

LearnAndRecord 2023-10-13



1. How much would Amouranth earn roughly if she did sleep streams every day for a month?

A. Between $200,000 and $300,000

B. Between $300,000 and $450,000

C. Between $400,000 and $600,000

D. Between $10,000 and $15,000

2. Based on the article, why does Amouranth enjoy such a high level of fame on the internet?

A. She is the most subscribed personality on OnlyFans

B. She is a renowned influencer across multiple platforms

C. She is famous for her 'sleep streams'

D. She is known for her appearances on The Iced Coffee Hour

3. How does the author of the article view the estimated net worth of Kaitlyn Siragusa and Elon Musk?

A. As extremely accurate

B. As slightly exaggerated

C. As questionable

D. As underestimations


Amouranth Reveals How Much She Makes Off 'Sleep Streams' And Why She Doesn't Do It Every Night

From: brobible

Kaitlyn Siragusa aka Amouranth isn't a name many Boomers or even Gen X would recognize, but to younger generations who have grown up on an internet dominated by streaming, Amouranth is one of the most famous people on planet earth.

She has 3.7 million followers on Twitter, over a million on YouTube across a few channels, 659K on Instagram, 6.4 million subscribers on Twitch, and she's the #1 most-subscribed to personality on OnlyFans.

Due to her massive social media following, including paid subscriptions, she earns up to $2 million a month from streaming. With that kind of money, one might wonder why she isn't streaming 24/7/365 to earn more.

During a recent appearance on The Iced Coffee Hour, Amouranth was asked about how much she earns from 'sleep streams' which are exactly what they sound like. She streams herself while sleeping.

Unclear on the exact numbers, Amouranth ballparked that she earns between $10,000 and $15,000 for each sleep stream. Kaitlyn said “If you count just on Twitch, probably like a couple thousand dollars, but, if you count the conversions, potentially, to OnlyFans, while I'm sleeping, then maybe like $10,000-$15,000.”

They pressed her on why, if she's earning $15,000 just for sleeping, she doesn't keep the stream going every time she falls asleep.

Her answer was basically that she's a busy woman. She often wakes up and has to get ready for photoshoots or meetings, etc., and a continuous stream simply isn't possible given all of the moving parts in her daily/weekly schedule.

Earning $15K while sleeping would be a LOT of people's dream but to that, I'd say dream bigger.

For context, when Elon Musk's net worth was $233 billion he was earning roughly $26,605,022 per hour according to Google. Elon sleeps roughly 6 hours per night, so he's averaging $159,630,132/night according to Valuewalk but those numbers seem a little fishy to me.

Kaitlyn Siragusa has an estimated net worth of around $25 million, according to most reports. Those numbers also seem fishy given that Amouranth earns $2 million/month at times.

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Amouranth Reveals How Much She Makes Off 'Sleep Streams' And Why She Doesn't Do It Every Night

From: brobible

Kaitlyn Siragusa aka Amouranth isn't a name many Boomers or even Gen X would recognize, but to younger generations who have grown up on an internet dominated by streaming, Amouranth is one of the most famous people on planet earth.

凯特琳·西拉古萨(Kaitlyn Siragusa),也被称为Amouranth,很多婴儿潮一代甚至X一代都不认识这个人,但对于在网络直播主导的互联网时代长大的年轻一代来说,Amouranth可是地球上最有名的人物之一。


aka /ˌeɪ.keɪˈeɪ/ 表示“又名,亦称(also known as的缩写)”,英文解释为“abbreviation for also known as: used when someone has another name”


等于baby boomer,表示“出生于婴儿潮时期的人,尤指二次大战后生育高峰出生的人”,英文解释为“A baby boomer is someone who was born during a baby boom, especially during the years after the end of the Second World War.”

Gen X

Gen X /ˌdʒen ˈeks/ 表示“X世代(Generation X的缩写,指1960和1970年代出生的人)”,英文解释为“short for Generation X : a way of referring to the group of people who were born in the 1960s and 1970s.”

Gen Z /ˌdʒen ˈzed/ 表示“Z世代(Generation Z的缩写,指1990年代后期和2000年代前期出生的人)”,英文解释为“short for Generation Z : a way of referring to the group of people who were born in the late 1990s and early 2000s.”

millennial /mɪˈlen.i.əl/ 表示“2000年左右出生的人,千禧世代”,英文解释为“a person who was born around the time of the millennium, that is around the year 2000”


表示“占支配地位;占主导地位;拥有优势;最明显的”,英文解释为“To dominate a situation means to be the most powerful or important person or thing in it.”举个🌰:The book is expected to dominate the best-seller lists. 这本书预期将居畅销书榜首。


streaming /ˈstriː.mɪŋ/ 表示“(音频或视频的)流动式接收,在线收听(或收看)”,英文解释为“the activity of listening to or watching sound or video directly from the internet”举个🌰:NTV Sports now comes with free live streaming for mobile devices. NTV体育台现在向用户提供免费的手机直播服务。

She has 3.7 million followers on Twitter, over a million on YouTube across a few channels, 659K on Instagram, 6.4 million subscribers on Twitch, and she's the #1 most-subscribed to personality on OnlyFans.



channel大家应该都比较熟悉,表示“渠道,方式,方法”,此处表示“频道”,可以指“电视频道,电视台”,如:to change/switch channels 换台;

Youtube中注册了账号就相当于开设了个人频道,也可以开设多个频道。A personal YouTube channel is available to everyone who joins YouTube as a member. The channel serves as the home page for the user's account, and you can have more than one YouTube channel. 所以看Youtube视频时,你可能会经常听到视频末尾中说到,Please subscribe to my channel. 请订阅我的频道,就是我们所谓的关注(follow)我的频道,“关注我”的意思。

📍subscribe表示“订购,订阅”,英文解释为“to pay an amount of money regularly in order to receive or use sth”举个🌰:We subscribe to several sports channels. 我们付费收看好几个体育频道。


没错,把微信设置为英文版后你会发现,视频号那里变成了“Channels”。所以上面提到的抖音、快手等短视频的账号都可以叫channel. 所以,扫描下方二维码来看关注我的channel吧(Scan QR code to view my channel)


除了表示“性格,个性”,还可以表示“名人,名流”,英文解释为“a famous person”举个🌰:The show is hosted by a popular TV personality. 该节目由一位广受欢迎的电视名人主持。

Due to her massive social media following, including paid subscriptions, she earns up to $2 million a month from streaming. With that kind of money, one might wonder why she isn't streaming 24/7/365 to earn more.



表示“(报刊等的)订阅费,订购款,订阅,订购”,英文解释为“an amount of money you pay, usually once a year, to receive regular copies of a newspaper or magazine, etc.; the act of paying this money”如:an annual subscription 一年期订阅。

During a recent appearance on The Iced Coffee Hour, Amouranth was asked about how much she earns from 'sleep streams' which are exactly what they sound like. She streams herself while sleeping.

在最近的一次《冰咖啡时间》(The Iced Coffee Hour)节目采访中,Amouranth被问及她通过“睡觉直播”赚了多少钱,就是字面意思,她在睡觉时进行直播。

Unclear on the exact numbers, Amouranth ballparked that she earns between $10,000 and $15,000 for each sleep stream. Kaitlyn said “If you count just on Twitch, probably like a couple thousand dollars, but, if you count the conversions, potentially, to OnlyFans, while I'm sleeping, then maybe like $10,000-$15,000.”



ballpark一般作名词,指数额的「变动范围;可量范围」,英文解释为:an area or a range within which an amount is likely to be correct or within which sth can be measured. 举个🌰:Give me a ballpark figure (= a number that is approximately right). 给我个大概的数。If you said five million you'd be in the ballpark. 如果你说的是五百万,那就差不多了。


📍2020年,美国加州议员凯蒂·波特(Katie Porter)怒怼美国CDC 迫使CDC承诺免费检测时,出现了两三次的ballpark。


conversion /kənˈvɜː.ʃən/ 表示“改变,转变;转化”,英文解释为“the process of converting something from one thing to another”举个🌰:Solar power is the conversion of the sun's energy into heat and electricity. 太阳能动力是将太阳能转化为热和电。


They pressed her on why, if she's earning $15,000 just for sleeping, she doesn't keep the stream going every time she falls asleep.


Her answer was basically that she's a busy woman. She often wakes up and has to get ready for photoshoots or meetings, etc., and a continuous stream simply isn't possible given all of the moving parts in her daily/weekly schedule.


Earning $15K while sleeping would be a LOT of people's dream but to that, I'd say dream bigger.


For context, when Elon Musk's net worth was $233 billion he was earning roughly $26,605,022 per hour according to Google. Elon sleeps roughly 6 hours per night, so he's averaging $159,630,132/night according to Valuewalk but those numbers seem a little fishy to me.

为什么这么说呢?根据谷歌的数据,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)的净资产为2330亿美元时,他每小时的收入约2660.5022万美元。据ValueWalk的数据,埃隆·马斯克每晚大约睡6个小时,所以他每晚平均收入约1.5963亿美元,但是那些数字看起来有些不靠谱。

net worth

net worth /ˌnetˈwɜːθ/ 表示“(资产)净值”,英文解释为“the value of the assets (= property and money) that a person or business has, after any debts are taken away”


fishy /ˈfɪʃ.i/ 1)表示“可疑的;虚假的”,英文解释为“seeming dishonest or false”举个🌰:There's something fishy going on here. 这儿的情况有点不大对头。

2)表示“鱼味的;鱼腥味的”,英文解释为“tasting or smelling of fish”

📍在smell fishy表示“感觉可疑”,英文解释为“If a situation or an explanation smells fishy, it causes you to think that someone is being dishonest.”

Kaitlyn Siragusa has an estimated net worth of around $25 million, according to most reports. Those numbers also seem fishy given that Amouranth earns $2 million/month at times.


- 词汇盘点 -

aka、 Boomer、 Gen X、 dominate、 streaming、 channel、 personality、 subscription、 ballpark、 conversion、 net worth、 fishy

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

Boomer, aka a Gen X personality, dominated the streaming channels with his unique subscription service. However, the ballpark conversion rates and net worth seemed fishy, raising doubts among his followers.
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