undisputed fact 无需正义的事实;the undisputed world heavyweight champion 公认的世界重量级拳击冠军。


表示“突然间极受欢迎,一夜成名”,英文解释为“suddenly and extremely popular or successful.”

The 25-year-old already had an impressive social media following before appearing on the show, but she has now racked up an extra 600,000 Instagram followers in the few weeks since Single's Inferno premiered.



premiere /ˈprɛmɪˌɛə, ˈprɛmɪə/ 可以作动词和名词,表示“首映,首演,首次上演/映”(the first public performance of a play or any other type of entertainment)。

📍这里要注意的是这个词去掉末尾的 e 就变成了 premier“首相,总理”;另外,premier作为形容词则表示“首位的,首要的”(best or most important),举个🌰:

He's one of the nation's premier scientists.


Her Instagram is already at 1.1 million followers, while her YouTube account has exploded to almost 900,000 subscribers and counting.



通常表示“爆炸”,可以引申为表示“急剧扩大;激增,突增”,英文解释为“to increase very quickly”举个🌰:

The population has exploded in the last ten years.


and counting

加在数字后面,表示“(数量)继续/不断/持续变化(增加/减少)”,英文解释为“used to show that the number previously mentioned is continuously changing, i.e. increasing or decreasing”,如:This online dictionary has 100,000 articles — and counting.

Ji-a has won over legions of fans across the globe thanks to her stunning good looks and stylish designer outfits.



表示“气派的;格调优雅的”,英文解释为“of a high quality in appearance, design, or behaviour”举个🌰:

The film's direction is subtle and stylish.



1)表示“全套服装”,英文解释为“An outfit is a set of clothes.”举个🌰:

She was wearing an outfit she'd bought the previous day.


2)表示“机构”,英文解释为“You can refer to an organization as an outfit.”举个🌰:

He works for a private security outfit.


📍类似的还有一个词表示“服装”garment,表示“(一件)衣服,尤用于衣服生产和销售的领域”,英文解释为“ garment is a piece of clothing; used especially in contexts where you are talking about the manufacture or sale of clothes.如:woollen garments 毛衣,winter/outer garments 冬装/外衣,举个🌰:

Many of the garments have the customers' name tags sewn into the linings.


🎬电影《酷毙了》(Dope)中的台词提到:I know a dude in the garment district. 我认识一个在服装部的人。

She has also been at the centre of one of the show's biggest storylines so far: a love triangle involving aspiring fashion designer Choi Si-hun and hunky personal trainer Kim Hyeon-Joong.

她也是该节目迄今为止最主要故事情节之一的中心:涉及志向远大的时装设计师崔时勋(Choi Si-hun)和帅气的私人教练金贤中(Kim Hyeon-Joong)的三角恋。

love triangle

表示“爱情三角;三角恋”,英文解释为“a situation in which two people both love a third person”,也可以说eternal triangle。


hunky /ˈhʌŋ.ki/ 表示“(男人)健壮而性感的”,英文解释为“A hunky man is sexually attractive and usually big and strong.”举个🌰:

I think he's quite hunky.


Thanks to her exposure to an international audience through Netflix, Ji-a has seen her YouTube and Instagram accounts flooded with English comments from Western viewers.


'I came here from that TV show on Netflix and I'm so happy she has a YouTube channel. She seems so sweet, she's gorgeous and her sense of fashion and style is on point. I think I'm becoming a fan of her. I wonder if more people outside Korea discovered her too?' wrote one.



gorgeous /ˈɡɔːr.dʒəs/ 表示“极其漂亮的,美丽动人的;令人愉快的”,英文解释为“very beautiful or pleasant”举个🌰:

The bride looked gorgeous.


Another commented: 'I LOVE your confidence! You know you're gorgeous and don't let anyone, especially not men, tell you otherwise.'



这个otherwise不是否则的意思,而是作副词,表示“别样地,以另外的方式”,英文解释为“differently, or in another way”举个🌰:The police believe he is the thief, but all the evidence suggests otherwise (= that he is not).


Single's Inferno debuted on Netflix on December 18, and viewers are already saying it's better than hit programs like Love Island and Too Hot to Handle.

《单身即地狱》于12月18日在Netflix首播,观众们已经说它比《恋爱岛》(Love Island)和《欲罢不能》(Too Hot to Handle)等热门节目要好。


debut /ˈdeɪbjuː/ 表示“(演员、运动员等的)首次登台,初次亮相;新事物的问世”,英文解释为“The debut of a performer or sports player is their first public performance, appearance, or recording.”举个🌰:

She made her debut in a 1937 production of "Hamlet."


The South Korean series follows a group of sexy singletons stranded on a deserted island and forced to live together.



singleton /ˈsɪŋ.ɡəl.tən/ 表示“独身之人,单身人士”,英文解释为“a man or woman who does not have a romantic or sexual partner”


表示“(因缺乏交通工具、金钱等)滞留的,被困住的”,英文解释为“unable to leave somewhere because of a problem such as not having any transport or money举个🌰:

He left me stranded in town with no car and no money for a bus.


With limited supplies and the searing summer heat, they must work together to survive the outdoors while competing in challenges each day.



表示“(感觉、温度等)极度的,强烈的”,英文解释为“If something, such as a feeling or temperature, is described as searing, it is extreme.”举个🌰:

A searing pain shot up her arm.


In a surprising twist, none of the singles are allowed to share their ages or occupations with each other, and must instead rely on their 'natural charms' to form a connection.


If they do manage to couple up, they're able to escape the 'inferno' for the night and head to 'paradise' - a luxury hotel nearby where they can say and do anything.



paradise /ˈper.ə.daɪs/ 表示“天堂,乐园”,英文解释为“a place or condition of great happiness where everything is exactly as you would like it to be”,如:a tropical paradise 一处热带天堂,举个🌰:

This mall is a shopper's paradise.


In a similar style to Gogglebox, a group of Korean celebrities and comedians watch and react to the action in real time throughout the course of the episodes.



在电视/电影节目中,episode表示“一集,一节,片断”(one of the single parts into which a story is divided, especially when it is broadcast on the television or radio),也可以指“事件;(相关的)一连串事件;一段经历”,英文解释为“a single event or group of related events”举个🌰:

This latest episode in the fraud scandal has shocked a lot of people.



📍第几集用的是Episode,第几季则为Season. 你下载美剧时可能就会看到S01E02,就是指的第1季第2集。

最后一集finale:the last part of a piece of music or of a show, event etc (演出的)终场,最后一幕;(音乐的)终曲;(事件等的)结尾。

🎬还有,看剧时新一集开头通常会有的一个说法:previously on ...,...的前情提要,前情回顾。


Much like international dating shows of the same genre, the contestants largely consist of attractive personal trainers, models and influencers.



表示“参赛者,选手”,英文解释为“A contestant in a competition or game show is a person who takes part in it”。


📍combatant表示“战斗人员,战士,斗士”,英文解释为“a person who fights in a war”。

Fans on social media have been in a spin since the series premiered, with many likening it to the Love Island franchise.


in a spin

表示“急得团团转;晕头转向,情绪激动,不知如何是好”,英文解释为“worried and confused”举个🌰:

She's in a spin over the arrangements for the party.


'So Korea made a show similar to Love Island I’m so invested,' said one fan on Twitter.


'Single's Inferno gotta be one of the best things Korea did this year,' tweeted another.










- 那年今日 -


2020 全球最长蛋糕6.5公里

2019 多闪+马桶MT+聊天宝

2018 H&M新款卫衣引发众怒

2017 英国"脱欧"究竟怎么脱?



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