

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,法国卢浮宫,一名似乎伪装成坐轮椅的老妇人的男子向著名画作《蒙娜丽莎》(Mona Lisa)上扔了一块蛋糕,好在蛋糕只涂抹在了保护画作的玻璃上。


Man in wig throws cake at glass protecting Mona Lisa


A man seemingly disguised as an old woman in a wheelchair threw a piece of cake at the glass protecting the Mona Lisa on Sunday at the Louvre Museum and shouted at people to think of planet Earth.

Videos posted on social media appear to show a young man in a wig and lipstick who had arrived in a wheelchair. The man, whose identity was unknown, was also seen throwing roses in the museum gallery.

The cake attack left a conspicuous white creamy smear on the glass but the famous work by Leonardo da Vinci was unharmed.

Security guards were filmed escorting the wig-wearing activist away as he called out to the surprised visitors in the gallery: “Think of the Earth. There are people who are destroying the Earth. Think about it. Artists tell you: think of the Earth. That’s why I did this.”

Guards were then filmed cleaning the smeared cream from the glass. Officials at the Louvre were not immediately available for comment.

The 16th century Renaissance masterpiece has been targeted before.

The painting was stolen in 1911 by a museum employee, an event which increased the painting’s international fame.

It was also damaged in an acid attack perpetrated by a vandal in the 1950s, and has since been kept behind glass.

In 2009, a Russian woman who was angry at not being able to get French citizenship threw a ceramic cup at it, smashing the cup but not harming the glass or the painting.

Mona Lisa smeared with cake by suspected climate protester

The Guardian

The Mona Lisa has been left shaken but unharmed after a visitor to the Louvre tried to smash the glass protecting the world’s most famous painting before smearing a cake across its surface in an apparent climate-related publicity stunt.

The perpetrator was a man disguised as an elderly woman who jumped out of a wheelchair before attacking the glass on Sunday.

“Maybe this is just nuts to me … ” posted the author of a video of the incident’s aftermath that shows a Louvre worker cleaning the glass. “[He] then proceeds to smear cake on the glass, and throws roses everywhere before being tackled by security.”

The Louvre was not immediately available for comment.

Another video posted on social media showed the same member of staff finishing cleaning the pane while another attendant removes a wheelchair from in front of the Leonardo da Vinci masterpiece.

“Think of the Earth, people are destroying the Earth,” the man, dressed in a wig, said in French in another video that showed him being led away from the Paris gallery with the wheelchair, indicating the incident probably had an environmentalist motive.

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Man in wig throws cake at glass protecting Mona Lisa


A man seemingly disguised as an old woman in a wheelchair threw a piece of cake at the glass protecting the Mona Lisa on Sunday at the Louvre Museum and shouted at people to think of planet Earth.

周日,在卢浮宫博物馆(The Louvre Museum),一名似乎伪装成坐轮椅的老妇人的男子向保护《蒙娜丽莎》的玻璃上扔了一块蛋糕,并高呼人们要为地球着想。


📍wig表示“假发”,英文解释为“A wig is a covering of false hair that you wear on your head, for example, because you have little hair of your own or because you want to cover up your own hair.”

📍hairpiece表示“(使头发看上去更长或更浓密的)假发”,英文解释为“A hairpiece is a piece of false hair that some people wear on their head if they are bald or if they want to make their own hair seem longer or thicker.”

📍toupee /ˈtuːpeɪ/表示“(男用)小型遮秃假发”,英文解释为“A toupee is a piece of artificial hair worn by a man to cover a patch on his head where he has lost his hair.”


表示“给…化装,给…乔装打扮;将…伪装起来”,英文解释为“to give a new appearance to a person or thing, especially in order to hide its true form”举个🌰:

He disguised himself by wearing a false beard.


Videos posted on social media appear to show a young man in a wig and lipstick who had arrived in a wheelchair. The man, whose identity was unknown, was also seen throwing roses in the museum gallery.



表示“口红,唇膏”,英文解释为“a coloured substance that people put on their lips to make them more attractive”


表示“身份;本身;特性”,英文解释为“who a person is, or the qualities of a person or group that make them different from others”举个🌰:

The man's identity was being kept secret while he was helping police with enquiries.


The cake attack left a conspicuous white creamy smear on the glass but the famous work by Leonardo da Vinci was unharmed.

蛋糕袭击在玻璃上留下了明显的白色奶油状污迹,但达芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci)的著名作品没有受损。


conspicuous /kənˈspɪkjʊəs/ 表示“显眼的;醒目的;显着的;明显的”,英文解释为“very noticeable or attracting attention, often in a way that is not wanted”举个🌰:

In China, her blonde hair was conspicuous.



表示“奶油似的;乳脂状的;含奶油的”,英文解释为“like cream or containing cream”举个🌰:

The chocolate mousse was smooth and creamy.



smear /smɪə/ 表示“污迹;污渍;污点”,英文解释为“an oily or dirty mark”如:a smear of jam 果酱渍。

作动词,表示“涂抹(黏腻的东西)”,英文解释为“to spread a liquid or a thick substance over a surface”举个🌰:
The children had smeared peanut butter all over the sofa.

📍咋还不会拼coronavirus了?文中提到,CGTN在标题中用了smear作动词,还可以表示「诽谤;诋毁」,英文解释为:to damage sb's reputation by saying unpleasant things about them that are not true,举个🌰:

They planned to smear him by publishing information about his private life.



表示“未受伤的;未受损害的”,英文解释为“not hurt or damaged”举个🌰:

Both children escaped unharmed from the burning building.


Security guards were filmed escorting the wig-wearing activist away as he called out to the surprised visitors in the gallery: “Think of the Earth. There are people who are destroying the Earth. Think about it. Artists tell you: think of the Earth. That’s why I did this.



表示“护卫,护送,押送”,英文解释为“If you escort someone somewhere, you accompany them there, usually in order to make sure that they leave a place or get to their destination.”举个🌰:

I escorted him to the door.


Guards were then filmed cleaning the smeared cream from the glass. Officials at the Louvre were not immediately available for comment.


The 16th century Renaissance masterpiece has been targeted before.



renaissance /rəˈneɪ.səns/ 表示“(15和16世纪时欧洲,尤指意大利北部的)文艺复兴,文艺复兴时期”,英文解释为“the period of new growth of interest and activity in the areas of art, literature, and ideas in Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries”

The painting was stolen in 1911 by a museum employee, an event which increased the painting’s international fame.


It was also damaged in an acid attack perpetrated by a vandal in the 1950s, and has since been kept behind glass.



作名词,表示“酸”,英文解释为“any of various usually liquid substances that can react with and sometimes dissolve other materials”如:acetic/hydrochloric/lactic acid 醋酸/盐酸/乳酸;

作形容词,表示“酸的;酸性的;酸味的”,英文解释为“containing acid, or having similar qualities to an acid”如:an acid taste/smell 酸的味道/气味


perpetrate /'pɝpətret/ 表示“犯(罪);做(不道德、有害之事)”,英文解释为“to do something that is morally wrong or illegal”,举个🌰:

Who could have perpetrated such a dreadful crime?



📍commit作动词也可以表示“犯(错误或罪行),做(坏事)”(to do something wrong or illegal),如:commit murder/rape/arson,举个🌰:

Women commit fewer crimes than men.



📍perpetrator作名词,指人,“作恶者;犯罪者”(someone who does something morally wrong or illegal),举个🌰:

The perpetrators were never caught.


📺美剧《疑犯追踪》(Person of Interest)的片头经典台词就有一句:But victim or perpetrator, if your number is up, we'll find you.(但无论是受害人还是行凶者,只要你的号码被列出来,我们就会找到你。)


vandal /ˈvæn.dəl/ 表示“故意破坏他人财产者”,英文解释为“a person who intentionally damages property belonging to other people”举个🌰:

Vandals smashed windows and overturned cars in the downtown shopping district.


In 2009, a Russian woman who was angry at not being able to get French citizenship threw a ceramic cup at it, smashing the cup but not harming the glass or the painting.



ceramic /səˈræmɪk/ 表示“陶瓷制品;陶瓷器;陶瓷(的)”,英文解释为“made from clay that has been shaped and then baked until hard”


1)表示“打碎;破碎”,英文解释为“If you smash something or if it smashes, it breaks into many pieces, for example, when it is hit or dropped.”举个🌰:

Someone smashed a bottle.


2)表示“猛撞,猛冲,猛击(通常造成破坏或伤害)”,英文解释为“to cause something to move with great force against something hard, usually causing damage or injury”举个🌰:

He tried to smash the door down to get to me.


Mona Lisa smeared with cake by suspected climate protester

The Guardian

The Mona Lisa has been left shaken but unharmed after a visitor to the Louvre tried to smash the glass protecting the world’s most famous painting before smearing a cake across its surface in an apparent climate-related publicity stunt.



表示“宣传活动;宣传,推广;关注”,英文解释为“the activity of making certain that someone or something attracts a lot of interest or attention from many people, or the attention received as a result of this activity”举个🌰:

He attracted a lot of adverse/bad publicity with his speech.



1)作名词,表示“引人注目的噱头”,英文解释为“A stunt is something interesting that is done in order to attract attention and get publicity for the person or company responsible for it.”如:a stunt pilot 特技飞行员,a publicity stunt 宣传噱头,an advertising stunt 广告噱头,a marketing stunt 营销噱头。举个🌰:

In a bold promotional stunt for the movie, he smashed his car into a passing truck.


2)作名词,表示“(电影中的)特技动作”,英文解释为“A stunt is a dangerous and exciting piece of action in a movie.”举个🌰:

He insisted on living dangerously for his new film by performing his own stunts.


3)作动词,表示“阻碍”,英文解释为“If something stunts the growth or development of a person or thing, it prevents it from growing or developing as much as it should.”举个🌰:

The heart condition had stunted his growth a bit.


📍 此前在俄网红庆生往浴池倒约30公斤干冰文中提到,许多人在那一出闹剧中受伤时,就出现过这一表达,Several people were injured during the stunt.

📍 而沙特石油公司让印度员工装扮成洗手液一文中也称这事为stunt, 原文:The oil giant explained that the stunt was an attempt to "emphasise the importance of sterilisation" in light of the coronavirus outbreak.

The perpetrator was a man disguised as an elderly woman who jumped out of a wheelchair before attacking the glass on Sunday.


“Maybe this is just nuts to me … ” posted the author of a video of the incident’s aftermath that shows a Louvre worker cleaning the glass. “[He] then proceeds to smear cake on the glass, and throws roses everywhere before being tackled by security.”



表示“(战争、事故、不快事情的)后果,创伤;(不快事件)结束后的一个时期”,英文解释为“The aftermath of an important event, especially a harmful one, is the situation that results from it.”举个🌰:

A lot of rebuilding took place in the aftermath of the war.



表示“(做完某事后)接着做”,英文解释为“to do something after you have done something else”举个🌰:

She sat down and proceeded to tell me about her holiday.


The Louvre was not immediately available for comment.


Another video posted on social media showed the same member of staff finishing cleaning the pane while another attendant removes a wheelchair from in front of the Leonardo da Vinci masterpiece.



表示“(窗或门上的)一块玻璃”,英文解释为“a flat piece of glass, used in a window or door”如:a window pane 一块窗户玻璃。


表示“服务员;侍者”,英文解释为“someone whose job is to be in a place and help visitors or customers”如:a cloakroom/museum attendant 衣帽间服务员/博物馆解说员。

Think of the Earth, people are destroying the Earth,” the man, dressed in a wig, said in French in another video that showed him being led away from the Paris gallery with the wheelchair, indicating the incident probably had an environmentalist motive.








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