

Flora Fang 英语相伴 2022-10-12





编辑整理&声音:Flora Fang

Farewell My Concubine is a 1993 Chinese drama film directed by Chen Kaige(陈凯歌).


The film is an adaptation of the novel by Lilian Lee (李碧华), who is also one of the film's screenplay writers.



「左:张国荣 中:徐枫 右:陈凯歌」

Farewell My Concubine stars Leslie Cheung, Zhang Fengyi and Gong Li. It won the Palme d'Or at the 1993 Cannes Film Festival and went on to win other honors.


「左起:陈凯歌 张国荣 巩俐 徐枫」

Very few films have the ability not simply to touch the heart but pierce the soul. This is one of those films. The plot is driven inexorably forward not only by fate and the tides of change but by the breathtaking, career topping performance of Leslie Cheung, as Cheng Dieyi. Cheung gives himself over completely to his character, just as his character gives himself over to his lifelong role, of Concubine Yu.


As the film opens, a street crowd watches a troupe of boys perform Peking opera, supervised by their aging director, Master Guan. When one of the boys, Laizi attempts to run away, another boy performer Shitou (literally meaning "stone") 'placates the crowd by breaking a brick on his head; the crowd is satisfied by the performance and cheers, but Shitou is later punished by Master Guan for the stunt.

影片开始,北平的街头,一群观众正在围观一群戏班里的小男孩表演京剧,指导孩子们的是年事已高的关师傅。正表演到高潮时,其中一个叫“癞子”的男孩试图逃跑, 观众怒不可遏准备和戏班动手,戏班里一个叫“石头”的男孩挺身而出,为了安抚人群,他表演了一手真功夫——他用砖朝自己的脑门砸去后依然岿然不动,观众这才满意并欢呼起来,不过回到戏班以后石头还是受到了关师傅的惩罚。

A prostitute begs Master Guan to accept her son into the troupe. Master Guan initially rejects him because of his supernumerary finger. She then uses a cleaver to cut off her son's extra finger and manages to sign the contract. Shitou welcomes the newcomer as "Douzi" (literally meaning "bean"), and the two boys become friends.

妓女“艳红”恳求关师傅收她儿子做徒弟,可这孩子的一只手上有六根手指,关师傅因而拒绝了她。艳红等儿子的手冻僵以后,用刀割掉了他多余的手指,关师傅最终妥协。石头欢迎新人“豆子” 加入戏班,二人成为好友。

The opera school is absolutely brutal. The master inflicts severe punishment indiscriminately, brooking not even the slightest mis-step or mistake.


When Laizi gets a song wrong, he is hit for his error. When Shitou gets a song correct, he is hit so that he will remember correctly again the next time.


A few years pass. Laizi and Douzi run away as they cannot bear the toughness of the training. When they are on the street, they witness a performance by an opera master that inspires them to return to the troupe. 


They find Shitou being beaten for allowing their escape, and Douzi accepts his punishment as Master Guan beats him mercilessly. Shitou tries to intervene, when an assistant informs them that Laizi has hanged himself.


Douzi attaches himself to Shitou and is trained to play dan (female) roles. Shitou learns the jing, a type of painted-face male leading role. When Douzi practices the line "I am by nature a girl, not a boy" in "Dreaming of the World Outside the Nunnery", he keeps mistaking the line into "I am by nature a boy...". 

豆子和石头感情深厚,豆子被训练成旦角,石头则被训练成净角(大花脸)。排练的时候,每当豆子表演到《思凡》里的 “我本是女儿身,又不是男儿郎” 时,总会说错成 “我本是男儿郎,又不是女儿身”。

When he repeats this mistake in front of an agent who might fund the troupe, Shitou viciously jams Master Guan's brass tobacco pipe in Douzi's mouth as punishment, causing his mouth to bleed. Douzi looks dazed, but whispers, "I am by nature a girl... not a boy." The troupe cheer, having secured the agent.


The eunuch Zhang appreciates their performance and summons Shitou and Douzi for an audience. Shitou admires a beautiful sword in Zhang's collection, stating that if he were emperor, Douzi would be his queen. Douzi responds that one day he hopes to give Shitou a sword like that.


Douzi is to meet Zhang alone, and catches him in a lascivious embrace with a young girl. Douzi is afraid as the man eyes him up and down, and seeks to be with Shitou, but Zhang catches him and pushes him to the ground. 


Hours later he emerges, and Shitou cannot get him to say a word. It is clear that Douzi has been sexually assaulted. On their way home, Douzi spies an abandoned baby, and despite Master Guan's urging that "we each have our own fate" Douzi adopts the baby and eventually Master Guan trains him.


Douzi and Shitou become Peking opera stars under the stage names Cheng Dieyi and Duan Xiaolou.


One of their hit performances is the play Farewell My Concubine where Dieyi plays the concubine Consort Yu and Xiaolou plays the romantic hero Xiang Yu.


A patron, Yuan Shiqing, slowly courts Dieyi. Xiaolou takes a liking to Juxian, a headstrong courtesan at the upscale House of Blossoms. Xiaolou intervenes when a mob of drunk men harass Juxian and says that they are announcing their engagement. Juxian later buys her freedom from her own savings and, deceiving him into thinking she was thrown out, pressures Xiaolou to keep his word.


Dieyi is in love with Xiaolou, but the sexual aspects of his affection are not returned. 


When Xiaolou announces their engagement, Dieyi and Xiaolou have a falling-out. 


Dieyi calls Juxian "Pan Jinlian" (a "dragon lady" from the novel Golden Lotus). Dieyi takes up with Master Yuan, who gives him Zhang's sword.


The complex relationship between these three characters is then tested in the succession of political upheavals that encompass China from the onset of the Second Sino-Japanese War.


After Xiaolou marrys to Juxian, he is requested by Juxian to leave the stage. Dieyi becomes addicted to opium. Dieyi is deeply addicted to opium. Xiaolou and Juxian help him to recover and the troupe surrounds him to congratulate his return to health.


By the time the Communists rise to power, in 1949, Dieyi who has performed for the Nationalists, the Japanese, the remains of the Qing dynasty, is asked for his opinion on the new, communist era plays.


He finds them shallow and unconvincing, which they almost certainly are. These are the Eight Model Plays, which dropped the painted faces entirely, used modern street dress, and told tales, predictably, of the workers rising up to claim their birthright against the old regime.


Xiao Si (the boy adopted by Douzi) had an argument with Dieyi about why the modern opera is not Beijing opera.


The scene shifts to Duan Xiaolou being questioned by the Red Guards on a few allegedly unpatriotic words he said years ago. Xiao Si is seen in the background, seemingly in a position of power. The entire opera troupe is taken out in public for a humiliating struggle session by the Red Guards. 


Under duress, Xiaolou confesses that Dieyi performed for the Japanese army and may have had a relationship with Yuan Shiqing. 


Enraged, Dieyi tells the mob that Juxian was a prostitute. Xiaolou is forced to admit that he married a prostitute but swears that he does not love her and will never see her again. 


Juxian is crushed to hear his words and commits suicide after going back home. 


The film then jumps to Dieyi and Xiaolou's reunion in 1977. They are practising Farewell My Concubine, and their relationship seems to have mended since the tribunal and suicide of Juxian.


They exchange a smile and Xiaolou begins with the line that gave Dieyi trouble forty years ago. Dieyi makes the same error of finishing the line with "I am not a girl". Xiaolou corrects him and they continue practising. Dieyi then commits suicide using the sword in the play.


Some say that Farewell My Concubine is not about politics, nor history, nor even theater. It is a story about two men: one who worked as a Peking Opera actor, the other who lived the opera. Their lives are intertwined, the bonds they built in childhood cannot be severed, no matter how the history goes on. Xiaolou tries to go with the flow, to not make waves. Dieyi stays true to his art, no matter what. The ending is predetermined from the moment young Douzi is able to say the line:


I am by nature a girl, not a boy.





The concubine has to die

one way or the other.



But now even the King of Chu is on his knees begging for mercy,

can Peking opera survive this indignity?



No matter how resourceful you are,

you can't fight fate.





For the very last time Concubine poured wine for her King,

and danced for him with a sword,

and cut her throat with it,

faithful to the King unto death.




I'm talking about a lifetime.

One year one month one day even one second's less makes it less than a lifetime.






You are really obsessed.

Your obsession with the stage carries over into your everyday life.

But how are we going to get through the days and make it in the real world among ordinary people?













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