

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,苹果CEO蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)出席加劳德特大学(Gallaudet University)2022年毕业典礼并发表演讲。


Apple CEO Tim Cook to Gallaudet graduates: ‘Lead with your values’

The Washington Post

It started with a tweet.

In a video last month, Gallaudet University senior Molly Feanny signed a message to Apple chief executive Tim Cook, inviting him to deliver the school’s commencement address. About an hour later, Cook had accepted — and on Friday he stood in front of the Class of 2022, where he imparted advice, cracked a couple of jokes and wished the outgoing cohort of students good luck.

“I have one important piece of advice I want to share, so important that it’s the only piece of advice I’m going to share today,” Cook said. “And that is this: Whatever you do, lead with your values.”

Cook and Apple have a unique relationship with the university for deaf and hard-of-hearing students in the nation’s capital. In 2020, each student and faculty member was given an iPad Pro, Apple Pencil and Smart Folio tablet case. The program has since expanded to include MacBooks.

Gallaudet was the first university to participate in an Apple scholarship for disabled students of color. Students have landed jobs at the Apple Carnegie Library in the District’s Mount Vernon neighborhood, where the company also offers training and other programming for deaf people.

The relationship has allowed the campus in Northeast Washington to expand accessibility for students, offering more students the chance to excel academically and — eventually — cross the graduation stage, leaders say.

Feanny, who delivered the undergraduate commencement speech Friday, said she and university officials conceived the idea to invite Cook to this year’s ceremony. It was the campus’s first in-person graduation ceremony since 2019, and more than 200 mask-clad undergraduates accepted their diplomas.

“I thought it would be a great idea for him to come because Apple has contributed a lot to the Gallaudet University community,” Feanny said in an email. “The MacBook laptops and iPads provided to everyone allowed us to maintain a sense of connection and continue our working and learning relationships and activities despite the covid pandemic keeping us apart for 18 months.”

Elijah Henderson, who graduated Friday with a degree in communication studies, also touted some benefits of Apple products for deaf students. Among them are FaceTime, another feature that allows users to pair certain hearing aids with Apple devices through Bluetooth connection, and software that transcribes phone calls in real time. “It just gives deaf people the ability to communicate with ease,” Henderson said through an interpreter.

The partnership has also paid off in the classroom, said Thomas P. Horejes, associate provost for student success and academic quality. Eighty percent of full-time, first-time freshmen who entered Gallaudet in the fall of 2020 returned for their second year, the second-highest retention rate among a first-year cohort in a decade. The 2020 cohort is also performing better academically — 85 percent had “academic good standing,” compared with 78 percent of the 2019 cohort, Horejes wrote in an email.

“Technology plays a key role in supporting ‘extraordinary learning and academic excellence across the life span,’” Horejes said, referencing a tenet of the school’s strategic plan. “Apple has been instrumental in this effort.”

And at a university where about two-thirds of students are eligible for Pell Grants, federal aid reserved for students from low-income families, the introduction of Apple products means every student has access to the same hardware.

“Their ability to access technology and its resources is challenging and may present an academic inequity concern, which impacts the overall student success experience,” Horejes said. “This process helps ensure that all students get what they need regardless of their personal finances or with the support of their parents.”

Gallaudet’s relationship with Apple began when its Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center — which houses elementary and secondary education programs — purchased iPads for kindergarten through 12th-grade students. The decision came “after various technological options were assessed to decide the best fit for bilingual learning,” Gallaudet President Roberta Cordano said in an open letter to Cook in 2019.

After the success at the Clerc Center, the partnership was expanded to the university campus. Cook, in his address, gave a nod to that relationship.

“As Apple works to design technology that is accessible to all, we are incredibly fortunate to have such innovative and committed partners,” Cook said. “It’s thanks in part to this community that Apple Maps now has a series of guides that help users identify deaf-owned and deaf-friendly businesses.”

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Apple CEO Tim Cook to Gallaudet graduates: ‘Lead with your values’

The Washington Post

It started with a tweet.


In a video last month, Gallaudet University senior Molly Feanny signed a message to Apple chief executive Tim Cook, inviting him to deliver the school’s commencement address. About an hour later, Cook had accepted — and on Friday he stood in front of the Class of 2022, where he imparted advice, cracked a couple of jokes and wished the outgoing cohort of students good luck.

在上个月的一段视频中,加劳德特大学(Gallaudet University)大四学生莫莉·范尼(Molly Feanny)用手语发了一条给苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆·库克( Cook)的信息,邀请他在学校的毕业典礼上发表演讲。大约一小时后,库克接受了--周五他站在2022届学生面前,传授建议,讲了几个笑话,并祝愿即将离校的这批学生好运。


1)表示“打手势;示意”,英文解释为“to give an order or information, or make a request, using hand and body movements”举个🌰:

He signed for/to the waiter to bring him another drink.


2)表示“使用手语”,英文解释为“to use sign language (= language used by people who cannot hear or talk)”


1)表示“学位授予典礼;毕业典礼”,英文解释为“a ceremony at which students formally receive their degrees”

2)表示“开始;开端”,英文解释为“the beginning of something”举个🌰:Would passengers please turn off their mobile phones before the commencement of the flight.



表示“通知;透露;传授”,英文解释为“to pass information, knowledge, etc. to other people”举个🌰:

The ability to impart knowledge and command respect is the essential qualification for teachers.


📍韩愈《师说》英译版中“古之学者必有师。师者,所以传道受业解惑也。”就被译为:In ancient times those who wanted to learn would seek out a teacher, one who could propagate the doctrine, impart professional knowledge, and resolve doubts.


表示“说(笑话);开玩笑,说俏皮话”,英文解释为“If you crack a joke, you tell it.”举个🌰:

He drove a Volkswagen, cracked jokes, and talked about beer and girls. 


📰奥巴马卸任后首次重返白宫 和拜登互开玩笑文中提到,INSIDER标题:Obama cracks joke at 'Vice President' Biden during White House event.


表示“离开的;即将离职的,即将卸任的;即将结业的”,英文解释为“leaving a place, or leaving a job”如:the outgoing vice-president 即将离任的副总统,举个🌰:

Outgoing flights are booked until 15 January.



cohort /ˈkoʊ.hɔːrt/ 表示“有共同特点(通常指年龄)的一群人”,英文解释为“a group of people who share a characteristic, usually age”举个🌰:

This study followed up a cohort of 100 patients aged 65+ for six months after their discharge home.


I have one important piece of advice I want to share, so important that it’s the only piece of advice I’m going to share today,Cook said. “And that is this: Whatever you do, lead with your values.


Cook and Apple have a unique relationship with the university for deaf and hard-of-hearing students in the nation’s capital. In 2020, each student and faculty member was given an iPad Pro, Apple Pencil and Smart Folio tablet case. The program has since expanded to include MacBooks.

库克和苹果公司与美国首都这所听障学生大学有一种特殊关系。2020年,每个学生和教职员工都获得了一台iPad Pro、一支Apple Pencil和智能双面夹平板壳。此后,该计划扩大到包括MacBooks。


表示“听力不佳的,耳背的”,英文解释为“not able to hear well”举个🌰:He is quite old now and he's increasingly hard of hearing.


Gallaudet was the first university to participate in an Apple scholarship for disabled students of color. Students have landed jobs at the Apple Carnegie Library in the District’s Mount Vernon neighborhood, where the company also offers training and other programming for deaf people.



熟词僻义,表示“(尤指轻而易举或意外地)获得,得到,赢得”,英文解释为“to get or achieve something good, especially in a way that seems easy or unexpected”举个🌰:

He landed a senior editorial job.


The relationship has allowed the campus in Northeast Washington to expand accessibility for students, offering more students the chance to excel academically and — eventually — cross the graduation stage, leaders say.


Stage Crossing

What will happen at the Stage Crossing?

Graduates will sign up for a 15-minute time slot where the graduate’s name will be announced as they cross a stage. Four guests will be allowed to accompany each graduate. Professional photographers will be present to take formal portraits, and videographers will livestream and record the Stage Crossings. (University of Illinois)


Feanny, who delivered the undergraduate commencement speech Friday, said she and university officials conceived the idea to invite Cook to this year’s ceremony. It was the campus’s first in-person graduation ceremony since 2019, and more than 200 mask-clad undergraduates accepted their diplomas.



1)conceive (of) sth (as sth)表示“想出(主意、计划等);想象;构想;设想”,英文解释为“to form an idea, a plan, etc. in your mind; to imagine sth”举个🌰:

God is often conceived of as male.


2)另一个含义表示“怀孕;怀(胎)”,英文解释为“When a woman conceives or conceives a child , she becomes pregnant”。

🎬电影《云图》(Cloud Atlas)中的台词提到:One may transcend any convention, if only one can first conceive of doing so一个人可以打破任何陈规,只要这个人能首先想到这样做

🎬电影《最后的维加斯》(Last Vegas)中的台词提到:My brain cannot conceive how old this body is. 我的脑袋没办法接受老去的躯体。

🎵歌曲《A Better Way》中就有这么一句歌词:

I'll try

Try to believe it
Try to conceive it
By using your bone
There's gotta be a way to get out of here


表示“穿…衣服的;覆盖着…的”,英文解释为“(of people) dressed, or (of things) covered”举个🌰:

A strange figure appeared in the doorway, clad in white.



表示“学位证书;大学文凭”,英文解释为“a document given by a college or university to show that you have passed a particular exam or finished your studies”。

“I thought it would be a great idea for him to come because Apple has contributed a lot to the Gallaudet University community,” Feanny said in an email. “The MacBook laptops and iPads provided to everyone allowed us to maintain a sense of connection and continue our working and learning relationships and activities despite the covid pandemic keeping us apart for 18 months.”


Elijah Henderson, who graduated Friday with a degree in communication studies, also touted some benefits of Apple products for deaf students. Among them are FaceTime, another feature that allows users to pair certain hearing aids with Apple devices through Bluetooth connection, and software that transcribes phone calls in real time. “It just gives deaf people the ability to communicate with ease,Henderson said through an interpreter.

周五毕业并获得通信研究学位的伊莱贾·亨德森(Elijah Henderson)也称赞了苹果产品对聋哑学生的一些好处。其中包括FaceTime,另一项功能是允许用户通过蓝牙连接将某些助听器与苹果设备配对,以及可以实时转录电话的软件。亨德森通过翻译说:“它让聋人能够轻松地进行交流。”


表示“标榜;吹捧;吹嘘”,英文解释为“to try to persuade people that sb/sth is important or valuable by praising them/it”举个🌰:

A local car dealership was touting its services/wares on the radio.


🎬电影《大谎言家》(Big Fat Liar)中的台词提到:Big Fat Liar is already being touted as next summer's must-see movie event. 《大谎言家》已被誉为明年夏天必看的电影。


表示“转录(为另一种书写形式)”,英文解释为“to change a piece of writing or music into another form, for example into a different writing system or into music for different instruments”。

The partnership has also paid off in the classroom, said Thomas P. Horejes, associate provost for student success and academic quality. Eighty percent of full-time, first-time freshmen who entered Gallaudet in the fall of 2020 returned for their second year, the second-highest retention rate among a first-year cohort in a decade. The 2020 cohort is also performing better academically — 85 percent had “academic good standing,” compared with 78 percent of the 2019 cohort, Horejes wrote in an email.

负责学生成就和学术质量的副教务长托马斯·P·霍列斯(Thomas P. Horejes)说,这种伙伴关系在课堂上也得到了回报。在2020年秋季进入加劳德特大学的全日制、首次入学的新生中,有80%的学生在第二年返回,这是十年来大一学生中第二高的留存率。霍列斯在一封电子邮件中写道,2020级学生在学术上也表现得更好--85%的学生有“学术上的良好表现”,而2019级学生只有78%。


provost /ˈprɒv.əst/ 1)表示“(某些大学中的)学院院长”,英文解释为“(in some universities) the person in charge of a particular college”如:the Provost of King's College, Cambridge 剑桥大学国王学院的院长;

2)表示“(学院或大学的)教务长”,英文解释为“an important official who helps to run a college or university”


表示“保留;保持;维持”,英文解释为“the continued use, existence, or possession of something or someone”如:water/heat retention 水分保持/热量滞留。

Technology plays a key role in supporting ‘extraordinary learning and academic excellence across the life span,’Horejes said, referencing a tenet of the school’s strategic plan. “Apple has been instrumental in this effort.”



表示“信条;宗旨;原则”,英文解释为“one of the principles on which a belief or theory is based”。


表示“起作用的;有帮助的”,英文解释为“If someone or something is instrumental in a process, plan, or system, that person or thing is one of the most important influences in causing it to happen.”举个🌰:

He was instrumental in bringing about an end to the conflict.


And at a university where about two-thirds of students are eligible for Pell Grants, federal aid reserved for students from low-income families, the introduction of Apple products means every student has access to the same hardware.

在一所大学里,大约三分之二的学生有资格获得佩尔助学金(Pell Grants),这是专门为来自低收入家庭的学生提供的联邦资助,苹果产品的引入意味着每个学生都能获得相同的硬件。


1)表示“有资格的;合格的;具备条件的”,英文解释为“a person who is eligible for sth or to do sth, is able to have or do it because they have the right qualifications, are the right age, etc. ”举个🌰:

Only those over 70 are eligible for the special payment.


2)还有一个好玩的意思,表示“(指结婚对象)令人中意的;合意的,合适的”,英文解释为“An eligible man or woman is not yet married and is thought by many people to be a suitable partner.”举个🌰:

He's the most eligible bachelor in Japan.


🎬电影《我要当警察》(Observe And Report)中的台词提到:There are several tests to complete in order to be eligible for police academy 想要进警校 得通过几项测试。

Their ability to access technology and its resources is challenging and may present an academic inequity concern, which impacts the overall student success experience,Horejes said. “This process helps ensure that all students get what they need regardless of their personal finances or with the support of their parents.


Gallaudet’s relationship with Apple began when its Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center — which houses elementary and secondary education programs — purchased iPads for kindergarten through 12th-grade students. The decision came “after various technological options were assessed to decide the best fit for bilingual learning,” Gallaudet President Roberta Cordano said in an open letter to Cook in 2019.

加劳德特与苹果的关系始于其劳伦特-克莱尔国家聋人教育中心--该中心设有小学和中学教育课程--为K12学生购买iPad。加劳德特大学校长罗伯塔·科达诺(Roberta Cordano)在2019年给库克的一封公开信中说,“在评估了各种技术方案以决定最适合双语学习的方案后,做出了这个决定。”


表示“是(某物)的贮藏处(或安置处);收藏;安置;为…提供住处,收容;为…提供空间”,英文解释为“to be the place where sth is kept or where sth operates from”举个🌰:

The gallery houses 100 works of modern art.


After the success at the Clerc Center, the partnership was expanded to the university campus. Cook, in his address, gave a nod to that relationship.


As Apple works to design technology that is accessible to all, we are incredibly fortunate to have such innovative and committed partners,Cook said. “It’s thanks in part to this community that Apple Maps now has a series of guides that help users identify deaf-owned and deaf-friendly businesses.








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