

LearnAndRecord 2022-09-22



作恶多端,纠集同伙,变本加厉,万恶之尤。助纣为虐,沆瀣一气,指鹿为马,无耻之极。Such is an act of unparalleled evil to gang up and double down on their wrongdoings. Such is an act of utterly shameless complicity to join the bully in calling white black.


Spokesperson of Chinese Mission to the EU Speaks on a Question Concerning the Statement on Taiwan by G7 Foreign Ministers and the EU High Representative

Q: On August 3, 2022, the G7 Foreign Ministers and the EU High Representative released a statement, saying that the actions China takes in response to Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan risk increasing tensions and destabilizing the region. They call on China not to unilaterally change the status quo by force in the region and to resolve cross-Strait differences by peaceful means. What's your comment?

A: What is evil? What is shameless? If anyone out there has no idea of what evil and shamelessness are, just take a look at the statement of foreign ministers of G7 and the European Union, which provides more than enough examples for both in the real world. Such is an act of unparalleled evil to gang up and double down on their wrongdoings. Such is an act of utterly shameless complicity to join the bully in calling white black. Why does the world suffer from so many wars, turmoil and instability? These evil and shameless doings explain it well.

What is “rules-based international order”? There is no such article in the UN Charter, but only clear provisions on the inviolability of national sovereignty and territorial integrity. Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory. Meddling in Taiwan affairs is a violation of China’s sovereignty. The so-called “rules-based international order," as mentioned in the statement by G7 and EU foreign ministers, reflects no more than a logic of gangsters that whatever evil they do, others must not fight back.

Why does the status quo across the Taiwan Strait run the risk of being changed? Hostile foreign forces and the separatist forces in Taiwan are the biggest culprit. They must take full responsibility. Even blaming and smearing China cannot cover up the ill intention of some to split Taiwan from China.

How has the situation across the Taiwan Strait come to this point? Who has threatened whom and who has provoked whom? It is China’s territorial integrity that is gravely threatened and China’s sovereignty seriously provoked. In the face of blatant provocation, the Chinese people will never swallow this bitter fruit. The Chinese government’s measures to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity are completely necessary and appropriate. This is a strong desire shared among the 1.4 billion Chinese people.

The statement of G7 and EU foreign ministers mentioned a “shared commitment to maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait”. What is it? What do they intend to do? Please note what follows the one-China policy in their statement: "where applicable". So here comes my question: where is it "inapplicable"? What do you plan to do? The Chinese people have long since seen through your actions of hollowing out the one-China policy and your conspiracy attempts. We will be extra vigilant and ready for the challenge.

More than a century ago, the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded China. Today, the G7+1 has eight parties again. Is it wishful thinking to form new “Eight-Power Allied Forces”? Do you think China is still the China of the past? Do you believe you can still have it your way and do whatever you please? Gone are the days when the Chinese people were bullied and pushed around by foreign powers. Taiwan affairs are purely China’s internal affairs and are within the scope of China’s sovereignty. Today’s world is no longer in an era when Western powers can run amok as they please. On matters concerning Taiwan, it is up to 1.4 billion Chinese people to make the call.

Let me be serious and clear: we will not fight if they don’t fight us; we will fight back if they fight us. For any act in violation of China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, the Chinese people will fight back twice as hard.

- ◆ -




Spokesperson of Chinese Mission to the EU Speaks on a Question Concerning the Statement on Taiwan by G7 Foreign Ministers and the EU High Representative


Q: On August 3, 2022, the G7 Foreign Ministers and the EU High Representative released a statement, saying that the actions China takes in response to Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan risk increasing tensions and destabilizing the region. They call on China not to unilaterally change the status quo by force in the region and to resolve cross-Strait differences by peaceful means. What's your comment?


除了表示“任务,使命”,还可以表示“外交使团,代表团,传教团;外交使团(或代表团)驻所,传教团驻地”,英文解释为“a group of people whose job is to increase what is known about their country, organization, or religion in another country or area, or the place where such people are based”举个🌰:

More funds are needed to establish trade missions in eastern Europe.



表示“(议会等立法机构的)议长”,英文解释为“the person who controls the way in which business is done in an organization which makes laws”举个🌰:

He served for eight years as Speaker of the House of Representatives.



表示“(英国)下议院,上议院;(美国)众议院”,英文解释为“the House of Commons or the House of Lords in Britain; the House of Representatives in the US”。


unilaterally /ˌjuːnɪˈlætrəli/ 表示“单方面”,英文解释为“a unilateral action or decision is done by only one of the groups involved in a situation”。

the status quo

the status quo /ˌsteɪ.təs ˈkwəʊ/ 表示“现状”,英文解释为“the present situation”举个🌰:

Certain people always want to maintain the status quo.



A: What is evil? What is shameless? If anyone out there has no idea of what evil and shamelessness are, just take a look at the statement of foreign ministers of G7 and the European Union, which provides more than enough examples for both in the real world. Such is an act of unparalleled evil to gang up and double down on their wrongdoings. Such is an act of utterly shameless complicity to join the bully in calling white black. Why does the world suffer from so many wars, turmoil and instability? These evil and shameless doings explain it well.


unparalleled /ʌnˈpær.əl.eld/ 表示“无双的,无比的;空前的”,英文解释为“having no equal; better or greater than any other”举个🌰:

They enjoyed success on a scale unparalleled by any previous rock band.


gang up

表示“(为了反对某人)结伙,联合起来,拉帮结派”,英文解释为“to unite as a group against someone”举个🌰:

They all ganged up to try and get him to change his decision.


double down (on sth)

原意是指“双倍下注”,表示“加把劲,加倍(做某事),变本加厉”,英文解释为“to continue to do something in an even more determined way than before”


表示“违法行为;不道德行为;做坏事;违法犯罪”,英文解释为“a bad or an illegal action”举个🌰:

She has strenuously denied any criminal wrongdoing.



表示“同谋;共犯;串通”,英文解释为“involvement in a crime or some activity that is wrong”举个🌰:

She is suspected of complicity in the fraud.



turmoil /ˈtɜːmɔɪl/ 表示“混乱;骚乱”,英文解释为“Turmoil is a state of confusion, disorder, uncertainty, or great anxiety.”举个🌰:

She lived through the turmoil of the French Revolution.



表示“不稳定,不稳固”,英文解释为“uncertainty caused by the possibility of a sudden change in the present situation”如:political/economic instability 政治上/经济上的不稳定。


What is “rules-based international order”? There is no such article in the UN Charter, but only clear provisions on the inviolability of national sovereignty and territorial integrity. Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory. Meddling in Taiwan affairs is a violation of China’s sovereignty. The so-called “rules-based international order," as mentioned in the statement by G7 and EU foreign ministers, reflects no more than a logic of gangsters that whatever evil they do, others must not fight back.


article除了“文章,论文”还有“物品,物件”的意思(a thing, especially one of a group of things),如:household articles 家居用品,a few articles of clothing 几件衣物;此处指法律中的“条款”(a part of a law or legal agreement that deals with a particular point),举个🌰:

The country appears to be violating several articles of the convention.



作名词,此处表示“(法律文件的)规定,条款”,英文解释为“a condition or an arrangement in a legal document”举个🌰:

Under the provisions of the lease, the tenant is responsible for repairs.



inviolability /ɪnˌvaɪə.ləˈbɪl.ə.ti/ 表示“不可冒犯的性质,不容忽视的特性”,英文解释为“the fact of having to be respected and not removed or ignored”


sovereignty /ˈsɒvrəntɪ/ 表示“主权,统治权”,英文解释为“the power of a country to control its own government”


表示“领土的;领地的;土地的”,英文解释为“relating to territory”举个🌰:

Some animals and birds are territorial (= they mark out areas which they defend against others).



1)表示“完整”,英文解释为“the quality of being whole and complete”举个🌰:

A modern extension on the old building would ruin its architectural integrity.


2)表示“正直;诚实;职业操守”,英文解释为“the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles that you refuse to change”举个🌰:

No one doubted that the president was a man of the highest integrity.



inalienable /ɪnˈeɪljənəbəl/ 表示“(权利、权力等)不可剥夺的;不能转让的”,英文解释为“an inalienable right, power etc cannot be taken from you”,如:the inalienable right to decide your own future 不可剥夺的决定自己未来的权利。


1)表示“干预,干涉;管闲事”,英文解释为“to deliberately try to influence or change a situation that does not concern you, or that you do not understand”,举个🌰:

I don’t like other people meddling in the way I run this store.


2)表示“胡乱摆弄”,英文解释:to touch something which you should not touch, especially in a careless way that might break it,举个🌰:

You have no right to come in here meddling with my things.


🎬电影《复仇者联盟2:奥创纪元》(Avengers: Age of Ultron)中的台词提到:I don't want to hear "The man was not meant to meddle" medley. 我不想听什么“人类不该插手自然的事”。


表示“歹徒;犯罪团伙成员”,英文解释为“a member of an organized group of violent criminals”


Why does the status quo across the Taiwan Strait run the risk of being changed? Hostile foreign forces and the separatist forces in Taiwan are the biggest culprit. They must take full responsibility. Even blaming and smearing China cannot cover up the ill intention of some to split Taiwan from China.


hostile /ˈhɒstaɪl/ 1)friendly 的反义词,表示“怀有敌意的,敌对的,不友善的”英文解释为“angry and deliberately unfriendly towards someone, and ready to argue with them”如:a hostile crowd 不友好的人群。

2)表示“艰苦的,恶劣的;不利的”,英文解释为“difficult or not suitable for living or growing”如:hostile weather conditions 恶劣的天气条件。

3)也可以表示“不同意的”(not agreeing with something)。


1)表示“罪犯;造成破坏(问题)的人;过失者;责任人”,英文解释为“the person who is guilty of a crime or doing something wrong”;

2)表示“问题的起因;罪魁祸首”,英文解释为“a fact or situation that is the reason for something bad happening”举个🌰:

Children in this country are getting much too fat, and sugar and sweets are the main culprits.



smear /smɪə/ 表示“污迹;污渍;污点”,英文解释为“an oily or dirty mark”如:a smear of jam 果酱渍。

作动词,表示“涂抹(黏腻的东西)”,英文解释为“to spread a liquid or a thick substance over a surface”举个🌰:
The children had smeared peanut butter all over the sofa.

📍咋还不会拼coronavirus了?文中提到,CGTN在标题中用了smear作动词,还可以表示「诽谤;诋毁」,英文解释为:to damage sb's reputation by saying unpleasant things about them that are not true,举个🌰:

They planned to smear him by publishing information about his private life.



How has the situation across the Taiwan Strait come to this point? Who has threatened whom and who has provoked whom? It is China’s territorial integrity that is gravely threatened and China’s sovereignty seriously provoked. In the face of blatant provocation, the Chinese people will never swallow this bitter fruit. The Chinese government’s measures to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity are completely necessary and appropriate. This is a strong desire shared among the 1.4 billion Chinese people.


1)表示“激起,引起”,英文解释为“to cause a reaction or feeling, especially a sudden one”,如:provoke debate/discussion 激起辩论/讨论。

2)表示“激怒,挑衅”,英文解释为“to make or try to make a person or an animal angry”举个🌰:

It was a vicious-looking dog and I didn't want to provoke it.



表示“严重地;严肃地;严峻地;沉重地”;形容词性grave,表示“严重的,重大的,严峻的”,英文解释为“seriously bad”,如:a grave situation 严峻的形势。

📍2017年政府工作报告「Part1」中就有这么一句:过去一年,我国发展面临国内外诸多矛盾叠加、风险隐患交汇的严峻挑战。In the past year, China's development has faced grave challenges posed by a great many problems and interwoven risks and dangers both at home and abroad.


blatant /ˈbleɪtənt/ 表示“明目张胆的,公然的”,英文解释为“You use blatant to describe something bad that is done in an open or very obvious way.”举个🌰:

Outsiders will continue to suffer the most blatant discrimination.



provocation 就是由动词provoke“激起,引起”变化而来,表示“激怒;挑衅;挑衅性事件”,英文解释为“If you describe a person's action as provocation or a provocation, you mean that it is a reason for someone else to react angrily, violently, or emotionally.”


表示“吞咽,吞下,咽下”,英文解释为“to cause food, drink, pills, etc. to move from your mouth into your stomach by using the muscles of your throat”举个🌰:

My throat is so sore that it really hurts when I swallow.


📍必胜客推出巨型“披萨毯”文中提到:And when you think about it, a $150 price tag is a lot easier to swallow than the $7,100 Neiman Marcus recently charged for a hot dog shaped couch. 仔细想想,150美元的价格比尼曼(Neiman Marcus)最近为一个热狗形状的沙发收取的7100美元要容易接受得多。此处swallow意思是“相信;信以为真;轻信;全盘接受”,英文解释为“to accept that sth is true; to believe sth举个🌰:

I found her excuse very hard to swallow.



The statement of G7 and EU foreign ministers mentioned a “shared commitment to maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait”. What is it? What do they intend to do? Please note what follows the one-China policy in their statement: "where applicable". So here comes my question: where is it "inapplicable"? What do you plan to do? The Chinese people have long since seen through your actions of hollowing out the one-China policy and your conspiracy attempts. We will be extra vigilant and ready for the challenge.


表示“生效的;适合的,适用的”,英文解释为“affecting or relating to a person or thing”举个🌰:

This part of the law is only applicable to companies employing more than five people.


hollow sth out

表示“把…挖空;使变空”,英文解释为“to make an empty space inside something”举个🌰:

Sand carried by the wind has hollowed out the base of the cliff.



conspiracy /kənˈspɪr.ə.si/ 表示“合谋;密谋策划;阴谋”,英文解释为“Conspiracy is secret planning by a group of people to do something illegal.举个🌰:

Seven men, all from France, admitted conspiracy to commit arson.


📍conspiracy theories 阴谋论。


vigilant /ˈvɪdʒ.əl.ənt/ 表示“警觉的;警戒的;警惕的”,英文解释为“always being careful to notice things, especially possible danger”举个🌰:

Following the bomb scare at the airport, the staff have been warned to be extra vigilant.



More than a century ago, the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded China. Today, the G7+1 has eight parties again. Is it wishful thinking to form new “Eight-Power Allied Forces”? Do you think China is still the China of the past? Do you believe you can still have it your way and do whatever you please? Gone are the days when the Chinese people were bullied and pushed around by foreign powers. Taiwan affairs are purely China’s internal affairs and are within the scope of China’s sovereignty. Today’s world is no longer in an era when Western powers can run amok as they please. On matters concerning Taiwan, it is up to 1.4 billion Chinese people to make the call.


表示“结盟的,联盟的,同盟的”,英文解释为“connected by a political or military agreement”如:an allied offensive 联合攻势。

首字母A大写时特指“(第二次世界大战期间)同盟国的”,英文解释为“relating to the Allies (= the countries that fought against Germany and the other Axis countries in the Second World War)”。


1)表示“武装入侵;侵略;侵犯”,英文解释为“to enter a country, town, etc. using military force in order to take control of it”举个🌰:

The Romans invaded Britain 2,000 years ago.


2)表示“(尤指造成损害或混乱地)涌入;侵袭”,英文解释为“to enter a place in large numbers, especially in a way that causes damage or confusion”举个🌰:

As the final whistle blew, fans began invading the field.


have it your way

表示“随你的便,随便你”,英文解释为“used to indicate angrily that although one disagrees with something said or proposed, one is not going to argue further.”


表示“伤害;胁迫;欺负,欺凌”,英文解释为“to hurt or frighten someone who is smaller or less powerful than you, often forcing that person to do something they do not want to do”举个🌰:

Our survey indicates that one in four children is bullied at school.


push sb around

表示“对(某人)粗暴地发号施令,摆布(某人)”,英文解释为“to tell someone what to do in a rude or threatening way”举个🌰:

If you think you can push me around like that, you're mistaken.


run amok

表示“狂乱,狂暴,发狂”,英文解释为“to be out of control and act in a wild or dangerous manner”举个🌰:

They ran amok after one of their senior officers was killed.



Let me be serious and clear: we will not fight if they don’t fight us; we will fight back if they fight us. For any act in violation of China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, the Chinese people will fight back twice as hard.

- 今日盘点 -





the status quo


gang up

double down (on sth)























hollow sth out





have it your way


push sb around

run amok









- 推荐阅读 -





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