

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

据BBC,美国最高法院(Supreme Court)于当地时间周五(6月24日)作出裁决,推翻近半个世纪前有关女性堕胎合宪权的“罗诉韦德案”(Roe v Wade),裁定女性堕胎并非宪法赋予的权利——这一决定可能立即导致堕胎行为在美国22个州属非法。


Roe v Wade: Why this is a seismic day in America


The Supreme Court just lobbed a constitutional hand grenade into the raging culture wars in the US, igniting a fresh battle in this decades-long fight over abortion.

In a 6-3 ruling, the court found that there was no constitutional right to abortion, turning the decision of whether to allow abortions or not up to the states. Millions of women are now expected to lose access.

While this legal ruling will change the law, it will not settle the arguments over abortion. It will inflame them.

Jubilant anti-abortion campaigners have achieved something that seemed practically impossible only a few years ago. They believe thousands of babies' lives will now be saved.

Pro-choice advocates are left utterly dismayed as they think women's rights have just been set back 50 years. Back to a time when women died as a result of illegal back-street abortions.

Recent polls suggest around two-thirds of Americans did not want to see the constitutional right to abortion removed.

In such contentious times, even the lofty Supreme Court itself becomes a leading character in the narrative, not just an adjudicator. Before this ruling came out, a man with a gun and knife was arrested outside the home of one of the more conservative justices, saying he was upset by a leak of the draft ruling. Supreme Court justices now have to have security protection. That's how incendiary this issue is.

This decision was based on their interpretation of constitutional law, but it's also deeply political. When the court overturns a previous ruling it inevitably looks to critics to be more political than constitutional.

The court has a 6-3 conservative super majority, thanks to the three justices appointed by Donald Trump. He made a specific campaign promise to appoint judges who would overturn Roe v Wade - and those appointments will probably be his most lasting legacy.

The seismic political impact of the Supreme Court's ruling will be felt across all 50 states, but the immediate practical impact of much more restrictive laws is likely to happen in half of them.

One of those states is Oklahoma, which last month passed the most restrictive abortion legislation in America - a total ban from the point of conception with few exceptions.

When I met state representative Wendi Stearman in Tulsa, she told me it is her honour and privilege to have authored the bill. She says she will be helping 4,000 unborn children every year "to have a chance at life".

When I asked her if she believed the legislation will stop abortions happening in Oklahoma she said no - but that it will make them more difficult to obtain.

She argues that in all but a tiny minority of cases women can choose not to become pregnant before conception and that "most women just use abortion as a form of contraception".

That's an argument vehemently refuted by Andrea Gallego, who runs an abortion clinic in Tulsa. She says the decision to have an abortion is often the hardest decision any woman will ever make.

A few weeks ago her clinic was treating around 40 pregnant patients every day. When I visited, the waiting rooms and treatment facilities were completely empty. Only a few staff remain - answering calls and giving out information about clinics in other states.

"Patients have been begging for help," she says. "It's devastating. These laws don't prevent abortion. They just add extra burdens to patients."

What is already happening in Oklahoma will now be replicated in other states.

Now that Roe v Wade is overturned, 26 states could further restrict abortion access, including 13 states that have passed so-called trigger laws, which would introduce bans immediately upon the court's decision. Less than a third of those states would include exceptions for rape or incest, according to the legislation they have already passed, or are trying to pass.

Democratic-controlled states like California and New York will cast themselves as abortion sanctuaries, welcoming women from places where the procedure has been outlawed. There are 20 states in all where abortion will remain a protected right. About 26.5 million women of childbearing age live in those states.

As abortion clinics close down in states that have outlawed the practice many more are expected to open near state borders in places where it is still allowed. Those who don't have the time or money to travel may resort to other means - such as ordering abortion-inducing pills online - even if it is illegal.

There were somewhere between 600,000 and 800,000 abortions in the US in 2019. According to the Center for Disease Control, about one in six pregnancies end in abortion, and over 90% occur in the first trimester. Over half of women who get abortions are already mothers, and for most, it is their first abortion.

The court's decision could not be more timely, as Americans are set to vote for their representatives in Congress later this year.

Facing a thrashing in November's elections, the Democrats hope the abortion issue will galvanise pro-choice women to come out and vote for them. But they have already failed in their attempt to get Congress to introduce legislation to grant a federal right to abortion, which would have stopped individual states from banning the procedure.

Even if Democrats keep control of the House and Senate, they won't be able to overturn this court ruling.

On the other side, there are plenty of Republicans who would like to legislate for a federal abortion ban that would outlaw abortion across all states. That may be the coming battle if Republicans take control of Congress after the next election.

Further fights may be ahead over how this ruling affects certain types of contraception or IVF treatment. And some have questioned whether similar legal arguments can be used to undermine same-sex marriage.

America today feels like one country that contains two very separate nations, inhabited by two tribes that have completely different values, beliefs and goals. Now, they have just moved farther apart.

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Roe v Wade: Why this is a seismic day in America 堕胎权与“罗诉韦德案”:最高法院裁决与震动全美国的一天


The Supreme Court just lobbed a constitutional hand grenade into the raging culture wars in the US, igniting a fresh battle in this decades-long fight over abortion.



表示“(尤指比赛中将球以高弧线)踢,击,投,抛”,英文解释为“to throw something so that it goes high in the air in a curve”举个🌰:

Police started lobbing (= throwing) tear gas canisters into the crowd.


hand grenade

hand grenade /ˈhænd ɡrəˌneɪd/ 表示“手榴弹”,英文解释为“a small bomb consisting of explosive material in a metal or plastic container that can be thrown easily”


1)表示“剧烈的;严重的;极端的”,英文解释为“very severe or extreme”如:a raging toothache 要命的牙痛;

2)表示“猛烈的;狂暴的;凶猛的”,英文解释为“very strong or violent”如:a raging temper 暴躁的脾气。


1)表示“激起”,英文解释为“If something or someone ignites your feelings, they cause you to have very strong feelings about something.”举个🌰:

There was one teacher who really ignited my interest in words.


2)表示“点燃;着火”,英文解释为“When you ignite something or when it ignites, it starts burning or explodes. ”举个🌰:

The bombs ignited a fire which destroyed some 60 houses.



表示“(通常指通过手术进行的)堕胎,人工流产”,英文解释为“If a woman has an abortion, she ends her pregnancy deliberately so that the baby is not born alive.”举个🌰:

He and his girlfriend had been going out together for a year when she had an abortion.


In a 6-3 ruling, the court found that there was no constitutional right to abortion, turning the decision of whether to allow abortions or not up to the states. Millions of women are now expected to lose access.


While this legal ruling will change the law, it will not settle the arguments over abortion. It will inflame them.



表示“激起(愤怒、激动等情感);使愤怒;使极度激动;给…火上浇油”,英文解释为“to cause or increase very strong feelings such as anger or excitement”举个🌰:

Reducing the number of staff is certain to inflame the already angry medical profession.


Jubilant anti-abortion campaigners have achieved something that seemed practically impossible only a few years ago. They believe thousands of babies' lives will now be saved.



jubilant /ˈdʒuːbɪlənt/ 表示“喜气洋洋的;欢欣鼓舞的;欢呼雀跃的”,英文解释为“If you are jubilant, you feel extremely happy because of a success.”举个🌰:

The fans were jubilant at/about/over their team's victory.


Pro-choice advocates are left utterly dismayed as they think women's rights have just been set back 50 years. Back to a time when women died as a result of illegal back-street abortions.



📍pro-choice 表示“主张人工流产为合法的”,英文解释为“supporting the belief that a pregnant woman should have the freedom to choose an abortion (= the intentional ending of pregnancy) if she does not want to have a baby”如:pro-choice activists 主张人工流产合法化的积极分子。

📍anti-choice 表示“反对自由堕胎的”,英文解释为“opposing the idea that a pregnant woman should have the freedom to choose an abortion (= the intentional ending of pregnancy)”如:the anti-choice lobby 反对自由堕胎的游说团。


作动词,表示“使恐慌;使悲伤”,英文解释为“If you are dismayed by something, it makes you feel afraid, worried, or sad.”举个🌰:

The committee was dismayed by what it had been told.


set sth back

表示“削弱;使倒退;使受挫”,英文解释为“to reduce something to a weaker or less advanced state”举个🌰:

This defeat has set back their chances of winning the competition.


Recent polls suggest around two-thirds of Americans did not want to see the constitutional right to abortion removed.



表示“宪法(或章程)允许的,符合宪法(或章程)的”,英文解释为“allowed by or contained in a constitution”举个🌰:

Such a policy would not be constitutional.


In such contentious times, even the lofty Supreme Court itself becomes a leading character in the narrative, not just an adjudicator. Before this ruling came out, a man with a gun and knife was arrested outside the home of one of the more conservative justices, saying he was upset by a leak of the draft ruling. Supreme Court justices now have to have security protection. That's how incendiary this issue is.



contentious /kənˈtɛnʃəs/ 表示“引起争议的”,英文解释为“A contentious issue causes a lot of disagreement or arguments.”举个🌰:

Sanctions are expected to be among the most contentious issues.



1)表示“高傲的,自大的”,英文解释为“If you have a lofty way of behaving or talking, etc., you act as if you think you are better than other people.”如:a lofty attitude/air/tone 高傲的态度/神情/语气。

2)表示“崇高的,高尚的”,英文解释为“Lofty ideas, etc. are of a high moral standard.”如:lofty sentiments/ideals 崇高的情操/理想。


1)表示“故事;叙事”,英文解释为“A narrative is a story or an account of a series of events.”如:a fast-moving narrative 一个快节奏的叙事。

2)表示“(对事件的特定的)陈述”,英文解释为“a particular way of explaining or understanding events”。


adjudicator /əˈdʒuː.dɪ.keɪ.tər/ 表示“仲裁人;仲裁机构”,英文解释为“a person or group that makes an official decision about something, especially about who is right in a disagreement”举个🌰:

She acted as adjudicator in the dispute.



incendiary /ɪnˈsen.di.ə.ri/ 1)表示“煽动性的”,英文解释为“likely to cause violence or strong feelings of anger”如:incendiary remarks 煽动性言论;

2)表示“能引起燃烧的”,英文解释为“designed to cause fires”如:an incendiary bomb/device 燃烧弹/装置。

This decision was based on their interpretation of constitutional law, but it's also deeply political. When the court overturns a previous ruling it inevitably looks to critics to be more political than constitutional.



表示“(使)翻倒,(使)倾覆;打翻”,英文解释为“if you overturn something, or if it overturns, it turns upside down or falls over on its side”举个🌰:

His conviction was overturned by the Court of Appeal.


📺英剧《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)第三季中的台词提到:Even then, would we have enough to overturn the verdict? 即使拿到证词,就真能推翻判决吗?

The court has a 6-3 conservative super majority, thanks to the three justices appointed by Donald Trump. He made a specific campaign promise to appoint judges who would overturn Roe v Wade - and those appointments will probably be his most lasting legacy.

保守派在最高法院有6比3的绝对多数,这是得益于唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)任命的三个大法官。他当时特别作出过竞选承诺,会任命一些将推翻罗诉韦德案(Roe v Wade)的大法官——而这些任命很可能将是他最持久的遗产。


表示“历史遗产,遗留物”,英文解释为“something that is a part of your history or that remains from an earlier time”举个🌰:

The Greeks have a rich legacy of literature.


📍2022年政府工作报告Part 18中提到了这个词:用好北京冬奥会遗产。We will make the most of the legacy of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.

The seismic political impact of the Supreme Court's ruling will be felt across all 50 states, but the immediate practical impact of much more restrictive laws is likely to happen in half of them.



seismic /ˈsaɪzmɪk/ 1)表示“地震的;地震引起的”,英文解释为“Seismic means caused by or relating to an earthquake.”举个🌰:

Earthquakes produce two types of seismic waves.


2)表示“突然的;造成严重破坏的”,英文解释为“A seismic shift or change is a very sudden or dramatic change.”举个🌰:

I have never seen such a seismic shift in public opinion in such a short period of time.


🎬电影《哥斯拉》(Godzilla)中的台词提到:We are showing seismic activity to the east near Livermore. 东边靠近利弗莫尔处发现地震活动。

One of those states is Oklahoma, which last month passed the most restrictive abortion legislation in America - a total ban from the point of conception with few exceptions.



表示“法律;立法”,英文解释为“a law or set of laws suggested by a government and made official by a parliament”举个🌰:

The government has promised to introduce legislation to limit fuel emissions from cars.



1)表示“观念;概念;见解;构想”,英文解释为“an idea of what something or someone is like, or a basic understanding of a situation or a principle”

2)熟词僻义,表示“受孕,怀孕”,英文解释为“the process of a male and a female sex cell joining and causing a baby to start to form”如:at/from the moment of conception 在/从受孕的那一刻。

When I met state representative Wendi Stearman in Tulsa, she told me it is her honour and privilege to have authored the bill. She says she will be helping 4,000 unborn children every year "to have a chance at life".

我在塔尔萨(Tulsa)与该州众议员温迪·斯蒂尔曼(Wendi Stearman)见面时,她告诉我,能够撰写这份法案是她的荣幸。她说,她将会帮助每年4000个未出生的婴儿“有机会获得生命”。

When I asked her if she believed the legislation will stop abortions happening in Oklahoma she said no - but that it will make them more difficult to obtain.


She argues that in all but a tiny minority of cases women can choose not to become pregnant before conception and that "most women just use abortion as a form of contraception".



contraception /ˌkɑːn.trəˈsep.ʃən/ 表示“避孕(法);节育(法)”,英文解释为“(the use of) any of various methods intended to prevent a woman becoming pregnant”举个🌰:

They offer impartial advice on contraception.


That's an argument vehemently refuted by Andrea Gallego, who runs an abortion clinic in Tulsa. She says the decision to have an abortion is often the hardest decision any woman will ever make.

这种观点受到了在塔尔萨堕胎诊所的安德丽娅·加列戈(Andrea Gallego)严辞驳斥。她说,堕胎常常是任何女人所做最艰难决定。


表示“激烈地;强烈地;猛烈地”,英文解释为“in a strong and emotional way”举个🌰:

He has vehemently denied having an extra-marital affair.



1)表示“驳斥;批驳”,英文解释为“to prove that sth is wrong”,如: to refute an argument/a theory 驳斥一个论点/理论;

2)表示“反驳;否认”,英文解释为“to say that sth is not true or fair”,举个🌰:

She refutes any suggestion that she behaved unprofessionally.


A few weeks ago her clinic was treating around 40 pregnant patients every day. When I visited, the waiting rooms and treatment facilities were completely empty. Only a few staff remain - answering calls and giving out information about clinics in other states.


"Patients have been begging for help," she says. "It's devastating. These laws don't prevent abortion. They just add extra burdens to patients."



1)表示“破坏性极强的”,英文解释为“If you describe something as devastating, you are emphasizing that it is very harmful or damaging.”

1)表示“令人震惊的”,英文解释为“You can use devastating to emphasize that something is very shocking, upsetting, or terrible.”举个🌰:

The diagnosis was devastating. She had cancer.


What is already happening in Oklahoma will now be replicated in other states.



表示“使复现;重复;复制”,英文解释为“to make or do something again in exactly the same way举个🌰:

Researchers tried many times to replicate the original experiment.


Now that Roe v Wade is overturned, 26 states could further restrict abortion access, including 13 states that have passed so-called trigger laws, which would introduce bans immediately upon the court's decision. Less than a third of those states would include exceptions for rape or incest, according to the legislation they have already passed, or are trying to pass.

现在,罗诉韦德案被推翻,26个州可能会更进一步限制堕胎的途径,包括已经通过了所谓触发法规(trigger laws)的13个州份,后者将在法院作出决定后立即实施禁令。根据它们已经通过或正试图通过的立法,这些州份当中只有不足三分之一会将强奸或乱伦怀孕列作例外。


表示“乱伦”,英文解释为“sexual activity involving people who are closely related and not legally allowed to marry”如:a victim of incest 乱伦的受害者。

Democratic-controlled states like California and New York will cast themselves as abortion sanctuaries, welcoming women from places where the procedure has been outlawed. There are 20 states in all where abortion will remain a protected right. About 26.5 million women of childbearing age live in those states.

民主党控制的州份,如加州(California)和纽约(New York),将会将自己定为堕胎避难所,欢迎那些来自法律不容许堕胎的地方的女性。总共有20个州将会保留堕胎权。在这些州份,生活着2650万处于生育年龄的女性。


sanctuary /ˈsæŋk.tʃu.er.i/ 1)表示“庇护,保护;避难所,庇护所”,英文解释为“protection or a safe place, especially for someone or something being chased or hunted”

2)表示“禁猎区,鸟兽保护区”,英文解释为“a place where birds or animals can live and be protected, especially from being hunted or dangerous conditions”如:a wildlife/bird sanctuary 野生动物/鸟类保护区。


表示“使成为非法;禁止;取缔”,英文解释为“to make something illegal or unacceptable”举个🌰:

The new law will outlaw smoking in public places.



表示“分娩;生孩子”,英文解释为“the process of having babies”举个🌰:

The survey is only concerned with women of childbearing age.


As abortion clinics close down in states that have outlawed the practice many more are expected to open near state borders in places where it is still allowed. Those who don't have the time or money to travel may resort to other means - such as ordering abortion-inducing pills online - even if it is illegal.


resort to sth

表示“(别无办法的情况下)诉诸,依靠,采用”,英文解释为“to do something that you do not want to do because you cannot find any other way of achieving something”举个🌰:

I had to resort to violence/threats to get my money.


There were somewhere between 600,000 and 800,000 abortions in the US in 2019. According to the Center for Disease Control, about one in six pregnancies end in abortion, and over 90% occur in the first trimester. Over half of women who get abortions are already mothers, and for most, it is their first abortion.

在2019年的美国,大约有60至80万宗堕胎。根据疾病控制中心(The Center for Disease Control)数据,六宗怀孕当中大约有一宗最终以堕胎告终,其中超过90%是发生在头三个月内。堕胎的女性当中有一半以上本身已经是母亲,而且对于当中大多数来说,是她们第一次堕胎。


trimester /trɪˈmes.tər/ /traɪˈmes.tər/ 表示“(人类妊娠的)三月期”,英文解释为“any of the three three-month periods that a human pregnancy is divided into”举个🌰:

The second trimester is generally the easiest part of a pregnancy.


The court's decision could not be more timely, as Americans are set to vote for their representatives in Congress later this year.


Facing a thrashing in November's elections, the Democrats hope the abortion issue will galvanise pro-choice women to come out and vote for them. But they have already failed in their attempt to get Congress to introduce legislation to grant a federal right to abortion, which would have stopped individual states from banning the procedure.



thrash /θræʃ/ 1)表示“(作为惩罚)毒打,痛打”,英文解释为“to hit a person or animal hard many times as a punishment”举个🌰:

His father used to thrash him when he was a boy.


2)表示“(比赛中)彻底击败”,英文解释为“to defeat someone very easily in a game or sports competition”举个🌰:

We thrashed the visiting team 3–0.



英式 galvanise 美式 galvanize /ˈɡæl.və.naɪz/ 表示“激起;使震惊;使振奋”,英文解释为“to cause someone to suddenly take action, especially by shocking or exciting them in some way”举个🌰:

Western charities were galvanized by TV pictures of starving people.



作名词,浙大博士生和蜜橘商家的聊天记录火了文中,示“拨款;补助金”,英文解释为“A grant is an amount of money that a government or other institution gives to an individual or to an organization for a particular purpose such as education or home improvements.”举个🌰:

They'd got a special grant to encourage research. 他们已得到了一笔用来支持研究的特别补助金。

作动词,表示“(通常指官方)同意,准予,授予”,英文解释为“to give or allow someone something, usually in an official way”举个🌰:

They granted her an entry visa.


Even if Democrats keep control of the House and Senate, they won't be able to overturn this court ruling.


On the other side, there are plenty of Republicans who would like to legislate for a federal abortion ban that would outlaw abortion across all states. That may be the coming battle if Republicans take control of Congress after the next election.


Further fights may be ahead over how this ruling affects certain types of contraception or IVF treatment. And some have questioned whether similar legal arguments can be used to undermine same-sex marriage.



📍in vitro fertilization的缩写,表示“体外受精,试管内受精”,英文解释为“abbreviation for in vitro fertilization”

📍test-tube baby表示“试管婴儿”,英文解释为“a baby that develops from an egg removed from a woman’s body, that is then put back inside the woman to continue developing.”


表示“(常指逐渐地)削弱信心、权威等,损害”,英文解释为“to make someone less confident, less powerful, or less likely to succeed, or to make something weaker, often gradually”举个🌰:

Criticism just undermines their confidence.


America today feels like one country that contains two very separate nations, inhabited by two tribes that have completely different values, beliefs and goals. Now, they have just moved farther apart.



表示“居住于”,英文解释为“If a place or region is inhabited by a group of people or a species of animal, those people or animals live there.”举个🌰:

The valley is inhabited by the Dani tribe.



表示“部落;部族”,英文解释为“a group of people, often of related families, who live together, sharing the same language, culture, and history, especially those who do not live in towns or cities”如:a tribe of Amazonian Indians 亚马孙河流域印第安人的一个部落。







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