

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,杜克大学毕业生普里亚·帕卡什(Priya Parkash)作为本科生代表在毕业典礼上发表演讲。

▲两次演讲对比 (From: Lucas Carter)

随后,她的演讲内容被发现和哈佛大学2014年毕业典礼毕业生代表莎拉·阿布沙(Sarah Abushaar)的演讲内容极为相似。



Duke Commencement Speaker Is ‘Mortified and Embarrassed’ After Similarities in Speech Spark Probe

The Wall Street Journal

A Duke University student said she is taking “full responsibility” for parts of her commencement speech that included passages similar to those in a Harvard University graduation speech years ago, prompting a university probe.

Undergraduate commencement speaker Priya Parkash spoke to her fellow classmates at Duke’s graduation ceremony on Sunday. The following day the Duke Chronicle—the university’s student newspaper—reported that several passages of Ms. Parkash’s speech were similar to that of a Harvard speech in 2014 given by then-student Sarah Abushaar.

Duke is investigating the matter, a spokesman said. Ms. Parkash said she would fully cooperate with the university’s probe.

She said she incorporated ideas for passages provided by friends without researching if they had been used previously. Ms. Parkash said she didn’t find out until the day after the speech that those passages had come from the speech given at Harvard, which she said she hadn’t previously seen.

“I was mortified and embarrassed to find out through a news article after I had already given the speech in front of thousands of people that parts of it were directly taken from [the Harvard] speech,” Ms. Parkash, who majored in statistical science and economics, said in an interview. “I sincerely regret this incident and I wish I could go back and undo it. I wish that I had been more diligent.”

Michael Schoenfeld, a spokesman for Duke, said the university is aware of the allegations and has “initiated a process to understand the facts of the situation.”

“Duke University expects all students to abide by their commitment to the Duke Community Standard in everything they do as students,” he said.

Ms. Parkash said she had submitted a draft of the speech to Duke as part of the selection process to be commencement speaker.

Parts of Ms. Parkash’s speech were similar to passages from Ms. Abushaar’s 2014 address, with references to Harvard swapped for Duke. Ms. Abushaar’s speech has been viewed millions of times and gained attention for its references to the Arab Spring and free speech. Former President George H.W. Bush was in attendance.

Ms. Abushaar said the goal of her speech was to inspire young people, especially women, to have the courage to share their stories and serve as forces of good. She also addressed the allegations against the Duke graduate.

“I hope that this incident was a serious error in judgment and that the student can take this opportunity to learn and grow from it,” she said in an emailed statement.

In her speech, Ms. Parkash spoke about her experience being Pakistani and going through airport security checkpoints, wearing Duke gear as a way to prove she isn’t a threat. Ms. Abushaar made similar comments about going through airport security as a Middle Easterner in Harvard attire.

Both speakers joked about how their respective campuses could be their own independent countries.

“We had our own version of the Statue of Liberty, the John Harvard statue; our own embassies, the Harvard clubs of Boston and London; a tax collection agency, the Harvard Alumni Association; and endowment larger than more than half the world’s countries’ GDPs,” Ms. Abushaar said in her 2014 speech.

In Ms. Parkash’s speech on Sunday, she said, “We are home to several consulates…we also have our own version of Christ the Redeemer, the statue of James Buchanan Duke…we also have an IRS with its surprisingly bubbly fleet of tax collectors, the Duke Alumni Association; we also have the equivalent of the Federal Reserve, DUMAC, which manages an endowment larger than the GDP of one-third of the countries in the world.”

In another passage, Ms. Parkash said, “Over the last four years, as the sole of our shoes have collected a world of experiences, we have all become this place in rather perplexing ways, each one of us internalizing pieces of people, perspectives, and the past, all of which have transformed our outlook on the world.”

In Ms. Abushaar’s speech, she said, “And running through Harvard Yard over the past four years, the skin of our feet collecting a world of experiences, we each become this place in a strange way, each of us picking up bits of people and history and ideas that changed the way we saw the world.”

Duke Chronicle editor Milla Surjadi, who earlier reported on the speech for the student newspaper, said Ms. Parkash’s speech quickly circulated on social media, with people highlighting similarities to Ms. Abushaar’s speech.

Ms. Parkash said she has been bombarded with hate messages online in the past few days. She said she worries about how the incident is going to affect her future endeavors.

“I’m scared for the consequences that it could have, but at the same time, I see it as a learning experience and I accept full responsibility,” she said.

Ms. Parkash said she is considering different job prospects and graduate school. She hopes to become a green-energy advocate and investor for developing nations.

“I really hope that people who end up becoming my future employers will see it as a mistake and will see that I’ve learned from it,” she said.

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Duke Commencement Speaker Is ‘Mortified and Embarrassed’ After Similarities in Speech Spark Probe

The Wall Street Journal

A Duke University student said she is taking “full responsibility” for parts of her commencement speech that included passages similar to those in a Harvard University graduation speech years ago, prompting a university probe.

杜克大学(Duke University)的一名学生说,她要为她的毕业典礼演讲的部分内容承担“全部责任”,这些内容包含与多年前哈佛大学毕业典礼演讲中相似的段落。杜克大学已经对此展开调查。


表示“极度尴尬的”,英文解释为“very embarrassed”举个🌰:

She was absolutely mortified to hear her son swearing at the teacher.



表示“窘迫的,尴尬的;害羞的”,英文解释为“feeling ashamed or shy”举个🌰:

I was too embarrassed to admit that I was scared.



1)表示“学位授予典礼;毕业典礼”,英文解释为“a ceremony at which students formally receive their degrees”

2)表示“开始;开端”,英文解释为“the beginning of something”举个🌰:Would passengers please turn off their mobile phones before the commencement of the flight.



作动词,表示“促使;导致;激起”,英文解释为“to make sb decide to do sth; to cause sth to happen”举个🌰:

His speech prompted an angry outburst from a man in the crowd.


📺美剧《斯巴达克斯:血与沙》(Spartacus: Blood and Sand)中的台词提到:One cannot but wonder what would prompt such an act 不知他们为何遭此不幸。


恏渏 亾類哋夲能文中提到了probe作名词有“探索;探查;查究;调查”的意思,英文解释为“an attempt to discover information by asking a lot of questions”,如:an FBI probe into corruption 联邦调查局对腐败的调查;也可以指“(医生或科学家用的)探针”,英文解释为“a long thin metal instrument that doctors and scientists use to examine parts of the body”。

📍probe还可以解释为“探测器”,英文解释为:a device that is put inside something to test or record information. 如:a space probe 航天探测器/太空探测器。

🎬电影《像素大战》(Pixels)中的台词提到:That videotape will be placed in a space probe 录影带将放在太空探测器中。

Undergraduate commencement speaker Priya Parkash spoke to her fellow classmates at Duke’s graduation ceremony on Sunday. The following day the Duke Chronicle—the university’s student newspaper—reported that several passages of Ms. Parkash’s speech were similar to that of a Harvard speech in 2014 given by then-student Sarah Abushaar.

本科生毕业典礼演讲者普里亚·帕卡什(Priya Parkash)周日在杜克大学的毕业典礼上向她的同学们发表了演讲。第二天,该校的学生报纸《杜克纪事报》(Duke Chronicle)报道说,帕卡什女士的演讲中有几个段落与2014年哈佛大学毕业典礼当时学生代表莎拉·阿布沙(Sarah Abushaar)的演讲内容相似。

Duke is investigating the matter, a spokesman said. Ms. Parkash said she would fully cooperate with the university’s probe.


She said she incorporated ideas for passages provided by friends without researching if they had been used previously. Ms. Parkash said she didn’t find out until the day after the speech that those passages had come from the speech given at Harvard, which she said she hadn’t previously seen.



1)表示“包含”,英文解释为“If one thing incorporates another thing, it includes the other thing.”举个🌰:

The new cars will incorporate a number of major improvements


2)表示“使并入”,英文解释为“If someone or something is incorporated into a large group, system, or area, they become a part of it.”

🎬电影《草叶》(Leaves of Grass)中的台词提到:We've been wanting to incorporate more philosophy into the curriculum. 我们一直很想在课程中增加更多的哲学课程。

I was mortified and embarrassed to find out through a news article after I had already given the speech in front of thousands of people that parts of it were directly taken from [the Harvard] speech,Ms. Parkash, who majored in statistical science and economics, said in an interview. “I sincerely regret this incident and I wish I could go back and undo it. I wish that I had been more diligent.



1)表示“认真刻苦的,勤奋的,勤劳的”,英文解释为“careful and using a lot of effort”如:a diligent student 用功的学生。

2)表示“细致的,潜心的”,英文解释为“done in a careful and detailed way”举个🌰:

The discovery was made after years of diligent research.


Michael Schoenfeld, a spokesman for Duke, said the university is aware of the allegations and has “initiated a process to understand the facts of the situation.”

杜克大学的发言人迈克尔·肖恩菲尔德(Michael Schoenfeld)说,该校已了解到这些指控,并已“启动了程序,以了解情况的真相。”


表示“指控,指责”,英文解释为“An allegation is a statement saying that someone has done something wrong.”举个🌰:

The company has denied the allegations.



表示“使开始;发起”,英文解释为“If you initiate something, you start it or cause it to happen.”举个🌰:

They wanted to initiate a discussion on economics.


“Duke University expects all students to abide by their commitment to the Duke Community Standard in everything they do as students,” he said.


abide by

表示“遵守,遵循(协议、决定或规章)”,英文解释为“If you abide by a law, agreement, or decision, you do what it says you should do.”举个🌰:

They have got to abide by the rules.


🎬电影《逃离地球》(Escape from Planet Earth)中的台词提到:You should abide by the following basic etiquette. 与他们互动时须遵守以下基本礼节。

Ms. Parkash said she had submitted a draft of the speech to Duke as part of the selection process to be commencement speaker.


Parts of Ms. Parkash’s speech were similar to passages from Ms. Abushaar’s 2014 address, with references to Harvard swapped for Duke. Ms. Abushaar’s speech has been viewed millions of times and gained attention for its references to the Arab Spring and free speech. Former President George H.W. Bush was in attendance.

帕卡什女士的部分演讲内容与阿布沙女士2014年的演讲内容相似,只是把提到哈佛大学的地方换成了杜克大学。阿布沙女士的演讲被观看了数百万次,并因其提及阿拉伯之春(The Arab Spring)和言论自由而受到关注。当时,美国前总统乔治-H.W.布什(George H.W. Bush)出席了毕业典礼。


swap 可以作动词,也可以作名词,表示“交换”,英文解释为“If you swap something with someone, you give it to them and receive a different thing in exchange. If you swap one thing for another, you remove the first thing and replace it with the second, or you stop doing the first thing and start doing the second.”举个🌰:

Next week they will swap places and will repeat the switch weekly.


📺美剧《我们这一天》(This is us)中的台词提到:You swap lightning bolts for thunder clouds? 你用闪电球交换雷暴云?/你用闪电球来呼风唤雨吗?

Ms. Abushaar said the goal of her speech was to inspire young people, especially women, to have the courage to share their stories and serve as forces of good. She also addressed the allegations against the Duke graduate.


I hope that this incident was a serious error in judgment and that the student can take this opportunity to learn and grow from it,” she said in an emailed statement.


In her speech, Ms. Parkash spoke about her experience being Pakistani and going through airport security checkpoints, wearing Duke gear as a way to prove she isn’t a threat. Ms. Abushaar made similar comments about going through airport security as a Middle Easterner in Harvard attire.



表示“(尤指边境的)检查站;边防关卡”,英文解释为“a place where people are stopped and asked questions and vehicles are examined, especially at a border between two countries”举个🌰:

Checkpoint Charlie was the most famous border crossing between East and West Berlin.



表示“(从事某活动的)装备,用具,衣服”,英文解释为“the equipment, clothes, etc. that you use to do a particular activity”,如:fishing/camping gear 钓鱼/野营用具,又是联邦快递!文中提到华为公司时用的telecom-gear maker 通讯/电信设备制造商。

📍gear可以指衣服(clothes),如:all the latest gear 最新潮的衣服。


attire /əˈtaɪə/ 表示“服装;衣服”,相当于clothes,如:dressed in formal evening attire 穿着晚礼服。


📍LV老板超越比尔·盖茨成全球第二大富豪一文中也接触了另一个表示“服装”的词语apparel,In 1984, he acquired the parent company of Christian Dior's apparel branch.

📍apparel表示“服装;尤指礼服”,英文解释为“Apparel means clothes, especially formal clothes worn on an important occasion.”举个🌰:

Women's apparel is offered in petite, regular, and tall sizes.


📍garment:表示“(一件)衣服,尤用于衣服生产和销售的领域”(A garment is a piece of clothing; used especially in contexts where you are talking about the manufacture or sale of clothes.)如:woollen garments 毛衣,winter/outer garments 冬装/外衣,举个🌰:

Many of the garments have the customers' name tags sewn into the linings.


📍outfit表示“全套服装,装束(尤指为某场合或目的)”(a set of clothes that you wear together, especially for a particular occasion or purpose)如:a wedding outfit 一套结婚礼服。

Both speakers joked about how their respective campuses could be their own independent countries.


“We had our own version of the Statue of Liberty, the John Harvard statue; our own embassies, the Harvard clubs of Boston and London; a tax collection agency, the Harvard Alumni Association; and endowment larger than more than half the world’s countries’ GDPs,” Ms. Abushaar said in her 2014 speech.

“我们有自己版本的自由女神像(the Statue of Liberty),即约翰·哈佛(John Harvard)雕像;我们有自己的大使馆,即波士顿和伦敦的哈佛俱乐部;有一个收税机构,即哈佛校友会;还有比世界上一半以上国家的GDP都要大的捐赠,”阿布沙女士在2014年的演讲中说。


embassy /ˈembəsi/ 表示“大使及其随员;大使馆”,英文解释为“An embassy is a group of government officials, headed by an ambassador, who represent their government in a foreign country. The building in which they work is also called an embassy.举个🌰:

The embassy has already complained.



1)表示“天赋;天资;才能”,英文解释为“something that you have from birth, often a quality”举个🌰:

There are tests that can establish a baby's genetic endowment.


2)表示“捐款;捐赠;资助”,英文解释为“money that is given to a school, a college or another institution to provide it with an income; the act of giving this money”。

In Ms. Parkash’s speech on Sunday, she said, “We are home to several consulates…we also have our own version of Christ the Redeemer, the statue of James Buchanan Duke…we also have an IRS with its surprisingly bubbly fleet of tax collectors, the Duke Alumni Association; we also have the equivalent of the Federal Reserve, DUMAC, which manages an endowment larger than the GDP of one-third of the countries in the world.”

而帕卡什女士周日的演讲中,她说:“我们是几个领事馆的所在地......我们也有我们自己版本的救世主耶稣雕像(Christ the Redeemer),即詹姆斯·布坎南·杜克(James Buchanan Duke)的雕像......我们也有一个国税局(IRS),有着令人惊讶的收税员队伍,即杜克大学校友会;我们也有相当于美联储的DUMAC,它管理的捐赠金比世界上三分之一的国家的GDP还要大。”


consulate /ˈkɒn.sjə.lət/ U 表示“领事馆”,英文解释为“the office where a consul works”如:the Cuban consulate in Mexico City 驻墨西哥城的古巴领事馆。


bubbly /ˈbʌb.li/ 1)作形容词,表示“(尤指女子)活泼的,热情奔放的”,英文解释为“(especially of a woman or girl) attractively full of energy and enthusiasm”举个🌰:

She's a very bubbly character.


2)作名词,表示“香槟(酒)”,英文解释为“champagne (= expensive white or pink alcoholic drink with bubbles)”举个🌰:

Let's crack open a bottle of bubbly to celebrate.



1)作形容词,表示“(价值、数量、意义、重要性等)相等的,相同的”,英文解释为“equal in value, amount, meaning, importance, etc.”举个🌰:

Eight kilometres is roughly equivalent to five miles.


2)作名词,表示“相等的东西;等量;对应词”,英文解释为“a thing, amount, word, etc. that is equivalent to sth else”。


🧣Weibo, China's Twitter-like service (SCMP)

🧣Weibo, the Chinese equivalent to Twitter (NPR NEWS)

🧣Twitter-like Weibo (Reuters)

🧣Weibo, a Twitter-like platform (NYT)

In another passage, Ms. Parkash said, “Over the last four years, as the sole of our shoes have collected a world of experiences, we have all become this place in rather perplexing ways, each one of us internalizing pieces of people, perspectives, and the past, all of which have transformed our outlook on the world.”



熟词僻义,作名词,表示“脚底;鞋底”,英文解释为“the bottom part of the foot that touches the ground when you stand or walk, or the bottom part of a shoe that touches the ground, usually not including the heel”如:a cut on the sole of her foot 她脚底的伤口。


熟词僻义,表示“使好看;适合,适于”,英文解释为“to cause someone to look attractive, or to be suitable for someone”举个🌰:

That colour really becomes you.



perplexing /pəˈpleksɪŋ/ 表示“复杂的,令人费解的;令人困惑的;令人不解的”,英文解释为“If you find something perplexing, you do not understand it or do not know how to deal with it.”举个🌰:

It took years to understand many perplexing diseases.



internalise/internalize 表示“将(情感)藏在心底;使(想法、态度、信仰等)成为性格的一部分,使内化”,英文解释为“If you internalize your emotions or feelings, you do not allow them to show although you think about them. To accept or absorb an idea, opinion, belief, etc. so that it becomes part of your character”举个🌰:

Many women tend to internalize their anxiety and distress.



表示“(思考问题的)角度,观点,想法”,英文解释为“a particular way of considering something”举个🌰:

Her attitude lends a fresh perspective to the subject.



1)表示“前景;展望”,英文解释为“the likely future situation”举个🌰:

The outlook for the economy is bleak.


2)表示“观点,看法”,英文解释为“a person's way of understanding and thinking about something”举个🌰:

He has a fairly positive outlook on life.


3)表示“景色,风光,景致”,英文解释为“what you can see from a particular place”举个🌰:

From the top of the tower, the outlook over the city was breathtaking.


In Ms. Abushaar’s speech, she said, “And running through Harvard Yard over the past four years, the skin of our feet collecting a world of experiences, we each become this place in a strange way, each of us picking up bits of people and history and ideas that changed the way we saw the world.”


Duke Chronicle editor Milla Surjadi, who earlier reported on the speech for the student newspaper, said Ms. Parkash’s speech quickly circulated on social media, with people highlighting similarities to Ms. Abushaar’s speech.

学生报纸《杜克纪事报》编辑米拉·苏尔贾迪(Milla Surjadi)早些时候报道了这次演讲,她说帕卡什女士的演讲很快在社交媒体上流传,人们指出了与阿布沙女士演讲的相似之处。


circulate有“(使)循环;(使)流通;(使)传递;(使)散布”的含义(if a story, an idea, information, etc. circulates or if you circulate it, it spreads or it is passed from one person to another),举个🌰:

Rumours began to circulate about his financial problems.


🎬电影《拉瑞·克劳》(Larry Crowne)中的台词提到:If gossip of this nature were to circulate, 如果这种性质的八卦流传开来,


表示“使引起注意,强调”,英文解释为“to attract attention to or emphasize something important”举个🌰:

The report highlights the need for improved safety.


Ms. Parkash said she has been bombarded with hate messages online in the past few days. She said she worries about how the incident is going to affect her future endeavors.



bombard /bɒmˈbɑːd/ 1)表示“连续炮击;连续轰炸”,英文解释为“to attack a place with continuous shooting or bombs”举个🌰:

The troops bombarded the city, killing and injuring hundreds.


1)表示“大量提问;大肆抨击;提供过多信息”,英文解释为“to attack sb with a lot of questions, criticisms, etc. or by giving them too much information”举个🌰:

We have been bombarded with letters of complaint.


📍耶鲁大学校长2018年毕业典礼演讲:跳出狭窄的朋友圈 尽你所能画更大更多的圈中提到:But if you're bombarded with the same stories, memes, and opinions from all your so-called friends, then your world may in fact be quite narrow. 但如果你所谓的“朋友”都在分享相同的故事、类似的观点,那么你的世界可能很窄。

I’m scared for the consequences that it could have, but at the same time, I see it as a learning experience and I accept full responsibility,” she said.


Ms. Parkash said she is considering different job prospects and graduate school. She hopes to become a green-energy advocate and investor for developing nations.


“I really hope that people who end up becoming my future employers will see it as a mistake and will see that I’ve learned from it,” she said.









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