

LearnAndRecord 2023-05-16




2. black tea是什么茶?

3. contraction是什么意思?


Ask a Doctor: Why do I pee so much at night?

From: The Washington Post

Q: I keep waking up in the middle of the night to pee and worry it’s affecting my sleep. Why is this happening?

A: This is a question I hear all the time, and one possible cause might surprise you.

Nighttime urination, also known as nocturia, can affect men and women at any age. The more common causes are entirely benign, though nocturia can also be triggered by certain health conditions and medications.

In fact, one of the strongest diuretics known to man isn’t something you eat or drink. It’s actually something that can be released from within your own body.

Sleep apnea — a condition that affects breathing during sleep — can lead to lower oxygen levels in the bloodstream. When blood oxygen levels drop due to sleep apnea, the heart can experience a false signal of fluid overload and release a hormone called type B natriuretic peptide (BNP). BNP is a very potent diuretic that tells the body to get rid of sodium and water. It then causes an overproduction of urine.

In my practice, patients are often shocked to learn that sleep apnea can be the underlying cause of their nocturia. I recently saw a patient for frequent nighttime urination who also reported a history of snoring and morning fatigue. An at-home sleep study confirmed the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea.

After seeing a sleep medicine specialist, who had started him on CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) therapy, the patient reported not only more energy during the day and improved control of his high blood pressure but also less nighttime urination. The reason: Treatment of sleep apnea has been shown to decrease production of BNP, thus reducing nocturia.

Nocturia can also be a warning sign for other health conditions, such as diabetes, heart failure, urinary tract infections and an overactive bladder, as well as a reaction to some medications, including those used to treat hypertension and kidney conditions. Sometimes, it’s linked to other sleep issues, such as insomnia.

The more common causes usually aren’t anything to worry about. Here are some of them, as well as other medical conditions linked to nocturia.

Fluid intake

In adults, a common cause of nighttime urination is fluid intake before bedtime, or in other words: What goes in must come out. Fluid you drink is filtered through the kidneys and stored in the bladder as urine until you pee. Drinking lots of fluid before bedtime is a recipe for waking up with an urge to urinate, since the bladder only holds about 12 to 14 ounces. By restricting fluids after dinnertime, these urges might be reduced.

Bladder irritants and diuretics

There are many foods and drinks whose byproducts are passed into the urine and can irritate or “tickle” the bladder, producing an urge to pee. This includes teas (green, white and black), spicy foods and artificial sweeteners, such as the calorie-free sweeteners you might add to your drinks or those that come inside diet or sugar-free foods. In a study involving rats, these sweeteners were shown to increase bladder muscle contraction, which causes an urge to urinate.

Caffeine is another common culprit, whether it’s in coffee, tea or soda, and so is alcohol. Both are known diuretics.

For young people

Most young people don’t wake up at night to urinate. Those who do are probably taking in too much fluid before bedtime or consuming bladder irritants or diuretics. But it’s important to keep in mind that even young people can be diagnosed with medical conditions linked to nocturia, such as sleep apnea, particularly those who are overweight.

What to do about it

For people who are bothered by peeing once a night, I suggest avoiding caffeine after lunch and skipping a nightcap before bed. Try keeping track of what you eat and drink to identify what your own triggers might be.

But if you’re waking up twice or more times — or you think you might have sleep apnea, a prostate issue or any other medical condition related to nocturia — connect with your primary care provider or a urologist and get evaluated. They’ll run a urine test and check to make sure your overall health is in order.

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Ask a Doctor: Why do I pee so much at night?

From: The Washington Post

Q: I keep waking up in the middle of the night to pee and worry it's affecting my sleep. Why is this happening?



pee,非正式,表示“尿,撒尿”,可作名词也可作动词,作名词时可以说:go for a pee/have a pee.

piss可作动词也可作名词,“撒尿”口语上可以直接说,go for/have/take a piss;piss还有很多其它的含义,作名词时有个短语,take the piss (out of sb/sth) 表示“〔嘲笑或愚弄某人而〕令(某人)生气”,英文解释为“to annoy someone by laughing at them or making them seem stupid”,举个🌰:

The kids always take the piss out of some teachers. 孩子们总是拿某些老师寻开心。

urine作为名词表示“尿”,英文解释:Urine is the liquid that you get rid of from your body when you go to the toilet. 举个🌰:

The doctor took a urine sample and a blood sample. 医生取了尿样和血样。

其动词形式为:urinate 排尿。

A: This is a question I hear all the time, and one possible cause might surprise you.


Nighttime urination, also known as nocturia, can affect men and women at any age. The more common causes are entirely benign, though nocturia can also be triggered by certain health conditions and medications.



urination /ˌjʊə.rɪˈneɪ.ʃən/ 表示“排尿,小便”,英文解释为“the passing of urine from the body”如:painful urination 排尿困难。


nocturia /nɒkˈtjʊə.ri.ə/ 表示“夜尿症”,英文解释为“a condition that makes someone often need to urinate (= pass urine from the body) during the night”举个🌰:

Nocturia can have a negative impact on several aspects of a person's quality of life. 夜尿症可能会对一个人的生活质量的几个方面产生负面影响。


benign /bɪˈnaɪn/ 表示“良性的”,英文解释为“A benigntumour is not likely to cause death.”如:a benign tumour 良性肿瘤。

也可以表示“慈祥的;和善的”,英文解释为“pleasant and kind”如:a benign old lady 慈祥的老妇人。


1)作动词,除了表示“发动;引起;触发”,英文解释为“to make sth happen suddenly”举个🌰:

Nuts can trigger off a violent allergic reaction. 坚果可以引起严重的过敏反应。

2)作名词,表示“扳机”,英文解释为“The trigger of a gun is a small lever which you pull to fire it.”举个🌰:

A man pointed a gun at them and pulled the trigger. 一个男人用枪指着他们,扣动了扳机。


📍stir表示“激发,激起(强烈的感情);引起(强烈的反应)”,英文解释为“to make someone have a strong feeling or reaction”,举个🌰:

The poem succeeds in stirring the imagination. 这首诗能够激发起想象力。

📍provoke也表示“激起,引起”,英文解释为“to cause a reaction or feeling, especially a sudden one”,如:provoke debate/discussion 激起辩论/讨论。

📍spur 鼓动;激励;鞭策;刺激;鼓舞”,英文解释为“If one thing spurs you to do another, it encourages you to do it.”举个🌰:

It's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats. 是金钱驱使这些渔民驾驶单薄的小船冒险出海远航。

🎬电影《龙之心3:巫师的诅咒》(Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse)中的台词提到:To spur the clans to war. 激励部族发起战争。


medication /ˌmed.ɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ 表示“药物,药剂”,英文解释为“a medicine, or a set of medicines or drugs, used to improve a particular condition or illness”举个🌰:

He is currently on/taking medication for his heart. 目前他正在服用治疗心脏病的药物。

In fact, one of the strongest diuretics known to man isn't something you eat or drink. It's actually something that can be released from within your own body.



diuretic /ˌdaɪ.jəˈret̬.ɪk/ 表示“利尿剂”,英文解释为“a substance that causes an increase in the production of urine”

Sleep apnea — a condition that affects breathing during sleep — can lead to lower oxygen levels in the bloodstream. When blood oxygen levels drop due to sleep apnea, the heart can experience a false signal of fluid overload and release a hormone called type B natriuretic peptide (BNP). BNP is a very potent diuretic that tells the body to get rid of sodium and water. It then causes an overproduction of urine.


sleep apnea

sleep apnea /ˈæp.ni.ə/ 也拼作sleep apnoea,表示“睡眠中呼吸暂停”,英文解释为“a medical condition in which someone stops breathing for a short time when sleeping”。睡眠呼吸暂停(又译作睡眠呼吸中止症或睡眠窒息症)是一种在睡眠期间,暂停呼吸或呼吸减弱症状导致的睡眠紊乱。


fluid /ˈfluː.ɪd/ 表示“液体;流质”,英文解释为“a substance that flows and is not solid”举个🌰:

If you have a fever you should drink plenty of fluids. 如果发烧,应多喝流质。

作形容词,表示“流畅的”,英文解释为“smooth and continuous”如:fluid movements 流畅的动作。


hormone /ˈhɔːməʊn/ 表示“激素;荷尔蒙”,英文解释为“a chemical substance produced in the body or in a plant that encourages growth or influences how the cells and tissues function; an artificial substance that has similar effects”,如:growth hormones 生长激素。


potent /ˈpəʊtənt/ 表示“强有力的,强大的;有效力的”,英文解释为“very powerful, forceful, or effective”举个🌰:

This is a very potent drug and can have unpleasant side-effects. 该药效力很强,副作用也不小。


sodium /ˈsəʊ.di.əm/ 表示“钠”,英文解释为“a soft, silver-white chemical element that is found in salt”

In my practice, patients are often shocked to learn that sleep apnea can be the underlying cause of their nocturia. I recently saw a patient for frequent nighttime urination who also reported a history of snoring and morning fatigue. An at-home sleep study confirmed the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea.



1)表示“暗含的;深层的;潜在的”,英文解释为“real but not immediately obvious”举个🌰:

And what might be the underlying significance of these supposedly random acts? 这些看似偶然的行为,其暗含的意义可能是什么呢?

2)表示“以…为基础的”,英文解释为“used to describe something on which something else is based”举个🌰:

The price of the investment fell below the value of the underlying assets. 这一投资项目的价格已经跌至低于标的资产价值。


snore可以作动词,也可以作名词,表示“打呼噜,打鼾”,英文解释为“to breathe in a very noisy way while you are sleeping”举个🌰:

Sometimes my husband snores so loudly, it keeps me awake at night. 有时候我丈夫打鼾太响,弄得我整夜无法入睡。


fatigue /fəˈtiːɡ/ 表示“疲劳;劳累”,英文解释为“a feeling of being extremely tired, usually because of hard work or exercise”,如:physical and mental fatigue 身体和精神的疲劳。

After seeing a sleep medicine specialist, who had started him on CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) therapy, the patient reported not only more energy during the day and improved control of his high blood pressure but also less nighttime urination. The reason: Treatment of sleep apnea has been shown to decrease production of BNP, thus reducing nocturia.


Nocturia can also be a warning sign for other health conditions, such as diabetes, heart failure, urinary tract infections and an overactive bladder, as well as a reaction to some medications, including those used to treat hypertension and kidney conditions. Sometimes, it's linked to other sleep issues, such as insomnia.



diabetes /ˌdaɪəˈbiːtɪs, -tiːz/ 表示“糖尿病”,英文解释为“a disease in which the body cannot control the level of sugar in the blood.”


tract /trækt/ 表示“(人或动物体内的)管,道,束”,英文解释为“a system of connected tubes and organs with a particular function inside the body of a person or an animal ”如:the urinary/respiratory/digestive tract 尿道/呼吸道/消化道。


表示“膀胱”,英文解释为“an organ like a bag inside the body of a person or animal, where urine is stored before it leaves the body”如:to empty your bladder (= urinate) 撒尿。


表示“高血压”,英文解释为“a medical condition in which your blood pressure is extremely high.”


表示“肾,肾脏”,英文解释为“either of a pair of small organs in the body that take away waste matter from the blood to produce urine”如:kidney failure 肾脏衰竭。


insomnia /ɪnˈsɒmnɪə/ 表示“失眠(症”,英文解释为“the condition of being unable to sleep, over a period of time”举个🌰:
He suffered from insomnia caused by stress at work. 他因为工作压力失眠了好几个月。

The more common causes usually aren't anything to worry about. Here are some of them, as well as other medical conditions linked to nocturia.


Fluid intake 液体摄入

In adults, a common cause of nighttime urination is fluid intake before bedtime, or in other words: What goes in must come out. Fluid you drink is filtered through the kidneys and stored in the bladder as urine until you pee. Drinking lots of fluid before bedtime is a recipe for waking up with an urge to urinate, since the bladder only holds about 12 to 14 ounces. By restricting fluids after dinnertime, these urges might be reduced.



作动词,表示“过滤”,英文解释为“to remove solids from liquids or gases, or to remove particular types of light, using special equipment”举个🌰:

The water is filtered to remove any impurities. 这种水经过滤以去除杂质。


1)表示“筛选(过滤)程序”,英文解释为“a program that stops certain types of electronic information, email, etc. being sent to a computer.”

2)表示“滤器;过滤器”,英文解释为“a device containing paper, sand, chemicals, etc. that a liquid or gas is passed through in order to remove any materials that are not wanted”

3)此前在尴尬!视频会议忘关摄像头......文中介绍有公司主管在线会议时,误开滤镜特效,会议全程整个人变成土豆头🥔,就提到:she could not figure out how to remove the filter. 主管一直搞不清要怎么关掉滤镜。filter指的就是滤镜。


除了表示“食谱”,还可以指“方法;秘诀;诀窍”,英文解释为“a method or an idea that seems likely to have a particular result举个🌰:
What's her recipe for success? 她成功的秘诀是什么?

也可以引申表示“促成因素”,英文解释为“something which is likely to lead to a particular outcome”举个🌰:
Sky-high interest rates are a recipe for disaster. 极高的利率易导致灾难的发生。

Bladder irritants and diuretics 膀胱刺激物和利尿剂

There are many foods and drinks whose byproducts are passed into the urine and can irritate or “tickle” the bladder, producing an urge to pee. This includes teas (green, white and black), spicy foods and artificial sweeteners, such as the calorie-free sweeteners you might add to your drinks or those that come inside diet or sugar-free foods. In a study involving rats, these sweeteners were shown to increase bladder muscle contraction, which causes an urge to urinate.



irritant /ˈɪr.ɪ.tənt/ 1)表示“令人烦恼的事物;造成麻烦的事物”,英文解释为“something that causes trouble or makes you annoyed”举个🌰:The report is bound to add a new irritant to international relations. 这份报告肯定会给国际关系添加新麻烦。

2)表示“刺激物”,英文解释为“a substance that makes part of your body sore or painful”举个🌰:

Pollen is an irritant, causing red and sore eyes in sensitive people. 花粉有刺激性,会使过敏的人眼睛红肿疼痛。


1)表示“激怒”,英文解释为“If something irritates you, it keeps annoying you.”举个🌰:

Their attitude irritates me. 他们的态度激怒了我。

2)表示“使发炎;使疼痛”,英文解释为“to make a part of your body sore or painful”举个🌰:

At first my contact lenses irritated my eyes. 起初一戴上隐形眼镜,我的眼睛就疼。


表示“使觉得痒;挠(某人)的痒痒”,英文解释为“to touch someone lightly with your fingers, making them slightly uncomfortable and often making them laugh”举个🌰:

Stop! You're tickling me! 快停下!你让我痒得难受!

black tea

black tea 表示“(西方人常喝的)红茶”,英文解释为“dark-coloured tea of the type usually drunk in the West”举个🌰:

Chai is made with black tea and a blend of spices. 混合茶是红茶和香料混制而成的。


表示“甜味剂,甜化剂”,英文解释为“an artificial substance that has a similar taste to sugar, or a small pill made of this”


contraction /kənˈtræk.ʃən/ 表示“收缩;缩小;缩短”,英文解释为“the fact of something becoming smaller or shorter”举个🌰:

Cold causes contraction of the metal. 金属遇冷收缩。

Caffeine is another common culprit, whether it's in coffee, tea or soda, and so is alcohol. Both are known diuretics.



caffeine /ˈkæf.iːn/ 表示“咖啡因,咖啡碱”,英文解释为“a chemical, found for example in tea and coffee, that is a stimulant (= something that makes people more active)”


1)表示“罪犯;造成破坏(问题)的人;过失者;责任人”,英文解释为“the person who is guilty of a crime or doing something wrong”;

2)表示“问题的起因;罪魁祸首”,英文解释为“a fact or situation that is the reason for something bad happening”举个🌰:

Children in this country are getting much too fat, and sugar and sweets are the main culprits. 该国儿童过于肥胖,糖和甜食是罪魁祸首。

For young people 对于年轻人来说

Most young people don't wake up at night to urinate. Those who do are probably taking in too much fluid before bedtime or consuming bladder irritants or diuretics. But it's important to keep in mind that even young people can be diagnosed with medical conditions linked to nocturia, such as sleep apnea, particularly those who are overweight.


What to do about it 该怎么办呢?

For people who are bothered by peeing once a night, I suggest avoiding caffeine after lunch and skipping a nightcap before bed. Try keeping track of what you eat and drink to identify what your own triggers might be.



nightcap /ˈnaɪt.kæp/ 表示“睡前饮料(常指酒)”,英文解释为“a drink, sometimes an alcoholic drink, that someone has just before going to bed”

But if you're waking up twice or more times — or you think you might have sleep apnea, a prostate issue or any other medical condition related to nocturia — connect with your primary care provider or a urologist and get evaluated. They'll run a urine test and check to make sure your overall health is in order.



prostate /ˈprɒs.teɪt/ 表示“前列腺”,英文解释为“an organ near the penis in male mammals that produces a liquid that mixes with and carries sperm”举个🌰:He has prostate trouble. 他有前列腺病。

- 今日盘点 -

pee、urination、nocturia、benign、trigger、medication、diuretic、sleep apnea、fluid、hormone、potent、sodium、underlying、snore、fatigue、diabetes、tract、bladder、hypertension、kidney、insomnia、filter、recipe、irritant、irritate、tickle、black tea、sweetener、contraction、caffeine、culprit、nightcap、prostate

- Generated By ChatGPT -

Ben was tired all the time, but couldn't sleep because of his nocturia and sleep apnea. His doctor prescribed a medication, which included a diuretic to reduce fluid buildup, and a hormone to trigger contractions in his bladder. Unfortunately, the potent medication also caused sodium imbalances and irritated his kidneys. He tried drinking black tea as a sweet nightcap, but the caffeine was the culprit behind his insomnia. Finally, they discovered an underlying issue with Ben's prostate, causing his urination problems and fatigue. With a new recipe for treatment, Ben's hypertension and diabetes improved too.
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